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Anita - I love your review!! Though we aren't going on an Oasis class ship next, we are going on a class we've never been on before (Freedom class) so your review just gets me more excited about our trip in November. Keep the reviews and pictures coming!


Laurie - your trip is coming up fast! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your pictures. Take your new necklace. It's beautiful and will look really nice with your teal dress.


Margaret - where in Michigan do you go? I am originally from a suburb of Detroit. Lived there until my early twenties when the freezing rain and ice just became too much to deal with. I like Arizona well enough (the summers are brutal though) but I still miss Michigan. I especially miss the seasons. Autumn especially.


As for me, I am excited because both DH and I got approved for our vacation time. I was worried because we both couldn't bid for time off until really recently and it's two weeks in a seniority based bidding system. I was worried that since I am so low on the seniority ladder I wouldn't get the time. But it all worked out. Now I am in overtime working mode to get the cash together to pay for everything. I work at least 25 hours of overtime a month through July. June is especially bad... I think I have 10 hours of ot each week. I will be really ready for a vacation when November rolls around!


I have started looking at clothes and thinking about what I want to take. I am considering buying a corset that I would like to be able to pair with jeans and skirts. I have a strange fascination with corsets and like the body shape they enhance. I know it's a little out of the norm, but I have never been one to color inside the lines, so to speak, so I am toying with the idea and trying to pick one that will be versatile since decent corsets are kind of pricey. We will see if I get the guts to do it. It's like one of my bucket list clothing items. :)


I was also looking at that 12 seasons color analysis that was mentioned on the Fire board. It makes a lot of sense to me. I have a hard time wearing some of our earth colors but can wear some more vibrant jewel tones easily. Some of our more mustard yellows make me look washed out where a jewel toned blue or purple looks perfect. I think I fit into the Deep Autumn/Deep Winter chategory. I am still reading on it but those are colors that work and resonate for me.


Mousey - when does your son leave for his adventure? How is your cousin and parents?

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Hey Barbara...I don't know if we'll be able to go on the cruise...but I have a reservation on Independence (a Freedom class) in February 2016. I'm looking forward to comparing the two.


I'd be interested to see a picture of the kind of corset you mean...when I read that I was picturing Madonna. Have you heard of Sarah Chrisman? She's been featured in different articles because she started wearing a corset (as an undergarment) and I thought she was blogging about it (I ran across a blog on the top at some point...sometimes internet reading just all blurs together) and I guess she has written a book about it, too.


I forgot to say, Happy Belated Birthday Margaret!


Laurie, I, too, wonder how dressed up Allure is in the Caribbean. I recall Mom saying that TA's are pretty casual cruises because of the inescapable airline luggage restrictions. Even if you can drive to embarkation, you pretty much have to fly home... And I would say that day time on the TA was very, very casual. VERY. But for the evenings...the ship put on it's "going out on the town" clothing. While I wouldn't call what everyone wore totally dressy...it was spruced up and had the appearance of making an effort...if that makes sense.


I forgot to mention a conversation I had with a nice older gentlemen regarding formal nights. It seemed that he had NO IDEA that there were such things. Being the researcher that I am, I was somewhat astounded by this...how could you not find that out? But the fact was that he didn't know. There are people in the world who really don't plan. I know my DH's family is like that... I wonder sometimes how many of those that aren't dressed formally fall into this category and really and truly just don't know about formal nights.

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I forgot to mention a conversation I had with a nice older gentlemen regarding formal nights. It seemed that he had NO IDEA that there were such things. Being the researcher that I am, I was somewhat astounded by this...how could you not find that out? But the fact was that he didn't know. There are people in the world who really don't plan. I know my DH's family is like that... I wonder sometimes how many of those that aren't dressed formally fall into this category and really and truly just don't know about formal nights.


I've only been on two cruises - a Viking River Cruise, and a three day Carnival Cruise. The Carnival Cruise was a gift and a last minute thing.


I never heard of formal nights and didn't even think of dress code. I always tend to dress fairly well - I don't leave the house in workout clothes and never wear t-shirts - so I didn't think of it. On the Carnival Cruise it was just my dd and I, and we both tend to dress up a bit (casual dresses) when we go out at night even at home, so we both had on cotton dresses on what turned out to be formal night. It was funny - we left our cabin heading for the dining room for dinner and were so shocked at all the fancy dress. I wondered what was going on. :confused: Reading this board I now realize that I probably offended people who figured I was just not following the rules. Still, nobody said anything to us and we were allowed to eat in the dining room just fine. It still never occurred to me that formal wear was mandatory.


