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Kids in CL?

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What kind of "adults" are in the CL if they don't have the sense to watch what they say in front of a child? Talk about BAD EXAMPLE!!:eek:



Why should they have to "watch what they say"?


If they are having a conversation and another pax walks by with his kids in tow and they overhear what others are saying how is that the fault of the adults who were talking to each other?


So now you think the adults in the room should be looking intently to see if there are any kids within range before they tell an off color joke?


Good grief.

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Why should they have to "watch what they say"?


If they are having a conversation and another pax walks by with his kids in tow and they overhear what others are saying how is that the fault of the adults who were talking to each other?


So now you think the adults in the room should be looking intently to see if there are any kids within range before they tell an off color joke?


Good grief.


Thank you!!

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I've read the whole 17 pages of this thread and still am confused about whether this new policy allowing kids in during Happy Hour will extend to ships with Dedicated Diamond Lounges like Freedom (the ship we cruise on the most). Could someone please clarify this for me. Thanks

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Yes, god knows, the last thing we'd want RCI to become if Family Friendly.... :eek:


Some of the whining in this thread is just amazing to me.




Disney is the ultimate family-friendly cruiseline, yet they limit the number of children they allow onboard, AND they have quite a few adult-only venues. I have only toured one ship, but when I saw all of the place that I could be without encountering children (I don't have any and I'm not inclined to hang out with them, even if I sometimes act like one), I actually thought about booking with them (were it not for the price).


Having said that, I don't care if there are kids in the CL during the cocktail hour, as long as this getting-old lady can find a seat in there (and that's a big IF, which I think won't happen). I've seen (and indulged in) enough childish behavior by adults that I don't see how they can be any worse. As long as their parents don't expect me to set a good example, they don't run by me, trip me, stick their fingers in the appetizers or steal my drink, I'm good. I can drown 'em out.:p

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Interesting thread. I have to say I paid a lot of money to have a Royal Family Suite on our Explorer cruise next year. Mostly for the extra space, great balcony. Somewhat for the perks. Finding pool chairs, seating at shows for 6 people could prove difficult for example. I was a bit disappointed to learn my kids were not able to be in the CL during cocktail hour. This is a perk my DH will be happy to enjoy. So our options were: hope the concierge allows us to take drinks out (dicey), have DH and I go separately, or leave the kids in the cabin (one is just too young, almost 7, and loves her Momma too much:p). Opening the lounge up allows us to enjoy this perk. We have MTD and would likely go for one drink pre-dinner at 530. When a lot of late seating adults are still in the shower.


We would be happy as well with an overflow area for families. There are 4 RFS on the Ex, with occupancies of up to 8. In my mind there would be enough people to justify an overflow room from those enough, not to mention smaller families in GS or OS.


I would also be happy with a drink coupon to enjoy on our balcony. Again, we did not book the suite for the perks, but our access to them should not be restricted based on our demographic.


I posed a question about the Suite only area on Labadee a few months ago and got a relatively positive response. Some did say it should be fine for my family if my kids were well behaved. This whole thread has me a bit nervous about even that now. Are suite guests on Barefoot Beach going to be displeased that my (well behaved) "brats" are there? Seriously? When my DH and I have cruised alone, we have not even considered RCL or Carnival due to possibly encountering too many kids. We cruise Celebrity to enjoy a more adult oriented experience. On a family friendly cruise, I expect acceptance and tolerance of my (generally) well behaved kids.

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Why should they have to "watch what they say"?


If they are having a conversation and another pax walks by with his kids in tow and they overhear what others are saying how is that the fault of the adults who were talking to each other?


So now you think the adults in the room should be looking intently to see if there are any kids within range before they tell an off color joke?


Good grief.


Perfect example on how public actions have sunk to a new low. Not to consider your surroundings and its' effect on your actions, well, my grand mother would say "watch your manners...not everyone can be rich BUT everyone can have good manners." Even the longshoremen who work the dock would watch their language in front of a child...Gimmmee...Gimmee..Gimmee....:rolleyes:

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I am a D+ but often book a GS. I have seen parents come in with strollers or double strollers, there is no room for this equipment.


Also the bar tender is going to have to check for ID on every person who looks under age. My son who is 25 will now have to verify his age every time he goes to the lounge, this is humiliating to him.


We go to a local theater that sells liquor, it is in the balcony, they check Ids before you enter, now the concierge is going have check ids, and I suggest they check everyone's ID not to single out and humiliate certain passengers.


