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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Hi, Ladies.


I'm so surprised at myself that it's been almost 6 months since I've spoken here. I have done a bit of quick, skim reading but I really have felt like I had nothing much to say that was either appropriate to the thread of discussion everyone was having or... dealing with fashion.


I've been quite up and down. I've been having a very introspective time. I've let some things just.... go... and have been living in my yoga pants and gardening clothes. Didn't even care on the quick trips to a grocery store if I looked (well) presentable. I'm serious... didn't care.


I had an amazing trip to Italy. But in some ways the trip was... I'm going to admit... a bit depressing. Fantastic food. Incredible views. Exhausting. I actually made the hotel management so concerned for me at Hotel Eden Roc in Positano because one day I literally couldn't get out of bed. As I said, exhausted. I had a rough night because I ate something that didn't agree with me; it wasn't any form of problem with the food as relating to hygiene, etc... it just didn't agree with ME. Had very little sleep so I just wanted to sleep, just let me sleep. I slept the entire day and the entire night. Felt pretty perky after that! At breakfast, the concierge, hotel manager, receptionist.... all stopped by and asked me if everything was OK? Did I need anything? I didn't take the Do Not Disturb off the door so my room wasn't cleaned? Oh no! Incredibly kind individuals.


The trip was, as I said, amazing. My pictures? Oh, please. Sorry, but there's no way that any of those pictures are worthy of sharing.


OK. So, why?


Well, the colors may be right for me. But, there's just something missing in my wardrobe that makes me feel good in my clothes.


I came back and told Miss Anita that I was done with the effort of dressing FIRE. Just done. What was the point of all this searching for the perfect color when it didn't make a smack bit of difference to how I actually looked in pictures? I might as well just give in and go for function over everything else.


And so I entered this world of just working on other things. Like one of the things that I really needed to pay attention to was the state of my yard. So out I went to put major amounts of time into the landscaping and outside of our property. I had a list that contained 31 items! Some of those items were major and had multiple steps associated with them; some, admittedly, minor. But all were time consuming.


Then.... I got an interesting email. And it perked me up! Anita mentioned it in her recent post. And I just have to share that it's reignited my enthusiasm and generated some delight in my wardrobe! I'm not advocating that anyone else look into this "energy profiling" conversation, but (for me) it was just the missing link to what I needed to help with my fashion attitude.


And, here's the extremely, extremely COOL thing! I have individual pieces that I have gathered over the years... that I've also questioned their space in my closet. Now, that I understand what I need to put together an outfit to make it feel "right" for me, I totally "get" why I bought it! AND, I can figure out how to blend in pieces of my wardrobe to make a pretty rocking outfit.


What I've figured out is that for ME, I need texture and movement and grounding. I need to have some strong, bold statements in my wardrobe and that's not just stopping at the idea of Bright, Warm Color. What I've been missing to make me enthusiastic about my clothing choices is that synergy of both color and texture.


If I take any good pictures on an upcoming trip to San Diego (just a really quick weekend get-a-way), I'll share so that you can see what I'm talking about. Wow. I finally feel like I'm enthusiastic about my wardrobe choices, again. Whew. It's seemed like quite a while since I've even cared.


OH! Getting my hair done tomorrow. That's also been way, way, way too long in between appointments and another sharing for another day. As in... I found out I have curly hair! Which is one of the reasons for the constant, eternal battle I've been having with my hair! OK, I shared a little bit.


Anyway, ladies. Next cruise is in November on Oasis of the Seas. We're cruising with good friends to celebrate her 70th birthday! Good for us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, it's Bon Voyage for me. Off tomorrow to fly to Orlando and spend a few days with good friends. Then boarding Oasis of the Seas on Saturday, for a quick trip through Caribbean ports: Labadee, Falmouth, Costa Maya, Cozumel. The fun tidbit about this trip is reconnecting with people we cruised with 10 years ago! In fact, we met them on a cruise in 2006, a TransAtlantic. There's something about a TransAtlantic. I think all those Sea Days together makes for some lasting friendships. I know this trip will be loads of fun.


I neglected to tell DH that I wanted pictures in San Diego! I've been spending the last few years running away from the camera so he didn't "think" to ask me if I wanted any pictures. It was a really quick, quick trip but so much fun. We toured the USS Midway, fascinating. I highly recommend San Diego this time of year; the weather was perfect, beautiful.


If you ladies need a dark, warm color I highly recommend Michael Kors "Moss" color. I bought a new top with a bright gold jeweled neckline. Gorgeous. Nordstrom.


So! I hope I didn't come across as a melancholy person in my last post. I'm far from that. I've just continued to struggle with my own sense of fashion, or lack thereof. I've never gotten a true handle on that Style Statement exercise. I did want to revisit the information in that post because I want to make it clear that I don't recommend the "energy profiling" system as an appropriate way to dress, for us. I stand behind CJW... all the WAY!... and wouldn't flip away from his understanding of color theory dressing. That energy profiling system person makes it really clear that she doesn't come from the arena of fashion or beauty in a traditional sense; she's a New Age philosophy person. I just really liked her opinion that all women are beautiful, in their own right, and just could use a bit of a nudge in how they dress to make themselves feel at their best. Hope I didn't offend anyone with this/that conversation. No responses made me feel like I did an "oopsy." :o


Anyway. Off to the blue and turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Some margaritas. I found a chocolate shop in Cozumel that I intend to visit. My friend says she doesn't care about the ports and this is more about the ship than the destinations. We plan to do a bit of walking around. Will tune in again when we return.


