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Most awkard moments during dinner


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On my last cruise, just my sister and I, we were seated at a table for 8. There were 4 other women that were seated with us. The third night my sister was ill and I decided to go to dinner without her. The other 4 women were 20 minutes late due to their shore excursion and there I sat. I was pretty okay with it as my hubby has traveled a good bit and I don't mind eating alone, but that table seemed huge. The staff and other diners seemed much more uncomfortable than I was. It was a huge relief when the others showed up.

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My first formal night on the Maasdam last December, I sat alone the entire meal at an eight-top. There normally were seven of us at the table, but one couple was ill and two others had decided to go to the Pinnacle and hadn't mentioned that the night before. Yeah, it was a tad uncomfortable, but I had great service! ;)

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  • 3 months later...

recently on Millennium X, first night at the main dining room, one person at our table arrived very drunk.... and had more than just our table wondering how you could get that drunk in 2hrs on board! To the point of being reported by surrrounding passengers.. and almost obnoxious behaviour... almost..

then the other couple used the next day to get as drunk ... and come to 2nd night dinner... and he went into uncontrollable sneezing with slobber .. thankfully stopping short of ralphing.. and all she could do was tell him to stop it!

Next night.. an adjoining table sent a lady over to invite us to their table.. very nice gester.. but for a couple reasons we turned down the offer.. which made it pretty awkward for them... and for us too... it was just a case of bad timing for one thing..had we not ordered dinner already.. I mean.. I could imagine our wait staff looking around and finding us waving them to bring our dinner to a different table.... too much confooosion for me. But I would have loved to have accepted. we probably should have .. but it was so unexpected and caught us off guard.. lol

The next night,, the others weren't "drunk" but were pretty happy and wanted to 'one up' each other in a braggerts game of best places to travel to and whom they had met ... and each statement was sort of louder and funnier.. lol.. We were joining in on the best places we had been too... so a lot of surrounding tables were trying to figure out all the cackling and silly laughter and I am sure they thought the whole table was a bit overboard.

It made me wonder if I was like them .. as I was sober for a change.. and they were funny drunks! 55+ y/o's second childhoods I guess

It was actually a lot worse than I wrote... but you'd have to been there to get the jist of the jokes and statements.. and seen that we all accepted the others sense of humor etc.... so by the end of the 10 days it had been a great time! But it sure started out awkward.

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While on a cruise with my husband, we decided to request a large table for dinner and were pleased that we had a table for 10. What fun.. we can make new friends! Of course, as is my nature, we were the first to arrive. The second two to arrive were two men who grumbled a little but said hello and sat down. Another couple of men showed up, and so on and so on. None of them said a word to us and I could feel the tension building very quickly. A couple of them got up to talk to the head waiter but DH and I figured out our problem very quickly. They were a group of men "couples" and while they may have enjoyed my husbands company, they certainly didn't want me!


We got up and left, feeling a bit shunned, but were quickly seated at a table for 8 with a great group of folks who welcomed us warmly.


That's awful!! I can't believe they would have acted that way!!

We had a potentially awkward situation from the other side: My partner and I were seated at a table with two conservative Born-Again Christians, but we actually ended up having a great time with both couples, and hung out with them the entire cruise--even doing a couple of excursions with them!!

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We were at A table for four with A very nice and funny couple from New Jersy. Who told us they had twin boys 22 years old. Our waiter's were two very pretty girls from Estona . The wife kept saying I would love to bring them home for her sons,she wished they would get married. The husband kept saying dont count on it and so forth. At this point my wife says ''you never know'' he says'' dont count on it hon'' my wife agian says ''could happen'' he then says ''their hairdresers hon''. All four of us laughed out loud. They were A great couple best we have ever sat with.

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We were at A table for four with A very nice and funny couple from New Jersy. Who told us they had twin boys 22 years old. Our waiter's were two very pretty girls from Estona . The wife kept saying I would love to bring them home for her sons,she wished they would get married. The husband kept saying dont count on it and so forth. At this point my wife says ''you never know'' he says'' dont count on it hon'' my wife agian says ''could happen'' he then says ''their hairdresers hon''. All four of us laughed out loud. They were A great couple best we have ever sat with.



