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Celebrity's target clientele


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I think it is fantastic that you have a great passion such as cruising. I hope I'm just like you when I "grow up." This is how I feel as well. Once I retire I plan on doing exactly as you are. I will do what it takes so that I can travel. I always told myself when I was a youngster that I would make travel a top priority. I have traveled quite a bit and am pretty new to cruising though. I love cruising and plan to do as much as I can financially. I hope to have this outlook when I'm 80 years old. As they say these days, "You Go Girl!" Happy cruising.:)

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Income alone doesn't determine who can afford to take frequent cruises. A lot depends on your stage of life. There are a number of people who bought homes in upscale communities years years ago for just a few hundred thousand dollars, but their home is worth considerably more today, and they no longer have a mortgage. These long term homeowners obviously have more disposable income than their neighbor who recently bought a similar home and are currently burdened with mortgage payments based on their purchase price. Shortly after our daughter's wedding , my husband jokingly commented, "now that we are done paying for college tuition and weddings. I feel as if I got a big raise" I am sure there are a lot of empty nesters who can identify with my husband's joke which is another example of the point I am trying to make.


I have 2 daughters in college so I'm paying the rent and utilities on two places. I do believe I will have a "large raise" coming as well after they are both graduated at the end of May 2006. Big trip here I come!!!!:p

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EllenandJay and C2C, thank you very much for posting and stating that you have similar views on the content of some postings on this thread. I have been bothered by the feuding for a couple of days now. It wasn't just Steve's initial post that I found troublesome, but the path that it took afterward. The more the guys went it at it, the more I that I felt badly for everyone trying to make ends meet in a country where it's more difficult for some than others to enjoy the things that many of us just take for granted ... and the more appalled I became that the thread might reflect an image that I don't believe is characterstic of most people who frequent Celebrity ships. If you noticed, several postings were removed from the thread last night. I read them before they were deleted and was in the process of posting my comments about the boys behaving badly just as they were deleted by Walt. It got really nasty, and I just can't see the sense in the insulting behavior that they were exhibiting. I meant what I said about how it reflected negatively on all of us who frequent Celebrity. After Lois posted this morning, I knew that I just had to state my mind. Thank you for having the courage to state that you were also troubled by some of the statements that have been made in this thread. And now, I have to have the oil changed in my car and I need to pick up a pair of shorts, some cleaning supplies, and some fertilizer that I will need to apply myself to the lawn this weekend, so I am going to sign off for now and head to Wal-mart. Talk to ya'll later! :) (Notice where I am headed to shop.... I, for one, am proud to admit that it's partially those trips to Walmart and the fact that I do my own yardwork that make it possible for those few extra pennies to find a home in the Cruise Fund Jar... and make my next voyage possible!......Smile!)

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Gina, the 9 night itineraries are starting at 2400.00 for an inside cabin???
I won't be going on them:eek: :rolleyes:. She might be my favorite ship and all that...but I don't have that much $$$.

And thanks for the thoughts about keeping an eye out for Happy Hours.:) To be honest, I probably cruised too much in 2004 (is that possible?) and have gotten very spoiled.
Not sure what the rest of 2005 holds for me. I will keep an eye out for Happy Hours too~but what I will be looking for is in the fall so probably nothing for me to look at until late summer.
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Hi David! Your wish is my command... I will work on updating the clock... if I can remember how to do it! LOL!;) Hope you, Marcia, and the kids are doing beautifully! I hear you are in for a cold spell this weekend; stay warm and just imagine that you are in Roatan again!:)

Lois, I stand corrected... I just rechecked. The 4/6 sailing is 1350 pp, the other two sailings in the month are 2599 pp and 2629 pp, respectively. When I did a search this morning, I believe I may have searched for dates after the 7th of the month since those are the sailings that I might possibly be able to fit into the spring date schedule. If I tack my 3 personal days (which could be 4 for next year if I don't take another this year since we can carry up to six personal days on the books), I have considered Century, Mercury, and Galaxy since folks speak so highly of them all. However, it won't most likely be the Century for me, either, given that the price is so high. Those prices for the Century are more than most of the Europe sailings right now! :eek: And if it comes to that, I will just hold off and plan on Europe for next summer.
I am anxious for the summer 2006 prices to come out, and hope they are out by June 18th. I have alreadly expressed my dissatiction to Customer Service that I could not book a Europe intineary when I left the ship in April.... ! Had I known that the way around this would have been to book anything of equal length and transferred the reservation number over to a European booking after the dates were released, I would have done so. It was not suggested when I spoke when I spoke to the future cruise consultant... and I only learned this trick by reading the boards recently. Some times I think I am better off finding that Happy Hour price, though, although I am not sure if many of them will apply to any European sailing. It may be that June 18th will be my final sailing this year, too, so don't feel too badly about holding off until next spring. I don't intend to book anything onboard this time. If I find something of a deal for November or December when I have a break from work, I might consider it, but during school holidays it's sometimes best to wait until closer in to find a price that I can live with. I have the week before and after Christmas off this year since the holiday is on a Sunday, so maybe I will find something for the week before that is reasonable like I did last year. Hope so!
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After reading all of these threads, especially those concerning incomes and housing prices, I have some advice for all those Americans who are suffering from the million dollar home prices - come to the other CA - Canada!

