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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Kim...I've found similar things here in NC! That looks like a wonderful place though. I'm thinking it might be fun to plan for a trip up and down the coast to similar places for some time next year.


Actually, I've found a similar lake side site that is less than 2 hours away. I think we might end up there first. The big debate will be whether or not we WALK in with our gear to camp next to the lake...or do we KAYAK over to the boat access only camp sites? I'm kind of nervous about losing our camping gear in the water! Let alone being able to put it all on a kayak... would be a fun experience though.

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Thanks, Margaret. I don't kayak (yet) but a friend does and I've sent this to her. It is right up her alley.


Wayfairers, I'm the same way. I get busy and when I come back, a lot of activity has occurred sometimes. No worries. We're just glad to have you.


I know what you mean Laurie. We attended a DH family funeral one weekend in West Virginia. It's only one state over from Kentucky, but we are at the opposite end of the state. Drove almost 600 miles to get there, one day there and 600 miles to get home. It seemed like such a journey. Any time someone mentions a weary trip, my mind goes back to that event and it was several years ago when I was younger and so were my aching bones.


Pam, how's the wardrobe coming? Any updates?


Kim, you've got mail coming. We need to plan.

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Debbie...I never got out there to visit, but I've looked it up again and you will be less than 3 hours away from my current location. I would totally love to crash your vacation! LOL. Seriously though...depending on your plans...I looked up your previous trip report, when you'd gone to the elk preserve, etc., and I do wonder if DH and I couldn't tag along at some point because I would very much enjoy seeing you again. BUT...I also COMPLETELY understand if that doesn't suit well with you having your foursome for your annual trip.


Under 3 hours though is right at that threshold for a day trip for me. And I would brave getting into the car to see you again.;p


Of course, I don't even know when you are really going...


I've been making myself crazy looking at all the Kibbe stuff. That is what you are talking about with the yang/yin etc? I've been trying to take the quizzes and stare at my face and shape and all that...I feel like my weight is really throwing off my results.


What I'm really looking for is help in knowing clothing silhouettes that have a high likelihood to be flattering because now that we have officially transferred to the permanent apartment (however temporarily permanent it will be for the next few years), I'm ready to start playing with my fabric and doing some serious sewing projects. But I'm reluctant to engage in sewing something that in the end I might not like? That would be the worst...so I'm moving on from the Kibbe and I'm back at the Inside Out Style blog and her body shapes, which I think is more helpful for me at this time.


Still very curious about the Kibbe stuff though. Did I find the right system?

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Anita, you sort-of found the right system. I backed into the Kibbe stuff after reading elsewhere and, like you, didn't mesh well with his plan. Maybe it was the 70s-style wording used, but for whatever reason, I didn’t relate well.


I actually began my journey at 12blueprints dot com for the color analysis portion and read everything Christine wrote. Cate Linden lives in my state and studied under Christine. One day while in her hometown, we met one-on-one to help me discover my Light Spring-ness. When Rachel Nachimas from Best Dressed dot us joined forces with Christine and they offered a quarterly newsletter subscription of up-to-date clothes with commentaries designed for each season and style type, I bought a previous year's worth on the cheap thinking I was a Light Spring Yang Classic. I continued reading everything available from Rachel's online blog and joined the Best Dressed Academy facebook page. Like my early CJW Spring color, I was close, but my style was not quite right. Some aspects of Yang Gamine and Yang Classic overlap, so some of what I chose to wear worked well.


My mother is 5’4” and probably yin romantic dressing as yin classic. At 5’6-3/4”, I was surely average height and I knew I couldn’t be a frilly yin classic princess, so I must be yang classic like Kate Middleton. When the not knowing became more than I wanted and I saved enough money, I finally bit the bullet and had an online consultation with Rachel. She explained why and how she concluded Yang Gamine is a much better fit than Yang Classic for me. She explained my Yang Gamine is blunt yang rather than little pixie, and when she told me to think short Yang Natural, it clicked in place just like Cate telling me my perfect scarf was Light Spring. My inclination to covet everything in the Sundance catalog, boots, jeans, and leather anything, all made perfect sense. I just need for it to be the right scale. I can’t allow myself to be swallowed up in extra fabric peasant-type blouses and I want that one quirky element for each outfit. Yang Gamine is a rule breaker. I'm that person able to research backward once I know the correct answer and distinguish why the answer is right, but I'm not accurate at all by myself. For me, it was money well spent.


I think my weight threw off my answers some too. In my mind, yin is for people with a defined waist and defined booty. Not always ruffles and frills, but softness and circles. Yang is me-no waist straight through hips and thighs. I usually wear belts because skirts can fall down and slide right off my body. Even when losing weight, my waist to high hip measurement is only 4” difference and low hip just 1” more-definitely yang. Geometric shapes definitely work for me.