Reading CC is the first time I realized this was a big thing (and WOW! at the strong opinions). We're taking a Princess cruise in August, so we've had to talk about what to do about formal nights. Our consensus is that our "smart casual" is as dressy as we want to get, so we'll just find the location on the ship where that's acceptable. I'm very glad they don't require formal wear everywhere.


For future cruises I'm going to have to find out what cruise lines require what level of dress. Is there a chart somewhere?

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I just want to say...I'm not planning on doing a play by play for the entirety of this review. It just is working out that way for now as new topics are brought up as I encounter them on this voyage...and then expand on them in this review. I swear though...I'm not going to do this for every day of this sailing...until we get to Spain! LOL!




Back to DAY 2. OMG.


Again, Formal Night. First Sea Day (HAhahahaha...with 2 exceptions, for 13 days! the Cruise Compass says, "TOMORROW IS DAY (x) - We will be at sea.")


The big Broadway production was Chicago. It is changing to Mama Mia in dry dock. There were 3 showings over 2 days...there was 1 show on embarkation day and 2 shows this evening. We opted for the late showing at 10:30 pm.


Generally, we went for the late showing of all the shows so that we didn't have any pressure in the late afternoon with getting dressed for dinner or when we would eat dinner relative to the show time AND as we continued to sail EAST...we would lose hours in our day...after the first time change, a 10:30 show would really feel like 9:30...and so on and so forth until the end...we would experience 6 time changes on our crossing.


The hour loss would occur at noon. One minute, it would be 11:59 AM and the NEXT minute, it would be 1:00 PM. So there would be NO NOON HOUR on board on a day with a time change. There is an announcement in the Cruise Compass and there is an additional notice left on your bed during turn down service giving you warning as to what days have a time change. For our sailing, we lost one hour on Days 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9. So on Day 9, we were on "Spain time" and have one full day with no time change to help adjust because we were in Spain on Day 11.


All in all, this method worked very well for me. I dread the Spring time change for day light savings...it takes me a while to recover...but I didn't feel any of the tiredness that I normally do when losing an hour in the day. I'm not a big breakfast eater to begin with...I am one of those that usually has a hard time facing food first thing in the morning so this worked for me. I could get all the sleep I wanted...eat a light breakfast and still be hungry for lunch at an appropriate time so that it wouldn't wreck my dinner.


Back to the show...which was scheduled to start at 10:30 pm.




The Cruise Compass reads: "For shows, doors are open for guests with reservations 45 minutes prior to show times. We kindly request all guests to be seated 15 minutes prior to showtime. At 10 minutes before showtime, any available seats will be released for guests without reservations."


We were in Dazzles, listening to the Those Girlz and watching the dancers. Their set ended at 9:45 pm. We headed straight to the theater at that time to get seats.


I was very excited for this show.


The Cruise Director explained that every effort has been made for the show on the Allure to be like the original Broadway production. The idea was not the have a "cruise version" of any show. The CD explained that for Cats for the Oasis, Andrew Lloyd Webber himself took part in the production of the show so that it would be an authentic production...I guess we are talking SERIOUS Off Broadway production.


I didn't know anything about Chicago.


I knew it had been made into a movie...but I didn't see it.


By far...FAR...LEAPS AND BOUNDS...this is the BEST production on board a cruise ship that I have EVER seen. BY. FAR.


First. The music was absolutely live. There were no prerecorded tracks playing at any point and time. And the musicians played exceedingly well.


Second. The cast was clearly skilled. They were professionals and not to be confused with any kind of intern level person that was trying to get some experience to move on to bigger and better things. Their voices were clear...and loud...and well spoken...even with their accents for their characters...it was easy to hear what they were saying without straining. (So long as their mics were cued up and on...there was ONE instance where at least one actress delivered a short line without her mic...and I admit...I couldn't hear her line.)


The costumes were well fitted. Clearly meant for the individual wearing them. There was no visible alteration to make a generally fitting size fit the player.


The lighting. The staging. The props. EVERYTHING about this show screamed quality.


This was such a well done production...I am so excited that we caught it before it changed...and I am anticipating when I might sail on Allure again with my DH and DS with great excitement to see a different production. It was that special to me.


In that theater, you could easily forget you were on a cruise ship. I ran some comparisons to put it into perspective for my men. The venue that the Atlanta Opera performs has over 2700 seats in 3 levels...for ATLANTA. The Amber Theater has over 2100 seats in 2 levels...for a cruise ship population.




