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Who cancelled a cruise because of the new smoking policy?


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Logistics and percentages would have to be worked out, but I definitely think that CCL could make more of an effort to keep all its customers happy. The Spa Deck is already smoke-free, so smokers don't book there. I haven't heard any complaints about this, have you? Why not make the same adjustments ship-wide?


Now here is some logic! I have been suggesting this forever, but Carnival hasn't listened. I want to enjoy nice, clean, fresh ocean air on my balcony. I do not want to smell smoke from a neighbor's balcony. All they have to do is make certain decks, or one side of the ship smoke-free. If they have issues selling guarantees (which they don't do as much anymore anyway) or one side of the ship, modify the arrangement.

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Now here is some logic! I have been suggesting this forever, but Carnival hasn't listened. I want to enjoy nice, clean, fresh ocean air on my balcony. I do not want to smell smoke from a neighbor's balcony. All they have to do is make certain decks, or one side of the ship smoke-free. If they have issues selling guarantees (which they don't do as much anymore anyway) or one side of the ship, modify the arrangement.


To sail full it would be a logistic nightmare.....

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To sail full it would be a logistic nightmare.....


Can't have it both ways. If you want to please the majority, you make balconies smoke-free. If you don't want to alienate the smokers, you leave that option open. Given the option, many of us who prefer clean air will choose another cruise line. Unless Carnival gives us smoke-free balconies, we personally will be booking Princess in the future.


BTW - I am not seeing any discounts on the spa category. Must be a good sign that they are selling...

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Flame away...here goes.


My husband and I both smoke as do the couple that often travels with us. I am sailing in September but did cancel my cruise in February. Reason being, of course, is the change in the smoking policy. I have never sailed that time of year and personally don't want to stand on a balcony and freeze my backside off while I am on vacation while waiting to get to warmer climates. That's my choice.


When I called to cancel (after John H.'s post), my PVP didn't have a clue about what I was talking about. Now mind you, this was days after he'd posted this information on FB. I ended up telling her the time of the posting so she could see for herself and once everything was said and done, our Feb. cruise was cancelled without penalty and no hard feelings from our fabulous PVP. She's a smoker and more than understood my reasoning.


Will I cruise again? Most certainly. Yes, we will get a balcony (priced higher than our normal rooms and no we've never stayed on the lower decks) and enjoy our smokes. I will offer my apologies if there happens to be someone on the balcony next to ours that doesn't smoke because yes, I will smoke. Non-smokers need to understand this is our only option where rooms are concerned and both my husband and myself will fully enjoy OUR vacation and the facilities WE paid for.


Like I said...flame away.


And on a side note, thanks for the heads up on Aruba. Now to just find the right resort and the right deal to go along with it.




I will not flame. I will just express my sympathy to you, your husband and those who also paid to cruise and who will be forced to endure smelling your cigarette residue and, perhaps, have their own wellbeing and health jeopardized because of your behavior.


I will also express my sympathies to my husband in regard to his father and my daughter, in regard to her grandfather. At the ripe old age of 65, that gorgeous HUNK of a man is dying a terrible death. He, of course, is entitled to die this way. He paid for it.


The reality is, however, my husband and daughter did not.

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Our former AL governor termed out last year, and I don't know if he said if we are allowed to travel to Aruba yet, or not. :rolleyes:

I understand the feelings in Ala about Aruba but that horrible incidence could happen anywhere.


Hope you can travel to Aruba one day.

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Can't have it both ways. If you want to please the majority, you make balconies smoke-free. If you don't want to alienate the smokers, you leave that option open. Given the option, many of us who prefer clean air will choose another cruise line. Unless Carnival gives us smoke-free balconies, we personally will be booking Princess in the future.


BTW - I am not seeing any discounts on the spa category. Must be a good sign that they are selling...


While the majority may be non smokers it could very well be that the majority are not bothered by the smoke on the balconies......time will tell...

