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Today was laundry day. Laurie, I'm getting much better at doing my laundry! I think of you often on Wednesday as that is my designated clothing laundry day...


I saved one load for tomorrow so that one thing that DH took to Canada with him can get washed so he can have it cleaned for the cruise. I'm so nice.


Which brings me to a major question for Sally! I bought a JJill shirt at Goodwill and I was hoping to wash it and take it on the cruise...unfortunately, the previous owner cut off the annoying tag that explains exactly what the material is and suggested care.


SO. I'm wondering if BY CHANCE you have a similar shirt? And can share?


My shirt is a very pale yellow. Long sleeved. No cuffs or buttons on the sleeves. The distinguishing feature of the shirt are the SNAPS that are the front closure, NOT buttons. Also, there is a piecing detail toward the hem in the back. It looks like two right triangles from the side seam toward a point in the bottom middle of the back... The right angles are at the bottom of the side seams. And the material has the look of linen...but feels like a linen blend? It's very soft and thin. Slightly sheer in such a light color.


Anyway...if you have anything similar to look at (I know you like JJill) or advice from caring for similar JJill clothing...I'd appreciate it!


The men's Guayabera shirts are mostly Ramie with Rayon. I looked up Ramie because I'd never heard of it before. I guess it's one of the oldest fibers for fabric making. There are mummies wrapped in Ramie. It's similar to linen, I guess. The care of it is very simple according to what I read, so I risked washing the shirts on my delicate cycle and doing a line/lay flat to dry...


Which just so happens to be my railing...I have a big U-shaped bunch of railing upstairs that surrounds my entry and overlooks my foyer. It is the handiest, dandiest place for all those line dry / lay flat to dry items...it just works.


And fortunately, no shrinkage! Ramie isn't supposed to shrink. Woo Hoo!


Looks like a cold front is coming through here next week...we are leaving right before it hits! Looking at very warm and HUMID on our travel day...


I'm in a dilemma because I haven't flown without wearing my compression socks...and my socks are much, much better than my sleeves. BUT my socks are WOOL. :eek: I want to wear them...such as the look will be with my capris...and then I think I'll just take them off after we land...


Our flight is at 7 am so it shouldn't be too warm here in the morning...and I usually feel cold on planes...


ALSO...I'm not sure about what to do about my knee brace. I can't see really needing it...but it seems like a smart thing to bring it. I know that I would feel more comfortable dancing (if I get to dance in Boleros!) with it on. Especially if other people were on the floor and could bump into me...


But that means that I should WEAR the brace because it isn't really packable...I do have a carrying bag for it. So I could take it off once we got off the plane and could have more bags...


I'm going to be SO ATTRACTIVE for my flight!! OMG.


My brace is pretty rockin' actually. It's like this one:




And this woman is wearing a different one, but similar again:




So, I've just convinced myself that I'd rather have it than not. I mean...I'm so glad that I didn't have to pay the whole $2K price tag...fortunately, I met my deductible much earlier this year and so I only had to pay 20%...which was still a bit of a gulp...


Me thinks that I should have my super awesome brace with me...I mean...that's why I got it. Duh.


So...I'm thinking about my travel outfit...gotta work the brace because, if you can't tell...it isn't flat. It's leg shaped with some securing straps. Yes, it's custom so it fits very well and is as comfortable as such a thing can be...


Hoping to pack on Friday...but I'll be gathering and setting aside starting tomorrow.


I am determined to be ready for that super early Monday morning flight without stressing over it!


Laurie...have a great trip!!

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Anita, you said your brace has a carrying bag and I understand if you feel you NEED to wear it, but it's been my experience that medical equipment like my DH's C-PAP isn't considered in your carry-on allotment. So, you would be allowed to carry it on if you choose to do so, right?

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I would bring it if I were you...


as an example, here are the rules from Delta:


"Medical supplies or equipment are allowed on board as additional items at no extra charge. Some medical items can be carried on the plane, as an "additional carry-on item", as long as they meet the standard size and weight limits. If your supplies/equipment are included in a larger bag that contains other non-essential items, that bag will not be considered a free item, and will be subject to normal baggage fees."

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If it is durable medical equipment it doesn't count as carryon (DO NOT check it! It will disappear). Personally, I'd wear it. I have to wear (my blasted surgical) boot when I fly to protect the foot, it also helps when having to move quickly in an airport (I don't have to worry about the foot giving out). Much better to have it & not need it than need it & not have it.


