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One month in Europe, 12 night cruise, all from a carryon? Am I crazy?


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I would check all my bags if I didn't have to pay for them. But if you have to pay for them I'd carry them on. Be sure, as another poster has mentioned. that your bags conform to whatever airlines you will be flying on during your trip.


I hope you have a wonderful time in Europe. Venice is one of my top ten favorite places in the whole world!

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Be sure and check with the airlines since we did not have to pay for one bag each on international flights. Even if we had to pay we still would have checked the bags though. I just figure it into the cost of the tickets. My carry on fits under the seat in front of me.

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We just returned from Copenhagen/Denmark and had 2 connections each way. Please check your luggage. It took forever to load the planes with everyone trying to stuff their overloaded, large bags into the overhead compartments. When their bags wouldn't fit they would block the aisles until the flight attendants managed to work them in somewhere. Then on the way out they blocked the aisles until they could get their bags back. This delayed all our flights.


I agree. I think it is perfectly acceptable to bring one small carry on to put in the overhead bin. But it is just plain rude to bring 2-3 pieces of luggage with you.

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Just because you bag is "carryon" size, you don't have to carry it on ;)

On long flights, I will check my bag, even though it easily fits in the overhead. I just like the freedom of not dragging it through the airport, through connections and avoiding the overhead space scrum…

Why, if I check, do I do carryon-size? It's all about what happens BEFORE and AFTER the flights. I want to be able to easily handle my own luggage in taxis, trains, busses, metros, walking, tiny European hotel elevators, 4th floor apartments with no elevators… Plus, it takes a lot less (does that even make sense???) time to pack and unpack onboard and makes self-embarking/debarking a breeze!!

Edited by slidergirl
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We just returned from Copenhagen/Denmark and had 2 connections each way. Please check your luggage. It took forever to load the planes with everyone trying to stuff their overloaded, large bags into the overhead compartments. When their bags wouldn't fit they would block the aisles until the flight attendants managed to work them in somewhere. Then on the way out they blocked the aisles until they could get their bags back. This delayed all our flights.


Not everyone who carries on has a large or overloaded bag. I don't check, I get my (20" wheels to handle) bag into the overhead without assistance and without hitting anyone in the head with it. I do agree that those who have larger or overstuffed bags or who can't lift them without assistance need to check them.

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I agree. I think it is perfectly acceptable to bring one small carry on to put in the overhead bin. But it is just plain rude to bring 2-3 pieces of luggage with you.


Other than premium classes on AF, what carrier allows 2-3 pieces of luggage as carry on?


I carry on my rolling bag, which slides on it's side into the overhead wheels first. My cross body messenger bag goes under the seat. Why would you consider that rude?

Edited by ducklite
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slidergirl, you have described my situation exactly. I want the freedom before and after the flight. Don't know why I thought I should carry on, but I will now check my 22inch and DH will check his also. So we will each just have a small carry on. I don't even carry a purse, everything goes in my carry on bag.

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slidergirl, you have described my situation exactly. I want the freedom before and after the flight. Don't know why I thought I should carry on, but I will now check my 22inch and DH will check his also. So we will each just have a small carry on. I don't even carry a purse, everything goes in my carry on bag.


Before you check it all and get on board with only your small carry on, read this:



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Before you check it all and get on board with only your small carry on, read this:




That's the beauty of having a carry-on: you can check it OR not :D


My flights next week - definitely carryon, but since they are all on RJs, they'll be valet'd at the plane. I just won't like the LAX AA-to-United terminal shuffle that I have to do :(

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Before you check it all and get on board with only your small carry on, read this:




That happened once.

All my flights were delayed taking off by 15-30 minutes waiting for people to cram their overstuffed bags into the overheads and it took forever to clear the plane waiting for people to get their bags back out. I made my connection in Toronto with only 5 minutes to spare because of the delays. Yes there is a chance your luggage may not make it (it has never happened to me) but you may also miss your next connection because of all the delays getting on and off. I am not talking about a reasonable carry on but the large, overstuffed carry ons that many are taking these days.

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That happened once.


All my flights were delayed taking off by 15-30 minutes waiting for people to cram their overstuffed bags into the overheads and it took forever to clear the plane waiting for people to get their bags back out. I made my connection in Toronto with only 5 minutes to spare because of the delays. Yes there is a chance your luggage may not make it (it has never happened to me) but you may also miss your next connection because of all the delays getting on and off. I am not talking about a reasonable carry on but the large, overstuffed carry ons that many are taking these days.



Bags get lost and misrouted every day. In 2012 One of the couples in out cruise got in their flight with small bags. No toiletries, no change(s) of clothes. They landed in Rome two days before the cruise began, their bags caught up with them a week later. They spent precious sightseeing time shopping for clothing and toiletries in Rome. They were limited by not only what they could find but also what the airline gave them for temporary essentials, which was hundreds less than they had to spend for the bare minimum. Had they packed a few days for each in a small rolling bag or duffle, they would have been fine.


I agree that the carriers need to clamp down in the oversized situation, but to eliminate all carry in except small items is absurd and a good way to lose your bread and butter business travelers.

