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Bad Princess coffee, waste & other observations. Comments?


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I feel that if it was such a distraction to your cruise, then the coffee card would indeed be a great purchase. I have never had a cup of coffee in my life, but still have the card.

I use it for fresh tea and great hot chocolates. These are free with the card and unlimited. Also a card can be used for 2 people without question. So if you wanted a coffee and a friend wanted a tea or hot chocolate then that would all be free and no mark on your card.

If you really wanted to treat yourself in an evening then you could have a fancy coffee without worrying about working your card down too quickly.


It seems strange that you have written a large post with so many complaints, yet in your post say there is NO point in complaining to Princess. I think most long standing cruisers would say that if there are enough complaints about certain things, then overtime things will change. And this applies to most cruiselines Obviously this isn't going to be true of all things, but if you feel this strongly then you should complain.

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I don't drink coffee, so I have no opinion on that really....



Personally, I like the paper stuff in my stateroom.


I read it all, and bring it home to use in my scrapbook (yes, even the art auction and spa ads) It's all part of my memories.


I also get 2 patters just for me, 1 to use and keep on my person all day long, the other to keep neat and clean to bring home.



I would be sad if I had to use a computer system just to see what was going on.... I had that at a resort I just stayed at, and often had to wait in line ups of 10-25 minutes just to use it.... sometimes that could make you miss an activity.


I do agree though, if some cabins want to be paperless, that option should be given....

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Maybe we should just change the name of this board to "Princess Praises Only"....negative comments about our Princess are discouraged. :eek:
I don't mind negative comments in the context of a balanced review. I happen to agree about the little bottles of shampoo and conditioner. One of my suggestions in the survey that Princess emailed me was to provide larger size bottles that would last throughout the cruise. I'd bet it would be cheaper for Princess as well.
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Agree with some of your points for sure. I don't drink coffee but my DH has purchased a coffee card that gets used over the course of 2-3 cruises. He benefits from daily brewed coffee in the morning (sometimes more than 1) and then has an occasional latte. The cost of this is quite minimal if we use one $30ish card over 3 cruises.


I assume the current syrup solution is in place to deal with a high volume situation, brewing in the buffets may not be realistic even with large brewing machines. I'm sure its cheaper for Princess too, but you don't hear about any of the lines offering good coffee except for the luxury lines.


I dislike all the paper except the patter which I always read and keep. The ads and automatic replenishment of order forms does seem to be a bit much.

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During the last day or two of our recent cruise on the Golden, I asked my hubby if the coffee was okay, and he said yes. He did buy a few of the coffees in the International Cafe (and had them pour it into the mug that he brought onboard). I'm not a coffee drinker and brought some two liter bottles of Mountain Dew (and Sierra Mist for my daughter), pouring a glass or two into the reusable bottle that I brought.


I was glad to see a lot less paper. Five years ago, we were constantly getting flyers for the various "specials." This time there were just some things that we didn't need to get everyday (like the order form for the continental breakfast -- we never order one).


The one thing I think would conserve on paper is if the photography department went completely digital as on some other lines. Swipe a cabin card when taking a photo and then you can view the photos on your in-cabin tv, and order them on the spot. My hubby did buy some photos, but there were more we were considering, but were too busy the last day to go back.

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What makes you think that it's not recycled?:confused:


I just wanted to point out that recycling is great. But the most important "R" in the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra is the first one. If we reduce the amount of paper we have, we do not have to recycle as much. It comes down to: Use less stuff!! :)

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Yep, the regular complimentary coffee is terrible IMHO also, but that's nothing new, it has been as far back as I can remember. Even in the early 90's on our first princess sailings, I remember my hubby commenting on how nasty he thought the coffee was (and that was before the syrup mixture was introduced, if I am not mistaken). Even though you don't drink specialty coffees, it sounds like the coffee card would have been worth it's weight in gold for you. If there is a way around a situation onboard, so that I am not growling about one particular thing constantly, I will find a way to take care of the problem. In this case, a coffee card, or just purchasing a cup of brewed coffee sounds like it would have been better for you then allowing the bad coffee to ruin your mornings. ;)


On my last cruise in November on the Ruby, I had the coffee card and still could not get a decent cup of coffee that was drinkable. I had always been satisfied with the brewed coffee on the other cruises. For my upcoming cruise in May I am bringing some of my own coffee that I will make my own with hot water. I know I will then, finally, get a good cup of coffee.

