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My turn to be annoyed with Princess


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Am I the only one who went on their Personalizer after reading this thread to check on their cruise?


OP- I am so sorry that this happened to you. I have to say, I agree with everyone else. You're so gracious to say how you hate to complain as you'll still be on a great trip (and I'd feel that way too!). But if they put someone in your cabin then certainly they can put you back in it. Right?


I'll be eager to hear how this works out.

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ColoCruze, I hope everyone goes back to the personalizer and checks their info - that was one of my main objectives in posting this. Remember, I said I was disappointed with Princess. I am not furious and it's not going to ruin my trip. But whether you are Platinum as we are or a first time cruiser, a consumer deserves better service than this.


CaptBill was on the right track (the loose nut behind the keyboard!).


I waited till I got home from work tonight to let MrB make the call. He can be a lot more demanding than I can when it comes to getting what he deserves. Well, not this time.


He spoke to a Princess agent and then her Supervisor to find out why we were cancelled in the first place. The Supv explained that because only $100 (one future cruise credit) was applied to the original booking instead of $200 (two future cruise credits), they were forced to cancel us without notification. Well, I had a total of 4 future cruise credits in my account. The Supervisor told my husband that it was MY fault that only one was applied. Huh? I'm pretty sure that was beyond the scope of my abilities to apply or not apply the credits to the booking. When I booked with Princess by phone, I told the agent that we both had FCCs and to please use them for the deposit. I guess I didn't know I was responsible for making sure she did her job properly. That's the only part of the entire deal that really angers me --- that he blamed ME for their mistake.


He simply would not accept the blame, which is totally ridiculous. It's a New Years Eve cruise, there are no better AC minis remaining and he won't move us back to the original AC mini. He won't upgrade us to a full suite (well, didn't think he would, but it can't hurt to ask) and wouldn't move us up to an AB or AA in a better location (which do exist). As a last resort, we asked him for some OBC for our inconvenience. He said that he failed to see how we were inconvenienced. Are you believing this?


So we hung up, looked over the deck plans and called back and moved to an AA at a much better location (actually not quite as great as the original, but nice in its own way) at our expense.


After 11 or so cruises with Princess, I truly believe this is not the norm. If I thought it was, I'd probably never go back.


So, the word to the wise is ----- check the Personalizer!

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I booked a cruise about a month ago (over the phone, with Princess directly). Chose a specific minisuite cabin directly adjacent to the lift/stairs so DH could have a straight shot driving into the cabin in his travel mobility scooter, no turning in the hallway or dodging stewards' carts. Had the reservation marked "no upgrades" because I wanted that specific cabin.


Today I opened the personalizer to remind myself when final payment is due so I could mark it on my calendar and was surprised to find that my cruise has been cancelled.


Called Princess, they reinstated my reservation, but could only give me a different cabin in the middle of a long corridor, not one near the elevators as I'd had previously. I have to say that I'm disappointed by this. Location is important to me. I feel like I'm not getting what I paid for, but what am I going to do about it?


Yeah, I know, in the grand scheme of things, we'll manage. But traveling with a scooter and oxygen are difficult enough. It would have been nice to have the cabin I'd paid for. When I booked, I was choosing between two very similar dates and itins. I could have chosen the other, had I known they were going to cancel me (a glitch in the system, they called it). Guess I'm glad I discovered their error while there were still cabins in my category available at all.


So the lesson is --- check the personalize periodically, if the system burps again, your reservation may mysteriously disappear as well.


I am sorry to hear this happened to you. I hope your vacation is a good one even with this pretty big mistake.

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ColoCruze, I hope everyone goes back to the personalizer and checks their info - that was one of my main objectives in posting this. Remember, I said I was disappointed with Princess. I am not furious and it's not going to ruin my trip. But whether you are Platinum as we are or a first time cruiser, a consumer deserves better service than this.


CaptBill was on the right track (the loose nut behind the keyboard!).


I waited till I got home from work tonight to let MrB make the call. He can be a lot more demanding than I can when it comes to getting what he deserves. Well, not this time.


