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Believe what is written in reviews


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There are all kinds of places to see the Alaskan scenery on the Star...true, the Spinnaker Lounge is no longer a good inside view spot, but that certainly was not the only place to see the scenery from.


Are some passengers afraid of being out doors in Alaska?? For those, they would do better to just see a movie of the scenery in their own living room, in my opinion. Not being outdoors in Alaska is missing the point, IMO.


I just returned from the Star in Alaska, and it was a better ship than the Coral Princess (the only other ship I've sailed in Alaska). There are plenty of outside areas unencumbered by blue tinted plexiglass; the glass panels on the Star are at least clear, so you can huddle behind them and get pics through the glass.


The cabins we were in were worn a bit, and the beds were too firm for our taste (a problem quickly remedied by our Steward who brought us an eggcrate mattress). But the food was good for cruise food, the staff was wonderful, and we had a great time.

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Well I will be candid since you asked the question.


#1 My opinion, anyone that does not have any experience in travel really should not be looking at percentages, because they really then don’t understand what they are seeing. Reading reviews – yes, going by numbers – no


There are way too many reasons for review percentages than I can list here but I will give you a couple of examples.

The very first post on this thread should be a good indication how low that particular poster would rate NCL (for what appears to be no specific reason)

Some will rate a hotel at a 2/5 and the only thing negative in their review was it rained all week while they were there (yes I’ve seen that actually a couple of times)

NCL gets a lot of flack because of past traditional cruisers who take NCL because the price is lower and then take issue with the a la carte choices that would bring them up to the price they would have paid on their favorite cruise line. NCL is freestyle meaning that you have many choices to add things to enhance your vacation at charge (some people like to call it nickel and diming). This works for a lot of people who don’t wish to pay for other passenger costs of wanting to eat filet mignon when they may be a vegetarian.

My very first out of country experience back in 1980 was to Jamaica (no internet to reseach at that time). I would have given that trip an extremely low score. Why? I had never traveled anywhere outside Canada & the U.S. It was a major culture shock, I didn’t understand hotel ratings that did not meet North American Standards, I was not prepared for the sellers on the beach or streets. Therefore my score would have been very low due to the fact that my vacation did not reach my (unrealistic) expectations.


A note about reading reviews – when you read a review look for tangible things. Don’t believe subjective opinions, food, shows, activities, cruise directors ability. For example probably about 85% of people love second city, if I was to go not knowing what it was, I would say “I hated it”. Not meaning the show was bad but certainly wasn’t my like in entertainment.


If you want a great vacation, my opinion is

Go with an open mind

Go with a positive attitude

Don’t expect it to be perfect, nothing in life is

Don’t have unrealistic expectations

Expect the unexpected and chalk little things up to great memories for the future.

Research, research, research (and no not just reviews)

Smile at everyone and you will receive smiles back.


Well said! I agree with you.

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i am a picky eater, my hubby likes pretty much everything and loves to eat; but we have never paid extra for the food in 9 cruises there is always plenty of good food to find and not go hungry!


when people post horrible or inedible food i quit reading their reviews!


...maybe one night out of the 7 we might not eat in the MDR and eat from the buffet or Blue Lagoon (Sports Bar on the Sun) or maybe a little in each place, but we have never said the food was bad.

several times in the week we can eat at all the places--start at the MDR then the buffet and later Blue Lagoon.


and too if you dont like something order something else; it amazes me on these cruises that people say things like i never ordered the steak cos it came with fries, well did you ever think to ask for something else!


they are always very accomadating and have really no problem, or i have had no problem with asking for something else-like i said picky eater so i am usually asking for something else with this or that.


i think people are expecting 5* Gourmet meals and mass cruiselines are not where they are gonna get them for free.

i dont expect it, so i am not disappointed!

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...maybe one night out of the 7 we might not eat in the MDR and eat from the buffet or Blue Lagoon (Sports Bar on the Sun) or maybe a little in each place, but we have never said the food was bad.

several times in the week we can eat at all the places--start at the MDR then the buffet and later Blue Lagoon.


and too if you dont like something order something else; it amazes me on these cruises that people say things like i never ordered the steak cos it came with fries, well did you ever think to ask for something else!


they are always very accomadating and have really no problem, or i have had no problem with asking for something else-like i said picky eater so i am usually asking for something else with this or that.


i think people are expecting 5* Gourmet meals and mass cruiselines are not where they are gonna get them for free.

i dont expect it, so i am not disappointed!