The acoustics don't compare. The Atlanta venue wins for that for sure...BUT...operas are not amplified and so acoustics are way more important in venues that host operas. The sound system for the Amber Theater is well done. I don't recall ever feeling blasted by any part of the production. They did a very good job of adjusting the sound levels so that it could be heard with and without the orchestra playing.


The atmosphere of the Amber Theater is spot on though...there is the rather substantial (for a cruise ship) lobby...the grand entrance with multiple sets of doors...plush seating...cup holders that accommodate wine glasses! (They are somewhat C-shaped with a hole so the stem hangs down under the cup holder...I know...easily thrilled over here.)


Even with the unobtrusive cup holders...the Amber Theater feels like a production theater.


On the Celebrity Summit (and the Connie)...the theater feels more like a very large lounge...it feels like what I have seen represented on sets for an early 20th century lounge with a stage...a kind of retro setting where Jessica Rabbit would sing in a sultry voice. Most of the orchestra seating area are comprised of benches with armrest dividers that create cozy seating for 2 (a few will seat 3)...there are small glass tables in front of each "love seat" area...and each table has a low light that stays on during the productions...IIRC. It seats around 900...which is about one half of the ship.


The Amber Theater seats over one third of the ship...so it makes sense that it usually offers 3 shows of the big productions and headliners that perform there...giving everyone an opportunity (in theory) of seeing the show at least once.


Like every other cruise I have sailed...bar service is readily available prior to curtain time.


The Compass clearly stated the 90 minute run time of Chicago.


The theater was cool. I was comfortable enough...but Mom needed her cardigan to cover her bare arms in the theater. At breakfast the following morning, our tablemates had left the theater mid-show because they were freezing. Point being...like any other place...the temperature is inconsistent and the reaction to the temperature is individual...so be prepared.


When you make a reservation for these shows...it is linked to your Sea Pass card. When you enter the venue of the show, a crew member with a hand held "booper" (I call them) will scan your card to verify that you have a reservation. Each member of your party must have their own reservation and present their Sea Pass card for admittance to the show within the seating time for those with reservations.


When the show is over and it is time to exit the theater...THIS is when Allure feels crowded. But seriously, most land venues of a similar sort would too. THIS is when the elevator lobbies fill and people can get irritated. THIS is when you might encounter a line in the ladies room. THIS is when you experience the greatest impact in sailing on a mega-ship.


So this is when you have to make comparisons to a land production and not another cruise production...because you have just experienced a production competitive enough to run at length on land. It's time to be thankful that you don't have to drive home...and other such thoughts. And be patient. Be thankful that you were sitting in the absolute center of the orchestra section at just the right distance from the stage...and so you have that much longer to do the potty dance after the production than someone that didn't get seats as wonderfully positioned as you.


Just sayin'.

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We just booked a Liberty of the Seas out of Galveston, 9 night, 13 Nov 15. Barbara, is that the one you're on? Laurie I LOVE that necklace! Margaret, happy belated birthday


Cruisinwithagoodbook, formal is not mandatory on any mainstream cruise line; however, Celebrity & Royal main dining room the men wear long pants (khaki/chinos, etc) & normally a shirt with a collar (button down, polo, aloha) on non formal nights-usually called smart casual. Formal nights most men wear jacket/tie, some wear tuxes, women bring out the bling. Some women dress for dinner every night. The buffet is anything is acceptable (except swim attire). Specialty restaurants are smart casual every night. My DH says women are lucky, they always look nice & don't have to think about it (see why I've kept him 46 years!). Melody



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For future cruises I'm going to have to find out what cruise lines require what level of dress. Is there a chart somewhere?


I am not aware of any nicely organized chart that compares the dress codes of the different cruise lines, but you should be able to easily find the information on the cruise line's web site under an FAQ section.


I've sailed Carnival and they have one of the most relaxed dress codes. They clearly allow non-gym-related, longer shorts in the MDR. Most other cruise lines still frown on that in the MDR, but more and more, the dress code is falling under more of a "guideline" and less of a restriction. However, ships will vary with this even within a cruise line so it is best to try to discover what you can about the ship that you are sailing before you go.


In general, I've heard that Caribbean sailings tend to be more casual...and Alaska tends to be the MOST casual...and Europe tends to be the most DRESSY. Margaret sails Princess...I'm sure she'll chime in. Where are you sailing?


