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Yes, i will continue to bring my small travel size Febreze or similar with me everywhere and reserve the right to spray MY cabin/ room with it-- if I need to-- at the beginning of my cruise. If, on the other hand your allergies make it a problem for YOU, one week later, then YOU have the right to bring that up with housekeeping, but I should hardly think that you will need to. After all, if you are so sensitive to febreze in any situation, one entire week after it has been used, maybe you need to rethink cruising altogther, as if you get a list of the cleaning products used by Celebrity or any other cruiseline right before you board and see how maybe all those compare on your list of things you might be allergic to? Honestly, i am so sick and tired of other people's sensitivities on some of these message boards that i just have to speak my mind on this one.

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Yes, i will continue to bring my small travel size Febreze or similar with me everywhere and reserve the right to spray MY cabin/ room with it-- if I need to-- at the beginning of my cruise. If, on the other hand your allergies make it a problem for YOU, one week later, then YOU have the right to bring that up with housekeeping, but I should hardly think that you will need to. After all, if you are so sensitive to febreze in any situation, one entire week after it has been used, maybe you need to rethink cruising altogther, as if you get a list of the cleaning products used by Celebrity or any other cruiseline right before you board and see how maybe all those compare on your list of things you might be allergic to? Honestly, i am so sick and tired of other people's sensitivities on some of these message boards that i just have to speak my mind on this one.


you are very lucky not to know what allergies are, how they affect daily living, how frustrating it is for people who have them to deal with those extremely annoying allergies, and how much these people wish they did not have them :(. Yes, you have the right to spray your cabin....this is what makes you who you are...however, if you had to deal with allergies on a daily basis, or sleep next to the person who can not breath caughing non stop for hours during night time because of the allergy attack...you would probably speak up your mind differently......:confused:


If you spray the room at the beginning of the cruise, most likely it should be OK by the end of it; but, if you spray on the pillows or other fabric, it will still be there by the next passengers arrive and check in into THEIR cabin.


Also, Disney and Celebrity (can not speak up for other cruise companies) are extremely sensitive and accommodating to those who request non-scented "green"chemicals. As long as a request is made in advance, they will only use scent-free chemicals (there are so many different brands that are sold nowdays). They understand........


I did not want to comment on your post at first, but your angry tone, insensitivity, and inability to understand (or comprehend) what previous posters were trying to say are just hard for me to understand.....Hope you never have to experience allergies.....

Edited by alenushka
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Yes, i will continue to bring my small travel size Febreze or similar with me everywhere and reserve the right to spray MY cabin/ room with it-- if I need to-- at the beginning of my cruise. If, on the other hand your allergies make it a problem for YOU, one week later, then YOU have the right to bring that up with housekeeping, but I should hardly think that you will need to. After all, if you are so sensitive to febreze in any situation, one entire week after it has been used, maybe you need to rethink cruising altogther, as if you get a list of the cleaning products used by Celebrity or any other cruiseline right before you board and see how maybe all those compare on your list of things you might be allergic to? Honestly, i am so sick and tired of other people's sensitivities on some of these message boards that i just have to speak my mind on this one.


It is always refreshing to see how tolerant folks are on this board.


Allergies are not fun and they are not imagined....people are sensitive to many things (peanuts can kill some people, etc).


If your room doesn't smell good to you, ask your cabin attendant to do something about it.....don't bring your own scent because YOU have decided that it won't bother someone else....

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Also, Disney and Celebrity (can not speak up for other cruise companies) are extremely sensitive and accommodating to those who request non-scented "green"chemicals. As long as a request is made in advance, they will only use scent-free chemicals (there are so many different brands that are sold nowdays). They understand.......



As a physician and a mom I empathize with the allergy issues in your family. Good for you for doing what you have to do to make cruising possible. Should I just request unscented cleaning products? I never knew it was an option. We have sensitivities, not allergies, but it would make that first night more comfortable without those strong odors causing congestion.


As far as the topic at hand. To the OP, I am putting baskets together for a family with kids. They are sailing Disney, so I am picking up little $1 Disney toys, coloring books, toy binoculars(they are going to Alaska,) and crayons. For adults I would add Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, soft soap dispenser, highlighters, a journal/mini scraobook for memories, cute slippers, and maybe an eye mask. Sweets are always nice for the kids and adults!