Well I will admit on my first cruise that I wasn’t overly impressed with my food choices for various reasons (below). Food bad? NO Food inedible? NO Food appearing to be not to our liking? Probably. Did we go hungry? Absolutely not.

And here’s why the not so impressed with the choices

The MDR had funny names to us on the one side of the menu. I tried a couple and although my husband is not picky, he is also no overly adventurous to try something he has no idea what it is. So unless the description below gave us an idea on what it was we only ordered from the every day menu. Sorry folks but I didn’t know that farfalle pasta was what we always called bowtie pasta and had no idea was pecorino cheese was (call me sheltered :o). I also would never think of sending a meal back because I didn’t like what I, myself had chosen, I will return a meal if there is technically something wrong with it (undercooked, overcooked etc).

For a change from the everyday side of the MDR, we did eat at the buffet a couple of nights. Again as a picky eater and not into buffet food, I did find things I liked but I wasn’t overly impressed, DH loved it (he likes buffets).

To cut a long story short since this was the only thing on my first cruise that I could actually say had a negative slant to it, that just brought me back to research table. Assuming and proven right, I did not do enough research in this area. This time armed with past crusing menus (thanks CC posters), I was ready for the "funny" name food battle. Now fully aware that lyonnaise potatoes is just sliced pan fried seasoned potatoes and chicken picatta is just seasoned pan fried chicken we knew now we could order from this “funny” name side of the menu.:)

So in response to your post above, and thanks again to CC we now do all of what you mentioned above. And I can happily report our last cruise, food no longer took a negative slant.

So advice to first time cruisers like us who are not used to eating in restaurants with “funny” named food” Starfish*4 has excellent advise above and it works to like a charm.

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just thought I would throw this in: I just heard back for 2 groups that cruised Alaska in the past few weeks; one was a couple an one a group of 20, both on lines other than NCL and both had great cruises except for the food. In both cases they mentioned the food was bland and absolutely no choices; they said each night the menu was the same or about the same. I think this shows what we need to expect from cruising todays lines period, not just NCL.




I think it is the fact that the ships are sailing the Alaska itinerary that determines the menus. We had the worst food ever on RCL Serenade of the Seas in Alaska. Bland, bland, bland. No imagination at all. A real disappointment. Next cruise on RCL in the Carib. the food was great.


Got to be the itinerary!

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Well I will admit on my first cruise that I wasn’t overly impressed with my food choices for various reasons (below). Food bad? NO Food inedible? NO Food appearing to be not to our liking? Probably. Did we go hungry? Absolutely not.

And here’s why the not so impressed with the choices

The MDR had funny names to us on the one side of the menu. I tried a couple and although my husband is not picky, he is also no overly adventurous to try something he has no idea what it is. So unless the description below gave us an idea on what it was we only ordered from the every day menu. Sorry folks but I didn’t know that farfalle pasta was what we always called bowtie pasta and had no idea was pecorino cheese was (call me sheltered :o). I also would never think of sending a meal back because I didn’t like what I, myself had chosen, I will return a meal if there is technically something wrong with it (undercooked, overcooked etc).

For a change from the everyday side of the MDR, we did eat at the buffet a couple of nights. Again as a picky eater and not into buffet food, I did find things I liked but I wasn’t overly impressed, DH loved it (he likes buffets).

To cut a long story short since this was the only thing on my first cruise that I could actually say had a negative slant to it, that just brought me back to research table. Assuming and proven right, I did not do enough research in this area. This time armed with past crusing menus (thanks CC posters), I was ready for the "funny" name food battle. Now fully aware that lyonnaise potatoes is just sliced pan fried seasoned potatoes and chicken picatta is just seasoned pan fried chicken we knew now we could order from this “funny” name side of the menu.:)


So in response to your post above, and thanks again to CC we now do all of what you mentioned above. And I can happily report our last cruise, food no longer took a negative slant.