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Non-smokers need to understand this is our only option where rooms are concerned and both my husband and myself will fully enjoy OUR vacation and the facilities WE paid for.[[/color]/quote]


Unfortunately, this is EXACTLY the disrespect that 'fires-up' the non-smokers. Please remember that, LIKE YOU, I would like to fully enjoy MY vacation and the facilities I paid for.... i.e., MY BALCONY CABIN.


I don't have a problem if a smoker is next door - but your attitude is the pits.


Personally, I don't think any smoker should have to do the 'mother may I' thing, but it's nice and respectful. It's the overall MUTUAL respect that will make this whole thing work.


Such a shame that you had to come across so selfish.

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All this because you need to wait 2 minutes to smoke..I wish life wasnt soo hard. Soo glad these people are changing there sailings to other lines as it just makes lower rates for us....;)



Enjoy see ya!!!!!


I wonder if there is any type of Cruise swap/assistance program?


xyz from CC is canceling their cruise, I am willing to take it, but I want compensated for helping you (Carnival) out. That way xyz does not have a penelty.

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I wonder if there is any type of Cruise swap/assistance program?


xyz from CC is canceling their cruise, I am willing to take it, but I want compensated for helping you (Carnival) out. That way xyz does not have a penelty.


You definitely have an idea here ... you may want to patent the idea and sell it to Carnival!:D

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All I know is that if I am in a bar I sure wouldn't expect to ask my neighboor if they minded if I have a drink. If I am in the bathroom I sure wouldn't expect to ask my neighboor if they mind if I pee. If I am in a smoking area I sure wouldn't expect to ask my neighboor if they mind if I smoke.

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All I know is that if I am in a bar I sure wouldn't expect to ask my neighboor if they minded if I have a drink. If I am in the bathroom I sure wouldn't expect to ask my neighboor if they mind if I pee. If I am in a smoking area I sure wouldn't expect to ask my neighboor if they mind if I smoke.


How do you even compare those things? As has been stated many times, your having a drink in a bar has no health risk effect on anyone but you ... as for going to the bathroom - who the hell cares? C'mon.


Yes, there are some people who would expect you to, as I stated earlier, do the 'mother may I' thing. I don't agree with that, but there is such a fine line and we are all at such opposite ends of the spectrum right now that we cannot meet there in the middle. Eventually it will happen, but everyone is so ticked off that their rights are being taken away.


We are most certainly all entited to our opinions and right now we live in a world that is pretty much in turmoil about everything. Being able to go on a vacation and get away from all the nonsense is huge for me and I would assume everyone else here. It's a time to kick back and relax. It's going to be an adjustment for everyone.


I sailed on the Paradise back in 2003 when it was still smoke-free - it was awesome. For practical reasons, it was changed. Carnival is trying to appease everyone with the new policy and we clearly have a choice, accept it or go on a different vacation/cruiseline or whatever. But to come here and just be so blatantly disrespectful isn't fair to Will I go to the piano bar, probably not, not my cup of tea. I have choices. Will I sit on my aft balcony and enjoy the view - you bet. Unless my neighbors are peeking around the partition and blowing smoke in my face, I will expect nothing more than the beautiful view.


Will I be p.o.'d if my upstairs neighbors throw butts and ashes onto my balcony - yes. But my expectation is that everyone is respectful - and that INCLUDES me. I will not walk by the permitted smoking areas and play stupid and cough and gag - won't happen.


It will work - in time.

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I understand the feelings in Ala about Aruba but that horrible incidence could happen anywhere.


Hope you can travel to Aruba one day.


I was being sarcastic. :) I doubt that anyone that really wanted to go has stayed away. Our former governor was just grand standing.

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... I will offer my apologies if there happens to be someone on the balcony next to ours that doesn't smoke because yes, I will smoke. Non-smokers need to understand this is our only option where rooms are concerned and both my husband and myself will fully enjoy OUR vacation and the facilities WE paid for.