I am also a fan of the pop up hamper. We put it inside a corner in the closet and use it for underwear and socks. We fold up dirty clothes and repack in a suitcase. This way when we get home the washing is separated already. I head to the laundry room with one suitcase and DH puts up the clean clothes from the other suitcase. We have kids so we have to overpack a bit. We all come home with clothes we never wore.

Edited by Travalerie
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Actually, not angry at all, just frustrated, so please don't assign emotions to posts which are incorrect. Blog posts such as these are very one-dimensional forms of communication when you cannot hear someone's tone or see their face.


I am actually remarkably sensitive to smells myself which is one reason i always carry a neutralizer with me. Two cruises ago we got into a cabin that smelled so bad, I was just grateful i remembered to pack my spritzer. It was clean, at the surface level, spotless actually, but smells are smells, be they from bathrooms, mold, other people, food or perfume/cologne or cleaning products. If it's any consolation to you, and other allergy sufferers, instead of Febreze, i am looking into buying a non-chemical spray that uses essential botanical oils, which are non-toxic and don't pose a risk to allergy sufferers.


Enjoy your cruise!

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Actually, not angry at all, just frustrated, so please don't assign emotions to posts which are incorrect. Blog posts such as these are very one-dimensional forms of communication when you cannot hear someone's tone or see their face.


I am actually remarkably sensitive to smells myself which is one reason i always carry a neutralizer with me. Two cruises ago we got into a cabin that smelled so bad, I was just grateful i remembered to pack my spritzer. It was clean, at the surface level, spotless actually, but smells are smells, be they from bathrooms, mold, other people, food or perfume/cologne or cleaning products. If it's any consolation to you, and other allergy sufferers, instead of Febreze, i am looking into buying a non-chemical spray that uses essential botanical oils, which are non-toxic and don't pose a risk to allergy sufferers.


Enjoy your cruise!


lol, I don,t go anywhere without my small can of Lysol. Period.

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I'd like to add to the lists our collapsible laundry basket. It is mesh so clothes don't smell and folds into a disc the size of a small frisbee and lays flat in the suitcase. All you need to do to open it is release the elastic strap and it will pop open and stay upright. It fits perfectly in the space between the nightstand and the closet on S-class ships and is out of the way.


Ditto on the collapsible laundry basket - wouldn't cruise without it. Also ditto on the over the door shoe hanger. Although didn't use the latter on the last cruise - don't know if it was just our bathroom door or an S class thing, but the way the door closed couldn't use it (seem to recall it worked on the M class). Didn't think to try it on the closet door as someone suggested.

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As a first time cruiser, taking the Infinity out of Buenos Aires for 14 days on Feb 26th, I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions. However, in all the suggestions, I was surprised to see no one include meclizine or whatever a person finds most useful for motion sickness. That's the first thing on my list!

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And a bow from me too. I'd quickly gone through all the posts (savings yours) and then mentioned that sea sickness meds weren't included. So, thanks for your thoroughness as well as the many helpful tips. It's put my at ease for my first cruise!

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As a first time cruiser, taking the Infinity out of Buenos Aires for 14 days on Feb 26th, I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions. However, in all the suggestions, I was surprised to see no one include meclizine or whatever a person finds most useful for motion sickness. That's the first thing on my list!


And a bow from me too. I'd quickly gone through all the posts (savings yours) and then mentioned that sea sickness meds weren't included. So, thanks for your thoroughness as well as the many helpful tips. It's put my at ease for my first cruise!




I'm guessing that the LONG LIST of Sea Sickness Meds & Remedies aren't here because they happen to show up so many other places on the CC Boards...


Plus they are so "specific" in that some folks need them, and what works for one, might not work for someone else... so what to pack really depends on each Cruiser and their needs.


BUT, in the name of providing info... here then a list of some of the more common Meds & Remedies that can be used to either ward-off Sea or Motion Sickness (not necessarily the same thing) or help to relieve the symptoms if they should occur...


