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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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Article just published: Schettino facing 2,697 years in jail? If someone here is fluent in Italian could you verify this is what it says? Not looking good for the captain.



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This is an excerpt from Google Translate - not sure what this means


"in the extent of penalty that can be delivered in practice: 15 years for multiple manslaughter, ten years from shipwreck and disaster for eight years for each of the passengers dead and abandoned as a result the shipwreck. " Translated: 2,697 years in jail, given that there are 34 dead and 300 people abandoned the ship. An even more terrifying prospect, this, for a man who "when he was informed of the detention, he asked to go instead to the hotel and - disappointed by the response received - to be able to eat something before going to prison." If so Schettino, a commander who has support in different parts of the world, he did not flee from Giglio was only because "it was not easy to make an escape from the island, especially in those moments," the prosecutor Verusio gloss.
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I am hoping at some stage to ask Carnival if I can Visit one of their ships when they are in harbour in Melbourne some time just to see if I can actually walk onto a cruise ship again, I think I could but until you try......


Mickey, some cooler weather is on your way, and rain, from Adelaide.

The Queen Mary 2 is berthing in Melbourne in March, along with a lot of Aussies and world travellers. Maybe a call to Cunard/Carnival might be timely?


All the best with the Uni offers.

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Google Translation is here: http://translate.google.com/translat...39997568.shtml



In this article there is also the mention of a possibility that there were boys between 13-16 years old as part of the crew in violation of child labor laws. It also mentions that some of the crew members birthdays were missing (pdf was previously posted here by Greg) and that the reason could be they were under age. It's not looking good for Costa either!
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Read about that early this morning in La Repubblica. Unfortunately the translation was so bad I didn't even attempt to bring it here. When I tried to check a second source, there wasn't one at the time.


Edited to say, 5 months was what LaRepubblica said.

Yes, this was in the media here today. I think they mentioned she was a Doctor and has said the stress of the life and death situation caused her miscarriage.

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Glad to hear you are doing better Michelle. Enjoy your boat-free vacation. Hope it's relaxing - let us know how it turns out. :cool:

As to the questions on how we are doing, things are starting to retrun to normal, I have been back at work for 2 weeks now, Katharine and my middle boy went back to school Thursday, and hopefully Johns doctor gives him the all clear to return to work when he sees him Monday. I am now sleeping without the tablets ( although the hot nights do not help). All I need is for the oldest to finally get the call to go to the Uni he wants to go to ( fingers crossed), and we have his 18th next week, re-eancting meeting as well so I think returning to a routine is helping.


I am also planning another holiday I cannot not have one in planning, Katharine has however requested "NO BOATS" in this one.


I am hoping at some stage to ask Carnival if I can Visit one of their ships when they are in harbour in Melbourne some time just to see if I can actually walk onto a cruise ship again, I think I could but until you try......

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I can imagine the stress of not knowing whether you are going to live or die for over an hour can wreak havoc. Wonder if the death of that fetus is another manslaughter charge for Schettino - how many more years to his already 2,697 years?


Yes, this was in the media here today. I think they mentioned she was a Doctor and has said the stress of the life and death situation caused her miscarriage.
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And it was my (currently blond) daughter who suggested the word "slut" to make the point... as she considers "bimbo" to be the exact same thing. Are you saying she's wrong?


*Coughs politely*


I was keeping well away from this, but just thought I'd mention, that to me at least, here in the UK, a bimbo is simply a woman who is very attractive but is not very intelligent. Nothing to do with her morals or lack of them whatsoever.


*Tiptoes out of thread quietly.*

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*Coughs politely*


I was keeping well away from this, but just thought I'd mention, that to me at least, here in the UK, a bimbo is simply a woman who is very attractive but is not very intelligent. Nothing to do with her morals or lack of them whatsoever.


*Tiptoes out of thread quietly.*


And the male version is Dimbo or Bimbob (an attractive guy who is as dumb as a post) and a younger Bimbo is a Bimbette. A Bimbot is bimbo robot and a Bimboat has Schettino as its captain.

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Montego Bay or Kingston.


Day trip to Bob Marley's birthplace.


(add ethnic activity here)


After that, a few ice cold Red Stripes and some Jerk Chicken.