Hope everyone had a Fun Halloween. Debbie, did you dress your DGD as a peacock? Just wondering...

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Pam, have a great trip! No visit to Nachi Cocum this time?!?


San Diego is a port stop on our cruise for next year, so when you get back I'd love some advice on what to see and do. Right now we are considering either the Palomar Observatory or Coronado. Two very different days, right?


I actually got some validation from visiting the site you talked about. I've commented recently on the EARTH thread about feeling like I've developed a uniform. I agree with you that her fashion and color sense has very little to do with our discussions here. But the upshot for me was that the way I dress now (separate from the color theory part) has a lot to do with my energy type. For what that's worth. :)


Like the Style Statement book, I think her approach requires being able to abstract a bit more than some people like to. I remember our shimmy conversation and perhaps a more concrete 1-2-3 approach is more in your wheelhouse. As a teacher I talk often with my peers about learning styles and to make sure we honor and plan for each one. I'd like to hear what you learned about your energy style. I recognized myself and my husband right away!


So, thank you for sharing.

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Margaret, no Nachi! Our friends were serious about not getting off the ship and it just didn't feel right for this trip. (whispering) Thankfully, we're returning to the Caribbean next April with ANOTHER set of more active friends and Nachi is on the radar for that!


I can tell you all about Coronado... how to get there, etc.... fun places to eat. We've been to San Diego a few times, so I'm thrilled to be able to share some things with you.


All packed. We are going to stay with friends for 2 days (3 nights), cruise for 8 days, disembark and make our friends host us for one more night, return home the next day.


We are checking ONE bag that weighs 38.6 lbs, shared between us. We are carrying on a 21" roller that we are also sharing, 18.6 lbs. I am carrying one of the heaviest purses known to WomanKind, at over 12 lbs (a PacSafe tote). And DH is carrying a duffel, about 15 lbs. Good grief. I have vitamin supplements and nibbles in my PacSafe, almonds, peanuts, LaraBars. Those should be gone for the return trip I would think! Oh, also K-cups of coffee, cocoa, and tea.... funny, right? But, since our friends have a Keurig, I thought it would be proper to bring along some of the speciality cups that we enjoy. Maybe I can replace all that weight with the equivalent in Mexican chocolates!


Everyone stay safe at home. Enjoy life. Prepare for Thanksgiving. And, I'll be back with you mid-November.

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We're going to Nachi twice on our b2b! We discussed with our friends & we all decided that we couldn't get a better day! Yay, grilled grouper, but I have to wait till April



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Wow, Ladies! It's been months and months since I've checked in here.


Pam, I'm sorry that you felt all alone after posting. If I'd been checking in regularly, I'd have said something. I've felt that all-alone feeling after posting. It can weird you out. I'm sorry that you had a fashion slump, but I've felt that too and am glad to say that I think I'm working my way back out of that valley.


I took a quick look at the EARTH thread to see what you meant by Anita's post. Dressing Your Truth is an interesting concept and I partial agree, but, like you, I don't agree 100%. I think color and image archetype work best for me. I heard an interesting concept recently that takes it one more step further for me. I'll try to explain it here.


For me, I know that I'm a Light Spring colored person dressing Yang Classic style.


Color catagories: True Winter, Bright Winter, Bright Spring, True Spring, Light Spring, Light Summer, True Summer, Soft Summer, Soft Autumn, True Autumn, Dark Autumn, Dark Winter.


Style categories according to height: Gamine, Soft Gamine, Flamboyant Gamine, Romantic, Soft Classic, Theatrical Romantic, Soft Natural, Dramatic Classic, Dramatic, Flamboyant Natural


Same style categories by different names: Yin Gamine, Yang Gamine, Yin Romantic, Yang Romantic, Yin Classic, Yang Classic, Yin Natural, Yang Natural, Yin Dramatic and Yang Dramatic.


The third classification breakdown that I heard recently must have a name, but I didn't hear it if it was stated, but it goes something like this:


1)Self-preservation--Dresses for self or comfort. Loose T shirt, denim jeans and white trainers are most usually a self-preservation type dresser. Not everyone in this category dresses in that uniform, but items equally as comfortable to them. I WAS this before trying to up my game and joining CJW's FIRE train.


2)Conformist--Dresses to fit in and conform to idea of whatever "everyone else" is wearing. Trendy dresser who wants to wear latest styles. Changes often.


3)Sexual or 1:1--Dresses to attract, whether to stand out and be noticed, or to attract that certain someone 1:1.


I'm not sure that I explained that very well, but when I watched the FaceBook Live event, it added another dimension to my understanding, much like Pam's Dressing Your Truth did for her.


It's been an ongoing adventure for me. My daughter knows this stuff instinctively. She gets that from her father. I'm trying. I'll continue to try.

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I think the analysis of fashion and style related things is rather fascinating. It's very enlightening to see what colors or style look good, based on our color tone, shape, etc. And then when you add personal style to it, it becomes even more personal an unique.


I definitely feel like I've grown a lot, but still have so much more to explore.