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A few years ago on a NCL cruise, my husband, son and I were seated at a table for 8. On the first night we met an older couple that shared our table. When the man sat down he pulled a bunch of twenties out of his pocket and spread them out in front of himself on the table.


We had no idea what he was doing, when the waiter came over and was surprised to see the money laying out there. The man promptly informed him that he was the last of the big spenders and that money was what he could earn if he treats the man right.


We were so embarassed, we let the waiter know we weren't with him.


When the cocktail waitress came over to see if we want anything from the bar, he pulled out his cabin card to give to her but instead of just handing it to her he laid it on top of the money, she wasn't sure what to do, she just picked up the card and walked away.


When she brought the drinks back he told her she took too long so he would have to dock her tip. He then took a twnety off the table and put it in his pocket. He told her she could come back at the end of dinner to claim any of her tip that was left and if she wanted any tip she better treat him right.


He was really rude to the waiters, and talked down to them. COnstantly throwing his money in their faces.


He was a nasty, mean, rude, man. During dinner he only wanted to talk about himself and even though the other table mates wanted to talk about other things, the man always interrupted and turn the conversation back to himself.


After dinner we asked to be moved but were told there were no other available tables. The following night it was the same routine, our tablemates were a no show. After the 3rd night we couldn't take it anymore and never returned.


We later saw him in the ship's jewerly store, he told the girls that worked there they better cater to him if they wanted him to spend his money in there.

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On my first and only cruise, my gf and I were at an 8 top, there was another couple of gf's, an older couple and a very odd young "couple". Atleast we thought they were a couple but found out later that he was an ex boyfriend. He had offered to pay for a cruise for her so he wouldn't have to cruise alone. They actually weren't that bad, atleast not at dinner. She went to the beach with us (without him) and all she did was bad mouth him. It made it uncomfortable for us. We wound up going back to the ship early just to get rid of her.


The older couple was very nice and friendly although my gf had a had time talking to the older lady. She came to dinner every night with what looked like one of those crest white strips on here teeth. It affected her talking and my gf couldn't look at her when she was eating. It was definatly weird.


I don't even know how to describe the two gf's. They were very chatty and very opinionated. Often coming across as bitchy. One would monopolize the conversation. It was impossible to get a word in edge wise. She told us all about being a boss at a big canadian company and how important her job was. We got tired of hearing it and all we could think was thank god she is not our boss! They didn't come to dinner one night and it was such a joy to not have to listen to her.


I guess it wasn't an awful table, just some "interesting" people. I'm looking forward to our next cruise and I'm glad I'm armed with the knowledge that I can request a table change :)

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He was really rude to the waiters, and talked down to them. COnstantly throwing his money in their faces.



Never mistreat anyone that is serving you food.


Those that do, many times, wind up eating a bit of snot and spit with their entrees.


I have mentioned this to those that mistreat the wait staff, and I get great pleasure from the expressions on their faces when I inform them of "this fact". Priceless.

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For the last 6 years or so I have only done Anytime Dining (no fixed seating) and try to sit at a large table every night. I've had some wonderful experiences, a few awkward ones, and one that was downright terrible (actually that one was the last time we did Traditional Seating.


A little awkward: one night my DS and I were seated with 2 Japanese couples who spoke no English. We all tried to communicate initially but it was a long meal with a lot of silences.


More awkward: I was seated at a table with a Jewish couple (who had kids but were cruising without them) and two other couples. One of the wives (I think maybe had a bit too much to drink) and started heckling the Jewish mom about "How could she deprive her kids of the joy of opening Christmas presents?" and "You don't even put up a Christmas tree? Honestly, what's wrong with just a tree?" It was VERY uncomfortable as she kept coming back to it time and again over the course of the dinner.


Terrible: On the first night DS, who was a young teen at the time, and I found we were seated with an older British couple and some other folks. The lady was CLEARLY not happy to have DS at the table, despite the fact that he is quiet and well-mannered. She kept casting evil glances, tut-tut ing to her husband, and at one point made a comment about "Wouldn't your son be happier eating in the buffet rather than here in the dining room?" and so on. Poor DS hardly said two words the whole time. We arranged to sit at a different table for the rest of the cruise......

