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To all Rick-Steves-impaired packers...


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Whew! I've finally completed my 12-step program for the packing-challenged (whose of us who have become ingrained to pack "the Rick Steves" way). The wear-the-same-clothes-everyday-and-wash-at-night approach worked for us 2 summers ago when we did Italy by land, on our own. But our upcoming British Isles/Norway cruise was causing me packing anxiety.


Do I really want to wear the same thing over and over for 2 1/2 weeks? Granted, there is a washer/dryer on the Marina, but is that REALLY how I want to spend my vacation? I guess I could do a load of whites while we're cruising the Geirangerfjord while watching the scenery go by on the laundry room flat screen, but I could stay home and watch a travel documentary for the same effect.


So off to packers anonymous I went. I was nervous at my 1st meeting..."Hi, I'm Gr'aunt and I'm packer-phobic" I began. "Even though we have business class airline seats and we can check in THREE bags apiece, I'm so nervous to bring anything other than a carry-on size bag that I'm having trouble sleeping at night" That's when the enlightened among the group took me under their wings and started asking questions: Do you have a private driver taking you to and from airports/hotels/cruise port, who will be responsible for schlepping the luggage? "Yes" I timidly replied. And the airline isn't going to charge extra for checking luggage? "No, as long as I don't exceed their 3 bag size and weight requirement" I said. What about the ship...how many bags are you allowed? "A reasonable amount allowed by the airline" I replied. A wise woman sage took me aside and whispered "honey, you take those extra shoes and that jewelry and those clothes and those hair products and all that other stuff that makes you feel good and you stuff it into however many bags it takes, and you have yourself a good time".


I was giddy with excitement as I packed not one, not two, but THREE check-in bags for the two of us, PLUS one carry-on and a personal item each. Oh my, a total of FIVE items. And to think, if I really wanted to, I could take three more check-ins and another carry-on!!! But the phobia returned at the thought of that much luggage, so I'm content with the progress I've made thus far.


I hope Rick's not too dissapointed in me. I do watch his PBS specials, I do read his books, I did pack "his way" for Italy (it was a pain in the butt, but I did it), but I just couldn't do it this time. Sorry Rick. Maybe next time.


Love, Gr'aunt

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Hurray for you!!!!!!!! When I must schlep it myself, Rick Steves is wonderful. But, when I am able to have someone else to help me, I do it the same thing. However, I do NOT do laundry on the ship - we allow the ship's crew to do it - they are wonderful and relatively inexpensive!!!!!!

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Loved the writing style of Gr'aunt, and really loved the content. It reminded me of my family's trip to Italy for which we also packed Rick Steves style. DH insisted he only needed two pair of slacks, even though I pleaded with him to take more. No, he said, all Rick needs is two so that's all he needs. Well, at one seaside resort we waded into the water and then sat on large rocks to dry our feet. DH didn't notice that the rock he sat on had beads of tar on it -- his pants were ruined, leaving him with only one pair. So, at our next stop (Lugano, Switzerland) we had the unique experience of shopping in the men's department of a local department store. Of course, the slacks that fit best were of a color that required DH to find a new shirt to match -- and he hates to shop. Then, before we could go to dinner that night, we sat on the foot of the bed and each hemmed one pant leg. (I hate to admit that his leg looked better than mine!). Anyway, I can't say that DH overpacks, but he certainly doesn't underpack either. I wonder if Rick ever found himself in a similar situation; if so, would he tell his readers and viewers about it?

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Absolutely charming! Unfortunately, on our upcoming Venice-to-Istanbul Marina cruise we will have some bag schlepping on our own before the cruise and I will be in a travel wheelchair so we are forced to pack light. However, one of the first things we will upon boarding is to fill out the laundry request and relax while they professionally clean our clothes.


I have never understood the insanity about spending thousands to go on vacation, only to waste hours doing your own laundry to save a few bucks. If you don't want strangers doing your undies, then bring enough for the whole trip. We have had laundry done by the ship on many cruises and it has always turned out beautifully, for less than the price of a few drinks.

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I must admit,I am the true Gunga Din! My family, friends and tour guides all speak of me in awe! At one point ,in an early land trip to Italy, when the dollar was strong,a porter turned to my husband after lifting the enormous duffle bag...regulation sized and just FILLED with pocketbooks and newly purchased shoes,"What is in here ?"he asked. In a true husbandly fashion, straight faced, he replied a DEAD body!We all had a good laugh and I have worked hard ever since to uphold my reputation!


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Well, I have had a few laughs reading your responses...dead bodies, torn pants, ships' laundry et al! And I'm sorry that rubysue will be in a wheelchair, but at least she's not letting that stop her!