He spoke to a Princess agent and then her Supervisor to find out why we were cancelled in the first place. The Supv explained that because only $100 (one future cruise credit) was applied to the original booking instead of $200 (two future cruise credits), they were forced to cancel us without notification. Well, I had a total of 4 future cruise credits in my account. The Supervisor told my husband that it was MY fault that only one was applied. Huh? I'm pretty sure that was beyond the scope of my abilities to apply or not apply the credits to the booking. When I booked with Princess by phone, I told the agent that we both had FCCs and to please use them for the deposit. I guess I didn't know I was responsible for making sure she did her job properly. That's the only part of the entire deal that really angers me --- that he blamed ME for their mistake.



I am so sorry you are dealing with all this mess. Personally, I don't think that Princess should be getting away with this. Like any company with a large number of operators, I'm sure they tape all of their calls...which means they should be able to pull up the conversation when you originally booked. You're a seasoned traveler and the fact that you have taken so many cruises with Princess tells me (and it should tell them) that you know the drill; you know how many FCC's you have, and you know to ask to have them used. And you're right, it isn't your responsibility to make sure that they do their jobs. I would call back again, maybe earlier or later in the day, and ask to speak to a different supervisor...this is NOT how a company should be doing business. Again, i'm so sorry that this is casting a shadow on your vacation.

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You're taking this much better than I would. IMHO, this is NOT acceptable. As long as you are happy with your cabin, that's a good thing. If it were me, I'd write Alan Bucklew with a clear, concise letter of why you booked the cabin you did, the FCCs you told the rep to use, what happened, what you tried to do to correct it, who you spoke to, and what they said and how they responded. Include a copy of your original confirmation. It might take weeks to get a response but he or his staff needs to know how their passengers are being treated.

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You're taking this much better than I would. IMHO, this is NOT acceptable. As long as you are happy with your cabin, that's a good thing. If it were me, I'd write Alan Bucklew with a clear, concise letter of why you booked the cabin you did, the FCCs you told the rep to use, what happened, what you tried to do to correct it, who you spoke to, and what they said and how they responded. Include a copy of your original confirmation. It might take weeks to get a response but he or his staff needs to know how their passengers are being treated.


This is precisely what I would do and NOW!!!!! How dare that Manager make such assumptions....bad form and worse business!!!!!

I think the way this was handled by Princess was deplorable to say the least and very insulting to say the best.

I know the OP doesn't need us to feed the anger flames......but, this simply is not right!

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If it were me, I'd write Alan Bucklew with a clear, concise letter of why you booked the cabin you did, the FCCs you told the rep to use, what happened, what you tried to do to correct it, who you spoke to, and what they said and how they responded. Include a copy of your original confirmation. It might take weeks to get a response but he or his staff needs to know how their passengers are being treated.


I have to admit ---- I'm tempted to do just that. I do have the name of the Supervisor. I feel sure if they look at their records they can identify the original booking agent. I'll have to check my desk at work, I may or may not have her name in my notes. As I've already written most of the story here, it wouldn't take much to finish an email to the big guy. Honestly I realize that mistakes happen, but they could at least take ownership of theirs.

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While I am far from a cruise expert, or business expert for that matter, I thought I would hold off commenting, but I just have to say some thing now.


I had believed that, in the end, the OP would be made happy by Princess. I am truely shocked by their apparent attitude towards this "inconvenience". We are not talking about me not getting the ideal room I so desired, we are talking about a real, legitimate need.


I can't help thinking of everyone that is expected to do everything they are called upon to do, in order to make my cruise the complete escape they advertise. The cooks, the room stewards etc. etc. And all of that can be erased in one brush stroke by an administrative person in some back office who only knows how to "apply the rules". I don't know of any rule that is not accompanied by it's exceptions and in order to inforce the rules correctly it calls for some compassion and understanding.


The whole Princess organization should hang it's collective heads in shame for the manner in which this has been handled, so far, by a clerk in an office, who has been engraciated with a title.