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I sailed my first cruise solo as a part of a conference for worship leaders, Christian songwriters and church technical directors. Didn't research it one bit, had no clue what was going on, just knew it was being paid for with continuing ed, didn't count as vacation time, and I was going to be coming straight from seeing my brother in London for a week.

I was assigned to a 10 seat table with part of the group. Including a number of very conservative and evangelical preacher's wives and the band for the conference who wore shorts and t-shirts every night. I was 25 at the time, but still wore a suit to dinner. The only part that got me was when one of the wives dismissed the wine steward immediately at his arrival FOR THE REST OF THE CRUISE! I decided it wasn't worth it to explain that some of us might be Methodist or another non-tetotalling denomination and just had water with my meals. Then a nice Johnny Walker Blue and a cigar after. :D

And I'd always wave to her on the pool deck with my Corona hand. :D

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After reading all of these, I think I'm now adding to my list of worries that we'll be seated at a table for more than four and our tablemates will ask to be seated somewhere else the next night. I'm reasonably nice (I think), but can always add a new worry to my list of things.


Fortunately, I dress according to the dress code and my kids behave reasonably nicely in a restaurant situation.


(Please recognize that this is mostly in jest.)

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Our table neighbors (Table closest to us) had a family of four, with 2 being adult children. We had to listen to the mother nag them to death the entire cruise. She was quite unpleasant, and since the tables were so close, it was like we were sitting at the same table. I felt bad for the kids. Definitely awkward.

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Several years ago my husband and I took a spur-of-the-moment cruise on a 3-nighter out of Miami on a lower-market cruise line. We were seated at a 10 seater with a couple from a midwest state and their young daughters and two other couples on the youngish side. The second night was "formal" night (now remember this was what some people call a "booze cruise" so the average passenger couture was somewhat less than Bal Rouge) and I was dressed in a black cocktail dress and my husband was in a navy blazer, grey pants, shirt and tie and I'd say we were in the top 10% of the "dressy" category. Here come our midwest tablemates: mother and daughters dressed in matching black-and-white festooned satin ballgowns with huge hoop skirts, long white gloves, jeweled tiaras and wrist crosages; dad was in formal attire (tails, no less) with a top hat, spats and a black cane. The other two couples were dressed in: a terry-cloth strapless beach dress, a t-shirt dress, a t-shirt printed to look like a tuxedo and a Hawaiian shirt. The third night, NOBODY but us showed up for dinner.



I need a pix of that!

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The guys weren't cruising together, had no table manners, & were disgusting! :eek:


When we found him, the sisters had beat us to it & were making the same request. The ship was sailing at capacity & there were only 2 seats available at either sitting. This was prior to open seating, specialty restaurants, & buffets available for dinner.



The maitre'd should have moved the two bafoons to another table if there were 2 seats open and then the 4 of you could have stayed where you were!

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I know this is WORST dining experiences, but after all these people have said that they have been frightened from dining with strangers, I thought I'd throw in a good one.


It was a girls cruise for me and my close friend. Close friend is a season-ticket holding, huge Patriot's team football fan. They had made it into the playoffs that year. She let me know that she would be ditching me the first night of the cruise to hang out in the sports bar, where she hoped to see the Pats defeat the Steelers to clinch their spot in the Super Bowl.


I went to dinner alone that night. As fate would have it, we'd been assigned to a table for four, with two men around our age from Pennsylvania. They were also huge football fans, however their team - the Eagles - had already clinched their spot in the Super Bowl earlier that day.


The cruise became a football rivalry! However, the four of us became great friends and it was the best table seating I've ever had!! The last night of the cruise was my birthday. My three tablemates planned a birthday celebration for me at dinner. One of the guys was winning BIG at the casino, but cashed out and came to dinner to celebrate the birthday of a woman he hadn't even met 7 days earlier. Touching, huh?


Sometimes, they do a good job matching up tablemates!

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I know this is WORST dining experiences, but after all these people have said that they have been frightened from dining with strangers, I thought I'd throw in a good one.


