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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Thanks, Anita, for the Eddie Bauer colors. I had a quick minute to look before leaving work and noticed that the light heather gray didn't look warm on all items. The tank and T looked warm, but the longer sleeved tops looked like the usual gray with white. Did you notice if that was the case in the store and maybe the colors are off online?


Gotta run---

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Well, ladies...


I feel a little out of lock step with everyone. Like I'm marching to the beat of a drummer that is proclaiming HOT and HUMID conditions ahead. Love all the fall fashions that everyone (especially Laurie) is posting, which makes my wardrobe planning just feel that much more... off a bit.


But I'm narrowing down my choices.


I keep searching for information on how to pack for a three week trip, and (boy) I just don't "feel" the love for some of these tips. Who can exist on three pair of underwear for a three week trip! No, it wasn't one pair a week; they were doing sink laundry. The tradeoff (they stated) is doing sink laundry for lighter luggage. Hmmm. Like I said, just not "feeling the love" for these tips.


Hate doing sink laundry. Does anyone here mind it? Probably not. I think I'm more of a "high maintenance" traveler than some of you ladies.




I know that Anita answered a post asking for opinions on how many times a certain garment is worn during a cruise. As I recall, Anita's answer was probably honest, but I'm not sure it bears repeating (oh, ok, I'll repeat... she said she wears it until it smells like she shouldn't. :eek: Like I said: maybe honest to a fault!)....


So, I'm planning on wearing most things twice and one thing a total of 3 times. We only have 3 days of cooler temperatures so I'm going to wear the same pair of pants for those 3 days. Then, we'll start the cycling through the rest of the outfits.


Man. I just don't know why this never gets easier for me! And why I have these last minute flings of fantasy about what I should have purchased! :confused:


Oh well. At least this time I don't have to weigh my clothes! That's a blessing... but I'll post my luggage weight and we'll see how I do when push comes to shove and I actually wear some of this stuff I insist on bringing...

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Pam, I feel your pain. All during my working life I traveled 2-3 weeks a month & I did carryon, I did utilize the dry cleaning available at hotels & admit to purchasing more undies rather than to sink laundry many times--just doesn't feel clean to me KWIM?). I had been known to check bags on the way home (I always had a collapsible duffle bag in my computer case). Now that I'm retired I've rebelled & pack much more (DH isn't thrilled, but understands). I'm trying to stick to one checked case each for our 9 night cruise & 4 day land in November (only because a friend is picking us up at airport & I'm not sure how much room there will be with 6 people in 1 van. Melody

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Debbie...I saw the tank in the store...and another long sleeved shirt with a dark gray trim on it. The Eddie Bauer store is really, really easy for me to get to. It's on my beaten path so to speak, so if there is anything you want me to check out in specific, please let me know.


I could even try to take a picture too.


What could we use for a control? Seems like it would be helpful to have one... The one Fire item I have is that Wintergreen tank from Target. I could take that with me and see how the other stands up to it?


I'm not sure if it's a Light Spring or not though... Could be True. It looked pretty fab on Mom.


Anyway...let me know. Seriously. It's not a trouble for me to pop in there.

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I'd ask my daughter to check, but she works at the Eddie Bauer Outlet Store, not the regular one. They may have some things in that color though.


I will be at the regular store in October on our shopping trip. Did I mention that they have an Athleta store at that mall too? I found brown (yes, brown!) exercise leggings yesterday, but even though it was the first time I saw them on their website, they were out of certain sizes. I'm hoping the store has them. The looked like a definite, warm, chocolatey brown on my Nook monitor.


They have a bunch of stuff that looks like it could go either way - cool or warm. I'm seeing...wait for it...greige, maybe? My daughter and I had a conversation about this color in front of my husband yesterday. He was speechless. Anyway, they have things a color referred to as shale, but in some pictures, I thought for sure I was looking at brown but then at times it was gray.