Wow, wow, wow! So basically what you're saying is, "to hell with whoever has a balcony on either side of us, because I will do what I want"! Even though they'd also like to fully enjoy THEIR vacation and the facilities THEY paid for.


No flaming from me; ignorant folks such as yourself will never get it, so it's not worth the time...

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So now I am ignorant and selfish? I will not resort to name calling nor will I excuse myself for stating my honest opinion on how I feel about the entire situation. I only stated what myself (and many others) feel and I know I took the risk of the comments that were to come. So be it. But I didn't resort to calling you names nor will I stoop to your level when you clearly opened yourself up for me to do the same.


Point being. If I book a balcony then I know it is the only place in regards to my cabin that I can smoke. That is why I would book it to begin with. If you are the non-smoker and you book a balcony then you must understand this is where the smokers will now go because of new rulings. Not saying you don't have a right to get a balcony but one must understand that this is now where Carnival wants us to go and it's our only choice because WE are smokers. Bad people that we truly must be.


And for the record I am a very considerate smoker. I don't toss my butts or cigarettes down on the ground or anywhere else other than an ashtray. I don't blow smoke in anyone's face nor would I ever peek around anyone's balcony partition because whatever they may or may not be doing is none of my business and I expect the same.


So continue slamming me if you wish but I won't continue a battle of words on here when it will fall on deaf ears and I will get a preaching to or much worse. I just don't have time for name calling games and the high and mighty ways of certain ones.


Everyone enjoy your cruises. Enjoy flaming people with an opinion that doesn't match your own. There ARE two sides to every story and regardless if you like it or not everyone has a right to say and post what they feel. I respect non smokers and don't attempt to light up in non smoking areas while I am cruising. I am as thoughtful as I can be in public venues when around others.


I guess what puzzles me is how smoking can be such a bother to some when on a balcony that is outside and the winds blow as they do? I think some, not all, are going to complain no matter what when it comes to the minority of us smokers.


To each his/her own. Good night!!





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I guess what puzzles me is how smoking can be such a bother to some when on a balcony that is outside and the winds blow as they do? I think some, not all, are going to complain no matter what when it comes to the minority of us smokers.






Some may complain no matter what, but I don't think you can assume that the smoke from a balcony is all carried away by the breeze, and that it shouldn't be a problem.


Usually I'm not bothered by smoke even if people are smoking nearby, outside. On the transatlantic I took, some days the seas were smooth as glass. No breeze except for what was generated by the movement of the ship. And there were several smokers sitting outside, chain smoking on the other side of the partition. The category balcony I was in could only hold 2 or 3, maybe they had friends over.


Just like lighting a charcoal grill outside, sometimes the wind shifts and all the smoke can be heading in your direction.


What others have suggested on having 1 side of the ship be for balcony smokers & the other side not - or having certain decks be smoke free makes sense. Everyone should be able to enjoy their balcony.

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i have to say that i was surprised when someone commented that they liked the smell of cigarette smoke. As a non smoker with a few dear friends who smoke, i tolerate the smoke to enjoy their company. To a non smoker, cigarette smoke smells vile, and i know it must be in my head but the air feels heavier if that makes sense. I don't enjoy it, and feel like i must bathe directly after being around it. Add that to our son had asthma when he was little that smoking (among other things) triggered. I understand that smokers are being put into smaller places to enjoy their habit, and i feel sorry for that. Watching our friends struggle with quitting and when they pick up the habit again, they seem so defeated...it is anguishing to watch. I can't imagine how they feel. That being said.....i think my issue is the idea that all balconies are smoking areas....that is not true...your balcony may be, but my balcony is not. I would appreciate working with my neighbors, so that we may all enjoy the view that we have paid a surcharge for. I don't mind smokers, but please, please let's all be friendly, on both sides. I want to enjoy my vacation, not start a war with my neighbors.

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The Radisson Aruba is our favorite resort. 4 pools-- beautiful Palm beach steps away from your room. Check out aruba4u.

We have visited Aruba for 10 years . Aruba is a remarkable island.