It was a girls cruise for me and my close friend. Close friend is a season-ticket holding, huge Patriot's team football fan. They had made it into the playoffs that year. She let me know that she would be ditching me the first night of the cruise to hang out in the sports bar, where she hoped to see the Pats defeat the Steelers to clinch their spot in the Super Bowl.


I went to dinner alone that night. As fate would have it, we'd been assigned to a table for four, with two men around our age from Pennsylvania. They were also huge football fans, however their team - the Eagles - had already clinched their spot in the Super Bowl earlier that day.


The cruise became a football rivalry! However, the four of us became great friends and it was the best table seating I've ever had!! The last night of the cruise was my birthday. My three tablemates planned a birthday celebration for me at dinner. One of the guys was winning BIG at the casino, but cashed out and came to dinner to celebrate the birthday of a woman he hadn't even met 7 days earlier. Touching, huh?


Sometimes, they do a good job matching up tablemates!

What a blast! That's what a call a great match up.


On the Conquest a few years ago they put me and my two friends at a 10-top and everyone there was either mother-daughter or group of girlfriends. We had a great time!

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There were 4 adults in our party at a 4 top. Our waiter seemed to spend as little time at our table as possible, preferring the 8-top next to us. He never seemed to get all of our orders right the first time. On night 4, our assistant waiter (great kid) noticed that we had been waiting an inordinate amount of time for our desserts. So, he brought them to us and began to serve. The waiter nearly ran from the 8 top, grabbed him by the arm and gave him a major tongue lashing. We felt bad for him, and tried to encourage him on subsequent nights. He got a really good tip; the waiter - not so much.

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There were 4 adults in our party at a 4 top. Our waiter seemed to spend as little time at our table as possible, preferring the 8-top next to us. He never seemed to get all of our orders right the first time. On night 4, our assistant waiter (great kid) noticed that we had been waiting an inordinate amount of time for our desserts. So, he brought them to us and began to serve. The waiter nearly ran from the 8 top, grabbed him by the arm and gave him a major tongue lashing. We felt bad for him, and tried to encourage him on subsequent nights. He got a really good tip; the waiter - not so much.



You should have also filed a customer comment card about the waiter.

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Okay, this just happened to us last week on the Queen Mary 2:


We were the first to arrive at Todd English, the upscale alternative restaurant and were seated at nice table for two. Soon after, a couple arrived to celebrate their anniversary; the husband was in a motorized wheel chair, and we gathered from their conversation, that he had had a recent stroke. It looked like they had hired two assistants, and paid for their cruise, in order to provide service to this gentleman. They seated this couple next to us at a table for four in order to accommodate the special chair. The two assistants left soon after they were seated, but were "on call" from their special communication device--a walkie-talkie.


The maitre' d asked if we would like to move to another table, but we felt that would be rude, as this couple seemed brave to tackle a cruise so soon after this gentleman's misfortune. (huge mistake on our part!)


The man and woman (in their 70s--maybe) both had hearing issues, so we were exposed to every word in their conversation. From the start, the man requested special variations of food from the menu--no salt, no fat, fresh made chicken broth. The waiters and kitchen staff tried their best to provide something that would work, but everything was too fatty, or too salty, or too whatever. He complained of not feeling well several times during the meal. We tried our best to enjoy our meal, but their conversations were loud and tedious.

When our dessert arrived, the man said he was going to be sick...he retched loudly several times, tried to move his wheelchair and ran into their table, knocking dishes and glasses everywhere. After several moments of dry heaves, he released the contents of his stomach all over the table. At this point, my wife (who had a clear view of everything--my chair was off to the side, so I was able to keep them out of my field of vision) picked up her dessert (my empathetic wife was in tears at this point--feeling sorry for his inability to remove himself from the situation) and walked away.

The man was eventually removed, and yellow CAUTION tape was put up around their table. Soon after, they brought us the check, and they said they were sorry that the evening hadn't turned out as planned.(this interesting story cost us $100) Needless to say, we cancelled the second reservation that we had placed for Todd English. That restaurant is so dead to us! When the opportunity presents itself to move tables--DO IT!:eek:

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