I confess that I am a person that doesn't re-wear clothing much. I cannot take minimum clothing most of the time. I cannot rewear exercise clothing ever. Sometimes, even if I just wear a sweater over a shirt to work, I am likely to put the sweater in the wash.


I don't know if this relates to my overzealous approach to laundry or not. This has mostly been discussed over on the earth thread, but I LOVE doing laundry. Sometimes I look around to see what there is that may need washing.


One time I don't immediately put things in the wash is jeans. If I change into them after work, they are only on for a handful of hours so I will wear them two nights, maybe three. I might do that with a shirt also, during cooler weather.


I think the idea of packing less undies seems...silly? They take up so little room and weight. I guess the big thing for me is, as much as I love laundry, I don't envision washing things in the sink during vacation,then having them lay all over to dry in that small space we are calling home for a week or two or three.


I'm not sure if I can do that packing thing for overseas yet! It would take me some thought. But this is a good way to utilize the basics approach with things that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits.


Don't you think wearing our colors is a huge help with this? We can mix and match things so well. Most of what I am bringing to Lake Placid can be switched around easily. And I'm going to re-wear a pair of jeans, lol.

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I wish RCL had laundry rooms . That would make longer travel so much easier .I bring a lot of undies but still occasionally wash a pair in the sink . Any other clothes that need cleaning are sent out . It really does not cost that much and to me it is worth it to have clean clothes . For our three week trip next May I plan on sending out a bag of laundry with t shirts , shorts , pj's , underwear & maybe exercise clothes and then have a few things washed & ironed . My dress clothes I will wear twice just changing up the accessories .For the stay in London it will be all casual unless we go to a show and since we are touring like crazy I think we will probably just go to a pub for dinner & then relax. Our next trip is Gatlinberg so it will be early fall casual attire .I have just started planning that trip which will be six days . I am thinking jeans , t shirts , a sweater & a light jacket , leggings & tunic tops for travel .

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I can absolutely say with confident certainty that... I don't love laundry!


Yes, Laurie, I think that knowing our colors and having that color palette goes a really long way toward making wardrobe planning easier. I mean, if something happens and there's a bit of a dribble situation on a top (for example), there is another top that can "fill in" and life goes on.


BUT... it always seems that there's just enough of a slight difference in either hue, or tone, or undertone... that a specific top really makes a specific bottom, and that's where all the fine tuning comes in. And then to add the ideal accessories that pick up just what you want to add... be it in terms of personality (flirty, sophisticated, pop of color, etc)... and I find myself actually packing more outfits than packing a bunch of tops and bottoms.


I did pack tops and bottoms for one cruise vacation. I didn't plan any particular outfits and just let the dress decision evolve on the cruise. Nightmare! I thought that would be easier and less stressful... and it so wasn't. I think that I enjoy the preplanning of my clothing because it just gives me one less thing to make a decision about while I'm on the ship. I already have too many choices that I have to make! Like, what to eat? go to the spa? go to the show? what to drink? Do I need a nap? I just don't need to add one more major decision to the load that I'm having to figure out on a daily basis! LOL.


Also, I think that preplanning gives me a bit of a shout out to the idea of trying to pack lighter. I feel like I leave the house with an array of really nice choices and a bit of flexibility. Oh! This is what I learned on the last TA that we took with Anita. I learned that I should pack some items that I may actually NOT wear, and that goes beyond taking a rain jacket, just in case. I need to pack some long sleeves as well as sleeveless, for example.


For the first time, I have planned two outfits for the same touring day! This is for Monterey, because I'm pretty familiar with that area. I've chosen two outfits with different weights, so depending upon the crispness of the day... I'll still be covered, pun intended. And, that thought prompted me to throw in some other long sleeve tops, as a "just in case" scenario. I think I realized this from the Vivienne files posting about cool vs warm weather options, and I thought about the fact that could happen in the SAME cruise, with the variability of weather and ship's temperature.


