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Another Cruiser Fell........


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I enjoy the HAL board immensely and consider the "chit chat" part of the fun.


None of us are obligated to read each and every thread, so if a thread isn't my "cup of tea," I just move along and read something else.


Quite a novel idea I would say. *LOL* I couldn't agree more :)



I wonder if these same people sit through an entire TV program that upsets, offends or bothers them before they realize "Hey what does this plastic thing with all the buttons do?" :)

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When I saw this thread my first reaction was ... 'OMG who now!!!???' So of course I clicked and I have to admit some relief that it wasn't someone I know from our forum here.

But then I couldn't help thinking what a coincidence that someone Sail heard about would have a slip and fall just before a cruise right on the heels of KK's slip and fall just before a cruise?

And how wonderful that KK's experience gave Sail the idea to bring some food to this person which she might not have considered had she not seen the overwhelming reaction to such kindness on KK's thread.

It just shows that CC can be such a wonderful forum on so many levels not the least of which is sometimes (though not always;)) bringing out the very best of what lies within each and every one of us.



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Great thread..and I completely get it:) We here in the South tend to bring food to neighbors and friends all the time...sickness, deaths, and anything else:)


Chicken soup with some nice bread is always good I think..and I like to make brownies..easy to grab and eat.


Know it's not a cold weather thing..but some nice fruit...Berries, melons, grapes and Kiwi fruit cut up and mixed together..can be thrown in the fridge and eaten as they want.


There are also companies on line where they will deliver frozen meals...and all you have to do is heat them up...I've done that when someone has had surgery and maybe just has their husbands there fending for them...

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Great thread..and I completely get it:) We here in the South tend to bring food to neighbors and friends all the time...sickness, deaths, and anything else:)....


LOL. Though I'm a former Yankee I am into full Southern mode of taking food, food, and more food to neighbors and friends for just about any reason. When I had a major operation a few years ago friends were still bring meals weeks later when I was fully recovered. I'd meet them in the grocery store buying food for our dinner that night.


I think we're all wondering what Sail decided to cook and what the reaction of the injured cruiser was.

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You folks are all so thoughtful and warms my heart to read this thread of great ideas! :D


Another option, you could pick up a gift certficate from a local delivery pizza, chinese or other restaurant and slip it (and a take out menu from the restaurant) into a "Thinking of You" or "Wishing You a Speedy Recovery" type card.:)

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While it's admirable that you want to bring something to comfort this person (friend? acquaintance?), I'm not sure I understand why this thread is here.


I am sure many of us know people whose cruising plans were changed last minute due to a catastrophe - a health issue, a death in the family, the loss of a job.


I have known several people who have had unhappy circumstances in their lives, which led them to have to cancel a long-awaited cruise. I never thought about starting a thread focusing on them or on any charitable gesture I or others might make.


Don't get me wrong - I am a compassionate person.

And I completely understand why there is a thread about KK and her accident and cruise cancellation -- she is someone deeply respected in the CC community, and we want to know about our friends here.


But I just don't "get" this thread. Maybe it belongs in cruise chit chat or something. It would make more sense.


Just to clarify your statement and be enlightened.


It's ok to care about some people on the board and not others?


There was a perfect legitimate question asked by a valued member of this board. Personally, i think after KK's accident it has hit home a lot more.


I see nothing wrong with this thread and if you would like flame me go ahead.


I don't see the point in posting this in a chit chat session - no one could see it or offer suggestions or help. I think this is a board that cares about it's fellow cc'ers and if one of our members wants to ask for help I see nothing wrong with that. I thought we were all here to help each other.


Flame away ;););)

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Just to clarify your statement and be enlightened.


It's ok to care about some people on the board and not others?


There was a perfect legitimate question asked by a valued member of this board. Personally, i think after KK's accident it has hit home a lot more.


I see nothing wrong with this thread and if you would like flame me go ahead.