Some one is going to have assist the children get the DVDS and games they are entitled to. Are there going to be coloring books for the children? Are there going to be children's games?


While the adults are standing around watching the activities. Where is the adult down time ?

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Main concern, seems to me anyway, wld be that children will take up chairs that are in short supply already during cocktail time. What is RCL thinking - we need fewer in the CL not more and esp not children...during an adults only time.

I do not travel with children anymore and even when I did they never went during adult times and now I will really be incensed if I have to stand when a child has a seat..(I am semi-handicapped & over 60 yrs old) and then there is the danger of them bumping me causing me to stumble & fall or hitting them with my cane accidently....

Besides, why is it nec for children to be in there during that time anyway - doesn't RCL provide babysitters if asked (yes they have to pay for it - we did also besides, if they can afford to travel in a suite they can afford a 'sitter' IMO anyway.


RCL had better rethink this one or I, for one, shall not cruise RCL again as a suite pax and I agree with another poster - its making Celebrity look even better..just did 2 cruises this spring on that cruiseline...& I highly recommend it - so different considering they are sister lines..

Actually, am only on RCL this month to Hawaii cause I cldn't get same itinerary on Celebrity or another cruiseline even for that matter - the food in the MDR has become an issue for me on RCL for awhile now.


Hope all have great cruising :)

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Another possible suggestion.....handle it like they have done with the specialty restaurants.....limit the time they allow children in the CL during cocktails hours ....something like 5-6:30PM only....since I am betting that most with young children have early dining or MTD but don't go much past 6:30PM....then the CL stays adults only from 6:30-8:30....IMO this would of been a MUCH smarter way for Royal to at least test the waters on this one.

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Disney is the ultimate family-friendly cruiseline, yet they limit the number of children they allow onboard, AND they have quite a few adult-only venues. I have only toured one ship, but when I saw all of the place that I could be without encountering children (I don't have any and I'm not inclined to hang out with them, even if I sometimes act like one), I actually thought about booking with them (were it not for the price).


Having said that, I don't care if there are kids in the CL during the cocktail hour, as long as this getting-old lady can find a seat in there (and that's a big IF, which I think won't happen). I've seen (and indulged in) enough childish behavior by adults that I don't see how they can be any worse. As long as their parents don't expect me to set a good example, they don't run by me, trip me, stick their fingers in the appetizers or steal my drink, I'm good. I can drown 'em out.:p


This is very true.

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As a parent of nine and eleven year olds staying in a family suite on my next cruise, I admit that I like the option of getting a complimentary glass of wine before dinner and not having to leave our children alone or go one at a time. That said I would gladly never touch the concierge lounge if Royal gave us an in suite bottle of wine a night or 2 free drink coupons to use at a bar of our choice while the kids were in evening Adventure Ocean programs. Perhaps they should get rid of one room for free drinks idea altogether if we all can't get along like grown ups.


We grown-ups can get along. It's the kids were talking about!

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This is very true.


I don't recall any of the adult only venues on Disney that give out free booze for several hours.

Like I said before, take away the free booze and all of this nonsense is a non-issue. The only time there are any more than 5 people in the CL is when they are giving away free drinks.

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I honestly don't believe that removing one of the great perks will enhance anyone's cruise. If children in the casino is a no-no, removing the gambling equipment isn't the solution;). I understand where suite quests with children are coming from, often times one of the big perks of a GS is denied to them because who will tend to the young ones, but at the same time other guests in the CL do enjoy a few moments away from the kiddies without having to compete with them for the limited amount of seats.

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There seems to be various alternatives that Royal could use, but this is the one they picked, so it must be the best one, in their view.


I'm guessing this issue/complaint (kids in lounge) has been ongoing and this is the option they feel will be the least costly to them, while satisfying an important demographic group. I don't underestimate Royal's ability to squeeze out that last dime.

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17 pages because people want free drinks & no kids? They deserve this because why? Oh, yeah, they're loyal customers........ Who get the cruise they paid for but think they deserve more........ Then brag about how little the cruise cost them because of their Visa points & that their SeaPass account was less than $10.00 on their recent 28 day B2B2B2B2B!


Those loyal to Royal need to take what Royal chooses to give you with a smile & a thank you. Keep b*tchin & the CL will become Suite Guests only.............. That should be good for 25+ pages!