I feel most sorry for the OP because we all, here on CC know that Princess CAN and usually does do better than this. I am certain that this is not what Princess would want to be known for.


Just my thoughts and I admire the OPs attitude. Regardless what you end up with I know you will make it a great cruise. I only wish you were at our dining table. You sound like the type of people I would most like to meet on a cruise.

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It's easy for us to say what you should and shouldn't do, but I think it's too bad you bought the higher-priced cabin and instead didn't stay on the phone and demand to speak to his supervisor. I myself would have been too livid to hang up!

That supervisor succeeded in making an annoying but easily rectified problem into a major freakin' customer service fiasco. Assuming you're relating the conversation accurately (and I have no reason to believe you're not), I'm gobsmacked that someone whose job it is to supervise those who deal with customers would think it's okay to talk to you like that: if I told a customer at my part-time retail job that I failed to see how they had been inconvenienced (even if our store was blameless), I'd be looking for a new part-time job. Please escalate this, and please name this supervisor to Princess as you do. This person needs to have his career path redirected.

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rds, yep, that's pretty much a quote "no, I can't give you any OBC as there wasn't any inconvenience" (while he is meanwhile telling my husband that the mistake was MINE). Obviously the guy was a nitwit and should never BE in that position. My husband explained that it's much better for him and his scooter to be near the lifts than mid-corridor. It's not like he CAN'T be mid corridor, he prefers to be near the lifts, and as the prices are the same either place - and because we did choose the cabin we wanted, just for that reason ---- his reasoning falls flat with me.


I love the support I've received here, thanks to all of you for that. I'm not going to lose any sleep over this. I may write a nice, polite, informative letter to the President. I think he deserves to know that he has a problem in customer service. I think he ought to read the CC boards from time to time as well.

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At this point - this is what I would do:


I would type up a very accurate email/letter. State the facts, your rationale, and your loyalty to Princess and what you would like done (return to your original room).


Email this ASAP (tomorrow if possible) to abuckelew@princesscruises.com . I would also suggest sending a certified letter to the Corporate Office.


You should not settle given your situation as you did everything right and you are entitled to your cabin. There are 4 cabins in a similar location that they can upgrade one of those individuals and give your cabin back.


Good luck.

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I have to admit ---- I'm tempted to do just that. I do have the name of the Supervisor. I feel sure if they look at their records they can identify the original booking agent. I'll have to check my desk at work, I may or may not have her name in my notes. As I've already written most of the story here, it wouldn't take much to finish an email to the big guy. Honestly I realize that mistakes happen, but they could at least take ownership of theirs.


Joyce, it's just so much easier to take the least path of resistence and accept a different cabin and try and forget about the inconvenience of it all. It's certainly easier and much less of a hassle for you and your DH. Afterall, you're not buying ballbearings, you're buying a vacation. You know, the thing that takes us to a new level of consciencenous.


That said.......Don't let them do this to you. I promise you, most people would just "let it go!" It's why this "manager" does it. He/she knows that most people will just "settle!"


Don't settle!!!!!!! Write that letter - send that email.

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Joyce, it's just so much easier to take the least path of resistence and accept a different cabin and try and forget about the inconvenience of it all. It's certainly easier and much less of a hassle for you and your DH. Afterall, you're not buying ballbearings, you're buying a vacation. You know, the thing that takes us to a new level of consciencenous.


That said.......Don't let them do this to you. I promise you, most people would just "let it go!" It's why this "manager" does it. He/she knows that most people will just "settle!"


Don't settle!!!!!!! Write that letter - send that email.


that would be least resistance.

I agree, its not worth the aggravation.

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This is one of those situations when I think having a Travel Agent is a benefit. They have a different set of Customer Service people to work with, contacts within the cruise line, and district reps that they have access to that they can call on in situations just like this. Some, due to their volume, have significant weight with the cruise line. Not to say that the agent can always get things resolved but having a pro in your corner is definitely better then battling a large company on your own.


I still can't believe how the OP has been treated.