I don't see the point in posting this in a chit chat session - no one could see it or offer suggestions or help. I think this is a board that cares about it's fellow cc'ers and if one of our members wants to ask for help I see nothing wrong with that. I thought we were all here to help each other.


Flame away ;););)


Why would you expect me to flame you? Have I ever given you reason to think I am such a person? You don't know me at all.


To answer your questions:


!. Who is it we are "caring"" for on this board? Some anonymous person a board member knows -- she does not call the person friend, name the person or even note what cruise line the person was supposed to be sailing. All she said was that some person fell and had to cancel a cruise.


As I said, I've known several people who've had things happen in their lives that prevented them from cruising. I never thought to post about it here as it would be inappropriate. None of those people is a member of this board, no one here knows those people.


2. Many valued members of this community can ask perfectly legitimate questions. It doesn't mean those questions are appropriate for this board. I can ask when Jimmy Buffett is going to announce his summer tour schedule. Does it belong here? No. If someone wants to ask about help with baking a casserole, fixing a car, repotting a plant, does it belong here? No.


3. Asking a question about bringing food to someone who suffered an unfortunate fall is not a topic for the HAL board. Not for me, not for you, not for a "valued" member of the board. And really, is one person on this board more valuable than any other? Perhaps you'd like to prepare a list of the board hierarchy?


This whole thing makes me think of the story The Emperor's New Clothes.

There's just not a lot of people who want to tell it like it is.

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"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.


"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

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Since I was surprised at the coincidence of 2 falls ending all hopes of a cruise within days of embarking, I didn't even consider that it's not about a CC member and it's not about cruising. And of course Sail would know that anything she would cook would be greatly appreciated by the injured person.


I'm guessing the helpful responses here were a reaction to a nice gesture especially since this thread immediately followed our concern about KK's fall and her disappointment about missing her cruise.


I remember a time when this forum was a lot more personal, lots of Happy Birthday's and has anyone seen this or that poster. One New Year's we even shared recipes. But then we were told to keep it cruise related and off personal matters about individual CC'ers. For me that changed the forum completely and I missed the personality of the "old CC". I have noticed lately that certain posters are allowed a bit more leeway, but the truth is it's only fair that what's true for some should be true for all.

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"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.


"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

Matthew 6. Thank you for reminding us of these good words. I noticed that KK never mentioned the name of the CCer who was kind to her nor did that person post to claim credit for her good deed.

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Where do I start? I'll try to make a long story short. I wanted to stay anonymous as I don't need any pats on the back. I'm the one who brought Yonnie and her husband, Joe, the food. I have not seen Yonnie for at least 5-6 years, but back then she not only told me about cruise critic, but gave me so many wonderful suggestions about my cruising - that I have not forgotten. Yonnie lives 8 minutes from my house (I never run into her anywhere with us living so close) - all I wanted to do was help in her time of need. I don't have a clue what Yonnie and Joe like, today so many watch what they eat. I couldn't call her on the phone, her number isn't listed. I didn't want to take something that would possibly go down the garbage disposal.


Soooo, knowing Yonnie would respond to an email (as she always does) I asked Sail7Seas for help in posting a thread to get ideas what to take to Yonnie, again, knowing Yonnie would respond - what better way to find out what she likes (I thought)..... Again, wanting to stay anonymous taking more food to Yonnie and surprising Yonnie again with more food.


So now it ends up some are flaming Sail7Seas for her post and it's all my fault and I feel awful for Sail. It ends up we're both helping Yonnie in our own way.


I apologize to Sail for getting her involved.


I don't post much, but want to thank you all for all the information I have gathered on CC. And hope someday I'll meet some of you on one of those Dam ships.



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hi irish


i haven't been back to this thread in a while


wow -- yes -- things have gotten out of hand which happens so often on this hal section


sorry you got involved indirectly


many of us have gotten used to the flaming that goes on here -- when it gets bad -- i just don't bother with those threads anymore

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Hi, Irish!


That was very kind of both you and Sail. Almost everyone who responded understood the spirit (if not the background) of the original post. I'm sorry that the few who couldn't find it within themselves to respond in kind caused either you or Sail discomfort.