Casinos in every hotel along Palm Beach--all smoking.



Thanks for the info. I will check it out as it sounds to be a good place to go for a relaxing vacation

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Our former AL governor termed out last year, and I don't know if he said if we are allowed to travel to Aruba yet, or not. :rolleyes:


I understand the feelings in Ala about Aruba but that horrible incidence could happen anywhere.


Hope you can travel to Aruba one day.


I was being sarcastic. :) I doubt that anyone that really wanted to go has stayed away. Our former governor was just grand standing.


I thought that the whole boycott Aruba thing was rediculous. Especially coming from a state that had a very faulty LE and justice system for so many years.


I'm sorry that Miss Holloway died such a terrible death, but where were the parents when the kids were planning a trip to a country know for its low drinking age, bars and easy availablity to drugs.

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So now I am ignorant and selfish? I will not resort to name calling nor will I excuse myself for stating my honest opinion on how I feel about the entire situation. I only stated what myself (and many others) feel and I know I took the risk of the comments that were to come. So be it. But I didn't resort to calling you names nor will I stoop to your level when you clearly opened yourself up for me to do the same.


Point being. If I book a balcony then I know it is the only place in regards to my cabin that I can smoke. That is why I would book it to begin with. If you are the non-smoker and you book a balcony then you must understand this is where the smokers will now go because of new rulings. Not saying you don't have a right to get a balcony but one must understand that this is now where Carnival wants us to go and it's our only choice because WE are smokers. Bad people that we truly must be.


And for the record I am a very considerate smoker. I don't toss my butts or cigarettes down on the ground or anywhere else other than an ashtray. I don't blow smoke in anyone's face nor would I ever peek around anyone's balcony partition because whatever they may or may not be doing is none of my business and I expect the same.


So continue slamming me if you wish but I won't continue a battle of words on here when it will fall on deaf ears and I will get a preaching to or much worse. I just don't have time for name calling games and the high and mighty ways of certain ones.


Everyone enjoy your cruises. Enjoy flaming people with an opinion that doesn't match your own. There ARE two sides to every story and regardless if you like it or not everyone has a right to say and post what they feel. I respect non smokers and don't attempt to light up in non smoking areas while I am cruising. I am as thoughtful as I can be in public venues when around others.


I guess what puzzles me is how smoking can be such a bother to some when on a balcony that is outside and the winds blow as they do? I think some, not all, are going to complain no matter what when it comes to the minority of us smokers.


To each his/her own. Good night!!






Tricky Vickie,


It is not just about smoke blowing toward someone. Because you currently smoke, you cannot possibly understand. Those who smoke smell like they smoke. Smokers walk around with a cloud of smoking odor all around them, like a cloud. When non-smokers get into an elevator with those that smoke, they know it. Smokers smell. The rooms they smoke in smell. Their cars smell. Their clothes smell.Their hair smells. Those that smoke have no idea that they smell like the inside of an ashtray. I know this for sure, I am a former heavy smoker. Please stop, We would like to have you around for a long time.


And FYI......You set yourself up for the flaming.


Be well

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So a quick story.. I’m a casual smoker , usually when I have a drink or two ( and I only drink when I’m on a vacation). So we did a weekend trip to Orlando, went to the house of blue’s.. its always crowed and the wait can be long..there is a large porch outside for people waiting..

So we just finished dinner, waiting on some dessert and I step out for a smoke… go to the smoking area in the far corner ( a small 8x10 area) with standing ashtray.. and fire one up… had a couple or three margaritas in me.. standing there minding my biz and some lady with a guy and a baby carriage is about 8 ft from me , not happy at all, glaring at me

She comes up to me wagging her finger and tells me how second hand smoke is dangerous to her and her child… geeze

I finished it and told her and her husband its also very dangerous to come up to strangers pointing their fingers at them and telling what they should or could do… the guy almost went in his pants…

Its all about respect..