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Dispensers for shampoo, soap, etc...how tacky would that be!


Not only that but the shower is small enough could you imagine if there were dispensers on the wall taking up more room. As far as the large bar of soap goes, it would just melt away with the water running over it constantly.

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I have to say that Princess coffee was the worst I'd had in over 30 years. It reminded me of buying old, stale coffee at gas stations or bargain department stores back in the 70s. There was an awful burnt taste too. By day 2, we were fed up.


Like posters said, we are not fancy coffee drinkers, nor do we drink any during the day. No cappuccino, espresso or flavoured coffee for us, so the coffee card would have been a waste. But the least we expected was a drinkable cup of coffee with breakfast. Very disappointed, to say the least.


There were only two "breakfast-coffee-only" drinkers included in our party of 10. But is is an important cup to start the day.


Princess' food is excellent, so we're shocked that they would even tarnish their reputation by serving this terrible brew. Perhaps they introduced these cards because of the few pax who drink lots of coffee throughout the day? But bear in mind that a stomach only has a certain capacity, so that one cannot eat as much, if one is full of coffee!


Princess coffee is inexcusable, but I bet there's NO point in complaining, as they could be conveniently deaf concerning this issue. My suggestion is to provide good coffee for free during breakfast hours only, just as they do juices. I wouldn't grudge having to pay for juice and coffee after this time. Soon they'll be charging for tea too. Where does it end?


Princess should try saving money by cutting down on the deplorable room-service waste. For example, a jug of cream is delivered for a single cup of coffee. Most of it gets poured down the drain, sadly. Instead, how about those single creamers that don't need refrigeration?


On a previous cruise, my travelling companion requested milk for coffee at buffet breakfast. A carton was brought, and only a splash was used.


On the topic of waste, it is time they introduced dispensers for shampoo, conditioner, lotion in the bathrooms. Too many mini bottles. Imagine the amount of plastic waste, with 3000 pax. A BIG bar of soap should be provided on first day, then replenished (with minis?) as seen fit by steward. Those mini bars are good for one-two day hotel stays only.


We were overwhelmed by the amounts of flyers & room-service order forms we received daily. A stack of 7 forms should be left in each cabin pre-cruise, so that unused ones remain for next batch of guests. All of our spa/shopping/etc ads were immediately put in the trash. All we wanted were our patters. I know there are those who welcome that stuff, but surely, there's a better way, like a glassed-in notice board near to each elevator?


My only other gripes were the horribly hard mattresses, even with the so-called topper, which was flat and worn-out.



I wish I had written this--I have the same issues!

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I just wanted to point out that recycling is great. But the most important "R" in the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mantra is the first one. If we reduce the amount of paper we have, we do not have to recycle as much. It comes down to: Use less stuff!! :)


I am not disagreeing with you but the whole mind set of the cruise industry and the passengers is to over indulge which just leads to waste. I have to say that on my last cruise they didn't replace the bottles of soap until they were completely empty. Unfortunately the motive is probably to increase the bottom line and not because they are being environmentally conscience.

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I love everything about princess, no complaints except the coffee. My DH and I drink about 10 cups every am always black. I have .always brought my coffee and coffee pot with me. Only use it first thing in the morning,bring garbage bags for grounds and clean it out before leaving cabin. have never had any problems doing this. Also bring it to hotels. Have been on over 15 cruises with different lines and only on princess can I have my Bailys with my last cup.

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I have never had a cup of coffee in my life, but still have the card.

I use it for fresh tea and great hot chocolates. These are free with the card and unlimited. Also a card can be used for 2 people without question.


As to using the card for 2 people w/o question - that is not always the case. On a recent Grand cruise the barrista in the atrium (soon to be a beautiful International Cafe!) told us that we needed two cards to get two brewed coffees. That was the first we heard of that. There was no problem with any of the other serving staff.