You can also request a bulkhead seat to accommodate the brace.

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Anita, I think I had that JJill blouse but even if I did not have the exact one I have enough JJiill linen to know their care . I wash them in the washing machine & even throw them in the dryer but if you want to be cautious I would hang dry . JJill linen gets softer with each wash . Have a great trip !

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I hope everyone travelling has a wonderful trip!!!


As for me, I did something I have never done before - I took a dress to be altered. Yes, I've had stuff hemmed before, but I have never done anything more than that. Well, I bought a pretty dress that has these curved wide straps and they are simply too long. I have a very short torso and straps are an issue for me pretty much all of the time. If they are simple straps, even my preschool sewing skills can cut them and sew them shorter, but this dress needed to be done right and it's well beyond my abilities with a needle. So I took it to be professionally done. It was expensive, but I think it will really make the dress look amazing. I also am having her hem it, and add little bra holder straps to the straps (so that the bra straps stay hidden and don't fall off my bowling pin shaped shoulders - haha). If this works, I may have other work for this gal to do. But I will likely look for a less expensive alternative. I can't afford her too often. LOL.


So when that's back from the alterations, I will have three dresses for the cruise dinners. I am still hoping to get to try on that faux leather dress from Dress Barn, but the store near me never has gotten it. I am disappointed because I really want to try it on before I buy it because I don't really know what the cut will be like. I am struggling to figure out what else to pack. I like to dress up some for dinner, but I don't have a ton of dress clothes because I typically wear jeans to work. So even work skirts are pretty minimal. I used to dress up for other jobs, but this place is very casual (no one sees you on the other end of the 911 phone). So... not sure what I'm going to take. We have 12 nights on the ship so I need to do some planning.

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Hi Everyone,


I've been off here for a bit...another disaster has struck so I have bad news and good news.


Bad News:


Two weeks into the beginning of his school year...the DS's new condo apt. was burglarized and except for his bed, desk, and a few clothes...they took everything he owned. He had just the day before bought himself a new Xbox. They took his TV, MacBook computer, his new Xbox, his watch collection (collected since he was 14), clothing, all his jewelry, his wallet with all his ID, his keys, his speakers, his Pill (that's a speaker that's for his iPhone), his guitar, his piano keyboard, his GoPro camera with his Argentina trip pictures on it (thank goodness we had him download quite a few of them for us before he left for school), etc., etc., etc. Hopefully he's learned a hard lesson as we suggested that he not take all of his belonging with him to school for this exact reason.


Good News:

Our home insurance policy covered his loss. We have had an amazingly good experience with Farmers and they have already assessed the loss and given us a very generous claim settlement. It will replace most of our DS's belongings. However, it's still been very traumatic for him. Remember he's still recovering from the trauma of almost having died in a horrific car accident. Plus he lost one of his frat brothers a week before he left for school that was in a car accident and one week into his return to school...4 sorority girls that he's friends with were also in a horrific car accident, one of them died and the other three are every badly injured. So, the kid's just been to hell and back and so have we been right along with him. I'm surprised I haven't had a nervous breakdown as I've been so sad, angry, and stressed by all this drama.



I strongly empathize with what you and your family, especially your son, are going through. It's so awful and stressful, to see your child going through such a horrible experience. Such is life I know and there are lessons to be learned...but still, it's your kid and your heart just breaks for them whenever they are sad or hurting in anyway.


The DS was really happy when we told him about the insurance settlement and we put some of the money into his checking account today and don't ya know...one of the little thieving rats may have tried to use his debit card today...just when we put a nice chunk of the claim settlement into the DS's account. Ugh...does it ever end? The DH and I were totally freaking out until about an hour later when the DS called, after going to the bank, to let us know that all was well and his money was safe. Looking forward...tomorrow he's off to Lake Havasu with his frat brothers and their dates so hopefully he'll have a great time and forget all about the drama for awhile. I think I'm going to write a book entitled, "Can Anymore ____ Hit the Fan Before the Mouse's and Her Family's Year is Over???" LOL!



The looks you posted (camel jacket) are just my style. You know I love my stripes...LOL! You gave me a great new look at things as the look is what I like to wear only I've been wearing a black blazer with the t-shirt and jeans. I'm excited to buy a camel colored one for a new and probably better look for me color-wise. I also love the Derek Lam clothing. Love, love, love it!


