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bad experience on carnival destiny


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I only have one question for OP and that is -- since you've sailed on Carnival 7 times, why did you choose the room you did? I've only been on one cruise and already I have in mind where my next cabin will be!! Seems like you would know what are the good and bad cabins.

Sorry you had a bad time. Funny how $$ will make it better though. We thoroughly enjoyed our cruise on Freedom. Like I've said in another post, I don't go on cruises to make friends with the staff.. I go to enjoy the time with my husband and relax and have a good time.
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Does Carnival pay you people? Its amazing how quickly the OP's post count was used to "discredit" her bad cruise.

Lighten up. This is a message board discussing a cruise line. Some cruises are better than others, and all people are different. So becauuse this person didn't come in here singing the praises of her first cruises, this automatically discredits this last bad experience?

A cruise going well isn't something that should have to be posted about. You pay a certain price, you are entitled to a certain level of customer service, food, and comfort in your cabin. This is what is SUPPOSED to happen. When it doesn't, a bad review is warranted.

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To the OP (original poster): I would like to say thank you for your review of your cruise. I find it interesting that some folks choose to bash you for stating your opinion. Personally, I've been on a lot of cruises. Some on Carnival and some on other cruise lines. I honestly feel that the Carnival product is declining in quality. I first sailed with them in the early 80's, I have seen a definite decline in the quality of the product they offer. I will be sailing on Carnival in Nov. If I don't see an improvement over the last couple of Carnival cruises I've taken, I feel it will be my last Carnival cruise. I can afford to spend a little more on another cruise line. We decided to give Carnival one last chance. Time will tell if this will be strike # 3.

Again, thank you for expressing your opinion. I for one, value the negative reviews as much as the positive ones.
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[quote name='lilybug23']First of all.. just because someone is posting a bad review of their PERSONAL OPINION of their trip doesnt mean they are "anti-Carnival"
Second... how on earth do you know that they have nothing to back up their complaints.. Were you on this cruise with them... did you sleep in the same cabin they did.. did you eat at their dinner table with them? No.
Third.. Why is it against the law around here for someone that is new or has a new profile to post a bad review. This site is called Cruise CRITIC! If you dont like the opinion that the OP posted then dont reply. If you can take something useful from it fine. People bashing OP's for voiceing their personal opinions on this site is getting ridiculous. I have only cruised once and it was amazing so I have not yet posted a bad review, but in the future if I have a bad cruise you can sure as hell bet that I will post MY OPINION![/QUOTE]

lol, if you would have actually read what I said...
I was talking about how it amuses ME (my opinion here on cruise CRITIC) that people who are anti Carnival comment in the Carnival forum. I think it's funny how people can so against something and waste all kinds of time reading and commenting about it. Again, it just my opinion, which according to you I am allowed to have on here. :)
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We sailed on Destiny Aug 19-23 and had a wonderful time. I thought the food was great! The ship is a little dated but still in good shape. I would not hesitate to sail on this ship again.


I appreciate your post! I was getting a little nervous after reading all the negative comments. We are sailing the Destiny on 10/14. I really think that your attitude makes or break the cruise. Of course there are going to be things that come up---it happens everywhere; walmart, the bank, hotels, amusement parks....but it's all in how you deal with it. :cool:

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It always amuse me how many "anti-Carnival" people come here sympathizing with the OP and stating how they think it's ridiculous that nothing bad can be said about Carnival.

First...if you are so against Carnival, shouldn't you be on RCL'S/NCL'S and so on and so on's board?


These are always people that have previously made all kinds of "good" reviews and have sailed multiple times.


Just because people are sympathizing with the Op, it does not mean they are anti Carnival. It just means they don't subscribe to a holier than thou attitude about a particular cruise line.


Also, Cruise Critic is not the only cruise travel website. He/she may have reviewed cruises elsewhere. Just because they are new, it does not mean they are a liar. They were probably just looking for a place to blow off some steam.

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I don't get to sail the Destiny for about a year. But have booked two weeks on her.

I do enjoy reading all of the reviews both good and bad. I have not written a in depth review myself due to the fact I overlook the bad or make the best of it and enjoy the good.

I have not had any experience that would stop me from sailing on any one line.

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Sure sounds like bashing to me, only six cruises not 12.


OP said they have been on about 12 cruises and this was there 7th with Carnival. Enough times to know about how to book a room for its location if noise was an issue for you.


I also didn't say that the OP wasn't getting bashed. I said the OP was getting bashed, not for writing a bad review, but for having unrealistic expectations on what was owed to them by Carnival and for what they felt they should have encountered on their cruise vs the reality of a Carnival cruise (ie the Captains and Past Guest Parties). The OP was also being bashed because they bashed Carnival first (the last line of their post) on a Carnival board.

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Well I hope your experience is better than ours. The ship is really dated. you cannot even check your bill from your room as they do not have the equipment to do so. Their were a lot of college age kids on the ship so perhaps in November they will be in school but there is no excuse for the apathetic service and "kiss off" from their custmer service department. In this economy one would think they would be trying to retain customers. I am planning to cruise the Panama Canal and Europe next year but I won't be on Carnival again. Enjoy your cruise.


