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Dumb Question #128 Chair Hog?


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I keep seeing reference in different threads to the towels on chairs by the pools early in the mornings by the "chair hogs" can someone please give me a short but humorous circle time story explaining this and how a first time cruiser either deals with it or becomes a thorn in the side of the hog? :D

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I keep seeing reference in different threads to the towels on chairs by the pools early in the mornings by the "chair hogs" can someone please give me a short but humorous circle time story explaining this and how a first time cruiser either deals with it or becomes a thorn in the side of the hog? :D


Chair Hogs get to the pool in the morning, put towels and books, and other things on chairs to reserve them for whenever they decide to come and use the chairs. Sometimes the chairs go unused for hours.


For this reason, it is OK to time how long a chair is not used. The time limit is set at one half hour. After a half hour (personally, I like to wait 45 minutes) it is permissable and encouraged to take all of their possessions and toss them overboard.


This is one of the many fun activities of cruising.:D

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As long as you go to the pool, pick a lounger, and use it, you are NOT a "chair hog"...even if you get in the pool, go to the bar, restroom, or stop and talk to other pool goers.....you are actively AT the pool, and that lounger is yours.


"Hogging" is when you "save" you or your party a chair that you won't be using right away. It doesn't mean you have to be sitting in the chair every single second!!!!

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On my last cruise a mother and grown daughter started to remove towels from a couple of chairs. A guy got up and said he was saving those for family members...he had 6 chairs saved, with 2 or 3 occupied at any given time. The lady said she had been watching the chairs for an hour and no one had ever come to sit in them, but the guy wouldn't relent. So they ended up arguing and she would try to take a chair, then the guy would sit in it, so the lady would go to another chair and the guy would get up and sit in it...one of the family members got up to go get the other family members...the teenage son came out in a hoodie and the dad made him sit down...the kid did NOT want to be at the pool...it was getting really stupid, but I have to say I sided with the lady at this point. Finally the daughter went to get security, and while they did not ask the guy to give up some of his 6 seats...they went and got two chairs and sqeezed them in for the two ladies. There was room but it was still a bit tight. It was pretty full on all decks, but the rule is supposed to be 30 minutes, so I think the ladies had a right to move the belongings...however, as a PP mentioned, I would probably go get a Carnival employee to remove the belongings if possible.

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I agree with cb at sea. It would annoy me to no end if I got to the pool, put my stuff on my chair, took a 30 minute swim, went and used the restroom, jumped into the hot tub for 10 minutes, stopped at the pool bar for a soda, and came back to find my stuff gone 45 or even 50 minutes after I placed it there. As far as I'm concerned, that's not being a chair hog, that's actively using the pool facilities.


What annoys me is getting to the pool at 8:00 am, there's one person in the pool, two people in the hot tub, and 23 chairs with towels or ragged paperbacks on them. Those chairs then sit unused at all for three hours. At that point it's obvious that the people who put stuff on them are not in the pool area and haven't been since they placed their belongings on them.


The easiest way to handle this would be a pool attendant who keeps and eye on things.

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I am not sure what you are asking, but did you notice the "search" feature on this board. Do a search with the term "chair hogs" and you will easily find all the stories you'd ever want.


I asked because I have never been on a cruise before. Hence the reason I put the question in the FIRST TIME CRUISERS BOARD.


NOW I am seriously wondering why I even booked a cruise. After this snotty response and perusing some of the threads on chair hogs, seat hogs at shows, being hit with beaded shawls over saving seats, being run over in elevators with mall harleys, kicked in the ankles with walkers, yelled at in buffet lines, which cabin sucks, which cabin doesn't suck, I am in the wrong section of the ship, I AM in the best cabin, long lines to get on the ship, off the ship, no lines for either, shouldn't bring my passport ashore, yes I should bring my passport ashore, should smuggle alcohol, shouldn't smuggle alcohol, I am starting to wonder if I am going on vacation or not.

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To me the worst is the theater seat chair hog that saves an entire row of seats and then their "family" doesn't show up. As with any rule.......Enforcement by the cruise lines become key.........and usually they dont for what ever reason.

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I asked because I have never been on a cruise before. Hence the reason I put the question in the FIRST TIME CRUISERS BOARD.


