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Do You Believe Every Tale of Woe Written Here?


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Recently a poster said that she'd seen a person make four (count 'em, FOUR) trips to the buffet (because, you know, he was struggling without having a tray), and as he returned for #5 (to get a glass of water?) she saw a lido steward wisk away the entire meal because they thought it had been completed. So, allegedly, a steward took four full and untouched plates at an otherwise clean table because they thought the meal was done?


Yes, I generally use the smell test.

Ah, that was my post. Yes it smelled---like breakfast, as a matter of fact. For that was the meal where it happened.


You can believe the post, or not. Your choice. Fortunately, I've got a sufficient track record around here to have established my credibility.

The incident happened exactly as reported.

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Fortunately, the CC community has become large enough that several members are going to be present on most cruises. So saying a particular cruise was 'a cruise from hell' or whatever won't wash because other members will respond that it was a great cruise for them (barring some really bad cruises such as some infamous post-drydock cruises).


So instead, we're getting outrageous things happening to just one person. You can believe it or not...:) Depends on the reputation of the person posting.

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Being a first time poster doesn't mean you are a fake. Tons of people lurk here, without posting until something sticks in their craw. If they slam everything, and never post again, don't gratify them by responding. If they don't get a rise, they'll move on to another board.

That being said, flaming someone, or calling them names doesn't create anything productive. Usually the name calling or flip answers makes all the former posts worthless. I have noticed some people challenge EVERYTHING. They are people here that I think are really intelligent, knowledgeable about HAL, but they lose me when they get so mean. Do yourself a favor and re-read your posts, keeping in mind that those reading it really don't know you, know your humor. Bolding and capping generally makes others think of shouting, I don't care if that's what you mean, that's what it says to others.

We don't need to defend a cruise line. They pay people to do that. We vote with our money. If you were unhappy, and can't figure out a way to resolve an issue, move on. If it's rectified to your satisfaction, come on back!

We had an exceptionally negative trip right after the Rotterdam's dry dock. I dealt with the ship's staff, and later with HAL (Mr. Kruse) in Seattle. I purposely told HAL I wouldn't slam them on websites; what good does that do, if I intend to sail them again? We came to what I thought was a fair settlement, so I sail again in January!

The Golden Rule would go a long way on this board, folks.

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Ah, that was my post. Yes it smelled---like breakfast, as a matter of fact. For that was the meal where it happened.


You can believe the post, or not. Your choice. Fortunately, I've got a sufficient track record around here to have established my credibility.

The incident happened exactly as reported.


If Ruth said it happened, it happened just in the way she said.

As stated, she has a 'high credibility' level around here and probably everywhere in her life.

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...I think a better question is whether you need to respond to every post, not debate whether it's true or rush to insult and challenge the OP.

While I don't doubt it sometimes happens, I just don't believe people invent stories out of whole cloth.

(Can you imagine the accusations if someone posted a story about being on a powerless cruise ship for 3 days eating Spam, without working toilets. Now who would believe that nonsense?).

We all see the world through our own prism. We might decide a complaint is invalid, unworthy, petty, exaggerated, or (my personal favorite) the OP's fault...but I just don't believe many of the complaints and criticisms are simply "made up".

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...I think a better question is whether you need to respond to every post, not debate whether it's true or rush to insult and challenge the OP.

While I don't doubt it sometimes happens, I just don't believe people invent stories out of whole cloth.

(Can you imagine the accusations if someone posted a story about being on a powerless cruise ship for 3 days eating Spam, without working toilets. Now who would believe that nonsense?).

We all see the world through our own prism. We might decide a complaint is invalid, unworthy, petty, exaggerated, or (my personal favorite) the OP's fault...but I just don't believe many of the complaints and criticisms are simply "made up".

If a well established poster said it was so, we would most likely believe it. Coming from a new poster, or stranger, if you will----we would no doubt reserve judgement until we heard other reports. It is just like your circle in real life. You know who you believe without reservation and with new people you meet, you adopt a "wait and see" attitude.


Posters who continually complain about every little thing are not taken seriously when they have a very bad experience, but if a poster is generally fair and balanced in their reports, a telling of a very bad experience would most likely be believed, because they would report it without making wild accusations----again just like in real life.

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...I think a better question is whether you need to respond to every post, not debate whether it's true or rush to insult and challenge the OP.

While I don't doubt it sometimes happens, I just don't believe people invent stories out of whole cloth.

(Can you imagine the accusations if someone posted a story about being on a powerless cruise ship for 3 days eating Spam, without working toilets. Now who would believe that nonsense?).