I think Margaret's comment about uniforms is very appropriate and something that most of us can relate to. Since I work in banking, I would say that what I choose to wear is dictated by the stodgy, conservative norm for the industry. It isn't me...but I agree that it needs to be that way, for the most half. My mom always told me when I was younger that when you go to work, you work for that company, not the other way around. They have a right to have certain expectations in your performance and how you represent them. I do agree with that.


So then there is the issue of wearing something you don't like, but adding your own personal touch to make it work for you. I love jewelry, and I wear scarves a lot too at this time of the year. I figure that if I don't like suits or super conservative work outfits, I should add something that I do like to the mix.


When I think about what I wear when I have a choice, I find it complicated to describe.


Anyway, I'm rambling, aren't I?


Pam, have a great trip.


Keep talking here, ladies. I miss you all!

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Laurie, I had the same issue working with the military. The only place more conservative than a bank is the military. Not my style but I conformed for 30 years! Now I'm much more loose (& comfortable) in my style. Melody



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Like the Style Statement book, I think her approach requires being able to abstract a bit more than some people like to. I remember our shimmy conversation and perhaps a more concrete 1-2-3 approach is more in your wheelhouse. As a teacher I talk often with my peers about learning styles and to make sure we honor and plan for each one. I'd like to hear what you learned about your energy style. I recognized myself and my husband right away!


Hey Margaret...Mom didn't address this before she left, but I will!


Like Mom, I had mixed feelings...on one hand, I really connected with what I could find (I found a free eBook that helped with more written descriptions) in a general sense...but whenever Tuttle applied her understanding of the "energy profile" and translate that into actual outfits...well...then she totally lost me, because I don't really like much of anything at all in her shops, etc.


So, to put it out there...I'm a Type 1. I really hope that I am not quite as annoying as I found so many of the Type 1s on the website? OMG. The whole laugh while you are talking? Check. Big ideas, big plans? Check. Start lots of projects, have a hard time finishing them? Check. Key word cute? Check.


It was something of a relief to read some of the profiling. You know, it can be rather difficult to figure out how to dress appropriately when you love cute. When you always ask, do I look cute? How cute is this? OMG. And then to be thrown into the Earthy colors, which are lovely...and I recognize that I do look best in muted, warm colors...but so few clothes with such colors are "fun".


So. For example, my Type 1 LOVED the whole newness of the Marie Kondo, KonMari exercise of going through all the clothes and getting sorted and getting organized (Type 4 loved that too!)...and as much as my Type 4 relished the idea of the whole house being that way...my Type 1 was done after doing the clothes and the bathroom.


I managed to squeak out the kitchen in one of my Type 4 fits...but now I just can't seem to muster up the motivation to do the whole house, like I had envisioned when embarking on the KonMari journey...what? 18 months ago?


Mom and I had a whole discussion about the various times that I've fallen in love with polka dots and all the favorite dresses and outfits that I have had that were polka dots. I never had the black issue...because so few of the things I wore were ever black, just wasn't my thing.


Physically, the description of Type 1 is very me. Apple cheeks. Pink cheeks...the whole coloring thing...as in, low contrast coloring. Rounded. I have round under eye bags :eek:. Rounded brows. Rounded end on my nose. The pointed chin toward a heart shaped face (which was much more evident when I was younger and more fit). The sparkle in the eye. For much of my life...people generally think I am younger than I am.


Some things that the energy profiling helped me to just accept about myself...


I can be 44 and love cute. I can figure out my own cute appropriate cute...I don't have to try to develop myself out of cute and into something more age appropriate, not that I ever felt anything but self motivated for that, thinking "I should" for who knows why reasons. I appreciate looks that are more sophisticated...I think I would use the word urban...street...the opposite of cute...but most times, when I try to dress that way, I feel very awkward...like I'm playing dress up. Or trying to hard. I realize how much of a costume it is for me to try to dress outside of the general descriptors of what I would label "fun" or "cute"...which is not necessarily what anyone else would call fun or cute.


I can now understand some of my struggle with the Style Statement book. Air is the element associated with Type 1...being very flexible and malleable. What I took to be a love of learning, is a love of learning, but might be more accurately termed a love of new. I ended up with Sophisticated in my Style Statement because I have SUCH a love of learning...and the word "sophisticated", by its definition, totally fit, but I was never comfortable with it. Like I said before, I would revisit my Style Statement to adjust that word...


I understand why I loved Zumba clothes so much...


Why I would have so many patterns and so few solids...so much so that I had to train myself to look for boring clothes so that I could create outfits (true story and something I did prior to reading all this)


I don't need to write a complete dissertation here...but just to continue the conversation.


DH is a total Type 3. And now...for anyone that ever read the Zumba thread...we can all understand why DH gave me the motto to just "Get it done", Mr Results Oriented that he is.


I agree with what you said Laurie about growing so much but still having so much more to explore.


For myself...I understand that I can be fairly easily influenced away from what my natural leanings and attractions are...and not by people necessarily...money is a big one. What is appropriate to spend? The situation...what should I wear to (fill in the blank)? I do have a desire to please and so I will imagine what I think would be pleasing and then try to satisfy that...and end up a bit lost as to what I would really like...because the answer is always, "it depends"...




I curious as to what you identified with Margaret...

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Anita, what's the name of the ebook? Melody



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Discover your type of beauty by Carol Tuttle


I read it . I also took the free course and I have to say I am a non believer . The only thing about that that I do believe is I wish I had thought of it first . She is making tons of money with her courses and her clothes shop .I believe people basically have their own style and sometimes it needs tweaking but to adapt to a whole different style based on your energy is just strange .

