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Additional Gratuity


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Just wondering what the majority of CC think out there... do you all give extra gratuity (additional to the standard gratuity charge to your account) to your waiters, asst wait staff, stateroom attendant? Obviously when we get room service, etc, we always give a few bucks when the bring our food so this is beyond that.


We were seated at a large table and our other tablemates did... so we also did. On past cruises we haven't and we were kind of thrown for a loop when the other guests palmed some extra cash. We followed suit and did the same.


Just interested in hearing what other CC patrons do! ;)

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Just wondering what the majority of CC think out there... do you all give extra gratuity (additional to the standard gratuity charge to your account) to your waiters, asst wait staff, stateroom attendant? Obviously when we get room service, etc, we always give a few bucks when the bring our food so this is beyond that.


We were seated at a large table and our other tablemates did... so we also did. On past cruises we haven't and we were kind of thrown for a loop when the other guests palmed some extra cash. We followed suit and did the same.


Just interested in hearing what other CC patrons do! ;)


Really doesn't matter what others do. You do what you feel comfortable doing.

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It just depends on whether I considered the services provided by the various folks as "above and beyond". If I DO tip extra, I put it inside the envelope provided for the "standard" vouchers, as I don't want to influence my tablemates. There's no reason to "palm" cash to them.

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No reason to feel obliged to tip beyond the auto tip unless someone went above and beyond the call IMHO.


That said usually there is someone , usually our room guy, who does. Sometimes I put it in an envelope, sometimes just hand him the cash... never had a complaint on how it was delivered. :p

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Hi LilTink13,


I am of the mindset that there are certainly crew members that merit being recognized... be that in writing (with Attention to Detail Cards) or with an "EXTRA Tip"... and sometimes there are those that truly deserve both !!


We don't palm cash... it is a tacky practice.


Paying out the occasional $ 1 bill here and there onboard the ship is also a tacky practice IMO. It looks too much like a bribe... "You've done well... do more, and there will be more of this..."


And cheapens the whole experience that one really should come to expect when taking an All-Inclusive or Cruise Holiday, IMO.


Celebrity Crew will do an amazing job for you... no matter... this is one of the key elements that impressed us about our recent cruise.


Any EXTRAs are truly appreciated by the Crew and NOT EXPECTED.


So we, prefer the concept of ...


(a) Leaving ALL our Gratuities in Place (in this day in age, and how Celebrity applies them, they are a Service Charge any how in all reality*)... and


(b) Recognizing EXCEPTIONAL Employees who go the EXTRA Mile without EXPECTATION...


We write up Thank You Notes... (Concierge Class and up and get Notepaper in their cabins)... anyone else can request Notepaper & Envelopes from Guest Relations


We hand out the Thank You Notes on the last night, and where we feel that something "extra special" was done for us, then the envelope will contain something "extra special" for that crew member.


Not embarassing to anyone. There really is no reason to embarass either the employee or one's table mates... it is the "classy" way to handle the situation.


*NOTE - There are several topics here on the CC CELEBRITY BOARD about the differences between Gratuities (set amounts on your Onboard Account used to reward / compensate specific staff members), Service Charges (set amounts 15 to 18% applied to "specific" purchases, that goes into a tip pool and is distributed to specific staff members as part of their compensation package), and Extra Tips (Additional funds that the Cruiser distributes on their own to Staff who have received their set Gratuities & Service Charges from Celebrity already)... they are 3 different things on this cruise line.


The distinction is important... Because some Cruisers may be "thinking" they are doing one (Extra Tipping), when in fact Celebrity is applying it as something else (Gratuities)


RULE OF THUMB... Educate yourself BEFORE you cruise.


Hope this is helpful,



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It really depends on how good the service is.....if it's what we expect, then I feel the recommended tip is sufficient. If it's better than expected, we will tip additionally, accordingly!