My thoughts were always that I wanted to come home having worn every.single.thing. that I packed. My thoughts now are that I need some versatility to allow for maximum possibility of comfort. My biggest problem on the TA was that I was overwhelmed by the air conditioning onboard the ship. That, and the crossing was much cooler than I thought it would be.


So, once again, I confirm that I'm a work in progress. Live and learn, ladies!


Sally, I'm really trying to study the Vivienne files so that I can create a better capsule type of wardrobe for European vacations. It's just such a different type of trip, kwim? There's a world of difference between assembling a suitcase for beach visits and island type of tours to visiting museums, churches and cathedrals, metro transportation, and less than casual dining. My attempt for the holiday shopping season is to (1) figure out the best neutral color for me and (2) assemble those core neutral pieces so that I can have a shot at some easier packing for our Mediterranean trip in May. Anyway, that's my goal.


Gatlinberg? I'm going to have to look that up as I'm not familiar.


All these fall trips are making me really wish that I had a fall trip on the books! Has anyone read Confessions of a Shopaholic? So funny! I'm in the mood to shop for fall outfits! Totally don't need them, but just having the feeling reminded me of that book because she would buy outfits on the mere possibility of potentially needing them; as an example, if she met a guy who loved to ski, she would immediately go out and buy the cutest ski outfit on just the "possibility" that he might ask her on a date! Anyone who loves shopping would absolutely love that particular read.


OK. Want some coffee. And need to get seriously serious about my to-do list.

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I fall somewhere in the giant middle between Laurie and Anita with regard to laundry and re-wearing. I think it pays to have multiple packing strategies depending on your trip, like Melody mentioned. In theory I think I could do a three week vacation with a roll-aboard, but frankly I don't want to. We have taken at least three vacations that were almost three weeks and we did have to plan to re-wear and do laundry. Sometimes its not possible to bring enough clothes within the luggage restraints to wear something new as often as one would like. IMO having tons of clothes can make it hard to find anything in your suitcase, so having a capsule wardrobe is essential.


It's one thing if you're going to be in one location and can totally unpack, it's another if you're moving around, and another still if you have to deal with multiple climates or extreme weather (like we had in China). I am definitely a sink laundry person, I don't mind doing smalls and some tops in the sink, but I will send out pants and skirts if I have to. (A box of panti-liners is your friend.) DH will always take advantage of the ship's laundry if available. In China it was important to be able to sink wash because it was so hot that nothing was re-wearable at the end of the day, but it still needed to be quick-dry because of the humidity. It could take up to three days for a t-shirt to dry! We were moving every few days so fully unpacking wasn't an option.


Pam, I am SO looking forward to hearing about your trip! I am excited for our Panama Canal trip in March, and I hope to have the opportunity to pick your brain when you get back. We have almost two days in Panama City so I am looking for fun things to do there.

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My thoughts were always that I wanted to come home having worn every.single.thing. that I packed. My thoughts now are that I need some versatility to allow for maximum possibility of comfort. My biggest problem on the TA was that I was overwhelmed by the air conditioning onboard the ship. That, and the crossing was much cooler than I thought it would be.



I've done this. Once for our Florida Christmas week,I took only what I thought I needed for seven days. The weather was different than I expected, and I ended up having to buy clothes. And then on our cruise in 2014 that was stuck in Texas, everyone was scrambling to buy sweatshirts from the gift shop because it was only in the low 60s there.


Now my rule is TWO sweaters. Every time. Better to have them sit unworn than to freeze! Maximum possibility of comfort, I like that. :)

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Yesterday and the running of errands synopsis.


For Laurie. Athleta. Shale.


Laurie, Anita will attest to this fact about Athleta and color choices. Sometimes, the exact same color name will look absolutely different on a different garment. I'm not talking about quality control where (say) a Hidden Agenda Tank will look different hanging on the rank in all its sizes, but a Hidden Agenda Tank might be a different "color" than (say) a Strappy Tank, but it will have the same color name. I hope I'm being clear in this communication.