Just do not bring anything back on the ship.

Ah yes... the need to chill ;)


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But I think it's not impossible to recover the ship...

Just think of the plans which were created (airbags, etc.)

We will see what happens after the fuel is pumped out - there are 10 companies who apply to recover the Concordia.

Maybe they achieve to repair it, an expert said it's possible to recover the ship, even when it's difficult... ;)


If by recover you mean it will sail again on its own someday......not a chance. If by recover you mean bringing it up and towing it somewhere for scrap......maybe.

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*Coughs politely*


I was keeping well away from this, but just thought I'd mention, that to me at least, here in the UK, a bimbo is simply a woman who is very attractive but is not very intelligent. Nothing to do with her morals or lack of them whatsoever.


*Tiptoes out of thread quietly.*


I think defininition of a "Bimbo" is veering off topic but here in the USA it means the same as in the UK. It does not mean slut, adulterer or anything about morals whatever. I would say the term is a form of stereotyping that should generaly be avoided.

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Must have been a VERY slow day on this thread!


I have spent the past hour reading NONSENSE from several (hopefully intellegent) posters that have rambled on about "verbage" of the young woman that was "seen" dining with the captain.


Finally, Joanie and cruiserfanfromct have brought forth a very news worthy item, that has everything to do with the deeds, or misdeeds of the captain, and how, if found guilty, he won't see the light of day till he dies.


Also, to Michelle.........thank you for all of your comments and posts. My prayers go out to you and your family! Please continue to keep us appraised of your return to health, both mentally and physically. You are a jewel in my book!:)


I would love to see this thread get back on track.....of the Sinking of the Concordia, and the ongoing saga of the ship on the rocks, the attempt at pumping the remaining fuel, and then the start of the salvage operation.


Meanwhile, I'm sure that all crewmembers have a gag order placed. But within a week there will be more news......and the possible jailing of the Captain.


Thanks to those that are keeping this thread on "track"!!;)



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Must have been a VERY slow day on this thread!


I have spent the past hour reading NONSENSE from several (hopefully intellegent) posters that have rambled on about "verbage" of the young woman that was "seen" dining with the captain.


Finally, Joanie and cruiserfanfromct have brought forth a very news worthy item, that has everything to do with the deeds, or misdeeds of the captain, and how, if found guilty, he won't see the light of day till he dies.


Also, to Michelle.........thank you for all of your comments and posts. My prayers go out to you and your family! Please continue to keep us appraised of your return to health, both mentally and physically. You are a jewel in my book!:)


I would love to see this thread get back on track.....of the Sinking of the Concordia, and the ongoing saga of the ship on the rocks, the attempt at pumping the remaining fuel, and then the start of the salvage operation.


Meanwhile, I'm sure that all crewmembers have a gag order placed. But within a week there will be more news......and the possible jailing of the Captain.


Thanks to those that are keeping this thread on "track"!!;)





I don't disagree with anything you said. Do we have a difference of opinion (I'm not sure) of something you left unsaid?


It's my considered opinion that Domnica's presence and actions went far beyond dining companion and had a causal connection with the Captain's civil, criminal, and/or moral guilt in the Concordia disaster and she shares some of the culpabilty.


I realize that others disagree with that opinion but that doesn't remove it from the catagory of on topic discusssion.





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Thanks Joanie! What do you make of this? Wish we had a better translation. :confused:

Sorry not to have answered sooner, but was updating my Net Book in preparation for my next cruise in less than a month.


I am thinking that the Italian media is trying to keep the interest up in the Concordia. Not that that is bad!! But that they are attempting to put more of a spin on what is known versus what they think might happen.


Kind of like us here at Cruise Critic....


I think the one thing that sticks out, or should I say Jumps out... is that the Prosecutor gets to go back before the Judge and gets to have the House Arrest revoked and Schettino back in Jail until he is either convicted or not....


But I am not a lawyer so is all just a guess on my part.


I am also now wondering if this "Corriere Fiorentino" is a type of "The Enquirer" which makes all kinds of rumors appear to be truth.... I seriously doubt the "young children" allegation. Just something to drum up the sales...



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I don't disagree with anything you said. Do we have a difference of opinion (I'm not sure) of something you left unsaid?


