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rccl--first and definately last time.

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Sorry you had a bad experience and I hope your venting has made you feel better. Did you contact RCCL about it? Did you get a survey before you left? Hopefully your experience is an isolated one.


My last dining experience was similar on RCCL. They did not get my steak right the first time so after I ate it I ordered another one. I ate that one, too.


:eek::D lol!!!!!!

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I see sooooo many complaints on here about drink prices being high. Can anyone from anywhere in the world please come on here and post a vacation destination, which is what the ship is, where drink prices match what you pay at home retail? I live in a ski town and the prices on the ships are actually lower than when I go out and drink here in town. Last time I was at Disney/Epcot the beers were quite pricey. Go to a football/baseball stadium and you'll be paying a ridiculous price for a beer. I don't understand why so many people lose their minds about drink prices onboard. There is a markup, sometimes more significant than others anytime you order a drink anywhere outside your home. Relax and if it bothers you don't drink till you get home. Ok, rant is over, I think I need a drink:D Take care all, Jim


I agree! I've seen La Terre (the house wine on RCI) at higher prices in restaurants at home, same with some of the wines we actually order. Comparing the cost of a bottle or glass of wine onboard (or any cocktail, for that matter) with what you pay at the market is apples to oranges - see what you pay in a restaurant or resort and then make that comparison. Cheers!:D


I think that if I had a cruise line that I really like (which I do) and tried another cruise line and had a poor experience, that I would not be trying that line again even if the experience was very atypical. My vacation time is way too limited and valuable to risk a second poor experience when I know there is a place that I can go to that provides just what I am looking for. So I fully understand the OP not trying RCI again no matter how atypical his experience may seem to some of us here.


And I know what poor dining room service can be on RCI. I experienced it myself on Mariner. It certainly was atypical of my experience with RCI but if that ship had been our first RCI cruise, and the MDR service was very important to me, I might have been very likely to not book RCI for my next cruise.


I agree. I'm trying out HAL for the first time in a little over a week and, if the experience isn't as good as we've had on RCI or Princess, I won't be booking them again, since I can still book PRINCESS for a Pacific itinerary, even if RCI has abandoned us.


I've seldom had really good MDR service on a Radiance class ship. There's something about the way those rooms are laid out that make the experience totally chaotic. I'm thinking that they didn't dedicate enough square footage to the dining rooms and the result is that too many tables are squeezed in. We've usually had terrific service on the other classes of ships.

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I find it interesting to read posters concerns, but still do not understand, why many express them on CC rather than going directly to the CL.



Is it just venting or do they feel they are doing a public service?


Then I have to smile when the usual "friendly" debates ensue, followed by

posters taking sides and someone throwing in a popcorn comment.


Just goes to show we all need to be posting less and vacationing more.


If I voiced all my concerns from my cruises...OMG...CC posters would label me as the biggest complainer ever......it's bad enough that I get teased about being a Land Lover.......



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I agree! I've seen La Terre (the house wine on RCI) at higher prices in restaurants at home, same with some of the wines we actually order. Comparing the cost of a bottle or glass of wine onboard (or any cocktail, for that matter) with what you pay at the market is apples to oranges - see what you pay in a restaurant or resort and then make that comparison. Cheers!:D




I agree. I'm trying out HAL for the first time in a little over a week and, if the experience isn't as good as we've had on RCI or Princess, I won't be booking them again, since I can still book PRINCESS for a Pacific itinerary, even if RCI has abandoned us.


I've seldom had really good MDR service on a Radiance class ship. There's something about the way those rooms are laid out that make the experience totally chaotic. I'm thinking that they didn't dedicate enough square footage to the dining rooms and the result is that too many tables are squeezed in. We've usually had terrific service on the other classes of ships.


Just off Princess in January, and I can not understand why the OP thinks RCI is over charging for wine. Cocktails, wine, beer, and other pay for items seemed pretty much similar. Beyond the I could bring wine on board factor, I really don't get that complaint. The food on Princess was neither better nor worse than what I typically get on RCI. Seems like the poor Brilliance is cursed doing the Dubai runs.


Have fun on Princess it is a good product, too. ;)



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Well Lol 1944

You certainly are entitled to your opinion. Looks like you had an awful time. I doubt changing ships would help..the B O S is a big favorite. It is one of the best ships...perhaps it was b/c it was a Med. trip???

Dont be discouraged by the flamers on this thread......there is blood in the water...and they love to jab.

I would spend all my time and resources complaining to RCI. I would write several strongly worded letters to the appropriate people.