I've never tipped less than recommended, but there have been times when we do NOT tip more than suggested....and you are by no means obligated to tip more!


We've had some very friendly attendants/waiters who, aside from talking to us alot, didn't really DO as much as they tried to appear to do....(does that make sense???)....I mean, friendly is nice, but if the actual service isn't there....well...we once had an attendant that we NEVER saw, but our cabin was immaculate at ALL times....I think he/she??? was the best attendant we ever had....we left extra for that one!

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We write up Thank You Notes... (Concierge Class up and get Notepaper in their cabins)... anyone else can request Notepaper & Envelopes from Guest Relations


We hand out the Thank You Notes on the last night, and where we feel that something "extra special" was done for us, then the envelope will contain something "extra special" for that crew member.


While there are always a number of people on these boards who have a lot of strong opinions about tips, in particular the proliferation of tips, let me throw this one out there.


Perhaps the single most ridiculous thing people tell me is "you should write thank you notes!" Seriously? I'm on a vacation, a HARD EARNED vacation, a vacation I pay GOOD MONEY for. If I receive exceptional service, I will happily provide an additional gratuity (and no, I don't think palming it is tacky at all- handing it over in an envelope seems a lot more tacky to be honest with you). And on occasion, when someone really blows me away, I will exert some effort to let his or her superiors know. Perhaps if there is a supervisory person on board, I would share a word with them. Or perhaps, on returning home, I'll fire off an email.


But I'm sorry, call me selfish, but there is no way I'm sitting down on the last evening of my cruise and writing thank you notes. I'm not some kid getting presents on his birthday.

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We've typically tipped beyond the 'recommended' per day gratuity for really good service which usually go to the cabin steward, the waiter and the assistent waiter. So the 'recommended' tip is on the onboard account and we pay the 'overage' personally at the end of the cruise. I bring a couple of little envelopes and/or notecards to write a thank you and put the cash in. A nice letter to Celebrity is also called for when service is truly exceptional.


Of course, it all up to you but we find we really enjoy knowing our service staff and feel extreme gratitude for a wonderful experience.

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Normally we find the service to be very good and do give soemthing extra at the end of the cruise. I was once told that a letter to the cruise company citing those who performed well is very helpful so Iusually do that as well. You don't have to give more than what is added by the auto tip so its a personal choice. A few extra bucks is appreciated and if warranted i'm happy to do it. :)

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Thank you notes to the cruise line are all fine and good if you're so inclined, but again, the likelihood that I'm going to spend my time that way is slim.


As for notes to the crew, don't kid yourselves. They're not there to make some sort of special connection with you. They are there to do a job and earn money. Give them the money, and they'll be happy.


It's kind of like the people that insist on bringing trinkets and junk as "gifts" for their staff. They don't want your plastic window hanging from The Fingerlakes, they want CASH....

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Normally we find the service to be very good and do give soemthing extra at the end of the cruise. I was once told that a letter to the cruise company citing those who performed well is very helpful so Iusually do that as well. You don't have to give more than what is added by the auto tip so its a personal choice. A few extra bucks is appreciated and if warranted i'm happy to do it. :)


Agree. Plus it means a lot to these folks who are away from their families for 6 months at a time to get some extra money. Most of them work very hard for it and they are trying to support their families who are generally in difficult areas of the world. And it does help on their performance reviews to have notes of commendation from passengers showing up on the comment cards.

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Thank you notes to the cruise line are all fine and good if you're so inclined, but again, the likelihood that I'm going to spend my time that way is slim.


As for notes to the crew, don't kid yourselves. They're not there to make some sort of special connection with you. They are there to do a job and earn money. Give them the money, and they'll be happy.


It's kind of like the people that insist on bringing trinkets and junk as "gifts" for their staff. They don't want your plastic window hanging from The Fingerlakes, they want CASH....


