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Question about Service Charge


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Actually we've done extremely well with our American Home Shield warranty--our first year after buying the house they replaced our stovetop, central A/C unit, furnace, some electrical work, a toilet, and did some misc plumbing repairs! All 100% legit, the house was old and had never been updated, so these items were far beyond the end of their normal lives.


I also have to add....there is once again the chorus condemning the non-tippers because the crew is so underpaid and they depend on their tips for a living wage---yet not a single person will point a finger at the cruise industry as a whole for underpaying their staff and putting them in the position where there is the potential, no matter how hard they work, that they won't be tipped.


Just saying.....let the flames begin!


(oh--and when they did envelopes, we HATED the last night with a passion, and we did tip the recommended amount--the dollar signs on my back were burning into my skin that whole evening!)

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In fact, if you choose "MyTime" dining on RCCL you will pre-pay a service charge...for the same reason you do on NCL: You will likely have dinner at different tables with different servers every night.


From RCCL's web site:


Prepaid gratuities are required when you select MyTime Dining.


Thanks for pointing that out. We were in traditional dining so I think you only have the option of getting the vouchers to hand out or cash in envelopes.

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Or they could have pre-paid the gratuities (yes, that is an option on RCCL) and the crew could be telling other pax sob stories. This is why I mind my own business.


I'm guessing if it "broke your heart," you adjusted your gratuity upwards...


Only for My Time Dining. We were in traditional and yes, we always give the wait staff and steward additional to the auto tips.

Hard for them to tell us a sob story when we saw it happen. The waitress for that table often came over and chatted with us during the 9 nights and I think my 10 year old daughter had something to do with her visiting our table. She was missing her kids.


The dining room on RCCL the last night of the cruise is somewhat sparse. I think it does have to do with not having the auto tip in place.

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What about port charges. I don't see this anywhere on their site. Does this no longer get charged.


Yes, you still get charged for port charges, government taxes and fees. The base fare includes port charges, the government taxes and fees are added on when you actually select a cabin to book.

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My point EXACTLY!! I SO agree. CHEAPSKATES should just stay home or find some other form of vacation where no one has to serve them anything! Cruising is NOT for them.


First of all EVERYONE has the right to cruise even if they are cheap, You may suck at driving but we still let you do it!


Personally I don't think this is a matter of being "cheap" It is more of a matter for me that I am not getting the proper service rendered for the amount of "tip" that I am paying.

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They should be embarrassed, if they do it for no reason other than that they don't want to pay it.


That, at least, is the opinion of this Brit, who detests the entire practice of tipping and wishes that it would get abolished worldwide - but who detests even more people who cannot see that the DSC is the way that the staff get paid. Ensuring that you pay the staff is more important than any personal feelings about whether tipping/DSC is good/bad/devil's spawn.

Please let me know at what point I said I detested tipping and wanted it abolished worldwide? Get down from your high horse you pompous bully and let people have an opinion, without the fear of recrimination from you.

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Evilcamaro, there is a chorus of people on CC who reflexively flame anyone who dares question the DSC or state that they are not going to pay at least 100%, no matter how poor the service. Even suggestions that the DSC be PROMINENTLY DISCLOSED BEFORE BOOKING on the same screen as fare, taxes & port charges draw their wrath (if one cruiseline does this, then it will make them less competitive :>)! After all, everyone is expected to magically know about tipping on cruises or have researched it, and we're supposed to read every word of fine print on the website before booking as well, and dig through the website to find out how much the DSC is--all before we commit to the cruise! We're supposed to just "know" which cruiselines require tipping and which don't.


Bottom line-don't waste your breath, the extremely vocal minority (I have to believe there is a huge silent majority of lurkers) will begin the chorus of "cheap, don't cruise, stiff the crew, cruiseline will have to raise fares, crew works so hard how can you not tip, it's just an excuse for being cheap, I know what you think about tipping" etc, etc.


Unfortunately, because of the industry practice of the CRUISELINES stiffing (er, underpaying) their staff, the burden falls on the cruising public to guarantee the employees a living wage, REGARDLESS OF SERVICE QUALITY! What it comes down to is that the DSC is really part of your cruise fare, even though it is called a gratuity. It isn't one! Your gratuity, which is truly optional, is what you put on the 'EXTRA TIP' line when you are handed a bill for things like drinks, or what you leave extra for staff you think did an "exceptional" job.


Also unfortunately, there is no low-key way to address substandard service. If this were a restaurant or hotel without a DSC, we would just leave a minimal tip, or no tip. On a cruise it becomes a huge big deal no matter what we do! For example, if your steward gives poor service and you don't think he deserves a tip (or a full tip) if you reduce the DSC you pay it doesn't just take his share away; I assume everyone's is reduced proportionally, so it punishes people who may have given excellent service and that becomes unfair. If you take the "recommended" route of complaining so they can "fix" things, then the steward gets in trouble (I assume).