We all see the world through our own prism. We might decide a complaint is invalid, unworthy, petty, exaggerated, or (my personal favorite) the OP's fault...but I just don't believe many of the complaints and criticisms are simply "made up".



I'm jumping in on this one, not to be mean or nasty or particularly at you drpca, but to make a point, If I may?


When I first came on to CC I asked questions of everyone. I thought I'd learned a heck of a lot in such a very short time... Over a couple of weeks to a month maybe...


Anyway, someone else popped up with a question and I jumped in with what I thought was a very good and informative answer..... BOY was I ever wrong!!!!!


I had given totally inaccurate info and while 95% of the regular CC members let me know nicely that I was very wrong (a couple even emailed me, nicely) I did have a few that Flamed the heck out of me for even thinking I knew anything about HAl and I should just be quiet until I learned more.


I was wrong! I was Challenged! And I learned from that mistake.


I have to say that those 95% of the HAL CC regulars have been the backbone of the best darned information on these boards for me!! And I do appreciate when they, or any CC member tells me nicely that I am wrong and why I am wrong.


Thank you to all of you that do what you do and help all of us out!! Your knowledge is awesome and I appreciate it!!


I try to give credence to every post. But there are times that I, like many others just say "Thank You" and go on with another thread or topic. If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is to good to be true.



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Having spent the last 7 years of my career investigating workplace complaints of harassment and/or discrimination I have learned NEVER believe one side of a dispute or a hot topic or a complaint UNTIL hearing all sides. I have yet to hear a relating of supposedly factual information where there was not some spin. We all filter information and experiences to some extent. Therefore, it is NOT necessarily that I do not believe the person thinks they are telling the truth, but without information or perceptions from all sides you cannot get a clear picture or understanding of what happened.


Now when I know a person, I may put more or less credence in what they say, but for folks who are simply Names on the screen, I never buy into their issues unless I know a lot more about the situation.

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From time to time, we read a post that to some (maybe even most) doesn't 'ring true'. It doesn't pass the smell test according to each individual's credibility judgment. Every day in life we decide conciously or not to believe certain things to reject others.




What do you think posters should do if they do not believe something that is written here? If someone says they just returned from whatever ship and say something that you just don't think to be truth, should you ignore it and say nothing? Write a gentle response saying how odd? Hit the red triangle to say you think it might be a troll? Pat the poster and say 'so sorry you experienced' this and let it sit unchallenged? Or ......... what is your suggestion?


It isn't just "tales of woe" that don't pass my personal "smell test". If I hit the red triangle every time a post on this forum set off my BS detector, I'd wear out the red triangle.


People can pretend to be whoever and/or whatever they want on the internet.... People can SAY anything on the internet; it is up to the reader(s) to determine whether or not the person is to be believed.


There are some people on this forum whose opinions I trust, who I think can be counted on to relate the facts. Then there are others whom I would not believe if they said the sky was blue -- I'd want independent verification. People have the right to say what they want (within the guidelines) -- they do not have the right to be believed.

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Did you ever stand in a long line at a grocery store, discount store, concert, etc. that is absolutely going nowhere? The people standing in front of you are talking and laughing and having a good time and are completely unconcerned, and the people behind you are griping and complaining and making everyone around them miserable.


Well, that's the way I feel when I read some of the "tales of woe". I don't necessarily doubt that the posters' concerns are genuine....but I sometimes doubt whether they are justified. So much of life is handling adversity, and some people don't handle it well.


Others have what I consider unrealistic expectations or a sense of entitlement. Those are the people I give the least amount of credibility. And there is a huge difference between an honest mistake.....which we all make.....and a slight. Sometimes things just happen and have nothing to do with us as individuals. And there are people who just never get it.


Regardless of my perceptions about the post, I rarely comment. Sometimes I follow the thread, and sometimes I just move on. After almost ten years on these boards, there really isn't too much I haven't heard before.

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"I'm jumping in on this one, not to be mean or nasty or particularly at you drpca, but to make a point, If I may?"



IRL Joanie, thank you for your reply.

Like you, I mean this 100% respectfully and sincerely (meaning I'm not trying to sarcastic or snide), but I'm not sure what you said that challenges or disagrees with what I said.

What exactly is your point that differs with my comments that all of life's experiences are personal and relative to us (with which others may disagree or not see our point), but not necessarily fabricated or made up out of thin air.


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No, I don't believe every tale of woe completely but I'm a natural born skeptic. Beyond the facts & figures that are either accurate or inaccurate the subtle nuances of opinions and impressions are impossible to independently verify and should be taken at face value as input only, not concrete gospel truths.