Sorry, but I don't think you know the staff well. They DO appreciate notes and small gifts. One waiter showed me a note from a past passenger that he carries with him for some inspiration. Another always talks about MRS. W's special cookies. I wrote a note to an Executive Chef and he sent a special tray of goodies to my cabin. I even seen a few staff decline a tip. Perhaps you just haven't had the same experiences I've enjoyed. I hope you do in the near future.

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I agree (once again) w/ Charles (Orator). I don't much care if ppl around me are tipping or not tipping. I do what I'm comfortable with.

If I feel I've received EXCELLENT service from the waiters, stewards etc, (which I usually do) I'll tip extra cash at the end of the cruise. There have been a few times that I've had "adequate" or worse service and I don't tip for that. I've never removed the auto tips, but I'm not giving extra.

Some ppl tip ahead of time but PERSONALLY (I'm not the arbiter of tipping) I think of that as a bribe and I'd rather think of it as a thank you.

If I can easily get my hands on an envelope, I'll use that ,but I doubt the person receiving my $$ thinks it's "tacky" if the cash isn't enclosed in more paper!


LOL MACRUISEFAN, I don't write thank you notes to my hotel housekeeper either!

Those people are smiling and working their rear ends off for 1 reason. The $$. And they deserve it. As they deserve common courtesy from the passengers.

I'll write up a comment card too, if service warrants it (good or bad) because it's a good way for Celebrity to know who deserves promotions and what kind of service areas could use improvement.

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We will give extra cash to any of the staff that has gone above and beyond for us (which is quite a high barrier, considering how great Celebrity service already is!). We always, always, mention staff by name when we do the survey the last day - consistently we have been told that comments made on those cards are not only read by management, but often put up on employee recognition bulletin boards and the like.


As to thank you notes, I confess I never even thought of this but I would argue that they are indeed something a crew member would appreciate (not in place of cash, but in addition as appropriate). To this day, literally 20 years later, I can remember when I was a new employee at my last company. I worked on projects, and I received a note from the business person whose project I was working on, thanking me for a nice job. This person was several levels above me in the 'pecking order'. It was about two sentences long, but I will never, ever forget that she took the time out of her day to recognize me when she had no obligation to do so. I can picture this note in my hand as I write this, and it is making me smile some 20 years later. Don't tell me thank you notes are a waste of time!!:D

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Thank you notes to the cruise line are all fine and good if you're so inclined, but again, the likelihood that I'm going to spend my time that way is slim.


As for notes to the crew, don't kid yourselves. They're not there to make some sort of special connection with you. They are there to do a job and earn money. Give them the money, and they'll be happy.


It's kind of like the people that insist on bringing trinkets and junk as "gifts" for their staff. They don't want your plastic window hanging from The Fingerlakes, they want CASH....


Perhaps the single most ridiculous thing people tell me is "you should write thank you notes!" Seriously? I'm on a vacation, a HARD EARNED vacation, a vacation I pay GOOD MONEY for. If I receive exceptional service, I will happily provide an additional gratuity (and no, I don't think palming it is tacky at all- handing it over in an envelope seems a lot more tacky to be honest with you). And on occasion, when someone really blows me away, I will exert some effort to let his or her superiors know. Perhaps if there is a supervisory person on board, I would share a word with them. Or perhaps, on returning home, I'll fire off an email.


But I'm sorry, call me selfish, but there is no way I'm sitting down on the last evening of my cruise and writing thank you notes. I'm not some kid getting presents on his birthday.


LOL MACRUISEFAN, I don't write thank you notes to my hotel housekeeper either


Sheesh! Talk about being opinionated! Just because you don't want to write a quick note, give a small gift, or "palm" a staff member cash, doesn't mean that it is wrong to do so. Why such ridicule for someone else's act of kindness if it isn't the way you would do it? Perhaps you should graciously accept that different people have been raised to show appreciation in different ways. It used to be that writing thank you notes was a high form of etiquette. In recent years, however, people have lost that simple gesture in favor an impersonal email note or text message, if a "Thank You" was said at all. Another sign of the dumbing down of society, IMHO.