Laurie, Anita, and Pam,


Here's hoping you all have safe and amazing vacations. I leave in three weeks for FL to celebrate my Dad's 90th Birthday and my parent's 70th Anniversary. The party my SIL, Brother, and I are planning is coming right along but we have a ton of work to do when I get there. We have 60 people coming and the SIL and I are doing all of the cooking, decorating, etc. ourselves. Yikes!...Like I need more stress. LOL! It's going to be such a huge surprise for them.


Chola Chick,


I'm going to be trying Sally Hansen's Gel nail polish (which has a top and color coat and is removable with polish remover). I just bought a really great red (one of my favorite shades of red...a candy apple hue) that I hope to wear on my trip to FL and on our Christmas cruise. I'll let you all know how it works out.


Again, I want to say to Lauri...hang in there...all will be well. Hopefully your DS will acclimate quickly to being away from home. I wish him the very best and I hope all the drama of the travel problems are behind you and your family. I know it's hard...but just look forward and not back. It's what we're trying to do. It's not easy I know.


Well, as usual, I've been long-winded for which I apologize.


Best wishes and dreams and travels to everyone!:D

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Getting ready to leave! It's nice just making our schedule as we go along. I did mynas last night. They came out decent but they aren't earth. Oh well! [ATTACH]362885[/ATTACH]




Have a great trip...I like the dark nail polish against your lighter skin. Looks good to me!




Has your husband had his hip replacement surgery yet? My cousin's DH just had his this past Tues. and is doing well. He'll probably be going home today.

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Getting ready to leave! It's nice just making our schedule as we go along. I did mynas last night. They came out decent but they aren't earth. Oh well! [ATTACH]362885[/ATTACH]




Have a great trip...I like the dark nail polish against your lighter skin. Looks good to me!




Has your husband had his hip replacement surgery yet? My cousin's DH just had his this past Tues. and is doing well. He'll probably be going home today.




So sorry I misspelled your name in my post yesterday...my bad. I'll let you know when I try out my new Sally Hansen gel polish.


Good Day to All!

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Laurie and Anita, have a wonderful, relaxing vacation! I hope the weather cooperates and you are able to take full advantage of all your free time!



So sorry to hear of all your son has had to go through the last few weeks. Thank Goodness your insurance paid for his stolen items. It really puts things in perspective when you go through something difficult (his robbery, my sons travel problems) and then experience something life-altering (his and his friends accident, my neighbors house burning). Talk about perspective! I hope he has a wonderful weekend and can come back feeling better about his situation!


We did get an apology from the University. They are changing some of the International student documents to address immigration more clearly. Ryan got a phone call from them and they clarified that he did enter the UK properly. Last night we skyped with him and saw his gorgeous smile for the first time in days! He met with his fellow Linguistic grad students and really hit it off. He is finally sleeping better so he is feeling better and getting out more! Phew! I think it will all be uphill from here!


Have a great weekend, everyone!


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Laurie and Anita, have a wonderful, relaxing vacation! I hope the weather cooperates and you are able to take full advantage of all your free time!



So sorry to hear of all your son has had to go through the last few weeks. Thank Goodness your insurance paid for his stolen items. It really puts things in perspective when you go through something difficult (his robbery, my sons travel problems) and then experience something life-altering (his and his friends accident, my neighbors house burning). Talk about perspective! I hope he has a wonderful weekend and can come back feeling better about his situation!


We did get an apology from the University. They are changing some of the International student documents to address immigration more clearly. Ryan got a phone call from them and they clarified that he did enter the UK properly. Last night we skyped with him and saw his gorgeous smile for the first time in days! He met with his fellow Linguistic grad students and really hit it off. He is finally sleeping better so he is feeling better and getting out more! Phew! I think it will all be uphill from here!


Have a great weekend, everyone!



Lauri, I'm so very glad to hear the good news about your son! Isn't technology wonderful?! You get to see your son's beautiful smile. You just swell up with love when you see that don't you. We communicated with our DS when he was in Argentina this summer on our iPhones through Face Time (or whatever you call it...I'm not great at technological stuff). It's such a thrill when you actually get to see them and can see they are doing well.