So advice to first time cruisers like us who are not used to eating in restaurants with “funny” named food” Starfish*4 has excellent advise above and it works to like a charm.




Re the odd named foods on the menu. Ask the waiter if you don't know what it is. They will usually describe it for you.


It reminds me of a humorous incident I had with a waiter when I asked about an item on the menu. He wrinkled up his nose and said "Meat loaf".

We both laughed and I ordered something else.:D

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If you want a great vacation, my opinion is

Go with an open mind

Go with a positive attitude

Don’t expect it to be perfect, nothing in life is

Don’t have unrealistic expectations

Expect the unexpected and chalk little things up to great memories for the future.

Research, research, research (and no not just reviews)

Smile at everyone and you will receive smiles back.




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Re the odd named foods on the menu. Ask the waiter if you don't know what it is. They will usually describe it for you.


It reminds me of a humorous incident I had with a waiter when I asked about an item on the menu. He wrinkled up his nose and said "Meat loaf".

We both laughed and I ordered something else.:D


LOL gee Swedish Weave where were you when I needed someone to think of this.;) We were very very nervous on our first cruise and really didn't know what to expect. I didn't have very much time before we left to do much researching except our ports. I have traveled lots but cruising is so different than anything we had experienced.

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Good to see other lines have their share of drama queens as well. :D


I have been on multiple cruises on 4 different lines in the last 18 months and stand by my assertion that the food is more alike than different in ALL the MDR's on main stream cruise lines.


It's not five star but it's hardly swill.


If I see someone on any cruise make a statement like "absolutely no choices" the rest of their assessment of the cruise has zero use to me.


so very true. For those who think they will get gourmet cuisine they might do better going to an upscale resort and I don't mean an AI either. People have to realize, not only are prices still affordable on mass marketed lines so of course there are going to be cutbacks and some nickel and diming, but you can not cook 5 star meals for 2000 to 4000 people.



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when people post horrible or inedible food i quit reading their reviews!


I agree. I have yet to be on a cruise where decent food was not available.


On my recent Sky cruise, we ate in the MDR for lunch on embarkation day. I had the worst Philly steak sandwich I have ever eaten. I could not finish it. As an alternative, I ordered the cobb salad. It was fantastic and had real avocado.


If a meal isn't to your liking, try something else. ;)

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I agree. I have yet to be on a cruise where decent food was not available.


On my recent Sky cruise, we ate in the MDR for lunch on embarkation day. I had the worst Philly steak sandwich I have ever eaten. I could not finish it. As an alternative, I ordered the cobb salad. It was fantastic and had real avocado.


If a meal isn't to your liking, try something else. ;)


You are so correct! A cruise is the optimum place where you can choose something else if your initial choice is not to your liking. Especially NCL... You could go restaurant to restaurant until you find something you like.


The staff is more than accommodating! One time on the Sun in Pacific Heights we were underwhelmed. Our server noticed and kept saying "let me bring you something else". Likewise, when I hear of people complain of too small portions I have to laugh. They will bring you more, just ask! I prefer trying more variety with a few bites of each. Truly fine dining establishments serve small portions and typically serve more courses. Guess the complainers are used to Sizzler.

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I agree. If you don't like something just ask for something else. We recently sailed on the Spirit and one night the entree had polenta as the side dish. I had never tried it before and didn't really like it but didn't say anything as I was satisifed with just eating the main portion of the meal(more room for dessert!). The server noticed that I didn't eat the polenta and asked why and I told him I didn't care for it and he was a little upset that I didn't say something so that he could have brought me something else. I had to assure him that it was okay and I would have said something if I really wanted something else.


I have never gone hungry on a cruise. There is always something somewhere that suits my tastes. I too ignore comments about food being inedible as surely not everything could be inedible.

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We also LOVE NCL! I did a lot of reading on cruise critic before our first cruise, and was a little worried after reading negative comments. But everything was great, I am not sure how you can not like the food, there is so many options. We have sailed on the Sky, the Pearl, and we have the Sun booked for January - can't wait!

We talked to people when getting off the Pearl who were not happy with their cruise at all, and our family had the best time of our lives!