It's my considered opinion that Domnica's presence and actions went far beyond dining companion and had a causal connection with the Captain's civil, criminal, and/or moral guilt in the Concordia disaster and she shares some of the culpabilty.


I realize that others disagree with that opinion but that doesn't remove it from the catagory of on topic discusssion.








If it was not the captain of the Concordia that decided to vier off of the "normal" route, and not have the fateful "fly by" of an island that is now becoming a landmark.......and will see great futures ahead....Giglio, next summer will be a place that tourists will not get enough of......


In my humble opinion, this is what started everything in action, that turned into the disaster of the year.......at least so far!


The young lady fits into the picture, at some point, but I'm waiting to hear from the recordings of the black boxes, and witnesses to know exactly what part she played, and because she was there, with the captain, how it all plays out.


Honestly, for me, after reading todays posts, someone could have a plot for a soap opera. You seem to keep up with this tragidy daily, and I appreciate your posts. I just think that today, there was not enough going on, so several posters got in to the subject of the woman that dined with the captain, and the fact (as has been mentioned here) that the same womens clothes were found in the captains cabin.


If she were the one to have made the officers of the bridge change course.....because of her charms........that would be a whole different story!


So, John........are you trying to tell me that she took care of ALL of the bridge officers, before the wreck (encounter with the submerged rock)???



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If it was not the captain of the Concordia that decided to vier off of the "normal" route, and not have the fateful "fly by" of an island that is now becoming a landmark.......and will see great futures ahead....Giglio, next summer will be a place that tourists will not get enough of......


In my humble opinion, this is what started everything in action, that turned into the disaster of the year.......at least so far!


The young lady fits into the picture, at some point, but I'm waiting to hear from the recordings of the black boxes, and witnesses to know exactly what part she played, and because she was there, with the captain, how it all plays out.


Honestly, for me, after reading todays posts, someone could have a plot for a soap opera. You seem to keep up with this tragidy daily, and I appreciate your posts. I just think that today, there was not enough going on, so several posters got in to the subject of the woman that dined with the captain, and the fact (as has been mentioned here) that the same womens clothes were found in the captains cabin.


If she were the one to have made the officers of the bridge change course.....because of her charms........that would be a whole different story!


So, John........are you trying to tell me that she took care of ALL of the bridge officers, before the wreck (encounter with the submerged rock)???





"are you trying to tell me that she took care of ALL of the bridge officers, before the wreck (encounter with the submerged rock)???"

LOL, Heavens, no.


I've simply come to the opinion that she became a total destraction for the Captain, preventing him from putting 100% effort into the safety of ship, crew and passengers. She was not some niave ingenue passenger who was swept off her feet in a ship board romance with the Captain. As a former crew member, she knew or should have known that the Captain's job was the ship's safety and an aultress affair could interfere with that duty.



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John.......thanks for your idea that she was a "total' distraction for the Captain.


So, tell me, who gave the command to set the ship off of it's "normal" course....directly to the next port, to turn some 20 plus degrees off course, to head for the island of Giglio?


Give me a name, please!


Without that order.........this disaster would never have happened.





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The discussion of the Concordia disaster has taken more unplanned detours than the ship itself. Sex will do that.


I believe that our preoccupation with the behavior of the nymphette in question tells us more about ourselves than it does about the legal issues. So far as I know she has not been charged with any crime. She was not in charge of the ship. Although she may have influenced the captain's behavior, she was in no way responsible for it. The captain looks to be a grown man. Whether he acted like one is entirely on his shoulders.


It is not exactly earthshaking news if a young woman (or man) behaves foolishly. Such behavior is not uncommon and not of any other than passing interest. Most of us have made mistakes in youth. The point is to learn from them and not repeat them (why bother? There are plenty of others just as fun).


The captain's behavior is not in the same category. He, not she, was in a position of great responsibility. That's why he, not she, is facing fifteen million years of jail time. The emphasis should not be on the possibly misguided behavior of this ordinary and unspectacular young woman, but on the (perhaps) criminally negligent misuse of the relationship on the part of the captain.


It's also possible that the relationship, whatever it was, may not have been directly or even indirectly responsible for the crash. I suspect that this particular captain was capable of more than one way of behaving idiotically.