Ultimately, the reality of cruising is that the DSC really is part of the fare. The system sucks and I hate wearing that dollar sign on my back, but that's the way things have evolved.

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On my cruise in March this year, PANDO info in my cabin for tipping,was £3 pppd for cabin steward, so if he did 20 cabins, if two people share, its £120 a day, {TAX FREE} and this is to subsidise ,his low wage, If I was paid this amount, I would not require a wage, then we move on to dining ??????

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On my cruise in March this year, PANDO info in my cabin for tipping,was £3 pppd for cabin steward, so if he did 20 cabins, if two people share, its £120 a day, {TAX FREE} and this is to subsidise ,his low wage, If I was paid this amount, I would not require a wage, then we move on to dining ??????


I have never seen a £3 pppd recommend tip. I have seen often $3 pppd. With 20 cabins there is always a team of at least 2 stewards. That translates into $60 a day if everyone tips and we both know that is not the case. With a 16 hour work day that translates into a max of $3.75 an hour. You want the job? One thing for certain you would never be on a cruise ship as a passenger.;)

Even if it is £3 pppd that only translates into less then $6 and hour. :eek:

They really don't get another wage - typical cabin steward $50/week salary plus room and board. Don't think for a minute they are getting rich being away from home and family for 9 months a year and no income when they are off the ship.

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Please let me know at what point I said I detested tipping and wanted it abolished worldwide? Get down from your high horse you pompous bully and let people have an opinion, without the fear of recrimination from you.


If Globaliser is a pompous bully than he's being a pompous bully to himself because that's who he was talking about (at least that's the way I read "in the opinion of this Brit"):rolleyes:.

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If Globaliser is a pompous bully than he's being a pompous bully to himself because that's who he was talking about (at least that's the way I read "in the opinion of this Brit"):rolleyes:.


If Globaliser is a pompous bully then we need more pompous bullies here :cool:

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Please make it stop. Why am I reading ANOTHER thread about the DSC? Eight pages rehashing the same arguments pro and con.


Can we morph this into saving pool loungers, Epic sinks, or booze smuggling now, please?


It's hard for anyone to guess why you're "reading ANOTHER thread about the DSC....especially why you'd read eight pages, rehashing the same arguments pro and con."


It seems to me that you'd skip over such a titled thread, and look for the threads about "saving pool loungers, Epic sinks and booze smuggling" that seem to somehow evade you. "Morphing this thread" into those topics would be "hijacking". I'm sure a CC veteran like you already knows that.


Some of us (even well seasoned cruisers) may actually be learning a thing or two on the thread we've chosen to read / post on. There may also be some newer folks on here that don't know how to find older, more re-hashed topics.


Since this site is great for questions and answers, and since you did ask a question, I'll throw you a suggestion that you might want to skip over threads that address topics you're already an expert on.


Jus' sayin'

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Unfortunately, because of the industry practice of the CRUISELINES stiffing (er, underpaying) their staff, the burden falls on the cruising public to guarantee the employees a living wage, REGARDLESS OF SERVICE QUALITY! What it comes down to is that the DSC is really part of your cruise fare, even though it is called a gratuity. It isn't one! Your gratuity, which is truly optional, is what you put on the 'EXTRA TIP' line when you are handed a bill for things like drinks, or what you leave extra for staff you think did an "exceptional" job.




Ultimately, the reality of cruising is that the DSC really is part of the fare. The system sucks and I hate wearing that dollar sign on my back, but that's the way things have evolved.


You hit the nail on the head with these statements . . .


I wonder what the "no tipping" crowd would have to say if their $800 pp seven day cruise were to be advertised as a $950+ seven day cruise with no added tips/service charges? One way or another the pax have to pay for the service.

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Thanks for pointing that out. We were in traditional dining so I think you only have the option of getting the vouchers to hand out or cash in envelopes.


But even if you get the vouchers and *don't* hand them out, the staff still gets their tips. So that could have been the case as well.

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I wonder what the "no tipping" crowd would have to say if their $800 pp seven day cruise were to be advertised as a $950+ seven day cruise with no added tips/service charges? One way or another the pax have to pay for the service.


I am NOT part of the no tipping crowd, but I would prefer it if they included it in the price

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But even if you get the vouchers and *don't* hand them out, the staff still gets their tips. So that could have been the case as well.


I don't know why they would bother to get the vouchers and not hand them out and why would the whole table of 12 be a no show on the last night of the cruise as were many tables when they were there for the previous eight nights. The waitress for that table said it happens a lot so that tells me they skipped out.



The reason so many tables the last night of the cruise are empty is to skip out on the tips.