From what I've seen of the numbers thrown casually around this thread, it appears just about any American can live like a millionaire up here. We live in London, Ontario, and when I saw the posts about the housing prices in California, I got to thinking - gee, do they even have houses in that price range around here? (the answer is - not really). For example, it sounds like in some places, you can't get a nice house for under a millon. Take a look at what a measly $800,000 CND can get you here: [url="http://www.mls.ca/PropertyDetails.aspx?vd=&SearchURL=%3fMode%3d0%26Page%3d1%26vs%3d1%26rlt%3d%26cp%3d%26pt%3d20%26mp%3d500000-0-0%26mrt%3d-1-0-0%26Beds%3d0-0%26Baths%3d0-0%26f%3d%26ft%3dall%26o%3dD%26of%3d1%26ps%3d50%26ptgid%3d1%26aid%3d2777%252c4067%26MapURL%3d&Mode=0&PropertyID=3079945"]http://www.mls.ca/PropertyDetails.aspx?vd=&SearchURL=%3fMode%3d0%26Page%3d1%26vs%3d1%26rlt%3d%26cp%3d%26pt%3d20%26mp%3d500000-0-0%26mrt%3d-1-0-0%26Beds%3d0-0%26Baths%3d0-0%26f%3d%26ft%3dall%26o%3dD%26of%3d1%26ps%3d50%26ptgid%3d1%26aid%3d2777%252c4067%26MapURL%3d&Mode=0&PropertyID=3079945[/url]

Okay, maybe some of you can't live in that small amount of space :p but boy, someone who wants to be able to live in a what I consider a nice house and be afford to travel in their retirement needs to move to Canada immediately.

Of course, you do have to deal with that pesky white stuff falling from the sky . . .

As for the affordability of cruising, just about anyone can afford to cruise, depending on what your priorities are. I took my first cruise in 1985, when I was single and earning about $15,000 a year right out of college. I sailed on Carnival, sharing an inside cabin with three girls, and with air, that trip cost me about $1,500 - 1/10 of my gross. Then again, I was driving an old rust bucket, living in a mediocre apartment, and shopping at bargain stores for clothing. My friends who made the same amount of money, bought expensive clothing and had car payments, could not afford to join me. I have always travelled at least once a year, but until the last few years, had never owned a new car, bought expensive clothing or dined in fancy restaurants.

Now with age, a better job, a husband and a managable mortgage, we can afford more of life's luxuries. Even so, we still probably spend about 1/10 of our gross on trips; no one else in our local circle of friends does that; however most of them drive fancier cars and live in larger houses. It's all about what's important to you.

Vacations are my biggest passion (next to the hubby, of course!) :)

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[quote name='patrioticgirl'][i][/i]

[i]We were gracious dinner companions and never once chided him for his pompous attitude; perhaps it was the southern upbringing that necessitated that we kept our feelings regarding his high level of self regard within the confines of our stateroom, but I think perhaps it was more that we did not feel the need or the inclination to step down to his level. [/i][/QUOTE]

Yes, it's so much better to talk about people behind their backs than to discuss an issue to their face. Since I now live in the South, around apparently the only people in the country raised with manners, I have seen firsthand how insulting....oops I mean mannerly y'all are towards others. NICE.
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[quote name='Cruisechik']Yes, it's so much better to talk about people behind their backs than to discuss an issue to their face. Since I now live in the South, around apparently the only people in the country raised with manners, I have seen firsthand how insulting....oops I mean mannerly y'all are towards others. NICE.[/QUOTE]
I've never directly personally insulted anyone on these boards, nor will I stoop to that level now. In the privacy of my own space, however, I am entitled to any opinion I wish to voice. [i]When it is absolutely necessary, I say what needs to be said, nothing more, nothing less. And as I stated before, we did not feel the need to stoop to his level by even bringing up in a public venue his lack of couth. Consequently, I have no other comment to your post.[/i]
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Lois, I guess I missed whatever prompted that response, too. Perhaps just a bad day? I do not feel that my comments today (or any day, for that matter) have been insulting to anyone, but if they were, my apologies are offered to anyone else that I have offended.
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Gina, I think you were describing a person at your table. And how their personality came across~and how you reacted to his persona.