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Discover your type of beauty by Carol Tuttle


I read it . I also took the free course and I have to say I am a non believer . The only thing about that that I do believe is I wish I had thought of it first . She is making tons of money with her courses and her clothes shop .I believe people basically have their own style and sometimes it needs tweaking but to adapt to a whole different style based on your energy is just strange .


The book can be really, really annoying. Warning. I pretty much skipped to the part that describes the four different types and didn't bother too much with anything else. The majority of the book is a big infomercial for Tuttle.


I would be surprised if anyone completely adopted a whole different style because of this information, but then people will do whatever they will do. I think the value in the material is that it helped me to understand a bit more why I like the things that I like. There are women in the world that have a strong sense of style and what they like...I'm not one of them.


I find myself self editing this post so much because we are on opposite ends of the spectrum here, and I don't want to come off antagonistic. You have demonstrated a clear sense of your own style and what works for you...and it's lovely. My "style" is all over the place. Circumstances haven't helped the situation, weight changes and moving have necessitated making some purchases, even if I didn't want to. I still make horrible purchases about 80% of the time. And by horrible, I mean that I buy stuff and wear it a couple of times and then it collects dust. I would LOVE to be wearing clothes that accurately reflect me. Despite all my efforts, I still can't seem to make what the world sees represent the way I feel inside. And it's very frustrating to feel like I waste money.


Tuttle didn't think of it first, either. She gathered the information out there, some of which first came to light in the 1930s, if I recall my conversation with Mom, who did more research than I did into the behind the scenes of Tuttle.

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My "style" is all over the place. Circumstances haven't helped the situation, weight changes and moving have necessitated making some purchases, even if I didn't want to. I still make horrible purchases about 80% of the time. And by horrible, I mean that I buy stuff and wear it a couple of times and then it collects dust. I would LOVE to be wearing clothes that accurately reflect me. Despite all my efforts, I still can't seem to make what the world sees represent the way I feel inside. And it's very frustrating to feel like I waste money.


Anita, I cropped out part of your comment and left the part that REALLY resonates with me. This is exactly how I feel much of the time. My weight changes are mostly up, so I'm hanging on to dresses that I loved when I bought them and wore a few times, but they sadly can't be worn now. I'm not a shopaholic (I don't think) but I have enormous amounts of storage space since the kids have all left home and we have resided in our home exactly 30 years this month. That's lots of time to fill closets and not feel the pressure to cull or cultivate a more streamlined wardrobe. I really like most of what I have, but there are items that need an alteration or two. I buy clearance or cheap much of the time and really like it when I first buy whatever it is, but after a few wears, I realize it wasn't the best choice for one reason or the other.


I'm trying really hard these days to not beat myself up when that $15-20 top isn't the workhorse I expected it to be, because sometimes, I CAN find a flattering-for-me top in the right color that accurately reflects me. I hate to waste money and feel like I made a poor choice regardless if it is $20 Walmart top or a $120 Boden cashmere T. It really irritates me to know I have a pile of clothes that need alterations sitting on my sewing machine. I'm capable, but choose to watch a Hallmark movie with DH instead of my to-do list in the evenings. I keep telling myself that when I retire, I'll catch up my to-do list, purge my closets, begin exercising, eat healthier, (insert good project of choice).


I didn't intend to jump back on the FIRE thread and be Debbie Downer, but these things have been on my mind recently and I agree whole-heartedly with much of what you say, Anita. I'm not sure if it is the Type 1 personality, but...maybe?

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I was going to post earlier today, but then ran out of time before work. Now I'm glad I didn't because the conversation earlier has helped me to clarify what I'm thinking about this process, at least for myself.


First, I have to agree with what Laurie said about learning a lot but still feeling the need or desire to explore. I was at a teaching conference last weekend, and I mentioned to another presenter (on inter-generational teaching, really neat lady) that it was always beneficial to turn the prism and see teaching from a new perspective. I feel like that is where a lot of us are with our relationship to clothes. :) So here we have another view through the prism to ponder together!


Second, I really thought about what Sally said. There is some truth in there about how fashion can prey on women's insecurities. I would have to put myself in the middle and say that I found something useful in the videos because I could spot my type very easily, and it was pretty descriptive of me, and for that I found some value. However, much of the information is either confusing or intentionally obscure, I can't decide which. I find that a lot of the outcomes are so similar that for me they don't really speak to a type, and the clothing choices in the four stores are mystifying to me. That is where I think the need to spend more on lessons and typing seems a bit manipulative. I think if she had stopped at the four types videos, and the face typing, that would have been enough, but maybe that's because I don't particularly like her fashion or color sense. Does EVERYBODY have to wear a top, plus another top, plus a big necklace??? If I compare this to Curt's website, it seems his is much more straightforward with clear examples designed to help viewers. He's limiting is own focus in a way that communicates clearly to others. Finally, I think ignoring how color makes us look and feel is a big shortcoming.


To me the most interesting part of the four types videos was watching the body language of the people in them. I think that speaks more about type than the actual clothing she picked for them.


I would be surprised if anyone completely adopted a whole different style because of this information, but then people will do whatever they will do. I think the value in the material is that it helped me to understand a bit more why I like the things that I like.