So, take Shale. You are perfectly correct in what you're seeing. One "Shale" will be kind of, sort of gray? And another "Shale" will definitely be brown! The pants are leaning more towards brown, for sure. But, also be aware that the reviewers are very unhappy with the quality of fabric that is being used for the pants. It is not upholding well going through laundry (although your laundry talents might be better than some of the reviewers!). Anyway, I thought I'd share some "Shale" tidbits.


Also, the Athleta shopping experience made me so FRUSTRATED! Everything I saw that was a possibility was hanging on the racks in a size XXS, or XS, or XL, or XXL. What?!? Gives?!?


So I booked it over to Nordstrom. And found the most helpful person in lingerie! What a gift! I also discovered (and probably I'm a bit "behind" in this trending as well) that Wacoal (and others) have come out with a wonderful bra option where they've put a little hook onto the straps that allow you to convert the bra into a racerback. How flexible do you need to be to achieve this? Turns out... not that much! If you can handle putting on a necklace by yourself, it's actually easier to hook that little device than holding a clasp open and trying to find it. What a great meditation! You can visualize your end result and make it happen! OK, I know I'm being "funny," but (really) it was fairly easy for me to do. Disclaimer: I have shoulder flexibility and can clasp my hands behind my back so (Debbie) I don't know if that makes a difference as to whether you can achieve this hooking process without assistance. Anyway, just thought I'd share. I'm really happy that I have a bra where my straps definitely won't show. I graduated from that Old School where bra straps are never, ever supposed to show and I don't like that look on ME.


I told Anita that I was going bra shopping and might come back with nail polish. Does anyone else do this? Go shopping on a very specific errand and get quite frustrated and then "reward" yourself with something that makes you feel better? For me, that's nail polish. Wow. Go figure. So now I have my bras and I'm wondering if I need some new polish colors? Like... nail polish shopping errand? :D I really, really want My Pineapples Have Peelings, Too! by OPI. Would look wonderful with my bright yellow top! Ha!


Margaret, I hope that I can be helpful to you. I don't know if I will be though because we're traveling with a bunch of friends and I didn't do ANY planning! Are you astonished?!? I'm feeling a bit annoyed with myself, actually, that I didn't look at a darn thing before this trip. I just want to get out onto the water and relax and laugh. Those are my goals. The ship will help me with the first goal (no question) and I'm responsible for the last two. I think I'll make it happen.

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Cross listed this on the Earth. Just tried Benefit "they're Real" mascara. I love it! Comes in black, brown & deep blue. Goes on without clumps (so far) & doesn't appear to make raccoon eyes, removes with a makeup remover sheet easily. $24 at Ulta

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Pam, I just took a peak at your itinerary, and we don't have a single port in common! Our cruise ends in Colon, but we will just be heading straight to the airport from there.


We have never cruised with friends, but it sounds like fun. Maybe now that our friends' kids are older we'll have a chance to do that. We always meet wonderful people on our cruises, though, and that is part of the fun for us.


Melody, I am always on the hunt for a mascara that will hold up to the watersports we do. I've yet to find anything that compares to the old CoverGirl Marathon mascara in terms of staying power.

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Ewww. NO. I just researched the nail bloggers and saw the swatches for Pineapples have Peelings Too. Thank goodness for online research! However... that I Just Can't Copa-cabana. Now, there's a yellow I might make a special trip for.


What should I be doing? Oh yeah, kitchen cleanup. What would I rather be doing? Well... I'm talking to you ladies right now, aren't I? Not hard to figure that one out....

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I do love shopping. I am also trying to stay on budget right now because I'm

Replenishing my wardrobe. I do hope to lose more weight but I do need things that fit for work, home and play.