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Five-star meals, available in just a few of the top-line eateries in major cities, will cost two or three times the typical cost of a day at sea on a "mass-market" cruise ship. In my 71 years, including a decade or so in the restaurant business, I've enjoyed perhaps three four-star meals. Nothing I've had in all the meals during five cruises would rate less than three stars. Cruise food is a dandy bargain, amateur reviews to the contrary notwithstanding.

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Re the odd named foods on the menu. Ask the waiter if you don't know what it is. They will usually describe it for you.


It reminds me of a humorous incident I had with a waiter when I asked about an item on the menu. He wrinkled up his nose and said "Meat loaf".

We both laughed and I ordered something else.:D


I happen to like "meat loaf", but it has to be made with raspberry chipotle, grilling and finishing sauce along with a little cajun seasoning. Have oatmeal in it instead of crackers. See I'am easy to please!:D What is ones idea of a GOOD dish is anothers plain "meat loaf"!!!;)

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I can't imagine anyone not having a great time on a cruise unless one of the following happen:


Someone in your party is seriously injured or ill

Someone in your party falls overboard

You have noro for the entire cruise

You go back to your cabin to find your spouse fooling around with someone else.


There may be a few others I can't think of right now but other than these I can't imagine not having fun.

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Mikewrit, Thank you! I agree totally. I cannot figure out where most of these people have been eating. If they are really expecting 5 star meals then NCL is not the line--LOL! And that is not a negative comment on NCL--it is simply reality. Please do the math. (I just got back from lunch today at a corner bar/restaurant that was mediocre at best and the cost of my lunch-- which was a sandwich/salad/soda with tip-- came to over $17.00!) If you are paying around $100 a day--to include your food, room, and entertainment--let's be realistic. The unlimited choices and availability of all types of food is a really good deal. I get so tired of people writing that they got a bowl of soup that was too salty or a desert that was not flavorful. For goodness sakes--just order something else. You have not PAID 5 STAR money for this food. I will continue to say over and over--there is excellent food to be had. You may have to put some effort into finding it. You may even have to eat in different restaurants--which to me is a lot of fun--when else can you do this??


On one cruise there was this fantastic caesar salad bar at the buffet--they mixed each salad separately and grated fresh aged cheese right there. It was inexplicably marvelous. The casino brought out these great little sandwiches. The breakfast buffet always had wonderful cheeses and SMOKED SALMON to die for. Blue Lagoon's fries and their wings were killer good; as was their brownie and ice cream sundae!! Room service delivers a turkey sandwich on a great fresh french baguette. So yes--when I went to the MDR--of course I got a mediocre pork or chicken dish here and there. So I didn't eat it. I got something else. I didn't have a foodie heart attack and proceed to write a missive on the terrible NCL food. Instead I used that energy to sneak up to Blue Lagoon for some more wings. HAHAHA I mean how much food can people even eat??

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Mikewrit, Thank you! I agree totally. I cannot figure out where most of these people have been eating. If they are really expecting 5 star meals then NCL is not the line--LOL! And that is not a negative comment on NCL--it is simply reality. Please do the math. (I just got back from lunch today at a corner bar/restaurant that was mediocre at best and the cost of my lunch-- which was a sandwich/salad/soda with tip-- came to over $17.00!) If you are paying around $100 a day--to include your food, room, and entertainment--let's be realistic. The unlimited choices and availability of all types of food is a really good deal. I get so tired of people writing that they got a bowl of soup that was too salty or a desert that was not flavorful. For goodness sakes--just order something else. You have not PAID 5 STAR money for this food. I will continue to say over and over--there is excellent food to be had. You may have to put some effort into finding it. You may even have to eat in different restaurants--which to me is a lot of fun--when else can you do this??


On one cruise there was this fantastic caesar salad bar at the buffet--they mixed each salad separately and grated fresh aged cheese right there. It was inexplicably marvelous. The casino brought out these great little sandwiches. The breakfast buffet always had wonderful cheeses and SMOKED SALMON to die for. Blue Lagoon's fries and their wings were killer good; as was their brownie and ice cream sundae!! Room service delivers a turkey sandwich on a great fresh french baguette. So yes--when I went to the MDR--of course I got a mediocre pork or chicken dish here and there. So I didn't eat it. I got something else. I didn't have a foodie heart attack and proceed to write a missive on the terrible NCL food. Instead I used that energy to sneak up to Blue Lagoon for some more wings. HAHAHA I mean how much food can people even eat??