I need to take a closer look at Inside Out Style. I've read some of Imogene's ideas, but settled on my path before I caught up with her. It's nice to know there are so many nice ladies with slightly different approaches, but willing and able to help us be the best version of ourselves.


Oh, how I would dearly love to see you again. I’ll email.

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I haven't received any email yet...so I'm assuming you haven't sent one yet. I totally understand that you may not have sorted through all the details of your trip and so don't have anything to really share yet...and probably need to talk to your travel buddies. You know I don't want to impose, but I DID offer myself up as available to receive an invite!;) But will totally get it if that doesn't suit well for this trip.


I think that I'm a Natural, straight up. But my "softness" due to weight is pushing me more toward Soft Natural, with the Romantic undertones...but I don't really think that's me. What's frustrating is that there is a lot of info out there for the Soft Natural and the Flamboyant Natural...and I'm trying to figure out the middle ground, which is proving to be a bit of a struggle.


So I'm trying to take some of the things I can find and match them up with shapes and silhouettes that are supposed to work for an 8-shape which is leaning into an H-shape because of weight. Sigh.


The cool thing is that I think I'm actually getting it all sorted. I reassembled my desk (where I plan to sew) and have made my little sewing corner. Not that it is unpacked and settled. It's just more like I look at the desk and the little table and say...that's where I'm going to sew. LOL.


I plan to check out the web sites you mentioned.


I have two big bags in the back of the car ready to be donated somewhere when we venture out again and see a drop off. I had a bit of a confirmation that one of the knit shirts in the bag definitely needed to be in the bag. I saw a woman wearing it at the downtown music thing...she looked great. And I looked at her and "looked" at my mental image of myself and thought...yeah. That's YOUR shirt, not mine. I kind of knew that when I bought it, but I thought it would be "fun" to have and wear, but I never felt right wearing it.


I don't think I'm that quirky. Mom is. And I can see you being that way too. But quirky doesn't seem to sit as well on me...but I like it on other people.

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When I started searching around, this site came up a lot for a quiz to help you get started in classifying your facial features and bodacious shape:




There are 2-3 parts and then a kind of summation to interpret your answers. The fun thing about this person's blog is that they have tried to offer photos to illustrate what they are referring to in the descriptions.


Idk if you are on Pinterest, but if you search there for examples of what you think you are, you can find many examples of outfits and styles and hair and makeup etc etc and that may also help to guide you in knowing if you are headed in the right direction.


The Kibbe stuff is based on his book Metamorphosis, it many people have taken his ideas and tweaked them. I think I've read that the original categories were edited but people disagreed and also some have added categories, creating new ones when people have equal answers in a couple. It's a fun thing to research on.

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Did the quiz and I got mostly Ds with Cs in a close 2nd place then I read a few articles about those results - love that mostly Ds are not included in the analysis. Apparently some think that mostly Ds is ingenue, a category Kibbe doesn't include. I believe in the Kibbe categories I am a soft gamine. The pictures really helped. As I did research on the type of clothes a soft gamine should wear I found that most of my clothes are those styles - lucky there! Maybe that is because a few years ago I followed my Mom's advice and started buying only clothes I fell in love with when I tried them on.


I had my color done a long time ago (~30 years) and I am a cool winter - no pastels for me! I donated any pastels I had and have bought almost all bold colors since with a few white tops thrown in.



I should mention that I am an engineer so I tend to be practical. We retired 11 years ago and since then I have been working on developing my non-engineer side - learning to paint and crochet are newer hobbies to balance out trip planning, reading and genealogy which I consider more in line with engineering because they are detailed and methodical.


I think developing the artistic side of myself is affecting how I look at my wardrobe. Although I always tried to wear what is in fashion and what looks good, I've really not paid much attention to exactly what I wear. But over the last couple of years that has started to change and now I actually think about accessories instead of just grabbing whatever is convenient. I've started paying more attention to how I feel in clothes that I wear and being honest with myself about how I look head to toe and making adjustments.


Kind of sad that it took until I was in late 40s/early 50s to start this - but that is where I am and I believe it is never too late to make changes. But, gosh, I really missed out on dressing a great body when I was in my 20s and 30s and stayed skinny without trying!!






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I didn't realize I had monkey arms!


Anyway.... this test was hard for me, as all of these quizzes tend to be. The first section bears out my statement. I ended up with exactly 2 A's, 2 B's, 2 C's, 2 E's.


I guess that means balanced? (confused?)


And then the other sections answers were just nailed on B's. With a spattering of A's, and only one (maybe?) C. So, do B answers mean yang?


So do the results of this make me a Flamboyant Natural? I'm not sure that the caveat to the definition actually applies to me. I don't "see" myself as a strongly yang person in features cause nothing about my facial features is prominent or dominant.


Flamboyant? Natural? Now, I've got to go to pinterest and see if anything pops up that I identity with.


Way better than working on a packing list or mopping the kitchen floor...