Meclizine - Bonine - Dramamine (all of which are name-brand Antihistamines marketed specifically for Sea Sickness) - Claratin - Benadryl (two more overr-the-counter Antihistimines that others swear by) - Gravol - The Patch - Sea Bands - Relief Bands (the previous two are both worn on the wrists against Acupunture Pressure Points... the last one though uses Electrotherapy... so more expensive technology) - Ginger Pills - Ginger Candies - Crystalized Ginger - Ginger Ale - Green Apples - Advil - Tylenol - Aspirin


Other worthwhile tips...


Choose a cabin that is midship... and lower is better than higher - Do not consume greasy food - and if feeling ill get out into the fresh air (closed in spaces tend to be worse) - and if you can "look beyond the waves" to the horizon.


Hope this is helpful,


And may all your sailings be SMOOTH as glass !!



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Many Thanks to Sloop JohnB!


I'm a Beach Boy fan too, and especially "Pet Sounds" (I produced music for many years in LA). Unforunately, not only am I on the top deck (11), I have an Aquaclass cablin at the stern! However, in truth, I only rarely experience motion sickness, but always try to be a good Boy Scout and "Be Prepared"!


That said, I so appreciate the many tips you've provided. You should write a book, sir! That said, I'm dumb as a rock when it comes to utilization of message boards. Can you suggest how I can focus my search here more specifically then just the "Celebrity" message board in general. I don't seem to see any posts from those sailing the Infinity on Feb 26th. So any suggestions would be welcome.


And I'd love to have an opportunity to dialog directly sometime, so if you're a Facebooker and use some other social media platform, please let me know. Cheers to you, sir!


sethmater (Seth Marshall)

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Of course you must be right...in fact why not spray the cabin with perfume because you don't think it will effect others.


When I use certain shampoos, I have allergic reaction due to the scent, when my wife uses a floral spray, I have to leave the room. I have asked cabin attendants not to use some sprays or cleaners, although most don't bother me. I would prefer that you not spray with Fabreze or your favorite perfume because it might just effect me, even though you can't imagine it.


Thanks for your consideration of other passengers....


@ghstudio..chillax...I was simply making an observation. I'm on a cruise to have fun and I'm on cruise critic to learn new and interesting things not to be scolded for being insensitive in a hypothetical situation that I'm quite confident will never occur to me as I don't have any intention of spraying anything in my cabin. I'd like to think that most people on this site are smart, sensitive, thoughtful types that have no intention of offending someone. And just like I'm sure your post to me likely didn't seem offensive to you when you wrote it..it was to me when I read it. But I'll assume you didn't mean to be offensive and thus no hard feelings on my part.

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Call me crazy...but when I have a balcony cabin I always like to bring along a string or two of mini christmas lights for the balcony. It's always dark out there. I like the idea of the battery operated candles, though. I may try that.


Love the Christmas light idea - it is the only lighting that we use at home in our living room year round. Electric or battery operated? If electric is there an outlet on the balcony?

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Many Thanks to Sloop JohnB!


I'm a Beach Boy fan too, and especially "Pet Sounds" (I produced music for many years in LA). Unforunately, not only am I on the top deck (11), I have an Aquaclass cablin at the stern! However, in truth, I only rarely experience motion sickness, but always try to be a good Boy Scout and "Be Prepared"!


That said, I so appreciate the many tips you've provided. You should write a book, sir! That said, I'm dumb as a rock when it comes to utilization of message boards. Can you suggest how I can focus my search here more specifically then just the "Celebrity" message board in general. I don't seem to see any posts from those sailing the Infinity on Feb 26th. So any suggestions would be welcome.


And I'd love to have an opportunity to dialog directly sometime, so if you're a Facebooker and use some other social media platform, please let me know. Cheers to you, sir!


sethmater (Seth Marshall)



Welcome to Cruise Critic!


To find the people on your particular cruise, go to the section on the boards called "Roll Calls." Scroll down, it's a bit below the one you've already found. Then select Celebrity, then Infinity, then look for the thread for your particular sailing. Hope you find a lively bunch! My experience has been that participating in a roll call and getting to know people prior to a cruise has greatly enhanced my cruising experience.

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This is my ever evolving list. Don't always take all, just more of a check list for my packing.