I have been on 29 cruises with RCI..It is a fine brand. I would not cruise with any other at this point, or maybe a 6 or 7 star cruiseline if I could afford it!!!However, over the years I have had some mistreatment and dissatisfaction...but not all on one trip.I think every thing you have described has happenned to me or friends on board over the years. So I know youre not making it up or are otherwise difficult. That is unfortunate that you had every negative thing happen on this one trip. Let RCI know about it and take names.........Good luck:)

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I am sorry you had a bad time on your trip - you have made some valid comments (less wait staff in the dining room, food cutbacks) that we have heard before.


In regards to the other issues that you had - IMPO running out of food, (which I am sure was restocked at the next port of call) having plastic forks and cardboard milk cartons is not a big issue to me.


Dirty tables - means less waitstaff (which we already know).


Towel system is bad (as has been reported many times).


Drink prices are high -



May I ask what you paid per day?


We are doing a TA in a few weeks, family of three. We are paying just over $66 dollars, per person per day for a AFT deck 6, E1 stateroom. I am assuming the food is going to be warm at best - something along the lines of a wedding - it may look good, but will be lesser cuts of meat, odd combo's and empty air filled sweets. Just like you get at home town buffet.


I also assume drink prices are going to be very very high.


Service will not be top notch - I just hope its not bad.


I will of course report the good and bad as **I** see it, just as you have done.


Thank you so much for coming back and sharing your trip details with us.


I hope your next cruise works out better for you.



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I see sooooo many complaints on here about drink prices being high. Can anyone from anywhere in the world please come on here and post a vacation destination, which is what the ship is, where drink prices match what you pay at home retail? I live in a ski town and the prices on the ships are actually lower than when I go out and drink here in town. Last time I was at Disney/Epcot the beers were quite pricey. Go to a football/baseball stadium and you'll be paying a ridiculous price for a beer. I don't understand why so many people lose their minds about drink prices onboard. There is a markup, sometimes more significant than others anytime you order a drink anywhere outside your home. Relax and if it bothers you don't drink till you get home. Ok, rant is over, I think I need a drink:D Take care all, Jim
Sure, go to any All-Inclusive resort. They're even below wholesale.
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What does "cardboard cartons for cups in room" mean? :confused:


We had glasses on the Radiance last month.


I dont recall seeing milk in cardboard either but Im not a milk drinker so i wasnt looking.



Sorry you had a bad cruise. Enjoy Princess :)

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Sure, go to any All-Inclusive resort. They're even below wholesale.


Once upon a time the cocktails on the ship were reasonable.. I remember on a cruise in 2002............not that long ago. The drink of the day was $2.50. At least one drink was cheap. Now they bend you over. A martini at Disney World is the same price as RCI... Thats just wrong in my opinion.

I dont really care.... I drink for free in the concierge lounge. But If I did not.... I would certainly think about drinking less or bringing drinks in my cargo pants!

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I find it interesting to read posters concerns, but still do not understand, why many express them on CC rather than going directly to the CL.

Is it just venting or do they feel they are doing a public service?


Then I have to smile when the usual "friendly" debates ensue, followed by

posters taking sides and someone throwing in a popcorn comment.


Just goes to show we all need to be posting less and vacationing more.


If I voiced all my concerns from my cruises...OMG...CC posters would label me as the biggest complainer ever......it's bad enough that I get teased about being a Land Lover.......




Isn't C.C. supposed to be a place for us to come to and talk about what we like, don't like, and our various experiences?


As far as posting less and vacationing more..... time and money are two big factors affecting the P/V ratio.;):D

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Sure, go to any All-Inclusive resort. They're even below wholesale.


I haven't priced one in a while but I know the last time I did it was higher for a week at an AI than the cruise I had just been on including my bar bill. It is one reason I haven't tried and AI yet. My point was it doesn't matter where you go there is markup. Cruise ship prices are comparable to anywhere else one would go on vacation, if not better in some cases. Thanks, Jim

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Once upon a time the cocktails on the ship were reasonable.. I remember on a cruise in 2002............not that long ago. The drink of the day was $2.50. At least one drink was cheap. Now they bend you over. A martini at Disney World is the same price as RCI... Thats just wrong in my opinion.

I dont really care.... I drink for free in the concierge lounge. But If I did not.... I would certainly think about drinking less or bringing drinks in my cargo pants!


And how much did you pay for your cruise in 2002? We paid more then than we do now.

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And how much did you pay for your cruise in 2002? We paid more then than we do now.


Well my friend..................I see your point we did pay more and adjusting for inflation... a lot more!!!! You are right!

But I would rather pay more for the cruise and not be affraid of my ship account being so high.

Plus havent you noticed ppl cruising now, as opposed to ten years ago, are more willing to tolerate bad food and indifferent service?

RCI is doing the Airline clam shell routine...lower fares.. but it will cost you a bundle if you want to bring your suit case.