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OMG...monkey arms! Mom. Wayfairers, I hope you continue to participate in the conversation! I only say this because of the whole Cool Winter...I think our conversations have taken winding turns down many tangents, so neither thread (Fire and Earth) are too strict in what we are talking about.


I'm in my 40s and I'm just getting to this. I wrote to Debbie earlier that I'm just bored with idea that I'm wearing clothes but not having a style. I feel like I can't figure out my own true likes...needing to love something before buying it is a good idea. You can't just like it. You have to love it...and if you consistently do that, then perhaps a pattern will emerge. I've been too desperate to get clothes at times though and have made do a lot...then you get kind of comfortable with what you have, what is familiar and figuring out how you want to change that (because you don't necessarily love what is comfortable and familiar) becomes such a chore.






When I first took the test I had many, many Bs and almost as many Cs. Looking at it again, and leaning more toward wide/broad than moderate (trying to reevaluate my hands, etc.) and I am VERY B dominant. VERY.



Laurie...it'll be interesting to hear what you think since your first impression was for Natural. My first impression for you would be more Classic, but that could be based more on the way your dress than your physical self. Natural is also said to be the least contrasting in coloring, which brings up a question mark with that thought for me. There is a type called a Natural Classic...


I found this...ok posting a link isn't working so well. Google "Kibbe Weight Gain Clues" and it should be the first hit. It's a post on another forum.

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Wow, Wayfairers! Sounds like me except you figured it out much more quickly than I. I've been working on the clothes habit for several years now. I'm giving it another year to finish up and then I'll just talk to everyone here about my fabulous clothes that work for all occasions. Yeah. Right. (sarcasm here)


Crochet, trip planning, reading--check. Genealogy is on my list to work on when I retire. Well, that and cleaning out my closets, and my drawers, and the upstairs, and the garages. We've lived in the same place since 1986 and it's time my children's keepsakes either go to live at their houses or go to live at the Goodwill.


Pam, my answers were all over the place. When I couldn't decide on an answer, I just wrote down both and counted both. So, I have a total of 1 A, 1-3 Bs, 3-4 Cs, 0 Ds, and 4-5 Es. Since I'm assuming Cs are average or classic, and Es are yang or gamine, I'd say I was pretty accurate with my answers. It's why I thought I was classic and my analyst saw gamine. I'm never sure that others see what I think I see but that's due to my self-preserving nature (another qualifier of my true self). Yang Gamine is equal parts combination yin and yang contradiction always with one rebellion piece. I see you as yin rather than yang, but what the heck do I know. I didn't realize there are so many types of natural. Yes, there is Flamboyant/Yang Natural, Natural, and Soft/Yin Natural, but I've also read where it can be broken down like this: Girl-Next-Door, the Nymph, the Super Model, the Gypsy, and the Action Heroine. The more you read--the more you know or just the more questions you have?


I googled my style and pulled up the the google images and looked at picture after picture--another time-consuming site to avoid mopping. Just in case you need one.

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Took me a bit to find the other sections of the quiz too.


I will stay on this thread because I like the discussion even if I am not necessarily the same colors as everyone.


We get a partial eclipse in FL but I heard today that most of the eclipse area will be cloudy. Oh, and my "weekend" started around 2pm with drinks in our pool. We have a kiddie pool (no kids) which is perfect for sitting in with drinks.



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Check this out!



It's a great site, showing all the different seasons and giving examples of the available outfits in appropriate colors. Sadly (or thankfully for my wallet) it's a UK site, so there can be absolutely no impulsive charges to any credit cards! A double win.


Maybe I'll mop the floor tomorrow.

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Well, duh! Anita, I didn't see the other posts either. Melody and I must have bats in our belfries. I'll take another look later. My weekend is calling. Get your eclipse glasses, everyone. Am I the only one in the crazy path?




[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Kim, I looked & looked, but my vision ain't that great right now! We're at 90% eclipse here, but I'm under orders from my retina doc to stay inside during the eclipse, my retinas can't take the chance [emoji30]. Guess I'll watch it on tv. I even had to reschedule a PT appt, sigh. Melody



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We're heading to Nebraska on Sunday to be in the path for Monday. Here in NYC it will be only 70%.


I started doing the quiz but realized it was going to take more time and thought than I had available today. I look forward to knowing more so I can understand this discussion!

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I did the test and I got mostly c . I am a classic. Like Wayfair I have been trying to buy only things I really love and avoid impulse purchases .Pininterest has pictures of a natural classic wardrobe and it looked like mine .

Edited by Sailor_Sally
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Check this out!






It's a great site, showing all the different seasons and giving examples of the available outfits in appropriate colors. Sadly (or thankfully for my wallet) it's a UK site, so there can be absolutely no impulsive charges to any credit cards! A double win.




Maybe I'll mop the floor tomorrow.




That is a great site! They also have a quiz to determine your season - I confirmed I am a winter.



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