For sure...there are easy ways of conforming to Formal Night without actually dressing totally formal. You've already experienced that on your Carnival ship. Ladies can have it easier than men in that dresses are easy to dress up and down with accessories. Usually, if there is more than one formal night...you don't have to pack completely unique outfits...many people repeat...maybe with a slight change.


And yes, the topic can get pretty heated here..but then, most people that would choose to participate in a message forum would be rather opinionated, otherwise there wouldn't be much posting going on. I can't believe I can say that I've cruised 3 different lines in 4 cruises in the past 13 months...but on the basis of that experience, I will say that the feeling on board is not reflected well on these boards. I think there is more understanding IRL than the discussions here would indicate.

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I am not aware of any nicely organized chart that compares the dress codes of the different cruise lines, but you should be able to easily find the information on the cruise line's web site under an FAQ section.


I've sailed Carnival and they have one of the most relaxed dress codes. They clearly allow non-gym-related, longer shorts in the MDR. Most other cruise lines still frown on that in the MDR, but more and more, the dress code is falling under more of a "guideline" and less of a restriction. However, ships will vary with this even within a cruise line so it is best to try to discover what you can about the ship that you are sailing before you go.
Yes, I'm realizing that. I'm a planner, but I'm not really into the whole ship-experience thing, so to me it's just transportation to what I really want to see. After reading here on CC for a while I can see that there are a lot of people who really take the ship itself very seriously and I need to consider that when we plan in the future.


In general, I've heard that Caribbean sailings tend to be more casual...and Alaska tends to be the MOST casual...and Europe tends to be the most DRESSY. Margaret sails Princess...I'm sure she'll chime in. Where are you sailing?
We're going to the Mediterranean. My daughter has been begging for a trip to Rome and Greece ever since we studied Ancient history back in first grade. I homeschooled her. She's got her Master's Degree and is married now, so it's taken a while to get it done. This trip is her reward for graduating.


We're sailing on the Emerald Princess in August. We only decided on a cruise because it seemed the best way to get from Rome to Pompeii to Athens. We're much more interested in the sites we'll see on land than we are what's happening on the ship.


Honestly, the only reason we took the Caribbean cruise on Carnival was to see Chichen Itza. We weren't really thinking of the cruise itself. We brought books and kept trying to find quiet places away from all the people. I got really upset by the huge crowds at the pool because we couldn't get to our room without going right through the middle of them. It was awful.


For sure...there are easy ways of conforming to Formal Night without actually dressing totally formal. You've already experienced that on your Carnival ship. Ladies can have it easier than men in that dresses are easy to dress up and down with accessories. Usually, if there is more than one formal night...you don't have to pack completely unique outfits...many people repeat...maybe with a slight change.
My husband and son-in-law are the ones that don't want to do formal. They don't want to have to pack a jacket to wear once or twice (it's weird to me that you don't know until you get on the ship). My dd and I don't really care, so we'll just go to the buffet or whatever. As long as we get food we'll be happy. :)


And yes, the topic can get pretty heated here..but then, most people that would choose to participate in a message forum would be rather opinionated, otherwise there wouldn't be much posting going on. I can't believe I can say that I've cruised 3 different lines in 4 cruises in the past 13 months...but on the basis of that experience, I will say that the feeling on board is not reflected well on these boards. I think there is more understanding IRL than the discussions here would indicate.
You're right. That's what a discussion forum is like. I get that.



Our Viking River Cruise was perfect. The dress was nice but not fussy, and nobody was tacky or over dressed or too skimpy. (I'm always amazed at the things people call formal that are so skimpy looking.) The focus of the trip was on where we were going (Danube River) and what we were seeing, not so much the ship. We loved it.



My dh was on the river cruise, but has never been on an ocean cruise. My dsil has never been on either. My dd has only done that little Carnival cruise. We'll see how we feel about Princess and Ocean cruising. This may be our last or the first of many to come. Who knows. :)

Edited by Cruisinwithagoodbook
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Melody - aww we are just going to miss you. We are on the repositioning cruise from New Jersey to Galveston. We will be leaving just as you are boarding. We promise to keep the ship nice for you. :)



Darn it Barbara! I was getting hopeful! Have fun on the repo. Melody

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Yes, I'm realizing that. I'm a planner, but I'm not really into the whole ship-experience thing, so to me it's just transportation to what I really want to see. After reading here on CC for a while I can see that there are a lot of people who really take the ship itself very seriously and I need to consider that when we plan in the future.


. We only decided on a cruise because it seemed the best way to get from Rome to Pompeii to Athens. We're much more interested in the sites we'll see on land than we are what's happening on the ship.