Yes life is like that, just when you think you have problems...you realize that others have it much much worse. I'd say we're doing good.;)

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mousey...Just. Good. Grief. You have had a series of unfortunate events for sure. I hope there is nothing more to be added to the series for the rest of the year!


I have been doing all kinds of crazy things around the house...checking items off of a mental want-to-do list. Weird things like improving the weatherstripping around the house...major cleaning...detailing my car?


Here's my big tip for car maintenance...my car is over 9 years old now and I noticed that I was having a harder and harder time seeing at night. Did some research and read a bit about serious cleaning for headlights. Well. I have a silver polish (Wegman's) that is good for all metals really AND plastic!


I have used this on DVDs when they start to get pixel-y and have issues. Naturally, I decided to try it on my headlights...and OMG...they are so sparkly and so clear and amazingly new looking. HIGHLY recommend.


Had to do DH's car too, which is only 5 years old because it makes that much of a difference.


So check out your silver polish and see if yours also can be used on plastic. And clean your headlights. It's amazing the difference it makes...and the days are getting shorter...


I've tried to do everything that would be a nail polish wrecker...


So. Tomorrow I am packing.


And then I plan on relaxing and doing a mani/pedi with whatever I think will go with what I finally decide to pack!


Fall break has officially started and I am bound and determined to NOT have a bunch of last minute items keep me up too late on the night before we leave. Our flight is at 7:00 am! We aren't checking baggage so it shouldn't be as bad...but still.


I finally found a good tinted SPF product for me. I'm so excited. I bought a started kit at Ulta by Bare Minerals called "Complexion Rescue." The tinted hydrating gel cream in there works really well for me. My skin soaked it right up and you couldn't even tell that I had any product on...and yet...it did a little something something that improved the overall appearance of my skin.


I could definitely wear this every day.


There are mixed reviews of it. My issues have been that other BB or CC or whatever creams sit on top of my skin and you can tell I have on product. Also, I've had them highlight how dry my skin is so that I feel like I need to moisturize before I put the cream on.


If you have similar problems, I suggest you give this gel a try!


Thanks Sally for the help with the JJill shirt! I washed it yesterday and laid it out on the railing to dry, just in case. Came through just fine.

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Well. I am thoroughly shocked at my capsule wardrobe for this trip!


Quick reminder:


Enchantment of the Seas (Expanded Vision Class RCL Ship)


Embark from Port Canaveral

Coco Cay Day (Royal Private Island)

Nassau Day (Midnight Sailaway)

Sea Day

Disembark for a "port day" in Orlando (flight at 8:20 pm)


My Capsule Wardrobe...Very surprising colors to me:




From left to right, from top to bottom:


Red/black animal print scarf-like poncho

Saffron Red Athleta LS Rashguard

Black sheer swim suit cover up

Green/Black swim suit

Cargo swim suit (it's blending into the gray blanket)

Greige JJill knit button up LS shirt (Goodwill Find!)

Fire Red Heather Athleta Cami

Black/Silver Shimmer Athleta Cami

Black/Gray/White SS Tech Fabric Shirt

Green Athleta Cami

Red Desigual Maxi Dress (a Barcelona purchase!)

Greige Built-in necklace SS shirt

Black Pashmina Scarf peeking through

Butterscotch Sparkle tank

Off-White Lace Maxi Skirt

Black/Gray/Red-accent knee sleeve (to wear under my brace, if needed)

Black Athleta Skort

Black Skinny Yoga Capris

Gray Flared Yoga Capris


Who knew? Red, Green and Neutrals!


It's Christmas in September in the Bahamas! Oh my!


The maxi dress and the lace skirt outfits (previously seen and discussed) are my MDR outfits for nights 2-4. I'm bringing the black pashmina scarf for some added warmth, if needed, for these evenings. DH gave it to me, and even though it's black, I do still love to wear it because he gave it to me...and it is nice is a too air conditioned room.


On the travel day, I plan to wear one of the Athleta tanks with the scarf poncho (probably the Heather Red) and either the black capris or skort to the MDR. For the day, I'll wear the black capris and a different Athleta tank and the JJill LS shirt as an overshirt.


For Nassau, there is a 50% chance of rain. I plan on wearing the black skort and the black/gray/white SS tech fabric shirt. I want my shoulders/back covered for added sun protection...but the tech fabric of the outfit to deal with potential rain.