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I think that if I had a cruise line that I really like (which I do) and tried another cruise line and had a poor experience, that I would not be trying that line again even if the experience was very atypical. My vacation time is way too limited and valuable to risk a second poor experience when I know there is a place that I can go to that provides just what I am looking for. So I fully understand the OP not trying RCI again no matter how atypical his experience may seem to some of us here.


And I know what poor dining room service can be on RCI. I experienced it myself on Mariner. It certainly was atypical of my experience with RCI but if that ship had been our first RCI cruise, and the MDR service was very important to me, I might have been very likely to not book RCI for my next cruise.


We have also noticed some changes in the MDR. On our last cruise on the Serenade the servers were running around trying to get things. We were on the far side of the dinning room and it was a long walk for them. They still were only serving two tables (both with nine people per table), but you could tell they were working as they were sweating sometimes. Our head waiter had been with RCI for 15 years and had nothing but good things to say about the company. He was from India and we talked every night about India and the food as I have been there before. There was two nights he surprised me with an Indian dish he had the cooks or he had made special for me. We still love the RCI experience. We have tried CCL and will never go back there and we feel as though they meet our needs and have never been anything but great to us. Are they perfect or is there things that can be improved? Sure, but what company does not have that? All cruise companies sell a service. Some are very high end, some are bargin cruises and then there are those in the middle. It is up to you to find the one that best meets your needs and for us it is RCI.

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Once upon a time the cocktails on the ship were reasonable.. I remember on a cruise in 2002............not that long ago. The drink of the day was $2.50. At least one drink was cheap. Now they bend you over. A martini at Disney World is the same price as RCI... Thats just wrong in my opinion.

I dont really care.... I drink for free in the concierge lounge. But If I did not.... I would certainly think about drinking less or bringing drinks in my cargo pants!


Go to an NFL game and see what you $7-$9 for a beer. You are at a entertainment venue, the same as a ship, you know going in you are going to pay more for a drink.

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Well my friend..................I see your point we did pay more and adjusting for inflation... a lot more!!!! You are right!

But I would rather pay more for the cruise and not be affraid of my ship account being so high.

Plus havent you noticed ppl cruising now, as opposed to ten years ago, are more willing to tolerate bad food and indifferent service?

RCI is doing the Airline clam shell routine...lower fares.. but it will cost you a bundle if you want to bring your suit case.


I'd rather pay less for the cruise, then add the little extra that are important to me. I am not affffffraid of my shipboard account; those choices are easy to make.

As a light packer, I'd rather have lower fare and pay per bag. otherwise my fare is higher so some crazy person can take everything but the kitchen sink. know anybody you packs like that?

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And how much did you pay for your cruise in 2002? We paid more then than we do now.


U have nailed it with simple reasoning (usually do - I enjoy your posts) - thank you! :)


This is exactly what is happening in the cruise industry. To keep fares low to entice folks to cruise they have to cut costs and usually the dining room/buffet/room service food is the first to be downgraded (and they discontinued the chocolates on the pillow also)


Its also one reason (extra revenue is the other) why they opened specialty restaurants onboard ships - those who wanted low fares but better food cld pay and those satisfied with the low fares did not pay but cld simply eat what was included with the cruise fare..


Then they cut staff and service suffers although 'newbies' won't notice 'cause they haven't experienced better service like the 'oldsters' have who do notice and of course, being disappointed they have to vent..:)

What they fail to realize is that to get the levels of food & service they expect from long ago they wld have to pay double or triple the cruisefares they pay today. Wld they complain - yes and some wldn't then even cruise either so the mid-range cruiselines only real hope are 'newbies'!! Amazing to me that folks see their salaries going up but expect cruise fares to stay low and still get all the amentities they were used to yrs ago..??


I almost pity the mid-range & even higher end cruiselines as businesses attempting to not only satisfy the 'oldsters' & the 'newbies' also..Almost impossible to do..


Those who want what they had yrs ago can simply pay more and travel on Crystal, Cunard etc - prices are much higher but so is what u get.


Of course staying in a suite wld help also..those folks tend to get more 'cause they pay more! I graduated yrs ago to suites and have never been sorry - quite the contrary. Have seen things change and with research esp on CC :) have understood why..so am content with the fares I pay..


The whole thing though is primarily about paying more $ - which folks don't seem to want to do..and having a 'vent session' on CC (rather than doing some homework on why things are changing) is only going to make a person feel better for the time it takes them to type it all out. Going to another mid-range cruiseline isn't going to make much of a difference - they are all in the same 'boat' :D so to speak IMO but please - try other cruiselines u just might be happier elsewhere - I hope u are!


Have great cruisin' all :)

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We found the whole experience sub standard. A few things to start:


Food quality very poor and very sparse menu choice in Minstrel---Four times to get a steak that was ordered well done and on first three attempts "bled"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unable to order a salad without dressing. Why?????????