My Mom has gotten into shouting matches with tablemates that didn't tip on the last night and they were very proud of it which really set her off.


I say to each their own, I just worry about us.


We don't give it a second thought, to us it is just part of the cruise fare. We have always had great service and sure some staff has been more friendly than others but would never consider reducing or removing tips. If we had a major problem we would speak with guest relations but so far never have had to.

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Only for My Time Dining. We were in traditional and yes, we always give the wait staff and steward additional to the auto tips.

Hard for them to tell us a sob story when we saw it happen. The waitress for that table often came over and chatted with us during the 9 nights and I think my 10 year old daughter had something to do with her visiting our table. She was missing her kids.


The dining room on RCCL the last night of the cruise is somewhat sparse. I think it does have to do with not having the auto tip in place.


Ahh... no. Even if you have traditional dining, you still have the OPTION to pay the gratuities ahead of time. It's not required, but as I said, it's an option, and we did it when we had traditional dining.


If they prepaid (as many prefer to do), naturally they wouldn't come back with envelopes, and that makes it really easy for the staff to make sad faces at you.


Not sure what the point of getting into shouting matches is unless you want to prove what a wonderful and benevolent person you are, as opposed to that slob over there. I think people should tip. If they don't tip, however, I don't care. I have my own problems without worrying about what everybody else does.

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Ahh... no. Even if you have traditional dining, you still have the OPTION to pay the gratuities ahead of time. It's not required, but as I said, it's an option, and we did it when we had traditional dining.


If they prepaid (as many prefer to do), naturally they wouldn't come back with envelopes, and that makes it really easy for the staff to make sad faces at you.


Not sure what the point of getting into shouting matches is unless you want to prove what a wonderful and benevolent person you are, as opposed to that slob over there. I think people should tip. If they don't tip, however, I don't care. I have my own problems without worrying about what everybody else does.


Didn't know you could pre-pay tips in tradional dining, thanks for that info.

Always learning new things.


I said my Mom got in a shouting match but I don't think she was trying to prove she was a better person than they.


Tipping is a personal choice but some do feel strongly about it as these threads prove.

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I don't know why they would bother to get the vouchers and not hand them out and why would the whole table of 12 be a no show on the last night of the cruise as were many tables when they were there for the previous eight nights. The waitress for that table said it happens a lot so that tells me they skipped out.



The reason so many tables the last night of the cruise are empty is to skip out on the tips.

My Mom has gotten into shouting matches with tablemates that didn't tip on the last night and they were very proud of it which really set her off.


I say to each their own, I just worry about us.


We don't give it a second thought, to us it is just part of the cruise fare. We have always had great service and sure some staff has been more friendly than others but would never consider reducing or removing tips. If we had a major problem we would speak with guest relations but so far never have had to.


I get pissed off too when stiffers brag they stiff. If they wanted to make a friendship with me, they blew it totally...


I can't figure out why so many who pre-tip before a cruise dine in the dining room every night but don't the last night with traditional dining... I question whether they did pre-tip... Usually where there is smoke there is a fire... :(:(:(


So I welcome the daily surcharge. The cruise lines have found a way to make it much easier for me to compensate the crews without having to make the deliveries myself. No fuss and no mess. Its actually harder to stiff the crews with the DSC, having to spend time in line at the service desk to have the DSC removed...

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Please let me know at what point I said I detested tipping and wanted it abolished worldwide?
I'm glad that other people could read and understand the English that I wrote.


I stand by what I said: If you reduce the tip and don't do your share of paying the crew their wages, you should be ashamed of yourself. It's a dreadful system, but that's the system we have to live with; and we should be doing our bit.


Personal attacks I can live with too.

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I get pissed off too when stiffers brag they stiff. If they wanted to make a friendship with me, they blew it totally...


I can't figure out why so many who pre-tip before a cruise dine in the dining room every night but don't the last night with traditional dining... I question whether they did pre-tip... Usually where there is smoke there is a fire... :(:(:(


So I welcome the daily surcharge. The cruise lines have found a way to make it much easier for me to compensate the crews without having to make the deliveries myself. No fuss and no mess. Its actually harder to stiff the crews with the DSC, having to spend time in line at the service desk to have the DSC removed...



Maybe they are packing.:rolleyes:

The last night is so much fun, why miss that, unless of course you are stiffing the waitstaff, which is my guess.

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As a retired actuary, I certainly agree that at least in your case keeping an unemployed actuary on the payroll is an absolute necessity. No one should gert scammed as much as you apparently let yourself get scammed. :rolleyes:


Given the fact your an actuary, I know you are a smart guy and are probably able to deduct from my post that the fact I'm offered these scam options doesn't mean I took them up on the offer, of course I didn't.


Then again the actuaries I went to school with excelled more at numbers than socialization or reading between the lines.:rolleyes:

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