The rest is just a mix and match of my typical daywear...that is, the new word "athleisure" style and swimwear. Margaret mentioned how she will always include some long sleeves, warmer overlayers now...and I feel the same after the TA...so the JJill shirt and my rashguard fulfill that requirement for this trip.


Ah. Shoes. I'm debating my trusty Zumba shoes v. my new Rocket Dog sneakers. I'm leaning toward the Zumba shoes simply because of the rain forecast for Nassau. The mesh on those shoes would deal better with the potential rain than the canvas of the Rocket Dogs, and if I happened to be inspired enough to hit the fitness center...the Zumba shoes are more appropriate for that too. I might just bring an extra pair of shoe laces and insoles for the Zumba shoes (in case of the rain) because those will be my airplane shoes.


Bringing my tan colored t-straps for the MDR.


Bringing Tevas for the beach/pool.


Might bring another water friendly shoe. Maybe my Sanuk yoga slings too (they are sandals with tee-shirt like uppers with yoga mats for the bottoms...super comfy...like public slippers).


Another item of note is my Jockey slip short. OMG. LOVE this. If you haven't heard of these before:




My thighs touch so sometimes skirts really annoy me and sometimes, it's flat out irritating in humid weather to have my legs rub along as I walk. Not only does this slip short help with that issue...it's helpful for just enough smoothing out of panty lines, etc. I also have the wicking version, but I don't think I got the right size in that one...those legs creep up on me, but the normal version stays put.


While not always an ideal combination, this is a mix and match kind of wardrobe. Ultimately I have:


6 tops

2 overshirts

2 skirts

2 capris

1 dress

2 scarves

2 swim suits

1 cover-up (2 if you double count the rashguard)


The Athleta tops (including the rashguard) are all touted to be "unstinkable"...the camis have built in bras, but I usually wear another workout bra underneath...


All in all...I'm quite pleased with my little capsule here. In some ways, it feels like a lot of clothes for a 4-night trip...but in others, it seems just right given the itinerary. There are a couple shirts in there that aren't Earth at all...but they are suited to the purpose and I don't sacrifice functionality and practicality for color.


And I've always said that finding Earthy exercise clothing (and other athleisure) was my greatest challenge.


The important thing is that I feel good in everything that I am taking. It's all very comfortable and flattering in some way. So I'm very excited about that.


I still need to figure out what earrings I want to wear with the Aurora Borealis necklace...Nothing seems to really "go". My other jewelry will likely all be very simple.


And to figure out my nail polishes!


I hope Laurie and Mom are having good weather and enjoying themselves.


We don't leave until Monday...but it is early so that's why I'm trying so hard to get everything done early...so that all of this can be fun. Even packing should be fun...but often it feels so stressy. Fortunately, none of my clothing is prone to wrinkles...

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Anita, I love bare minerals complexion rescue - I actually get it in tan for when we cruise (otherwise wear natural).


Love your clothes capsule. I'm getting ready to lay my clothes out for November. I'm bringing 2 possibly 3 rash guards tho [emoji6]. Melody

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Melody...the starter kit was available in fewer choices than the individual product...but the natural was perfect for me. Funny, because I have quite a bit of color (for me) right now...so that is my "tan" color. I think I'll need to go lighter later this winter...


Your cruise is 7 nights right?


I've decided on my nail colors.


The reds in my capsule look really orange-like! But they are red...just the way the colors are working together I guess...


Anyway...toes are going to be a metallic red-orange "Deutsch you want me Baby?" by OPI.




Fingers will be Chanel's "Alchemy"




Gotta have a fun, bright color on the toes for the beach! But wanting something less startling on my hands this time around...


Time to help my men!

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I would definitely bring more rashguards on a longer trip. I would like another rash guard...but short sleeves. I'm holding out for a good sale though. I would wear that in Nassau instead of the shirt that I am wearing...but you work with whatcha got, KWIM?


All the clothes are out and folded, except for the things that are more wrinkle-prone. My men have several things that could be more wrinkly, so I'm waiting to fold those up. It's otherwise ready to be packed tomorrow though.


The kitchen is all cleaned up and caught up.


I think I'm safe to do my nails now! I'm so thrilled...this will be the first time that it isn't 10 o'clock the night before leaving for me doing my nails! YAY!!


Tomorrow will be a relaxing time of making sure that I have books on my Kindle...music I want on my iPod...etc etc. And toiletries... Happy vacation prepping!

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