Just MHO of course.

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Did you ever stand in a long line at a grocery store, discount store, concert, etc. that is absolutely going nowhere? The people standing in front of you are talking and laughing and having a good time and are completely unconcerned, and the people behind you are griping and complaining and making everyone around them miserable.


Well, that's the way I feel when I read some of the "tales of woe". I don't necessarily doubt that the posters' concerns are genuine....but I sometimes doubt whether they are justified. So much of life is handling adversity, and some people don't handle it well.


Others have what I consider unrealistic expectations or a sense of entitlement. Those are the people I give the least amount of credibility. And there is a huge difference between an honest mistake.....which we all make.....and a slight. Sometimes things just happen and have nothing to do with us as individuals. And there are people who just never get it.


Regardless of my perceptions about the post, I rarely comment. Sometimes I follow the thread, and sometimes I just move on. After almost ten years on these boards, there really isn't too much I haven't heard before.

I like this response to the OP. Echo's my sentiment.


That said, I question those that believe any other cruise line would deliberately defame another through this board. Sure there are 'trolls', but I believe they are just individuals acting on their own.

If a business puts down another in their field, they are also hurting themself.

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If a business puts down another in their field, they are also hurting themself.


Good point. In fact, I was getting bids on a heat pump and had 3 companies come out. The second one was a big retailer owned by K Mart and starts with an S. He not only talked down to me like I was an idiot but he also stated the first company to come out (who was very professional - far more than he was) didn't know what they were talking about. That was the final straw and I asked him to leave and told him why. Oddly, he never called back!:rolleyes:

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This thread does speak to the cliquish and insular nature of boards.

A regular posts that they (for example) had a bad meal and the other "cool kids" rally round with expressions of sympathy and the obligatory, "If xxxx said it, it must be true".

I might post that my spouse was lost at sea and I'd get the (equally obligatory); "Sounds fishy (you should forgive the pun) to me, anyone out there know this nut?, and it was all probably their own fault".

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This thread does speak to the cliquish and insular nature of boards.

A regular posts that they (for example) had a bad meal and the other "cool kids" rally round with expressions of sympathy and the obligatory, "If xxxx said it, it must be true".

I might post that my spouse was lost at sea and I'd get the (equally obligatory); "Sounds fishy (you should forgive the pun) to me, anyone out there know this nut?, and it was all probably their own fault".


What a horrible comparison!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:



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What a horrible comparison!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:



Well, I too think I have a history of credibilty around here. I think if you speak the truth, people will believe that you are telling the truth.:)

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"I'm jumping in on this one, not to be mean or nasty or particularly at you drpca, but to make a point, If I may?"



IRL Joanie, thank you for your reply.

Like you, I mean this 100% respectfully and sincerely (meaning I'm not trying to sarcastic or snide), but I'm not sure what you said that challenges or disagrees with what I said.

What exactly is your point that differs with my comments that all of life's experiences are personal and relative to us (with which others may disagree or not see our point), but not necessarily fabricated or made up out of thin air.




I was not challenging or differing from you!! I was just stating an experience (or two of my own) in replying when I first started on CC. I will highlight (underline the points I was trying to show

" I'm jumping in on this one, not to be mean or nasty or particularly at you drpca, but to make a point, If I may?


I just happened to feel at the time that yours was the best post to use because I agreed more with your post than any other. That is not to say that there were not others that I also agreed with, just that yours was more to the point of my agreement:)


When I first came on to CC I asked questions of everyone. I thought I'd learned a heck of a lot in such a very short time... Over a couple of weeks to a month maybe...


Anyway, someone else popped up with a question and I jumped in with what I thought was a very good and informative answer..... BOY was I ever wrong!!!!!


I had given totally inaccurate info and while 95% of the regular CC members let me know nicely that I was very wrong (a couple even emailed me, nicely) I did have a few that Flamed the heck out of me for even thinking I knew anything about HAl and I should just be quiet until I learned more.


I was wrong! I was Challenged! And I learned from that mistake.

I have to say that those 95% of the HAL CC regulars have been the backbone of the best darned information on these boards for me!! And I do appreciate when they, or any CC member tells me nicely that I am wrong and why I am wrong.


Thank you to all of you that do what you do and help all of us out!! Your knowledge is awesome and I appreciate it!!


I try to give credence to every post. But there are times that I, like many others just say "Thank You" and go on with another thread or topic. If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is to good to be true. "


That was all, I think I was agreeing with you, but sometimes, it is difficult to come across the way you want when it is not face to face.


Hope this clarifies what I meant???



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