I don't get where you were talking behind anyone's back.
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Lois, thanks...... I thought it was me who was imagining things. I just checked on the phase of the moon, as indicated below. "Ya think that might be why folks are so grumpy today;)?

[center][font=verdana,arial,sans-serif][color=#ffffff][size=2][color=red]94% full.... Saturday, April 23, 2005[/color][/size][/color][/font][/color][/size][/font][/center]
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[quote name='patrioticgirl']Mari, how about we edit the list again:

The Celebrity experience is made for clients who:
[*]Want not just to unwind, but also to rejuvenate.
[*]Appreciate comfortable, elegant style, with the outstanding service and amenities that allow them to enjoy each moment to the fullest.
[*]Savor the experience of exquisite gourmet cuisine served in an atmosphere of understated elegance.
[*]Strive to enrich their minds by learning about diverse cultures, history and wildlife.
[*]Are interested in an array of activities, from shopping to dancing the night away.
[*]Anticipate opportunities to connect with interesting people
[*]Approach life unpretentiously, while behaving nicely:D
[/list]How's that? :)[/QUOTE]

I think that's great!
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My dad will be 92 in June. He has traveled on Celebrity enough times to be an Elite member of the Captain's Club. He certainly doesn't fit the profile, but he has the most enjoyable time. Unfortunately, my mom passed away five years ago, so he has to travel at the single supplement, but he goes with us on almost all our cruises. He worked hard all his life and saved for his retirement. He lives alone, his needs are small and he enjoys life to the nth degree. I just hope that I live as long as he and enjoy every moment as he does. I am truly blessed to have him in my life.

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[quote name='patrioticgirl']Lois, I guess I missed whatever prompted that response, too. Perhaps just a bad day? I do not feel that my comments today (or any day, for that matter) have been insulting to anyone, but if they were, my apologies are offered to anyone else that I have offended.[/QUOTE]I haven't posted on this thread, but have been lurking. I guess I missed it too?? In my opinion there is no need for a apology, but it was nice you did it. Must be that southern charm! ;)
Your posts are very well written...I enjoy reading them!:)
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[quote name='katiel53']My dad will be 92 in June. He has traveled on Celebrity enough times to be an Elite member of the Captain's Club. He certainly doesn't fit the profile, but he has the most enjoyable time. Unfortunately, my mom passed away five years ago, so he has to travel at the single supplement, but he goes with us on almost all our cruises. He worked hard all his life and saved for his retirement. He lives alone, his needs are small and he enjoys life to the nth degree. I just hope that I live as long as he and enjoy every moment as he does. I am truly blessed to have him in my life.

Katie[/QUOTE] It sounds like he is truly blessed to have you in his life as well:)
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[quote name='Lois R']
I don't get where you were talking behind anyone's back.[/QUOTE]
from the original quote
"we kept our feelings regarding his high level of self regard within the confines of our stateroom"

Gina - I'm not grumpy nor am I having a bad day. I thought your post was actually quite entertaining :) You were talking about his high self-regard and then you went on to state how much better the Virginia girls were than him and in so, so many ways.....
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[quote name='patrioticgirl']Hi David! Your wish is my command... I will work on updating the clock... if I can remember how to do it! LOL!;) Hope you, Marcia, and the kids are doing beautifully! I hear you are in for a cold spell this weekend; stay warm and just imagine that you are in Roatan again!:)


yes, we are doing ok even though we are freezing our tails off here. Roatan does sound good. All I have left from it is a fading tan.

Your countdown clock looks much better. I am jealous. We are thinking about doing Bermuda next year. If, we do, I will need some tips from you.....
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[quote name='Cruisechik']Yes, it's so much better to talk about people behind their backs than to discuss an issue to their face. Since I now live in the South, around apparently the only people in the country raised with manners, I have seen firsthand how insulting....oops I mean mannerly y'all are towards others. NICE.[/QUOTE]

I guess guys from California aren't the only ones who behave badly (guess we all need to review that glass houses thing). Other than a reaction to a specific poster's comments (I apologize to the community for that) my posts have been to explain why Celebrity or any other firm has a target demographic.

Actually, I think that y'all have a misconception regarding what a targeted demographic is. It's the group of folks that a firm thinks to be most profitable serving. Although not an absolute, who do you think might be able spend more money for cabins as well as on board? Someone who makes 150K or someone who has a modest income? That is why some clientele's fare dollars are worth more (greener) than others for the possibility of enhanced on board revenue. Wouldn't you want to have your customer base spend as much as possible? I can guarantee if you were a stockholder you would. Of course, a cruiseline will try to encourage to have as many passengers fit their target demographic because that is where their business model says they will be most profitable. They will accomplish this in many ways, advertising, group rates, fewer discounts, targeted on-board premiums, type of service, mix of excursions etc.