Amazing though that you would sail with them agian if they give you obc.

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I agree with the others....after 7 Carnival and 5 others you think she would know how and where to book a room....I only sailed 4 times and I know the FIRST thing I do when I get on the ship is to check my dinning room table.


Also can you imagine if Carnival DID give out OBC to everyone that had a (in there own opinon) a bad cruise? You would have people LOOKING to have a bad cruise LOL

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Im guessing OP choose a cabin in the back of the ship where there is vibration.

I am guessing after 6 or 7 cruises they would not have chosen that location... more likely it was a guarantee booking and they did not get upgraded.


I seriously doubt that if the OP will have a better experience if she chooses a similar-aged ship on another mass-market line with similar prices. But she's going to try!

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OP sorry to hear about your ****ty holiday. It can happen on any line, hotel, even chain.


That being said I will never get how money would make you stay or consider another cruise. If you had such a bad time you will never come back, why would $100 OBC make you return....so you could have another bad holiday.


That being said I have been on holidays where there were minor hiccups and one resort gave us a lil sumthin sumthin and the other smiled and said sorry. We had a great time at both and went back to both.


If we had a total crappy holiday like the OP stated, no "free goodies" would bring us back.

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OP sorry to hear about your ****ty holiday. It can happen on any line, hotel, even chain.


That being said I will never get how money would make you stay or consider another cruise. If you had such a bad time you will never come back, why would $100 OBC make you return....so you could have another bad holiday.


That being said I have been on holidays where there were minor hiccups and one resort gave us a lil sumthin sumthin and the other smiled and said sorry. We had a great time at both and went back to both.


If we had a total crappy holiday like the OP stated, no "free goodies" would bring us back.


Sorry I guess all that rambling just means:


So if they gave you $100 dollars you would say "well the service, room, and food sucked....but hey we got that $100! What a great holiday!:D"

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Today is Thursday Sept 16, Labor Day was 10 days ago and I contacted them by email. Where do you get that it is Friday and Labor Day was 4 days ago. Do you need a calendar?

I think because you said you wrote them a letter, they assumed you mailed one, sorry you did not have a good time, but you should not let one bad time turn you off of cruising with Carnival again.

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Im guessing OP choose a cabin in the back of the ship where there is vibration. Been back there myself, but never once thought I was over the engine, thought ahhhh, CC taught it about thrusters and all that in the back.


That's what I thought--an experienced cruiser who doesn't know to pick their cabin carefully and really thinks that if they complain to Guest Services they will get an upgraded cabin? Really?


OP if you hung more around CC you would pick up on lots of helpful tidbits. Why would you, as a non platinum cruiser on Carnival with few cruises think they should upgrade you out of all the people on the ship.


And, as OP said, she expected to get a credit on her next cruise because she complained about her cabin?


ALSO, I haven't seen glass on Carnival ships for many years. Not since the "mason jar" days.

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My gosh are you employed by Carnival? I am only posting an experience that may be helpful for others. I do not quite get the angry responses here as I am only sharing what was a disappointing experience in comparison to many other cruises I have taken. When one writes about a disappointing experience that is usually the topic that is addressed.

I believe this site is called Cruise Critic which connotes that one can critique a ship/experience etc about a cruise experience. Good heavens get a gripe and face the fact that this particular ship is very dated and the customer service is just not what is used to be but that may be a reflection of our general customer service everywhere as most companies now really don't care very much about their customers or employees.



Let's just say we are SKEPTICAL about a poster with 5 posts who claims to have seen glass on Carnival recently, doesn't know that 3 and 4 day cruises don't have a past guest party, doesn't know that the Captain's party changed over a year ago, and claims to have posted many good reviews in the past.

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I have been on a lot more Carnival cruises than most and a fewer less than the rest. I can tell you from over 20 years sailing with Carnival that their customer service on all level has went down down dooowwwnn hill. I have seen a steady slide over the last 6 or 7 years. It is almost the employees have been told to stop almost all interaction with the passengers. Maybe it is the bigger ships I don't know but I have noticed it over the last several years. I do know that every time I book now I think is this what I really want to do or should I look for something different and I never use to think twice about booking a cruise.


Maybe some of the so called cheerleaders have not been cruising long enough to know how it used to be, so they don't know what they have missing out on, but I for one sure miss it.



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I'm sorry to read that you didn't have an enjoyable experience during those days, but I can certainly be sympathetic with your comments.

I was on that same 4-day with you, and continued on for the follow 5-days as well as a back-to-back. Luckily, my own personal experience during the 4-day (concluding on Labor Day) could be described as near perfection. :D I had an ultra-superb dining room service team, and cabin stewards that were sensational to the max. You have to admit that our weather was fantastic in both KW and Cozumel.