Choice of meals is very poor. "no" is too often the answer.!!!!!!!!


Too few waiters in Minstrel--those present rushing around-yes-like headless chickens-- thereby reducing the service---wrongly ordered meal produced to wrong person---necesary cutlery not provided until requested!!!!!!!!!!!


Windjammer food very poor quality. Queues for egg station. Queues for chips.

Toast so thin is rock hard. Ran out of bananas one day. Ran out of scones one day. Plastic crockery. ridiculous milk cartons!!!!!!!!!!! Cleanliness of tables--ugghh!!!!!!!!!!! And it is not 24 hours.


Cardboard cartons as cups in rooms---I can get these at my local KFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No mats on sunbeds. Pool far too small. That stupid towel system!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice cream station located too far from pool and cannot be accessed from pool without covering up.


Drink prices excessive. two glasses of wine at dinner buys the bottle at home!!!!!!!!!!


no bedtime chocs.

I could go on but no point really. It was a very cheap nasty cruise. And there is no way I would sail with this lot again



Oh well. One less complainer. PS drink prices are exorbitant on every cruise line.


Do chocolates on the pillows really make that big of a deal? Seriously.

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We found the whole experience sub standard. A few things to start:


Food quality very poor and very sparse menu choice in Minstrel---Four times to get a steak that was ordered well done and on first three attempts "bled"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unable to order a salad without dressing. Why?????????

Choice of meals is very poor. "no" is too often the answer.!!!!!!!!


Too few waiters in Minstrel--those present rushing around-yes-like headless chickens-- thereby reducing the service---wrongly ordered meal produced to wrong person---necesary cutlery not provided until requested!!!!!!!!!!!


Windjammer food very poor quality. Queues for egg station. Queues for chips.

Toast so thin is rock hard. Ran out of bananas one day. Ran out of scones one day. Plastic crockery. ridiculous milk cartons!!!!!!!!!!! Cleanliness of tables--ugghh!!!!!!!!!!! And it is not 24 hours.


Cardboard cartons as cups in rooms---I can get these at my local KFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No mats on sunbeds. Pool far too small. That stupid towel system!!!!!!!!!!!

Ice cream station located too far from pool and cannot be accessed from pool without covering up.


Drink prices excessive. two glasses of wine at dinner buys the bottle at home!!!!!!!!!!


no bedtime chocs.

I could go on but no point really. It was a very cheap nasty cruise. And there is no way I would sail with this lot again


Sorry to hear that. Reading your response here I have to say that a lot of it is true. It's just a matter of if it bothers you or not and clearly this isn't the right line for you... I hope you still enjoyed your vacation!!

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To the original poster...your comments are I'm sure are welcome by many on this site, however, what you described as being poor is just your opinion and should not be written like this is how it is all the time, if it's even that bad. Again, it is just your opinion.


What you dislike, or what you say is poor might be looked upon differently by someone else. You say that everything on Princess is pretty much perfect, but I could rant and say that the few times we cruised Princess we were not satisfied at all by their lousy food, and terrible service, however, we just said that in our OPINION, Princess isn't what we expected, BUT, others may find the experience more pleasant.

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Wow, just got off the Serenade about two weeks ago and I would say it was one of the best RCI cruises we have taken. Food was excellent and I don't really see the cutbacks other than no chocolates, which I didn't eat anyway.

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Does 40,000 plus posts give you the right to be so rude. The man had an opinion that he wished to share. If you think that only positive posts should be made, you're the one that needs to move along. Get over it.


Don't normally agree with a United Fan:eek:, but 100% with you on this one.:D

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I see sooooo many complaints on here about drink prices being high. Can anyone from anywhere in the world please come on here and post a vacation destination, which is what the ship is, where drink prices match what you pay at home retail? I live in a ski town and the prices on the ships are actually lower than when I go out and drink here in town. Last time I was at Disney/Epcot the beers were quite pricey. Go to a football/baseball stadium and you'll be paying a ridiculous price for a beer. I don't understand why so many people lose their minds about drink prices onboard. There is a markup, sometimes more significant than others anytime you order a drink anywhere outside your home. Relax and if it bothers you don't drink till you get home. Ok, rant is over, I think I need a drink:D Take care all, Jim


I agree about the prices. The price of drinks on cruises are definitely higher than what you would buy from a liquor store, but they're not much higher than a trendy bar or a sporting venue or whatever. I expect a decent sized markup because having a drink in the Viking Crown Lounge looking out at the ocean beats the hell out of having a drink on my couch staring at the television. ;)


We went to a bar at Mohegan Sun (casino in Connecticut) a couple of weeks ago where we paid about 200% of what we usually pay for drinks on RCI. Brutal.

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