I have found that port intensive cruises especially ones that are about sightseeing instead of beaches the focus becomes the ports and the ship is secondary . The ship becomes just a hotel that moves not the experience . I am sure this is what you will find on your Mediterranean cruise.

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I guess I am the opposite of Cruisingwithagoodbook. I look for cruises for the sea days, and honestly am more worried about the ship than the ports. Likely it's because so few excursions/tours are accessible, so I want to enjoy the ship the most. Plus, my idea of heaven is feeling the ocean beneath my feet, while I read a book with a glass of Cabernet in my hand. :)


I know, Melody. So close. Yet so far. Lol.

Edited by ChollaChick
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I have found that port intensive cruises especially ones that are about sightseeing instead of beaches the focus becomes the ports and the ship is secondary . The ship becomes just a hotel that moves not the experience . I am sure this is what you will find on your Mediterranean cruise.


I agree. Cruisinwithabook, like you we tend to decide where we want to go first and then plan on how to get there. Sometimes cruising is the easiest and/or most comfortable way to do so. We were just on the Emerald in March, so if you have any questions, ask away. We were very happy with her. I found the Lotus Pool area to be particularly peaceful.


My three most recent experiences on Princess were a lesson in comparisons.

Dawn P - 1998 pax

Carribean P - 3142 pax

Emerald P - 3092 pax


Cool weather is a great time to decide whether a ship feels crowded or not. On the Dawn P, it was too cool and windy for swimming and the pool deck was sparsely populated, so most folks were inside. That was the most crowded-feeling ship we have ever been on by far. It felt like people were draped everywhere. We had six sea days (fortunately not in a row) and if we hadn't had a mini-suite to hang out in and a nice balcony, I would have been cranky indeed.


By contrast, when we were stuck in port at Houston for five days on the Caribbean P, even though it was too cool for the pool, there seemed to be plenty of space for people indoors. I had read before we left that the Grand Class ships were designed to spread people out in lots of distinct areas rather than gather everyone together around the main pool. Our experience was that this worked and worked well. In fact, even though we tend toward small ship cruises, we were happy enough with that experience to book its sister the Emerald P this year.


Because the weather was so nice on the Emerald, all the pool decks were used and there were plenty of spaces to curl up with a book. We had a balcony so I spend most of my outdoor time there. All in all, even though we prefer small ships, if we sail Princess again we will look for the Grand class again. I also have my eye on the smaller Coral for the Panama Canal.


As for formal nights on Princess, I think cruise location has a lot to do with how dressy. Our Australian and European cruises tended toward more formal, with men predominantly in suits, with some in tuxes, and women predominantly in cocktail dresses, with a few in gowns. There are always some people in casual wear on the ship but I didn't see them in the MDR. On our recent Caribbean cruises there were fewer tuxes and gowns, most wore suits/jackets and dressy dresses, and a large contingent of shirt w/tie, maxi dress couples. Again, casual folks mingling on the ship but not in the MDR. Also, we had late seating and I think that tends to be on the dressier side.


Many people on CC will respond to the question about what to wear by saying "wear what you want." I think that's not a fair nor a complete answer to give. I think a lot depends on whether you are a person who sincerely wants to know how to fit in with the prevailing trend onboard, or one who plans on wearing what you want regardless of the trend and who needs to know if it will fly (as in, will I be turned away from dinner). I make no judgment about where on the spectrum anyone falls, but I think knowing what the asker is really wanting to know is important.

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Just a little note to you all, as I get ready for my trip. We leave on Friday morning.


As it turns out, one of my sisters is not well and in the hospital. I've been debating as to whether I should go on my trip, but have decided to go ahead. She would be very mad at me for staying home "just in case". Also, if her condition should worsen, it would be very easy for me to come home quickly compared to a trip in the Caribbean. She is stable right now, and she is in the hospital where she is safe. If she was home, I'd be more worried!


The weather has been absolutely all over the place here. I mentioned 87 a few days ago, and tonight there is a frost warning. My trip weather seems to be jumping around now too. Victoria has steadfastly been colder than all the other ports, but when I checked today, they will be the warmest. Who knew? But I can rearrange things very easily so I'm good.


I have a maxi skirt and tank that I plan to wear, but due to weather this is going to be my flying outfit now. I plan to take a TON of pictures, or should I say, have my husband take a TON of pictures???


Freedom is a great ship, my absolute favorite. The only time besides mustard (muster drill) that gets crowded is the 70s party in the promenade. I think someone else mentioned Independence and another person mentioned Liberty? They are all the same class. I'll be interested in seeing what you all think.