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Mr Buckelew really does need to know about what happened and how "his" people have dealt (or not) with it. It is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER the customer's fault, even when it is.


The fix itself is so simple I find it incredulous that they haven't as of yet put you back in your original stateroom.


Hummmm, may have to stow away my pom-poms for awhile. :rolleyes:

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The fix itself is so simple I find it incredulous that they haven't as of yet put you back in your original stateroom.




Guess they don't want to tick off the current occupants of that cabin, then they'd have two of us on their hands? And on top of that, the supervisor still insisted that I was to blame for not holding the agent's hand and making her use two FCCs rather than one. Go figure.


This made me smile this morning ---- I looked at the booking confirmation for the AA that I upgraded to (at my cost) last night and thought the insurance price seemed incorrect. So I went to the Princess site and pretended to book a room to check the insurance. Discovered that overnight the price of the AA had dropped $200 per person so I called and cancelled and rebooked. I'm $400 richer and have a nice cabin. The location is not exactly as convenient as the first, but good enough.


I'm with Colo Cruiser in the camp that certain things are not worth the aggravation. I hate to be made to feel that I have to beg and plead to get what I paid for.


I will email Alan B though, if I were him, I'd like to know how poorly my people were representing me. There's nothing more I want from him, I'm happy with my accommodations (no thanks to the agent at Princess, but nevertheless).


And P.S. ---- check your fares to see if you qualify for what the agent today called an "email promotion for captains circle members with new bookings". I hope this info can save you some $$$$ too.

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Joyce great news about the $400 savings. :D But, none-the-less, Princess still owes you an apology for the way in which “their” supervisor dealt with the situation. Additionally if they are not made aware of the problem the original CSR made by not applying 2 of your multiple FCCs think how many other under-trained CSRs could do the same and really reek havoc on Princess's reputation.

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Larsen, I'm a little disturbed by how many people in this thread have had strange cancellations recently. I think someone at the top needs to look into it.


Understand that I'm a big Princess fan myself and maybe that's why I'm not as incensed by this as maybe some people would be. I know this is not the Princess business model to handle things this way. They have always treated me like a princess myself ;).


I blame this on an undertrained agent and an incompetent supervisor, not Alan B. Mostly the supervisor, he should have known better and acted better. An apology and a little OBC go a long way toward smoothing ruffled feathers.


What frightens me the most is that had I not checked the personalizer yesterday (just to make a note of when to make final payment), there might not have been any minis left at all by the time I discovered I'd been cancelled. And a regular cabin is just too small for me to travel with MrB, his scooter and oxygen.


Life goes on -----

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I have to admit ---- I'm tempted to do just that. I do have the name of the Supervisor. I feel sure if they look at their records they can identify the original booking agent. I'll have to check my desk at work, I may or may not have her name in my notes. As I've already written most of the story here, it wouldn't take much to finish an email to the big guy. Honestly I realize that mistakes happen, but they could at least take ownership of theirs.


Do it!!! This is unacceptable. You even booked directly and THEY could not get it right. I used to worry about TAs mussing things up when I was using FCCs but I certainly never thought Princess directly would screw this up.


Glad you ended up getting your AA at a better rate even though it had nothing to do with Princess stepping up and taking responsibility. :)

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So, the final decision is you are going to accept things as they are? I'm glad that you seem to be happy with what YOU did to make this cruise a better one for both you and your spouse.

Will you be writing a letter to Mr. B asking for an explanation of the way you were treated and the attitude of this Supervisor?

I'm just curious.

Colo: How's my spelling?

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Typical Customer Service Call to Any Corp.


CSR to Client - Yes, I will let you speak to my supervisor - hold please


CSR to person in next cubicle - Joe, its your turn to be supervisor:D


All kidding aside. OP if you are happy now, that is all that counts. :) Princess is the loser here right now. Hopefully they are reading this thread and will pick up on what is going on.


But like others, I hope you do send Mr. Buckelew outlining exactly what happened. Then just put the whole incident in the rear view mirror and enjoy the cruise.:):cool:

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