Cruise list

Cruise documents


Photo Copy of Passports

Small $ bills for tipping


Post it notes



Duct tape


Mosquito Repelent

Alcohol wipes


Travel alarm


2 flashlights




Clothes pins

Red Solo cups

Quarters, detergent, dryer sheets

Travel power strip

Spot remover


Crystal lite

Ear plugs

Scuba cards

L-C-R Dice

Farkle Dice & score sheets

Playing cards

Zip ties


Suction cups w/ hook

Power converter

Both cameras w/ tapes

Cell phone charger

Waterproof wallet



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Many thanks to those who posted the seasickness remedies. I don't normally get sea sick --the swells would have to be huge to affect me--but i find Ginger chews very helpful when I do. Much healthier option than all those antihistamines if you can get away with it. I always have a selction of teas and tisanes including peppermint, chamomile, ginger, anise, or fennel which are all natural remedies for nausea. I have heard Granny Smith apples are helpful but never tried them. Do they really work? MY S.O. swears by the acupressure bracelets.



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Thanks for your kind words... glad to help.


HAPPY CRUISER6143 makes a good point, to further enhance your time on CC be sure and check in with your Roll Call... and register for the Cruise Connections "Meet & Mingle" on your ship as well (that is hosted by Celebrity... you need to register on their website)


For more info (and the short-cut to both) check out the 3rd Box from the top of this page entitled *Celebrity Cruises*... it appears right above LOOSYGOOSY's comments in Reply # 20


As well there are a couple of "active topics" floating around this BOARD on Roll Calls and Celebrity Connections Parties... so if you read one of them you can learn more on what each of these things are / entail.


Hope this is helpful,



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Postcard Labels - We keep a page of labels saved in our computer with the addresses of all our friends & family. We print it and take it on all vacations.....Makes addressing postcards a snap! We just need to remember to write USA after the address when out of the country.


To all posters: Thanks for all the great ideas!

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I don't seem to see any posts from those sailing the Infinity on Feb 26th. So any suggestions would be welcome.

The Infinity Feb 26th cruise is right before a repositioning cruise, so many people who are returning to the USA do both of them back-to-back (commonly known as B2B).


There is a combined roll call for those Infinity cruises, which currently has 22 pages of posts. The people who will be on your cruise have been posting there for a long time.


Here is a link to take you to it.


B2B 26th Feb 2012 BA to Valparaiso & 11th March Valparaiso to FLL


If you post your questions there, you will get replies from others who will be on your cruise.


Happy reading and have a great cruise!


By the way, you had previously stated you were surprised that nobody mentioned to bring meclizine.

It is not necessary to bring it as it is readily available on the ship. Just go to Guest Relations (deck 3, center of ship) and ask for it.

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Postcard Labels - We keep a page of labels saved in our computer with the addresses of all our friends & family. We print it and take it on all vacations.....Makes addressing postcards a snap! We just need to remember to write USA after the address when out of the country.


To all posters: Thanks for all the great ideas!


OOH that's a great idea!! I only have one thing to add to the long list of things...I purchased these big beach chair clips at Target last year that clip your towel to the back of the beach chair...they are perfect for holding those pesky fly away towels in place and last time we took them on a cruise we were the envy of all around us. They are now a "must pack" for us!


Here's a website that shows them...I have the blue fish


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Here's a few of our tips :)

Rather than bottles of wine,take a box of wine you don't need a corkscrew, it keeps fresher and is easier to pack.

Keep all those samples you find in magazines or can send off for,shampoos, moisturises etc that come in sachets they are great for travelling with and the pre cruise hotels ( lots of uk hotels don't give toiletries now)

Pack some large bin bags to pack your washing in

Inform your bank cc company you are going abroad

Have colour photo copies of your passports and email yourself scanned copies of all your documentation, passports,visa,insurances etc

Pack plasters / band aids nothing worse than ruining a holiday because you have a blister

Pack your own pillow ( if this is an option of course) in a vac bag- I sleep way better with mine

It embarking from a sunny port always carry a sunhat,water and sun cream , embarksion maybe delayed and some ports have little shade eg fort Lauderdale

And most of all enjoy ;)

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