Nothing is wrong with a targeted demographic, however its defined. One should not feel bad if they are not included. It is the market the cruiseline wants to serve in their particular business model, nothing more and nothing less.
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[quote name='Cruisechik']from the original quote
"we kept our feelings regarding his high level of self regard within the confines of our stateroom"

Gina - I'm not grumpy nor am I having a bad day. I thought your post was actually quite entertaining :) You were talking about his high self-regard and then you went on to state how much better the Virginia girls were than him and in so, so many ways.....[/QUOTE]

Annette, I guess you would have had to have been there to understand why I bothered to mention some of the things that were stated in the prior post that you found amusing[b].[/b] Many comments that the gentleman made were directly meant to be insulting to us (my friend and I) as women, much less southern girls. As a woman and a mother, I know that you would not appreciate anyone making belittling comments to you or your children. If you had been there, you would have immediately become cognizant that the man I referred to was rudely ostentatious [i]. H[/i]e began his conversation with us with the inappropriate "folks from the South" theme and continued to throw out elitist, sectional, and sexual innuendoes. If you'd go back and look at my post again, believe that I mentioned I don't care to be around anyone who has to tout how large their bank account is, how much money they give away, or how many airplanes they possess. And I don't typically present myself as a southern girl, but this man started off with a comment that, however jokingly, insidiously implied in a belittling manner that we were beneath him. His introductory comment was a stereotypical statement that generalized anyone from Virginia or West Virginia as uneducated and the product of inbreeding; this was [i][u]totally inappropriate [/u][/i]and out of line. [i]I DID respond back to him when he made the initial comment during introductions at dinner[/i] .... I smiled [color=magenta]([/color][color=magenta]a "how nice" smile; one that actually means to three little words that equate to quite the opposite)[/color] .... and [i][u]politely[/u] stated firmly that I thought he had some misconceptions about Southerners. [/i]
Over the course of the week, he continued to make snide remarks about southerners, and I voiced my disapproval by not saying a word to him. He got the message ......... [i][u]and[/u][/i] he tamed it considerably by the end of the week, so the situation ultimately resolved itself without me having to become confrontational. Early on in the week, he was the one who would brag about himself or his grown children ....... [i]then he would ask us about our personal situations, as if, it seemed, to continually imply that their situation was much better than ours.[/i] I stated that we were able to hold our own, i.e., that we had good jobs, nice homes, etc., [i]NOT[/i] to brag on the boards but to prove a[i] point about how [u]sometimes[/u] a more subtle approach to another's rudeness can ultimately be advantageous[/i].
Let me give you a specific example. The first night, the gentleman said that his daughter was married to a doctor and had a big home on Long Island .... and that his youngest son had a bachelor's degree from some school and had attended college on a football scholarship..... then he made some comment about Southern schools not being that good. This was followed by him pointedly asking us where we'd gone to school, and it was if were silently saying "I know its not as good as where my kids went." Fortunately, we were able to reply that we'd attended and held advanced degrees from Virginia Tech and UVA .... on academic scholarships. (Since you live in North Carolina now, I know that you are aware that these are two very good schools, by the way.) We did not make a conscious effort to tout our own horns, but neither did we stand back and take the comments he threw down his nose at us; we responded truthfully and accordingly ... and toward the end of the cruise, he'd considerably curtailed the comments.
I believe that our truthful responses to his questions and silence when he was inappropriate in this awkward situation may have humbled him just a bit, and perhaps achieved even better results than if we had approached the situation by confronting the issue as you suggested. Because we continually presented ourselves politely, I think he left with a different perspective on Southern women, and perhaps even a different perspective toward women, in general. (Who knows, he might even have a wife by now.)
I did make the comment that the Virginia girls came out on top, and if you perceived that as bragging, I am glad that you found something to humor youself today. The comment about coming out on top was not meant boastfully; I wished to communicate that we had politely handled his misbehavior [i][u]and[/u][/i] made the point that his stereotypical statements were unwarranted through our forthright responses to his questions. We did not deliberately bring up our accomplishments, whatever we had in our favor came out in the couse of conversation as we responded to his questioning. In fact, we were privately complimented by our tablemates for handling his poor manners so graciously. You may have handled it differently, but I did what worked for me, and how you handle your issues is your prerogative. The fact that we are all different makes the world more interesting.
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