Anita, what you say here is directly relevant to my earlier comments about whether my "uniform" was an evolution or just boring (apparently "devolve" is not the opposite of "evolve," though it seems like it should be). Understanding my energy type explains a lot about why I consistently choose certain things from my closet, both for work and play. So, now I consider it evolution and not laziness!


That's lots of time to fill closets and not feel the pressure to cull or cultivate a more streamlined wardrobe.


I didn't intend to jump back on the FIRE thread and be Debbie Downer, but these things have been on my mind recently and I agree whole-heartedly with much of what you say, Anita. I'm not sure if it is the Type 1 personality, but...maybe?


Debbie, I don't think you're a downer at all. I think we all have those moments when we look at the closet and say "what am I doing?" I have been trying to streamline my wardrobe for several years now. It seems like it will never happen. But, every little bit of clarity I get lets me at least get rid of more that isn't working. Perhaps one day I will whittle it down to 7 of one shirt and 7 of one pant and two pairs of shoes. Ha ha. My magpie self would never get to that point!


So... here is the big reveal... I am a Type 1, with a secondary Type 3. I was a little thrown when Anita used the word "cute," because I would never use that word about myself -- although I do have a lot of adorable pet videos on my FB page. :) Anyway, my energy is all up and out, focus upward on my face so we can communicate, embrace the world, motivate and inspire, spill out ideas ideas ideas, let's do something! I am glad I have some type 3 to balance all that, keep me organized so I can actually accomplish something. I have an oval face, the shape of my eyes and eyebrows makes a perfect circle, I have a circle at the end of my nose, a circle on my chin. I move a lot when I talk, when I sit. I see movement in things, in fabrics, in people, in environments. I want my clothes to move with me and not hem me in - no buttoned jackets, tight waistbands, high necks, or hairsprayed hair. The first things I take off when I get home are my shoes and my necklaces, the things I feel are restricting.


Do I have a lot of projects going on... YES.


Is my DH a type 3... YES.


Anita and Debbie and I have a lot to discuss!!


I want to include this video because I found it a helpful distillation. Do I like her outfit? Not really. But, I relate to what she says about how the clothes make her feel. And Anita will like the polka dots. :)


Edited by MJC
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I still make horrible purchases about 80% of the time. And by horrible, I mean that I buy stuff and wear it a couple of times and then it collects dust. I would LOVE to be wearing clothes that accurately reflect me. Despite all my efforts, I still can't seem to make what the world sees represent the way I feel inside. And it's very frustrating to feel like I waste money.




I had this same problem and then I discovered how to solve it most of the time . Find a clothing line you like that represents you and stick with it . In my 40 & 50's it was Liz Claiborne before she sold out and cheapened her line . I would buy all her separates and even her dresses . Everything mixed and matched and I always looked put together .To me it was a revolution to find how easy I could put together outfits . Sure you spend more per item but they last and stay looking good .I still make mistakes but if I stick with one or two lines I find my mistakes are less and I am happier .

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Find a clothing line you like that represents you and stick with it .


The key... This would be a good solution, but I haven't found one yet.


I know that I would have to find more than one...I know I love the Desigual store that we found in Barcelona. Such fun clothes. That would be my go to line for fun casual clothes. Sadly, I've regained so much weight, I don't fit into their sizing scheme right now. I love Anthropologie too, but the funny thing there is that the store is full of all different designers...so that's a mixed bag. Again, though, fun casual. But that would be the majority of what I would wear... And sadly again, the sizing there is a bit rough...the styles I like the best aren't the most flattering right now...


I did finally wear a wonderful blazer that I got from Anthropologie on clearance last season. It's a double breasted blazer made from novelty sweater knit...and it has texture blocking (it doesn't really have different colors) so it's very fun. I wore it on the field trip to Georgia Southern last week...It was the perfect upgrade to might go to hoodie...just as comfortable but definitely more stylish.


Debbie...you are NOT a downer. Are you saying you are Type 1? I do the same thing with DH. There are things that weigh on me around the house...things that I know I should be doing...could be cleaning up the kitchen...could be projects that I've been wanting to do for a long time...but instead, I chose to be with DH, because in the end, that is more important to me...and more satisfying in the moment. And I think to myself...someday...


I enjoyed that video Margaret. I am careful with what I look at. My degree is Marketing and one lesson that I learned that really, really, REALLY stuck with me is the one about information. When we first come across information...we can look at the source of information and can make a determination as to whether or not we give credence to the information...qualifying it's validity based on the source...but as time marches on...we lose the connection to the source of information and are left with just the information...and lose our ability to determine if it's valid info based on the source...so other things factor in, and often, since we have the information...we can believe that the information is valid and true.


It's the main reason why I will often try to reframe info into what matters to me...reframe the info into an application for myself that makes sense to me, that I believe, so as I retrieve that info, I feel more confidence in the truth. But often, that means that I can't explain it as well to others that don't have the same truth.


So, "cute" was the key word in the eBook for Type 1. Cute works for me because of my personal definition of cute...and the way DH and I use that word. My definition of cute would include the concept of attractive playfulness, fun, and positive energy. A sort of animation that wasn't pushy. Colorful. Light-hearted. Sunshine. It isn't "adorable" or "sweet"...it's more accessible than beautiful...more real than pretty...it's an earthy, granola, fun-loving kind of attractiveness...