What I'm really waiting for now is for Jim&Stan (or is it Stan&Jim...can't keep it straight since they made the change) to post their (in)famous picture of the suitcases piled high on the trolley cart:D

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Well' date=' I have had a few laughs reading your responses...dead bodies, torn pants, ships' laundry et al! And I'm sorry that rubysue will be in a wheelchair, but at least she's not letting that stop her!


What I'm really waiting for now is for Jim&Stan (or is it Stan&Jim...can't keep it straight since they made the change) to post their (in)famous picture of the suitcases piled high on the trolley cart:D[/quote']


Too-Much-Luggage.jpg This one? :eek:


Btw, either combination works for us.

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Gr'aunt - loved your post. I am packing challenged.

Some of you might remember Arthur Frommer's mantra -- pack whatever you think you will need and then take out half! I have never been able to do that. And I always have clothes with me that I do not wear. Plus I need an extra bags for purchases. And I am Diamond Medallion on Delta so baggage and weight limit doesn't apply. Delta is an enabler for me.


On our upcoming Baltic cruise we are packing a little lighter than usual but only because we will be 4 adults in a car on a driving trip through the Cotswolds post cruise. Since my friend is also packing challenged, if we do not pack light the bags won't fit in the car (or the husbands will walk)!


My biggest challenge is yet to come -- African Safari in January. They sent us the luggage we must take -- a VERY SMALL duffel -- you take enough clothes for three days and then get them laundered. Now that is a stressor for me.


On our recent O cruise there was an older couple who only had one or two changes of clothes with them (or they owned 10 of the same shirt and shorts). We noticed them and we admired their freedom. We bet they only had small carry ons. Alas, that will never be me.

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That's not the picture I was thinking of, but that one will do!!! (you posted another one once...I think it was you?...a color photo of a cart with even more bags than this one, if you can believe that:eek:)


pacheco18-I admire your courage to admit that "Delta is an enabler"! Admission of the problem is the 1st step in the 12 step recovery for the packing challenged;)

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Since my friend is also packing challenged, if we do not pack light the bags won't fit in the car (or the husbands will walk)!


That would leave you to drive on the "wrong" side! Are you sure that you are up to it?


On our recent O cruise there was an older couple who only had one or two changes of clothes with them (or they owned 10 of the same shirt and shorts). We noticed them and we admired their freedom. We bet they only had small carry ons. Alas, that will never be me.



We had friends whose luggage was lost by Lufthansa in Istanbul on a Black Sea cruise (another line). They did not get their luggage until we got back to Istanbul (looted :eek:).

Anyway, the ship gave them some credit to buy a few things in the gift shop (they were both very tall and thus choices were few)and they used that and what they wore on the plane for the entire cruise.

So it can be done, I just wouldn't have the nerve to do it (they, however, had a good excuse)

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Thank you everyone for a few good chuckles. I am a packing alert for our next Oceania cruise to South America. I know I need warmer clothes for around the tip, but it will be hot in Chile, Buenos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro, so I keep wondering how I am going to pack. I am going to take my hiking boots with me as we are doing several private tours that they state is over uneven ground. Guess what I am wearing on the plane? Since I will be leaving during our winter, this end will be okay with the hiking boots, the problem will be landing in Santiago. We are going to take the layered look with us. We have to fly through Toronto both ways, so we will be able to have our heavier coats as carry ons as we will be wearing them. That solves part of the luggage problem, now for the rest...............

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I was giddy with excitement as I packed not one' date=' not two, but THREE check-in bags for the two of us, PLUS one carry-on and a personal item each. Oh my, a total of FIVE items. And to think, if I really wanted to, I could take three more check-ins and another carry-on!!! But the phobia returned at the thought of that much luggage, so I'm content with the progress I've made thus far.


Love, Gr'aunt[/quote']

My goodness 5 bags :eek:

We went last summer for a month Norway included up to the Arctic circle

We took a 26" case each plus 1 carry-on for meds & electronics total

Included in those cases was down jacket each rain jacket, hats & mitts

Along with our regular cruise clothes

We had temps ranging from 32F to 85F

Yes I did do laundry (several times) & did not miss any of the spectacular scenery

Take half as many clothes as you think you will need :D


Enjoy the cruise



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Anyway, the ship gave them some credit to buy a few things in the gift shop (they were both very tall and thus choices were few)and they used that and what they wore on the plane for the entire cruise.

So it can be done, I just wouldn't have the nerve to do it (they, however, had a good excuse)

YIKES I would just use my credit card & shop ashore

I could not wear the same clothes for 2 weeks:eek:



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YIKES I would just use my credit card & shop ashore.