When the Cruise Critic roll call for the next sailing arrived they could see I was grinning ear to ear. But somehow a few things changed for the worse, but those few changed dramatically. :(


You are correct, though, on the quality of the onboard passenger events (i.e. Captain's Celebration & Farwell Celebration). They are quite pathetic aboard Carnival Destiny.


I really wish you could have shared the same dining servers that I did. I really think it would have offered you a very enjoyable experience. (note: I was in the aft Universe Dining Room)


And if you have sailed with Carnival that many times then you should have KNOWN that the Captain's party was done away with over a year ago. It was replaced with the Farewell Party on the last seaday where you can still get one hour free drinks.


So no, Carnival is not cutting back in these areas.


Dave, unfortunately that's not the case on Carnival Destiny. I've been on three sailings on that ship in 2010, and a few of the cutbacks are quite obvious.

The servers for the Farewell Celebration have a tray of beverages at the entrance doors only. Service begins at 4:30 and concludes at 4:43 (13 minutes of service before they exit the room), and you are offered one beverage only. At least one passenger on the 5-day sailing asked for a second drink, and was denied.



(note: my dining room and cabin crew were still totally excellent on the second sailing)

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I have no problem with someone posting a review that describes a less than desirable cruise. Such reviews are useful for learning purposes. I learned a lot from reading this review.


1. Choose your room carefully. If your room is awful you are probably stuck with it. No matter how many cruises you have under your belt, an upgrade (or upsell) is not a given, but a pleasant surprise that should not be expected. Once on board, it is even more unlikely that you can change rooms. If you book a guarantee, you take a gamble and sometimes (probably most times) you lose.


2. If I don't care for my waitstaff, I'll ask the maitre 'd on the first night if I can move to another table for the rest of the cruise.


However, none of the complaints seem to me, to be to the degree of some kind of compensation, which to me, seems to be the OP's biggest complaint.


They made no attempt to keep me as a customer which after 7 cruises really surprised me. Even a gesture of a credit for a future cruise would have made me consider them again for a cruise but after this I am going back to Royal Carribbean or Norweigian, two cruise lines that have always made me feel valued and welcome.


I imagine complaints about not liking the food, not liking the room (that they either chose or booked guarantee), and not feeling appreciated by Carnival would be sent by the thousands if that's all one had to do to get some kind of future cruise credit.

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Here's my advice. Write your review on the reviews section of this website and rate the ship as you saw it honestly. Then, ask the moderators to delete this thread. The people on this board can not handle bad reviews of "their" sacred cruise line and the flaming and second-guessing will only get worse as this thread goes on.


seeing that this is over 5 pages long- I have to agree,


We sailed the Destiny back when it was doing the Southern ROute. Hated everything about it but no way would I come here and put those thoughts down-- even being a long time poster..

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Clearly you had a bad experience. I am sure of that, however I wouldn't let it sour me on the entire line.


You had the feeling that the staff didn't want to be there. I suppose the sensed the same about you. However it is not their vacation, and personally I wouldn't let someone else's attitude ruin my vacation.


Anyway, IMO what you described could happen to anyone anytime, on any line.


Sorry it happened to you, but it could have been much worse.

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Sorry I guess all that rambling just means:


So if they gave you $100 dollars you would say "well the service, room, and food sucked....but hey we got that $100! What a great holiday!:D"


OP said she wanted to feel valued and if they gave her something, it would show her that Carnival cares about her future business. I get it. I had a bad cruise because the cruise ships just handled some thing terribly wrong. I would have liked to hear Carnival cared that things were handled wrong. Of course they cant say that, without opening themselves to liability, .. but something to reach out.


I think Carnival has cut so many corners, when things do go poorly there is no room to cope and they really dont care. People remember how companies USED to care, and think they still should, but they really dont. Its a numbers game, someone will fill that cabin if you dont... more people are wanting to cruise all the time as its a great value.

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seeing that this is over 5 pages long- I have to agree,


We sailed the Destiny back when it was doing the Southern ROute. Hated everything about it but no way would I come here and put those thoughts down-- even being a long time poster..


I learned my lesson too. I would change my name if I had a bad experience on Carnival and wanted to post it on CC.

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OP said she wanted to feel valued and if they gave her something, it would show her that Carnival cares about her future business. I get it. I had a bad cruise because the cruise ships just handled some thing terribly wrong. I would have liked to hear Carnival cared that things were handled wrong. Of course they cant say that, without opening themselves to liability, .. but something to reach out.


I think Carnival has cut so many corners, when things do go poorly there is no room to cope and they really dont care. People remember how companies USED to care, and think they still should, but they really dont. Its a numbers game, someone will fill that cabin if you dont... more people are wanting to cruise all the time as its a great value.


I get what you mean, just IMO if I had such a bad time that I was never coming back, no amount of freebie would make me reconsider.


"Here is a 50% off your next cruise sir"


"Why so I can come back and be miserable again??"


I guess it depends on the problem though, if we missed a port because of an engine problem ect (That is something that is out of everyone's control), but if it was service, food, ect ect then most likely a "freebie or comp" won't fix it.

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