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I have to say that Princess coffee was the worst I'd had in over 30 years. It reminded me of buying old, stale coffee at gas stations or bargain department stores back in the 70s. There was an awful burnt taste too. By day 2, we were fed up.


Like posters said, we are not fancy coffee drinkers, nor do we drink any during the day. No cappuccino, espresso or flavoured coffee for us, so the coffee card would have been a waste. But the least we expected was a drinkable cup of coffee with breakfast. Very disappointed, to say the least.


There were only two "breakfast-coffee-only" drinkers included in our party of 10. But is is an important cup to start the day.


Princess' food is excellent, so we're shocked that they would even tarnish their reputation by serving this terrible brew. Perhaps they introduced these cards because of the few pax who drink lots of coffee throughout the day? But bear in mind that a stomach only has a certain capacity, so that one cannot eat as much, if one is full of coffee!


Princess coffee is inexcusable, but I bet there's NO point in complaining, as they could be conveniently deaf concerning this issue. My suggestion is to provide good coffee for free during breakfast hours only, just as they do juices. I wouldn't grudge having to pay for juice and coffee after this time. Soon they'll be charging for tea too. Where does it end?


Princess should try saving money by cutting down on the deplorable room-service waste. For example, a jug of cream is delivered for a single cup of coffee. Most of it gets poured down the drain, sadly. Instead, how about those single creamers that don't need refrigeration?


On a previous cruise, my travelling companion requested milk for coffee at buffet breakfast. A carton was brought, and only a splash was used.


On the topic of waste, it is time they introduced dispensers for shampoo, conditioner, lotion in the bathrooms. Too many mini bottles. Imagine the amount of plastic waste, with 3000 pax. A BIG bar of soap should be provided on first day, then replenished (with minis?) as seen fit by steward. Those mini bars are good for one-two day hotel stays only.


We were overwhelmed by the amounts of flyers & room-service order forms we received daily. A stack of 7 forms should be left in each cabin pre-cruise, so that unused ones remain for next batch of guests. All of our spa/shopping/etc ads were immediately put in the trash. All we wanted were our patters. I know there are those who welcome that stuff, but surely, there's a better way, like a glassed-in notice board near to each elevator?


My only other gripes were the horribly hard mattresses, even with the so-called topper, which was flat and worn-out.

Were there things you enjoyed on the cruise? I always believe in putting positives in along with negatives.

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Were there things you enjoyed on the cruise? I always believe in putting positives in along with negatives.


Well, the OP did mention the food was excellent. However, it appears that these negatives were so overwhelming in the OP's eyes that that they overshadow the good things, if there were any.....


My God.... I would hate to go thru life with that type of mindset....

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And besides they would probably leek all over the suitcase contents en route home...




P&O have 'The White Company' dispensers in the shower and they are very nice quality. Didn't feel tacky at all and easier than trying to get the stuff out of a cardboard container or bottle.

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I agree, the coffee is not very tasty. I don't go for the dessert-coffees either, but I bought the coffee card, ordered 2 shots of espresso, and had them add some hot water, but not to the extent of filling the container. I pretty much succeeded in creating my Starbucks-style coffee. However, they took a punch for each shot, so it cost me more for a good cup each morning. If Princess asked me how to improve, the coffee would be at the top of my list!

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I agree, the coffee is not very tasty. I don't go for the dessert-coffees either, but I bought the coffee card, ordered 2 shots of espresso, and had them add some hot water, but not to the extent of filling the container. I pretty much succeeded in creating my Starbucks-style coffee. However, they took a punch for each shot, so it cost me more for a good cup each morning. If Princess asked me how to improve, the coffee would be at the top of my list!


Your mistake was asking for a double espresso. Order an Americano with two shots and that's only one punch.

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We always bring our own coffee pot and coffee because we think the "syrup" coffee is awful.


Until recently, all the ads were put in the little box by the door (tree mail). But lately all that junk has been appearing on the bed and I hate all the wasted paper. So what I've done is request that nothing other than the patter be placed in our cabin. Luckily, our stewards have obliged and while there is a mountain of waste ship wide, at least I don't have to throw it away.


And I certainly DO wish they would put dispensers in the showers. I have chrome dispensers in my home showers and they are very attractive, not tacky, and would cut the plastic consumption.

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