I hope to be back to post tomorrow, and maybe even during our our little flight intermission...nothing like a 4 hour wait! But we will eat our lunch leisurely, and prepare for the longest leg of trip ahead. It's only 40 minutes from here to JFK, but a lot longer from JFK to San Diego!

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I just found the cutest swimsuit (while looking for a rash guard) at JCPenney. Charcoal grey swim shorts (with SPF 30) & hot neon pink/cream/charcoal tankini top (SPF 30 & underwire, double score!!!). On 40% off & an additional 15% off at register. They had about 7 different patterns & colors tops that went with the grey board shorts (with adjustable string waist) but only this one fit the girls [emoji57]. The sale goes all weekend. I'll try to get a picture

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OMG... I am so excited and I have to tell someone!! We are going on the cruise in November with the best man in our wedding and his wife. Well today he bought our plane tickets for the trip. We weren't expecting that at all. We had been budgeting for the airfare along with the cruise so this was a huge gift for us. It makes the trip even more real. I am so happy.


Laurie - have a wonderful trip!!!


I think it was Margaret or Laurie who asked who had mentioned Liberty of the Seas. It was me! It's the ship we go on in November. Can't wait. Never been on the Freedom class so this will be a new adventure.

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OMG... I am so excited and I have to tell someone!! We are going on the cruise in November with the best man in our wedding and his wife. Well today he bought our plane tickets for the trip. We weren't expecting that at all. We had been budgeting for the airfare along with the cruise so this was a huge gift for us. It makes the trip even more real. I am so happy.


Laurie - have a wonderful trip!!!


I think it was Margaret or Laurie who asked who had mentioned Liberty of the Seas. It was me! It's the ship we go on in November. Can't wait. Never been on the Freedom class so this will be a new adventure.



What a nice gift! He truly is a best man.


We're also going on the Liberty (the week after Barbara :(). Melody

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Hello Ladies!


I just got back from being a chaperone for the eighth grade Music Department trip to Disney! OMG. About 200 eighth graders on that trip...


I'm getting settled back in and will continue on with my trip report today or tomorrow.


Margaret...LOVE that photo. The school year is almost over. Continuing with the KonMari method definitely on my to do list for the summer!

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Hello Ladies!


I just got back from being a chaperone for the eighth grade Music Department trip to Disney! OMG. About 200 eighth graders on that trip...


I'm getting settled back in and will continue on with my trip report today or tomorrow.


Margaret...LOVE that photo. The school year is almost over. Continuing with the KonMari method definitely on my to do list for the summer!


Oh MY! Anita. My first cruise was as a chaperone for our high school choir kids. Not sure if I'd rather have 8th graders at Disney or what we endured. It was an unforgettable memory. Debbie

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Oh MY! Anita. My first cruise was as a chaperone for our high school choir kids. Not sure if I'd rather have 8th graders at Disney or what we endured. It was an unforgettable memory. Debbie

Endured. Yes.


It was fun. Chorus, Band, AND Orchestra. The Chorus was the only group that was actually able to perform. They did a set in Downtown Disney. DS had a solo for it. He was awesome...and I do say so. LOL! The Band and the Orchestra had special workshops that they did.


And we went in all four major theme parks...it was the kind of Disney touring that I normally do not do...from morning until late with no real break. Really rough on the feet.


I was responsible for 8 girls. DH was needed in the band (DS is does both chorus and band but if you were in chorus, you did the chorus activity because it was an actual performance...you could choose to also participate with the instrument activity) so he had 8 boys. Neither of us had our own kid, but that was good really...we chaperone so much...DS could deal with a non-parent adult like most of the other kids.


One of the highlights for me is my Henna tattoo! I got it in "Africa" in Disney's Animal Kingdom. Let me tell you...Henna goes really well with Earth skin! I'll have to take a pic to share...


I also got a beautiful Kariza designs wrap skirt too. I first bought one on a trip a long time ago...the price is surprisingly competitive with the online prices. Anyway...that skirt purchase was pre-Earth days and I did give it away a while back...so this trip...I determined to get another one. I think I found a really pretty one...and I think it will look lovely with my bathing suits. The girl said that sand pretty much just falls off the fabric...so that's a huge plus. I'll have to take a pic of that too.


I'm glad that DH and I could both go. That was nice. We weren't always together since we were on different buses...and taking care of different genders...but we did get to be room mates and tour around the parks together...which was a new and different thing for us at Disney...touring without a kid along.

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