NOW I am seriously wondering why I even booked a cruise. After this snotty response and perusing some of the threads on chair hogs, seat hogs at shows, being hit with beaded shawls over saving seats, being run over in elevators with mall harleys, kicked in the ankles with walkers, yelled at in buffet lines, which cabin sucks, which cabin doesn't suck, I am in the wrong section of the ship, I AM in the best cabin, long lines to get on the ship, off the ship, no lines for either, shouldn't bring my passport ashore, yes I should bring my passport ashore, should smuggle alcohol, shouldn't smuggle alcohol, I am starting to wonder if I am going on vacation or not.


Just remember anytime you have 2,000 to 3,000 people in any location you always have some that are like you mention. I've found 95% of the people on a cruise are very considerate and probably like the people in your neighborhood.......just trying to have fun and relax.


go with the flow...........

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Don't let one snotty reply deter you. For every smart a** on this board, there are dozens of helpful and friendly people. Same on a cruise. There are some idiots, but that's true everywhere. There is always the "one guy" that everyone knows and points out and probably laughs at (probably drunk), there are always those who think their s*** doesn't stink and don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. I found most people to be easy-going, fun-loving and friendly and more than willing to help out a first-timer. The phrase "we're all in the same boat" really does apply to a cruise.

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Chair Hogs get to the pool in the morning, put towels and books, and other things on chairs to reserve them for whenever they decide to come and use the chairs. Sometimes the chairs go unused for hours.


For this reason, it is OK to time how long a chair is not used. The time limit is set at one half hour. After a half hour (personally, I like to wait 45 minutes) it is permissable and encouraged to take all of their possessions and toss them overboard.


This is one of the many fun activities of cruising.:D


Your response gave DW and me a good laugh. Thanks!!

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Chair Hogs get to the pool in the morning, put towels and books, and other things on chairs to reserve them for whenever they decide to come and use the chairs. Sometimes the chairs go unused for hours.


For this reason, it is OK to time how long a chair is not used. The time limit is set at one half hour. After a half hour (personally, I like to wait 45 minutes) it is permissable and encouraged to take all of their possessions and toss them overboard.


This is one of the many fun activities of cruising.:D


See, now that is the kind of cruise activity I am looking for. ;) Never mind bingo. Now, when the offending pig returns do you look at them innocently with Bambi eyes and say their book and towel trotted off for a private ocean swim or do you pretend deafness via earbuds? I personally can do a great pseudo sign language and stunted nasal speech that indicates impaired hearing. It isn't meant to make fun of anyone handicapped but to frustrate the offending party long enough to make them give up and go away. It usually works.

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NOW I am seriously wondering why I even booked a cruise. After this snotty response and perusing some of the threads on chair hogs, seat hogs at shows, being hit with beaded shawls over saving seats, being run over in elevators with mall harleys, kicked in the ankles with walkers, yelled at in buffet lines, which cabin sucks, which cabin doesn't suck, I am in the wrong section of the ship, I AM in the best cabin, long lines to get on the ship, off the ship, no lines for either, shouldn't bring my passport ashore, yes I should bring my passport ashore, should smuggle alcohol, shouldn't smuggle alcohol, I am starting to wonder if I am going on vacation or not.


Please don't think that most cruisers are rude, or even those of us on CC. I believe there are many of us that read posts, comment if we have something positive to say, or just stay quiet when we see a post going crazy or off track. I believe we all have the power to have a great time on the cruise, regardless of the challenges. It is how we handle those challenges that can make it or break it. Enjoy your cruise, I know we will!

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NOW I am seriously wondering why I even booked a cruise. After this snotty response and perusing some of the threads on chair hogs, seat hogs at shows, being hit with beaded shawls over saving seats, being run over in elevators with mall harleys, kicked in the ankles with walkers, yelled at in buffet lines, which cabin sucks, which cabin doesn't suck, I am in the wrong section of the ship, I AM in the best cabin, long lines to get on the ship, off the ship, no lines for either, shouldn't bring my passport ashore, yes I should bring my passport ashore, should smuggle alcohol, shouldn't smuggle alcohol, I am starting to wonder if I am going on vacation or not.


It can be so overwhelming-i sympathize with that! I am planning my first cruise, and yes there is a lot to take in and a lot of miserable people and a lot of wonderful people out there.