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I should have learned long ago not to expect any logic in policy decisions made by Royal Caribbean. I still have a problem understanding the reasoning behind this decision. Cam there really have been such heavy lobbying by passengers to allow children in the CL during cocktail hours, that they decided to make this change? When my kids were much younger I can think of a dozen places that they would rather have been than a crowded concierge lounge with little there to amuse them. We board jewel tomorrow and I will be interested to see what, if any, reaction the staff has to this new policy.:rolleyes:

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I was told, like others who have actually spoken to people at RCI, that there was lobbying done by Suite guests about their limited access to the CL, during cocktail hours, because they are traveling with kids. So RCI is allowing kids into the CL and their "caveat" is that the kids must be with an adult.


I doubt the kids will have a choice as their parents will want to have their free drinks and snacks. Whether they want to be there or not won't be the main concern, IMO.


I'm starting to wonder if RCI did this to discourage adults, who obviously are doing most of the drinking, from hanging out in the lounge? Are they going to put more bartenders in the room so they can now pour more sodas or make Shirley Temples for the kids or will the same staff now have to cater to more guests and will adults have to wait for their drinks because bartenders are busy waiting on kids?


This may be the impetus for adults to grab one drink and leave. RCIs bar bill goes down and they are making suite guests, with kids, happy at the same time.

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Baby sitting services have been problems on the ship - they don't have enough to cover especially when a lot of young children are on board. And with the break from the kids club some parents have no place to put them.


Who would win a battle - Diamond Plus Suite Guest vs. Suite Guest who has a uncontrollable child in the Lounge! I kind of feel sorry for the Conceirge now they have to be a police person instead of a social host.

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As a mother of 4 between the ages of 21 and 30, all I can say to you suite parents of children is that one day you will get it. You will understand. I spent my 28 years of being with children on every vacation. The entire ship (minus the casino) is child friendly. It would be wonderful to be able to count on one child free place for 3 1/2 hours.


On my last cruise last month I was on board for 14 days with CL access. I think it was 2 drinks I had in total (not per day - it was in 14 days)...maybe it was 3 and I lost track. :rolleyes: My husband paid for drinks during CL time at other bars because we had people we wanted to visit.


Now, if you are saying your children have been in AO all day and you want some family time before dinner, why on earth do you want to have it with some heavy drinkers in the CL? Wouldn't family time in your spacious suite be true family time? Can't you just buy that one little drink (as we do) to share time with your kids in your suite? After your early dinner you can send the kids to AO again and then go to the CL for the free drink you want. Free at a cost of a suite. :rolleyes:


The "gimme gimme gimmes" around here seem to be the suite parents of children. They want the last little adult space on the ship for themselves along with their spacious suites and the rest of the perks that come with it. :(


I decided to quit drinking for the most part on a cruise because it's the primary source of weight gain for those of us who don't overeat. But I still like the adult atmosphere and entertainment of the CL. And yes those griping D+/PC who slam down the drinks are a major source of entertainment. :D



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As a mother of 4 between the ages of 21 and 30, all I can say to you suite parents of children is that one day you will get it. You will understand. I spent my 28 years of being with children on every vacation. The entire ship (minus the casino) is child friendly. It would be wonderful to be able to count on one child free place for 3 1/2 hours.


On my last cruise last month I was on board for 14 days with CL access. I think it was 2 drinks I had in total (not per day - it was in 14 days)...maybe it was 3 and I lost track. :rolleyes: My husband paid for drinks during CL time at other bars because we had people we wanted to visit.


Now, if you are saying your children have been in AO all day and you want some family time before dinner, why on earth do you want to have it with some heavy drinkers in the CL? Wouldn't family time in your spacious suite be true family time? Can't you just buy that one little drink (as we do) to share time with your kids in your suite? After your early dinner you can send the kids to AO again and then go to the CL for the free drink you want. Free at a cost of a suite. :rolleyes:


The "gimme gimme gimmes" around here seem to be the suite parents of children. They want the last little adult space on the ship for themselves along with their spacious suites and the rest of the perks that come with it. :(


I decided to quit drinking for the most part on a cruise because it's the primary source of weight gain for those of us who don't overeat. But I still like the adult atmosphere and entertainment of the CL. And yes those griping D+/PC who slam down the drinks are a major source of entertainment. :D




Great post!!!


but of course those of us who want to maintain that "adult" time in the CL will be branded as "kid haters".


Why can't RCI open a room for CL guests with kids and separate them from the main crowd? If they want to bring their kids then let them all be together in one room.

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