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Wow, wow, wow! So basically what you're saying is, "to hell with whoever has a balcony on either side of us, because I will do what I want"! Even though they'd also like to fully enjoy THEIR vacation and the facilities THEY paid for.


No flaming from me; ignorant folks such as yourself will never get it, so it's not worth the time...


But lots of us do understand and eventually the cruise lines will; smoke-free policies will keep expanding (thanks to folks like the one you quoted - they are the reason complaints will continue!). We are just tickled pink that Princess will offer clean air for our balcony. For now, we will sail Carnival ONLY when we can get a spa category balcony.


We booked our 12/2/11 CCL Spirit cruise to Hawaii for the itinerary, but with great concern for a smoke-free balcony. We chose 4209 because there are no balconies or french doors (that open) for three cabins forward of us. This was a very strategic option, with "no upgrade" noted on our booking. It's that important for us to enjoy our balcony without smoke.


It just ticks me off when others dismiss our concern with "breeze at 20 knots" etc...smoke stinks and it carries. I appreciate Carnival stepping into the new millenium (albeit a little late), but they still have a way to go. Bravo Princess!

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So a quick story.. I’m a casual smoker , usually when I have a drink or two ( and I only drink when I’m on a vacation). So we did a weekend trip to Orlando, went to the house of blue’s.. its always crowed and the wait can be long..there is a large porch outside for people waiting..

So we just finished dinner, waiting on some dessert and I step out for a smoke… go to the smoking area in the far corner ( a small 8x10 area) with standing ashtray.. and fire one up… had a couple or three margaritas in me.. standing there minding my biz and some lady with a guy and a baby carriage is about 8 ft from me , not happy at all, glaring at me

She comes up to me wagging her finger and tells me how second hand smoke is dangerous to her and her child… geeze

I finished it and told her and her husband its also very dangerous to come up to strangers pointing their fingers at them and telling what they should or could do… the guy almost went in his pants…

Its all about respect..



Not all non smokers are morons like that one :) I love how you handled it.


For me, now that I will have a chance at the piano bar, I am happy to put up with whatever blows my way on the balcony.:) Yes, I use my balcony quite a bit (or else I wouldn't book one). I understand that it is highly unlikely that if I have a smoker next to me, he or she (or they) will be out there 24/7 puffing away. When they are, I will just leave my balcony...as I used to leave the piano bar. Balconies are places where smokers CAN smoke and since they are so limited as it is, I will nto complain...as I never complained before.

Missing a little bit of time on my balcony never ruined a cruise for me previously, I can't imagine it will now. People get hysterical before they even have a problem...makes NO sense. Just as canceling a cruise because you can't walk 2 feet out of your cabin onto the balcony makes no sense to me either, but hey...whatever. :rolleyes:


I do think though, that smokers should start thinking about their options because the rules are only going to become more strict and more limting.

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Not all non smokers are morons like that one :) I love how you handled it.


For me, now that I will have a chance at the piano bar, I am happy to put up with whatever blows my way on the balcony.:) Yes, I use my balcony quite a bit (or else I wouldn't book one). I understand that it is highly unlikely that if I have a smoker next to me, he or she (or they) will be out there 24/7 puffing away. When they are, I will just leave my balcony...as I used to leave the piano bar. Balconies are places where smokers CAN smoke and since they are so limited as it is, I will nto complain...as I never complained before.

Missing a little bit of time on my balcony never ruined a cruise for me previously, I can't imagine it will now. People get hysterical before they even have a problem...makes NO sense. Just as canceling a cruise because you can't walk 2 feet out of your cabin onto the balcony makes no sense to me either, but hey...whatever. :rolleyes:


I do think though, that smokers should start thinking about their options because the rules are only going to become more strict and more limting.

its aboust respect of others.

I guess growing up in nyc.. living in close proximity to many different people ,with different habits…

We are on a ship, packed with 4000 people.. do your thing, respect others have fun

There is plenty of space to accommodate all and their habits whatever they are..

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