Remember this is YOUR vacation. :)

There will be so much to do and so much to take in i am not even worried about seat hogs (think of them as people who park crooked in two or three prime spaces at the mall-annoying yes, but it doesn't have to affect you unless you want it to) As for the rest just roll with it, when i book a hotel room i don't worry about where it is or how long the line to check in will be. Those are things i'll deal with at the time. I will bring one small container of alcohol, if it is confiscated, the cruise will have plenty to "share" ;) My next cruise i will worry about the details i missed this one. There is so much to take in, i'm gonna go easy this first one.


I really hope you get to enjoy this vacation and take it easy with lots of fun!

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Just returned from my cruise, a little story for you. Not all the people on broard are slimballs. In Nassau wife and I were returning to our ship(Dream) when we came to a couple of ladies(sisters 60+) with a problem. One was in a wheelchair that had broken, one wheel and would not turn. I attemped a repair, got it somewhat operational. Headed off, look back and saw the wheelchair had failed again 10 feet later. At this point my self and another gentelman jury rigged something to enable it to be used, I took over pushing the chair back to their ship(a RCL). When we came to security for returning to the ship we were moved over to fast lane and all four of us whized through. I took then all the way to the gang plank before returning to our ship. Yes there are a few slimballs but they are also many fine people who will assist. Go on enjoy your cruise and do not worry about the slimballs.

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Thanks to everyone with all the helpful and humorous replies. I am actually looking forward to the cruise. I specifically chose it for the itinerary. I have always wanted to see Central America and after studying the Mayans in World History last semester couldn't pass up the opportunity.


As to Mr. 5000 post cranky dude: if you don't want to answer simple questions then stay off the first time cruisers board! It is that easy. Not everyone who posts knows about the search feature from the word go. Pull the stick out of your butt and relax. :eek: It isn't necessary to insult people and make them feel stupid to get your point across.


Zen calm is restored in the valley. :D


I am sure I will think of a few more stupid questions in the next six months to annoy others but I can't wait. Six months is way too long but I am glad I booked because the price seems to be going up up and away.


AND DO NOT get me started about people who take more than one parking space. There needs to be a special law about being allowed to taser them when caught. But that is a whole different soap box.

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See, now that is the kind of cruise activity I am looking for. ;) Never mind bingo. Now, when the offending pig returns do you look at them innocently with Bambi eyes and say their book and towel trotted off for a private ocean swim or do you pretend deafness via earbuds?


I just move their stuff, sit back somewhere else, and watch. Most of the time, the chair hogs are gone for a couple of hours, and I am not even around to see them return.

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I agree with cb at sea. It would annoy me to no end if I got to the pool, put my stuff on my chair, took a 30 minute swim, went and used the restroom, jumped into the hot tub for 10 minutes, stopped at the pool bar for a soda, and came back to find my stuff gone 45 or even 50 minutes after I placed it there.


The chair should not be unoccupied for more than 30 minutes. Go swimming for 20 minutes, get back to your chair and sit in it for a couple of minutes.


Go to the bar for 15/20 minutes, get back to your chair.

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The chair should not be unoccupied for more than 30 minutes. Go swimming for 20 minutes, get back to your chair and sit in it for a couple of minutes.


Go to the bar for 15/20 minutes, get back to your chair.


I would be a little upset if I was actually at the pool and someone moved my stuff, but I can also see this point too, because if a lot of people are in the area and pool, how do you know who is really in the pool and who is just being a chair hog?

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I would be a little upset if I was actually at the pool and someone moved my stuff, but I can also see this point too, because if a lot of people are in the area and pool, how do you know who is really in the pool and who is just being a chair hog?


You can tell someone is a chair hog when the chair is unoccupied for more than 30 minutes.


Again, if you leave your chair, be sure to get back to it within 30 minutes, and sit in it for a couple of minutes.


Leave your chair unoccupied, say, for an hour, you should lose the chair. The rule is actually 30 minutes.

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Leave your chair unoccupied, say, for an hour, you should lose the chair. The rule is actually 30 minutes.



"30 minutes" isn't a rule set in stone, at least not on most cruise lines. But certainly the general consensus is between 20 & 40 minutes.

Leaving it unoccupied for a total of an hour or so during the day I wouldn't regard as unreasonable, but by doing so for that amount of time in one hit Ducklite is in danger of being branded a hog.


I was expecting fireworks between johneeo & Ducklite, but sadly folk on this thread are way too polite & laid-back :)


Sad too, that no cruiseline has taken up the suggestion that I put forward some time ago for totally eradicating the problem. Possibly because its too expensive to attach a timer and giant catapult to each chair. ;)


JB :)

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