Let people do what they are comfortable with without ridiculing them for it. Show some kindness for your fellow posters.

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We pay the service charge and if someone has been exceptional we give just a little extra. This is usually the room steward and we do always put it in an envelope with a note on the front of it addressed to whatever their name is. We then thank them for looking after us so well and also explain that this is extra to the automatic service charge. I read on another thread that they can only keep the extra tip if you have kept the automatic service charge on. I think it was a Princess thread.

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Sheesh! Talk about being opinionated! Just because you don't want to write a quick note, give a small gift, or "palm" a staff member cash, doesn't mean that it is wrong to do so. Why such ridicule for someone else's act of kindness if it isn't the way you would do it? Perhaps you should graciously accept that different people have been raised to show appreciation in different ways. It used to be that writing thank you notes was a high form of etiquette. In recent years, however, people have lost that simple gesture in favor an impersonal email note or text message, if a "Thank You" was said at all. Another sign of the dumbing down of society, IMHO.


Let people do what they are comfortable with without ridiculing them for it. Show some kindness for your fellow posters.


Sheeesh! Talk about being opinionated!!

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We always, always, mention staff by name when we do the survey the last day - consistently we have been told that comments made on those cards are not only read by management, but often put up on employee recognition bulletin boards and the like.


I did a review of my cruise around Cape Horn. I mentioned our cabin steward by name and spoke of the great service he provided.


The Hotel Manager sent me an email telling me had read my review and he would let the individual know that I'd mentioned him in the review by name. I just have to believe that this is a good thing for the steward.


We did give him quite a bit extra over the standard amount as we were so pleased with his service.

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We generally give extra to the cabin attendant and wait staff. We also recognize others who aren't on the gratuity program, like the excellent sommalier on our last cruise and the wait staff at the Captain's Club nightly get together.


We will get envelopes from guest relations and will put a brief thank you note inside with the cash.


What's so hard about writing "thank you for your excellent service" and sticking a cash gratuity in with it?

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We pay the service charge and if someone has been exceptional we give just a little extra. This is usually the room steward and we do always put it in an envelope with a note on the front of it addressed to whatever their name is. We then thank them for looking after us so well and also explain that this is extra to the automatic service charge. I read on another thread that they can only keep the extra tip if you have kept the automatic service charge on. I think it was a Princess thread.




You might have read it on Princess (don't know)


BUT it applies to Celebrity as well.


Tips have to be submitted to the "Gratuitites Pool" (different from the 15% Alcohol Servers Pool) IF it is determined that you as a Guest have removed your Automatic Gratuitites.


As has been said before, the Gratuities now are more of a Service Charge than anything else.


Best advice, just pay the daily rate and be done with them.


If you want to reward outstanding service, then EXTRA Tip that person in person.



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Agree. Plus it means a lot to these folks who are away from their families for 6 months at a time to get some extra money. Most of them work very hard for it and they are trying to support their families who are generally in difficult areas of the world. And it does help on their performance reviews to have notes of commendation from passengers showing up on the comment cards.

This is quite true. They are away for long periods, are from countries with underdeveloped economies and based on the ones we get to know do have to support extended families back home.


Our cabin attendant on the CCL Triumph told us a note to the management really hepls them too.

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Too bad, bub! You ridicule people for being kind to the staff in their own way. That other poster gives them credit for their kindness. You lose on this one, and look foolish doing so.


Well perhaps, you do leave thank-you notes for the maid in your hotel. Then good on you. In college I worked as a maid one summer and never saw anyone get a note. I did get tips. I prefer to leave cash. Most folks do NEITHER. I'm not sure you are "RIGHTER" than I am.... or vice versa, BUB.

As I said in my initial post, do whatever feels right for you, don't be pressured to leave extra money or NOT based on what others do.

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