Cute...as portrayed by some of the Type 1s...especially Tuttle's daughter-in-law...is kind of annoying. A little too childlike for me. I think I have a strong secondary Type 4...and definitely there are aspects of the Type 1 stereotype that I find very off-putting.


And yes, it's the application of the typing that is the most annoying thing of it all. There are endless applications. I'll let Mom share her story, but we have talked about how what she does is in line with her type, even if it isn't necessarily in line with the way Tuttle imagines it to be for an example.


I found the video to be enlightening and reminding me of other ways that I fall into the Type 1. Like you Margaret...I lose the shoes and jewelry, FIRST THING. I think that it is rather well known how I have issues with jewelry. And now I understand that more...it needs to be LIGHT...as in, literally, lightweight...the feeling of not being there.


I am the same way with restrictive clothing...so I LOVE the way a scarf looks...I think it really pulls together an outfit...but there are FEW that I can wear...and the weather plays a huge roll in it. I can deal more in the cooler weather, but even then...as soon as I am more comfortable...I want to get it away from all bunched up around my neck...it seemed such a fickle thing...and I couldn't understand what my deal was with the scarves, which technically, I really loved the look of...but now...I get it.


If you take some of this info...I can see how a Curt-like response might be. Ever Type can wear every type of clothing...the key is to pick the right one for you (like everyone can wear every color...pick the right shade). The right one is one that you don't necessarily feel like you have to tear off at the end of the day...you may WANT to change out of your work clothes...but you aren't desperate to, if that makes sense. I have clothes that I can get desperate to get out of...and that's what I call a failure. I may continue to wear them for the needs for which they are purchased...but ultimately, I avoid wearing them if at all possible.


If the three of us are all Type 1s...I do find it interesting that we have all experienced the weight gain again. I have some theories on that...but I don't know if ya'll really want to talk about that.


My weight issues have called for more purchases...it means that my dresser needs attention to be reorganized...I'm going to be working on my wardrobe again...this time, with an eye to what I have learned about the energy profiling and how that has translated into what I really wear from what I own. I'm hoping to clear out (at least temporarily) what doesn't fit and what I don't wear (especially if I can understand WHY I don't wear it...if it fits), and get myself organized again.


The holidays are coming and there will be many opportunities to not wear active wear. I need to know that I am prepared and happy with my clothes choices for those occasions.

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The key... This would be a good solution, but I haven't found one yet.


I like Talbots, LandsEnd, strategic pieces from Chicos, and some Boden, probably in that order, but I can't commit to just one store. I have a friend that walks into Chicos and buys the outfit from the mannequin, every single piece! She says she knows it is a complete outfit and she doesn't need to think about it. THAT would drive me NUTS!


I know that I would have to find more than one...I know I love the Desigual store that we found in Barcelona. Such fun clothes. That would be my go to line for fun casual clothes. Sadly, I've regained so much weight, I don't fit into their sizing scheme right now. I love Anthropologie too, but the funny thing there is that the store is full of all different designers...so that's a mixed bag. Again, though, fun casual. But that would be the majority of what I would wear... And sadly again, the sizing there is a bit rough...the styles I like the best aren't the most flattering right now...


Could you sew something up that fits this fun casual look? I'm "on the cusp" as some like to say. I'd love to be a smaller size, but realistically, I'm just not ready to do the work that would involve right now. On the brighter side, I CAN look really nice in a 1X-16W size, and just like the Misses sizing, when things go on deep discount, that's when the smallest items are usually still available.


I did finally wear a wonderful blazer that I got from Anthropologie on clearance last season. It's a double breasted blazer made from novelty sweater knit...and it has texture blocking (it doesn't really have different colors) so it's very fun. I wore it on the field trip to Georgia Southern last week...It was the perfect upgrade to might go to hoodie...just as comfortable but definitely more stylish.


Sooo, stylish cute casual? I like the sound of that. My BFF told me recently that I dress very casually. She didn't mean it as a put-down, but it did make me stop and think. I'd rather be known as dressing stylishly casual--maybe even casually stylish--but I'm afraid she's right. I am very much a casual dresser, but have been trying to up my game and dress more stylishly. It has been a long journey and the road has been bumpy along the way.


Debbie...you are NOT a downer. Are you saying you are Type 1? I do the same thing with DH. There are things that weigh on me around the house...things that I know I should be doing...could be cleaning up the kitchen...could be projects that I've been wanting to do for a long time...but instead, I chose to be with DH, because in the end, that is more important to me...and more satisfying in the moment. And I think to myself...someday...


Thanks Margaret and Anita for the vote of confidence. I'm usually just thinking out loud with everyone here, but realize sometimes I might not come across on paper the way my voice would want to be heard.


I had to go back yesterday and refresh myself on the Dressing Your Truth videos. I'm not sure that I ever took the online course if it involved answering questions. I guess I just watched several of the videos and grabbed on to the light, bright clothes of Type 1 since I knew those were the right colors. I still haven't answered any questions, I was never able to find any (if there ARE any), but in true Debbie fashion, I can't decide on my own which type I am. Sound familiar? LOL I'd say that I'm a Type 1 with a VERY strong Type 3 or maybe a Type 3 very strong Type 1 secondary. I've slowed down with age, aches and pains, but back in the day I could get mountains of things done, motivate others to join in my endeavors and was never happier than when I was bringing new ideas and plans to fruition. Of course I believe I can get this great idea to work. I'm going to MAKE it work and everyone is going to help me. Yes, very strong Type 1 and very strong Type 3 here. I think it's part of the reason I was so disappointed that we didn't make the FIRE/EARTH cruise thing work. I usually CAN have and idea and make things work and don't mind doing the work. It's fun!