I have a few pairs of jeans that I was able to get decent deals on but I was hoping for one more pair. It seems really hard all of the sudden! I'm pretty much average height at 5' 4". I want straight, not skinnylonthe jeans. I decided to get boot cut when I couldn't find what I was looking for and they were way too long for some reason . I found a very pretty nail polish but I'm not sure it is earth. I thought it was in the store but now that my daughter has it on....it is Opi raisin the Bar.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Gatlinburg is in tennessee . It is near the blue ridge parkway which is gorgeous in the fall . It is also near Pigeon Forge which has tons of attractions for youngsters . We are meeting my daughter , sil & two grandsons there . It is a halfway point for both of us .


Also, Gatlinburg is on the TN side of the Smoky Mountains from where we stay on the NC side of the Smokies. Last year, I did a review of our vacation in the log cabins. The entire area has something for everyone. It's just a matter of deciding what suits your needs best. When our kids were younger, the attractions of Pigeon Forge were definitely on our list. Enjoy your time with the family, Sally.


Debbie...I saw the tank in the store...and another long sleeved shirt with a dark gray trim on it. The Eddie Bauer store is really, really easy for me to get to. It's on my beaten path so to speak, so if there is anything you want me to check out in specific, please let me know.


Thanks, Anita. On your recommendation, I think I do need the tank and will probably order it. That may be all that's necessary for now in this greige color. So far, I have a light-weight 3/4 sleeve cardigan, a warmer-weight long-sleeve cardigan, a stripe 3/4-sleeve T, a short-sleeve top, and a pair of ponte jeans from Chicos, a 3/4 sleeve burnout tee from Kohls, and a striped long-sleeve T from LandsEnd. The stripe LandsEnd top is one that I bought before my February Light Spring consult. I knew I liked the color and how I looked in it, but I haven't worn it much. Like all LandsEnd items, it is nicely made, has a nice thick cotton heft and I can only wear it during the cold months. If the tank works, that completes my light warm gray capsule. So far, the colors I've bought work amazingly well together and have been called: talpa taupe, texas taupe, mushroom, and shale. Go figure! When I saw Laurie post the exercise pants, I immediately looked at the link thinking the color would be more gray than brown. It's almost funny how my silly little brain works some days, but I'm learning to keep my eyes and ears wide open, and I'll add greige to my color list.

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Had my Bon Voyage phone call from Mom and Dad earlier today.


They flew out to SFO yesterday and boarded today. All is well and they are hoping that we have as easy a time on Monday as they have had.


Hearing Dad describe his view from the ship...seeing the Golden Gate...made me again wish that I had a visit back to CA planned. I'm especially jealous that they will be stopping in Monterey/Carmel. How I love that area! One of my fav places in the world...


All in all...they will be gone for 21 days! Should be a good pictodiary on her return!


Debbie, I would love to see your gray capsule wardrobe! Please share!

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Ok. Here's my greige (mushroom, taupe, alpaca & who knows what other names) capsule so far.




Talbots Ivory/taupe striped cotton hoodie with ivory/taupe/lt. gray/medium gray camo cotton LS T


Chicos Zenergy Ivory/taupe 3/4 sl Asymmetrical hem tunic


Chicos Talpas Taupe open-weave 3/4 sleeve

Drape cardigan


Chicos Texas Taupe Ponte Jeans




LandsEnd Ivory/mushroom LS Boat-neck Cotton T


LandsEnd Ivory/??(I think it was Alpaca) LS Cotton T


Chicos Texas Taupe cotton&swoop Drape cardigan w-pockets


Chicos Texas Taupe Ponte Jeans


The pants are the same. I thought it would make a control for both pictures. The camo shirt has both cool and warm grays.

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Thanks, Anita. With several off-white/ivory sleeveless and short-sleeve options that I already own, I can let accessories and a few colorful tops tell my story. I think it will be a better story than the one I was trying to tell with chocolate brown.


Have a great trip.

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