In any case the behavior, hair color, fashion sense or derogatory label of the fabulous Moldavian is of only secondary interest. She may have been naive, delusional, infatuated or bimbolicious, but she was not responsible for the lives of the people on that ship. That rests on the captain and the corporation which hired him.

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The discussion of the Concordia disaster has taken more unplanned detours than the ship itself. Sex will do that.


I believe that our preoccupation with the behavior of the nymphette in question tells us more about ourselves than it does about the legal issues. So far as I know she has not been charged with any crime. She was not in charge of the ship. Although she may have influenced the captain's behavior, she was in no way responsible for it. The captain looks to be a grown man. Whether he acted like one is entirely on his shoulders.


It is not exactly earthshaking news if a young woman (or man) behaves foolishly. Such behavior is not uncommon and not of any other than passing interest. Most of us have made mistakes in youth. The point is to learn from them and not repeat them (why bother? There are plenty of others just as fun).


The captain's behavior is not in the same category. He, not she, was in a position of great responsibility. That's why he, not she, is facing fifteen million years of jail time. The emphasis should not be on the possibly misguided behavior of this ordinary and unspectacular young woman, but on the (perhaps) criminally negligent misuse of the relationship on the part of the captain.


It's also possible that the relationship, whatever it was, may not have been directly or even indirectly responsible for the crash. I suspect that this particular captain was capable of more than one way of behaving idiotically.


In any case the behavior, hair color, fashion sense or derogatory label of the fabulous Moldavian is of only secondary interest. She may have been naive, delusional, infatuated or bimbolicious, but she was not responsible for the lives of the people on that ship. That rests on the captain and the corporation which hired him.


Great comment..........getting us back on track.


I will look up the word "bimbolicious" as it sounds good enough to eat! However, please don't take that out of context........as I'm just now sitting down to dinner!:D



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The discussion of the Concordia disaster has taken more unplanned detours than the ship itself. Sex will do that.


I believe that our preoccupation with the behavior of the nymphette in question tells us more about ourselves than it does about the legal issues. So far as I know she has not been charged with any crime. She was not in charge of the ship. Although she may have influenced the captain's behavior, she was in no way responsible for it. The captain looks to be a grown man. Whether he acted like one is entirely on his shoulders.


It is not exactly earthshaking news if a young woman (or man) behaves foolishly. Such behavior is not uncommon and not of any other than passing interest. Most of us have made mistakes in youth. The point is to learn from them and not repeat them (why bother? There are plenty of others just as fun).


The captain's behavior is not in the same category. He, not she, was in a position of great responsibility. That's why he, not she, is facing fifteen million years of jail time. The emphasis should not be on the possibly misguided behavior of this ordinary and unspectacular young woman, but on the (perhaps) criminally negligent misuse of the relationship on the part of the captain.


It's also possible that the relationship, whatever it was, may not have been directly or even indirectly responsible for the crash. I suspect that this particular captain was capable of more than one way of behaving idiotically.


In any case the behavior, hair color, fashion sense or derogatory label of the fabulous Moldavian is of only secondary interest. She may have been naive, delusional, infatuated or bimbolicious, but she was not responsible for the lives of the people on that ship. That rests on the captain and the corporation which hired him.



Well said! I wish I had written it!! ;)

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John.......thanks for your idea that she was a "total' distraction for the Captain.


So, tell me, who gave the command to set the ship off of it's "normal" course....directly to the next port, to turn some 20 plus degrees off course, to head for the island of Giglio?


Give me a name, please!


Without that order.........this disaster would never have happened.









Obviously the Captain gave the order to change course (though he claims is was oredered/authorized by mangement) but he has admitted that he turned away from the rocks too late. Certainly Domnica could have distracted him then.


There are many causes to every event in life. More than one factor may be substantial enough to be considered an effecient cause. As I've posited before on this thread there are various courts to decide guilt in this case, each with its own quantum of evidence and penalties: Crimnal, Civil and Public Opinion.


In my opinion, I believe that there are already enough known facts to conclude that The Captain, Costa Cruises, and Dominca probably deserve to be found guilty by the Court Of Public Opinion and held in public contempt, scorn, ridicule, and aprobation.


I understand that others will disagree with my considered opinion but that doesn't detract from it's validity as an opinion.


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