[AUOTE]I enjoyed that video Margaret. I am careful with what I look at. My degree is Marketing and one lesson that I learned that really, really, REALLY stuck with me is the one about information. When we first come across information...we can look at the source of information and can make a determination as to whether or not we give credence to the information...qualifying it's validity based on the source...but as time marches on...we lose the connection to the source of information and are left with just the information...and lose our ability to determine if it's valid info based on the source...so other things factor in, and often, since we have the information...we can believe that the information is valid and true.


It's the main reason why I will often try to reframe info into what matters to me...reframe the info into an application for myself that makes sense to me, that I believe, so as I retrieve that info, I feel more confidence in the truth. But often, that means that I can't explain it as well to others that don't have the same truth.


I've never thought about the information I take in quite that way, Anita, but I think it is a wise way of processing information.


So, "cute" was the key word in the eBook for Type 1. Cute works for me because of my personal definition of cute...and the way DH and I use that word. My definition of cute would include the concept of attractive playfulness, fun, and positive energy. A sort of animation that wasn't pushy. Colorful. Light-hearted. Sunshine. It isn't "adorable" or "sweet"...it's more accessible than beautiful...more real than pretty...it's an earthy, granola, fun-loving kind of attractiveness...


Cute...as portrayed by some of the Type 1s...especially Tuttle's daughter-in-law...is kind of annoying. A little too childlike for me. I think I have a strong secondary Type 4...and definitely there are aspects of the Type 1 stereotype that I find very off-putting.


I agree that the word cute means many different things to many people. I guess, I agree with Anita that I look at cute as fresh, bright, and light. The cute as portrayed by the videos seems more cutesy and that's a whole 'nother ball game to me. One that I don't care to participate in at all!


And yes, it's the application of the typing that is the most annoying thing of it all. There are endless applications. I'll let Mom share her story, but we have talked about how what she does is in line with her type, even if it isn't necessarily in line with the way Tuttle imagines it to be for an example.


I can't wait to hear Pam's revelations. She brings such a different perspective to the table from me that I've never thought to even think about. Very insightful always and I appreciate her thoughts. It helps. Trememdously!


I found the video to be enlightening and reminding me of other ways that I fall into the Type 1. Like you Margaret...I lose the shoes and jewelry, FIRST THING. I think that it is rather well known how I have issues with jewelry. And now I understand that more...it needs to be LIGHT...as in, literally, lightweight...the feeling of not being there.


I am the same way with restrictive clothing...so I LOVE the way a scarf looks...I think it really pulls together an outfit...but there are FEW that I can wear...and the weather plays a huge roll in it. I can deal more in the cooler weather, but even then...as soon as I am more comfortable...I want to get it away from all bunched up around my neck...it seemed such a fickle thing...and I couldn't understand what my deal was with the scarves, which technically, I really loved the look of...but now...I get it.


Shoes, glasses, and jewelry off and change clothes (bra OFF). I want to be out of whatever I've had on for the day and into comfy pjs before I even think about making supper.


If you take some of this info...I can see how a Curt-like response might be. Ever Type can wear every type of clothing...the key is to pick the right one for you (like everyone can wear every color...pick the right shade). The right one is one that you don't necessarily feel like you have to tear off at the end of the day...you may WANT to change out of your work clothes...but you aren't desperate to, if that makes sense. I have clothes that I can get desperate to get out of...and that's what I call a failure. I may continue to wear them for the needs for which they are purchased...but ultimately, I avoid wearing them if at all possible.


I have desperate-to-get-out-of clothes, and they are big time fails. I also continue to wear them. Shoes are my worst fails.


If the three of us are all Type 1s...I do find it interesting that we have all experienced the weight gain again. I have some theories on that...but I don't know if ya'll really want to talk about that.


I want to hear these theories if you don't mind sharing, Anita.


My weight issues have called for more purchases...it means that my dresser needs attention to be reorganized...I'm going to be working on my wardrobe again...this time, with an eye to what I have learned about the energy profiling and how that has translated into what I really wear from what I own. I'm hoping to clear out (at least temporarily) what doesn't fit and what I don't wear (especially if I can understand WHY I don't wear it...if it fits), and get myself organized again.


The holidays are coming and there will be many opportunities to not wear active wear. I need to know that I am prepared and happy with my clothes choices for those occasions.


Let's talk more about this, ok!?! (As IF I didn't write a book here?!?)

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I want to hear these theories if you don't mind sharing, Anita.


Ok. My ideas are such that they are swirling around in my head in general concepts and I'm not sure that I will be able to properly put them into words...but I would like to share and see what you think. A kind of brain storming session...


I'd also like to say that I'm not looking for excuses for having weight problems. I'm saying that I have had success with weight loss, and despite the fact that my habits don't warrant the regaining of weight to the extent that I do...I regain weight. We all believe in the effect of things outside calories in - calories out...and I'm hoping to understand what the real root of the problem is that expresses itself in weight issues. SO.