With that in mind, I guess I might as well say what I edited out before: I resent those who quote scripture to justify their public display of their own uncharitable nature. At the same time, I don't understand why those who don't like a thread are so often incapable of exercising the modicum of self-restraint required to just skip it.


All the best to KK as her recovery continues.

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KK, When "Irish" e-mailed me she wanted help trying to find out what foods would be to your taste, I was happy to try and help. We hoped she would not have to be direct and our intentions were to try to discover what you would enjoy. :) As it turned out, you did reply so that was good. :)


Again, everyone here wishes you the best and for a full and fast recovery.


When the attacks start here on CC, I usually disappear from the thread. I almost never provide any more info or comment.

If nasty remarks enter the thread, if it seems like a gang bullying, I rarely respond and that is how I shall continue. Because this involves 'Irish' as well as me, I felt I wished to post this time. Had "Irish" not posted, I would not have. I saw no need to explain I was trying to help. She has done a kind thing and is a very, very nice person. It is sad there are always some who cannot wait to find a negative from every postive. That is for them to deal with in whatever way they choose.


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you all did well


joe is now getting the hang of cooking


last night was a chicken breast baked with honey and rice with fruit bites


tonight he is going to grill a steak -- baked potato and green beans


tomorrow is stuffed pork chop with apple sauce


Sounds delicious! More importantly, how is he at washing dishes/loading the dishwasher? ;)

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Especially since Irish is not in touch with you, Yonnie, it was incredibly nice of her to want to help you after your fall:) ... not only help out by bringing you something good to eat, but bringing you something she would know you would like.


I think what amazes me is that she even thought up this idea of having a thread where you would post and hopefully say what you like! I am beyond impressed!:D:D:D Irish deserves big applause for that.


As to what some are calling flaming, that's not quite fair. There seemed to be some confusion about why a thread about food for someone who wasn't a CC'er would stay on the HAL board when so many threads of a personal nature are removed. It's really not fair to fault people for being upset about that and as I said, the rules should apply to everyone. No one could possibly know what was going on.


At least that's how I read those posts. Throughout both threads I thought everyone was united in thinking that it was a really nice thing for someone to do.


So get better quick, Yonnie! And you should feel really good knowing that someone would go to so much trouble to want to help you ... speaks a lot about people. Every day I'm rewarded with proof that all people, no matter who they are, have truly good hearts and will always come to a neighbor's aid.

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KK, When "Irish" e-mailed me she wanted help trying to find out what foods would be to your taste, I was happy to try and help. We hoped she would not have to be direct and our intentions were to try to discover what you would enjoy. :) As it turned out, you did reply so that was good. :)


Again, everyone here wishes you the best and for a full and fast recovery.


When the attacks start here on CC, I usually disappear from the thread. I almost never provide any more info or comment.

If nasty remarks enter the thread, if it seems like a gang bullying, I rarely respond and that is how I shall continue. Because this involves 'Irish' as well as me, I felt I wished to post this time. Had "Irish" not posted, I would not have. I saw no need to explain I was trying to help. She has done a kind thing and is a very, very nice person. It is sad there are always some who cannot wait to find a negative from every postive. That is for them to deal with in whatever way they choose.


We all now understand the purpose of your post starting this thread and what Irish was trying to do, both of you having the good intention to help KK. But entirely blaming other posters for where this thread ended up is a little disingenuous. No one was trying to "find a negative", but from the beginning, and especially since you gave so little information about this mysterious injured cruiser and then virtually disappeared when so many were being so helpful, led many to legitimately question what was going on.


It just didn't ring true from almost the beginning for many regular CCers, not all of whom even bothered to post. Unfortunately sometimes good intentions backfire. To perpetrate a thread which actually turned out to be a hoax, offer no explanation as people started to have questions about a very unusual original post and your silence afterwards when helpful posters just wanted to know more, and then blame everyone else and accuse them of gang-bullying you is just a little self-serving.

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