Post of the week award! clap.gif

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If any cruise newbie is still reading this far into the thread, let me say that we could cruise any cruise line we wanted to, and we choose NCL. Not saying we would not cruise any other line, but NCL is a great fit for us. As far as the Star, we have been on her three times and loved each time we were onboard. She has a great staff and the ship is terrific.


Well I will be candid since you asked the question.


#1 My opinion, anyone that does not have any experience in travel really should not be looking at percentages, because they really then don’t understand what they are seeing. Reading reviews – yes, going by numbers – no


There are way too many reasons for review percentages than I can list here but I will give you a couple of examples.

The very first post on this thread should be a good indication how low that particular poster would rate NCL (for what appears to be no specific reason)

Some will rate a hotel at a 2/5 and the only thing negative in their review was it rained all week while they were there (yes I’ve seen that actually a couple of times)

NCL gets a lot of flack because of past traditional cruisers who take NCL because the price is lower and then take issue with the a la carte choices that would bring them up to the price they would have paid on their favorite cruise line. NCL is freestyle meaning that you have many choices to add things to enhance your vacation at charge (some people like to call it nickel and diming). This works for a lot of people who don’t wish to pay for other passenger costs of wanting to eat filet mignon when they may be a vegetarian.

My very first out of country experience back in 1980 was to Jamaica (no internet to reseach at that time). I would have given that trip an extremely low score. Why? I had never traveled anywhere outside Canada & the U.S. It was a major culture shock, I didn’t understand hotel ratings that did not meet North American Standards, I was not prepared for the sellers on the beach or streets. Therefore my score would have been very low due to the fact that my vacation did not reach my (unrealistic) expectations.


A note about reading reviews – when you read a review look for tangible things. Don’t believe subjective opinions, food, shows, activities, cruise directors ability. For example probably about 85% of people love second city, if I was to go not knowing what it was, I would say “I hated it”. Not meaning the show was bad but certainly wasn’t my like in entertainment.


If you want a great vacation, my opinion is

Go with an open mind

Go with a positive attitude

Don’t expect it to be perfect, nothing in life is

Don’t have unrealistic expectations

Expect the unexpected and chalk little things up to great memories for the future.

Research, research, research (and no not just reviews)

Smile at everyone and you will receive smiles back.



A great posting. 8-)


I know I'm supposed to take each review with a grain of salt, but all the negative reviews I'm hearing about NCL's food are really starting to make me nervous :( I could care less about the ship layout or crews attitudes hey they work hard for almost nothing and we all have bad days, but the FOOD is something that is a crucial element for me on every cruise.


I will probably get flammed for posting this, but it is my honest opinion. If food is that crucial to you as far as a cruise, I am concerned about your cruise with NCL. Based on your cruise history posted in your signature you have cruised traditional cruise lines. There is a huge difference in the service you will get while dining on a traditinal cruise line and Freestyle. Also, just in general, of the three cruise lines Doug and I have cruise together (RCCL, CCL and NCL) NCL probably has the lowest rating of food for us. That doesn't mean it is bad by any means, but we just felt that (again overall) the food was better on CCL and RCCL. This is just going by what we have had in the MDR's. I will say on the Dawn the MDR was outstanding.


If food is a huge deal for you to enjoy your cruising experience, you might want to consider another cruise line or plan on dining in Specialty Restaurants most nights. The Specialty Restaurants are amazingly good and for what it's worth, LeBistro is a terrific value.


Again, this is just my honest opinion. Anyone who has read any of my reviews or postings knows what a fan of NCL I am, but I do not believe there is any cruise line that is perfect for every one.

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and Mark has never come back...Does this spell TROLL or something similar?


Yes, Terry is right: if food is the number 1 reason for cruising NCL isn't for you nor is any other mass marketed line anymore. Things are changing fast. I like what someone said on another forum, if food is very important allow an extra $100 in your budget for specialty dining: this will give you 3 specialty dining experiences or about 3.



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