The basis for my idea stems from the assertion that Tuttle makes that Type 1 energy has a very easy time connecting and disconnecting. An example of easy connection would be the general ability to start conversation with just about any body and find a way to actually have that conversation. So...talking to people in elevators, in line, to checkers, to other shoppers, to other spectators, the person next to you on the plane, the bus, whatever...you can strike up a conversation and make a connection. And then, just as easily...disconnect.


The disconnect is evident in the idea of starting a lot of projects and maybe having a hard time finishing them. Sadly, that's me. My whole life. Lots of sewing projects. Cross stitch. Scrapbooks. Whatever. I've learned that I need to do SMALL projects...well defined projects. Projects that can be completed in a short time.


Ok. In terms of weight. My weight gain is very much the stress weight gain. That middle of the body weight. The weight associated with too high cortisol levels, etc...yes...there is a bit of the overall weight too...but seriously folks...the belly is seriously disproportionate to the body. It's very sad when you realize that the best fitting clothes are probably in the maternity department?


What I can recall from having seen both you and Margaret in person...that's the same weight gain pattern. Mostly in the middle. Disproportionate middle weight gain. I could share the pictures I took to illustrate...but, I really don't think it's necessary...


Jump with me now...


I'm not a person that avoids conflict? I can deal with stressful situations. I do deal with stressful situations.


But I don't really allow myself to fully FEEL what I would call negative feelings. I think I'm a stuffer. Prefer to DISCONNECT emotionally and not really experience the negative feeling. By negative, I'm talking about, frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, loneliness...and honestly, there may be times when I am extremely happy and full of joy...but being conscious of the company I am in, realize that to be totally expressing the positive emotions would be thoughtless toward who I am around. The idea of passing a test or getting an "A" when the people around you either failed or didn't get as high a grade...you don't really express how happy you are because that's rude and a little boastful.


Also...I think it can be difficult for me to fully express emotion when I am by myself. I'm very motivated to action when in the company of other people. And I am by myself A LOT. OR...it can be difficult to have just the right company to feel "safe" to express whatever, positive or negative, that I'm feeling...see above regarding test scores.


Do you get me?


So I'm thinking that emotional energy that is unexpressed is weighing be down. Literally and figuring.


I think that all the thinking that I do, rather than just being fully expressive, is further stressful to my body and this combined is the cause of the stress weight gain.


Personally, there is more stress too...like the idea of all the should've, could've, would've's that seem to be around me...and yet, like you, Debbie...I'll hang with DH rather than do any of them...I judge myself and that's stressful.


With the whole ease of Type 1 disconnect/connect...it's easy to disconnect from the "to do list" and connect with DH and all the happy feelings associated with being together. But then, it's rather easy to reconnect to the stupid list and all that guilt over not doing the list...which feels negative...so disconnect and then try to connect to something else to feel better...


Round and round we go...so stressy. :eek:


My thoughts have been that I need to figure out a way to release...not stuff...not disconnect...not smooth over...not soothe...not distract...but to actually dig in...FEEL and release it.


I mean...I can mope. I can get down. I can feel off. But that's not really having a cycle of emotion... I could almost say that I experience a lack of energy. Literally...lacking the energy needed to do whatever needs to be done. Usually...the lack of energy is when I would finally set aside the time to deal with myself...I can usually summon the energy to care for others or deal with others. But to deal with and care for myself? Not so much.


Makes me wonderful if the "self" channel for energy is all clogged up with unexpressed emotion.


Does any of that speak to you?

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Do I get you, Anita? Yep, I think I do. Big. Time.


I decided this year when I turned 60 that I would be fine with me as a person the way I am. Would I like to weigh less and be healthier? Yes. Would I, should I, could I (insert item of choice)? Yes, definitely, but I’ve decided that I won’t. Is that my Tuttle Type 1 disconnect? Maybe. I don’t care. I’m done with it. Projects—cross stitch, scrapbooks, yarn and sewing materials? Check! Weight gain around my middle? Yes, definitely disproportionate. Do I handle stressful situation? Sure I can and do. Do I avoid negative feelings? I didn’t in the past, but recently, I’ve needed to take that path. Does it cause additional stress? Yes, tremendous stress.


I’m in the countdown stage to retirement and the stress of could I financially, would I really be happier with a freer schedule, should I work a while longer? It is a great source of stress. I retired on disability several years ago, but that was a totally different story. Medically I could no longer do the job so the job retired me rather than an active decision on my part. Even then, I was back to work within four months. I don’t mention how I feel about it to anyone in my life. So, yeah, I have a little bit of unexpressed emotion.


It speaks. Darn it!

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It's interesting how we are all going through an enlightening time.


For me, I'm 51, and although to me age is just number, everyone realizes that as that number gets bigger, well...you're getting older. And your time feels more finite.


I decided a few years back that that I was who I was. No more complaining, if I didn't like where I was at, then I should do something about it or embrace my flaws.


So I am on a bit of a journey, and have lost weight. I feel good about that, and the exercise helps me to clear my mind, which is always overworking about something or another!


But I still have an overbite, and I still wear glasses. I still have dark bags under my eyes, despite what that product promised! :mad:


I think you get the idea. I've never thought much about stress weight and it being in a certain area...I always figured it was genetics, and based on the type of activity you get. But I think stress has helped me to lose weight too. That isn't good. I've been struggling a lot lately. But I'm steadily working on things.


I love that I have so many wonderful people to talk to on two threads, and I have an awesome family at home. And I have cruise vacations, which truly help me decompress and disconnect from worries and work.

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