You would have your choice of shopping in Trabzon, Batumi (Georgia), Sochi, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania.

Which one would be your first choice (especially for a very tall person that had trouble finding things in the ship's store)? :D

Not to mention short port times with emphasis on sightseeing and little or no time for clothes shopping.

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Great comments!


My husband and travel light when we we're on our own, but our next trip will be a mix over 30 days including 2 cruises. We will start out on our own a few days in Amsterdam, then take a 14 day river cruise to Basel. We'll travel from there by train for a week across Italy eventually ending up in Venice to catch the Riviera for 10 days to Athens.


Our clothes for our Oceania cruise will be different than the river cruise and our exploring clothes, so rather than dragging an extra suitcase with us for 3 weeks we are going to have it sent in advance to the ship. We found two companies that provide this service, all insured etc. Needless to say it's not cheap, but neither is this trip and we feel this extra luxury is worth it. One company is called Luggage Forward and the other is Luggage Free (I only wish!)


Some cruiselines offer these services, unfortunately, Oceania does not, at least, not yet!

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Rick doesn't know everything.:p


5 bags is good start. I can't imagine going to Europe with less than two large checked bags and at least 2-3 carry on bags between us. Just wouldn't seem natural.:D



I hope Rick's not too dissapointed in me. I do watch his PBS specials' date=' I do read his books, I did pack "his way" for Italy (it was a pain in the butt, but I did it), but I just couldn't do it this time. Sorry Rick. Maybe next time.


Love, Gr'aunt[/quote']

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Our clothes for our Oceania cruise will be different than the river cruise


Do you need fancy clothes for the river cruise??


I had planned on taking the same wardrobe as I do for Oceania on our river cruise



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You would have your choice of shopping in Trabzon, Batumi (Georgia), Sochi, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania.

Which one would be your first choice (especially for a very tall person that had trouble finding things in the ship's store)? :D

Not to mention short port times with emphasis on sightseeing and little or no time for clothes shopping.


well that may present a problem then :D

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I hate to overpack, and always feel like I did it wrong if I bring something and don't wear it, but I get anxious about the possibility of not having the right thing. What if it's hot? What if it's cold? What if it's both?


Plus, I'm allergic to fabric softener, so am reluctant to use public laundry machines or send my clothes out to be washed.

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To CintiPam- Hey, go easy...I'm still in recovery! But I am tempted to print your remarks and show them to my husband along with an extra bag or two:D


To pacheco18- You have summed up the bane of our existance in two words..."what if?"


Now I must admit what started me on the "what if" journey. On our last O cruise, we met a lovely couple on an excursion organized through our Roll Call. They explained that their luggage had not arrived in Rome with them...3 days later they were still waiting. They had been wearing the same clothes that they flew in...for three days. Ugh. O was very good about laundering their clothes, including their undies, every night. The husband was especially impressed that his boxers were pressed! Anyway, on day five, their things finally arrived (via special courier). I guess I was "traumatized" (not really, but it sounds good for this story) by the fact that these things actually do happen. I've always read about lost luggage, but have never known anyone that it happened to.


So, our one 22" carry-on and two extra-large "personal items" (actually a small duffel and backpack) are stuffed with extra socks and undies, as well as a change of clothes and shoes. If the worst were to happen, we will have two outfits to rotate. The three checked bags contain the things that make life sweet: clothes, clothes, makeup, hairspray, clothes, shoes and did I mention clothes?


Now, I'm waiting to hear about the rest of your "what if" stories.

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Its shoes that bog me down, sandals, walking shoes, boots if horsebackriding, right colors......


Two years ago, we spent a month in Alaska with carryon luggage only. We wore all the heavy layers on the plane. We were going to be on several very small planes during the trip, which had strict luggage limits. We did just fine, of course, we didn't need any dress clothes and had washer dryers in some of the places we stayed.


On our last O cruise, we met a couple who only had 1 carryon each.....


And then another couple whose luggage was lost the entire trip. Well, hers was lost, his came half-way through. Of course they had not crosspacked. Not to worry, she was wealthly, and a size 2. She just shopped at every Italian port we hit.


I'm not sure I'm ready to give up my Rick Steves addiction yet.....except for shoes, books, and hair products.

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Its shoes that bog me down, sandals, walking shoes, boots if horsebackriding, right colors......



Shoes are my problem too -- I take too many pair and they are all black!

I am so happy my husband does not read this stuff.

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...just as long as all of you extra bag lovers realize that the new rules from most international carriers are going to make you pay more for additional bags, we just checked the allowances for our upcoming trip and my wife had a bit of a freak-out...so we'll be re thinking how we pack this time...




the Imagineer

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