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I forgot to come back here and update on my one week vacation to Niagara Falls in a rolling carry on. It worked perfectly! I wore everything that I brought and changed up the looks with scarves. By not overpacking, we were able to buy 18 bottles of wine and had plenty of room in the car to bring them back. Normally the car is stuffed to the max with our luggage. It was actually rather liberating to not have all of the "just in case" clothes with me. Packing and unpacking were really quick.


I am going to give this a shot for our next cruise, which will be a total of 11 days including the pre and post cruise stay. While I love wearing a different dress each night, it does get rather cumbersome to bring all of that luggage. It is especially difficult at self-debarkation. :eek:


Thanks for all of the tips! :D



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Glad it worked for you Lisa! I hope you enjoyed Niagara Falls too!! I am somewhere in between on the packing. I like to wear different clothes at night, but I repeat during the days---and wear bathing suits A LOT! I manage to usually wear everything with usually one top that doesn't get worn, but I am okay with that. I have started steering toward lighter dresses that fold (jersey, ponte, knit, etc) so they pack down small and make it easier. I have found that I CAN get it all in a carry-on, but feel so bogged down that I put some in a carry-on and check some. I always try to have a couple of days' worth in case the luggage doesn't catch up (It's happened to me more than once!). I think everyone finds what works best for them.

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Congrats Lisa on the successful trip with the carryon! It is liberating, isn't it…


If you don't like the carryon way of travel, you can always go back to a 24" or 26" bag. At least you now know it's possible to vacation, AND look good, when you travel with just a carryon. AND, you definitely leave lots of room in the car for that wine!!!!

Edited by slidergirl
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I forgot to come back here and update on my one week vacation to Niagara Falls in a rolling carry on. It worked perfectly! I wore everything that I brought and changed up the looks with scarves. By not overpacking, we were able to buy 18 bottles of wine and had plenty of room in the car to bring them back. Normally the car is stuffed to the max with our luggage. It was actually rather liberating to not have all of the "just in case" clothes with me. Packing and unpacking were really quick.


I am going to give this a shot for our next cruise, which will be a total of 11 days including the pre and post cruise stay. While I love wearing a different dress each night, it does get rather cumbersome to bring all of that luggage. It is especially difficult at self-debarkation. :eek:


Thanks for all of the tips! :D




Et tu Lisa! LOL!


I'm glad you had a great trip. I still haven't been able to bring myself to go the carry-on route. I'm just not there yet. We're going on a short 3-day cruise with the DS in July and the DH and I will be sharing a large suitcase. The DS will have a medium-sized one. But never say never.:D

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I forgot to come back here and update on my one week vacation to Niagara Falls in a rolling carry on. It worked perfectly! I wore everything that I brought and changed up the looks with scarves. By not overpacking, we were able to buy 18 bottles of wine and had plenty of room in the car to bring them back. Normally the car is stuffed to the max with our luggage. It was actually rather liberating to not have all of the "just in case" clothes with me. Packing and unpacking were really quick.


I am going to give this a shot for our next cruise, which will be a total of 11 days including the pre and post cruise stay. While I love wearing a different dress each night, it does get rather cumbersome to bring all of that luggage. It is especially difficult at self-debarkation. :eek:


Thanks for all of the tips! :D




Well, wine is more important than clothing, lol. Do I sense a convert?:D


DH and I just took a couple of weekend trips. I realized that I had about 75% that I needed for a 16-night trip in my 20" carryon - I had all of my "auxiliary" stuff (iPhone/iPad, camera, 3-1-1 bag of toiletries, GHD styler, etc.) and can add a few tops and capris plus a pair of dressy sandals to have 4 days' worth of clothing that I can send to the ship's laundry or wash out in my bathroom. And a long dress with some scarves for formal nights. I'm going to move up to my 22" carry-on and Baggallini Everywhere Bag for the flights and I think I will be set. I will need to get some body lotion in Italy, but otherwise, I'm ready to carry it all on without giving myself a hernia.


Now to convince DH to rent a tux instead of bringing his own. Even though we don't pay for bags, there's no point in having Global Entry if we then have to wait 45 minutes for our bags to arrive at ORD. That's time we can spend at the airport lounge or perhaps getting on an earlier flight.

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Well, wine is more important than clothing, lol. Do I sense a convert?:D


DH and I just took a couple of weekend trips. I realized that I had about 75% that I needed for a 16-night trip in my 20" carryon - I had all of my "auxiliary" stuff (iPhone/iPad, camera, 3-1-1 bag of toiletries, GHD styler, etc.) and can add a few tops and capris plus a pair of dressy sandals to have 4 days' worth of clothing that I can send to the ship's laundry or wash out in my bathroom. And a long dress with some scarves for formal nights. I'm going to move up to my 22" carry-on and Baggallini Everywhere Bag for the flights and I think I will be set. I will need to get some body lotion in Italy, but otherwise, I'm ready to carry it all on without giving myself a hernia.


Now to convince DH to rent a tux instead of bringing his own. Even though we don't pay for bags, there's no point in having Global Entry if we then have to wait 45 minutes for our bags to arrive at ORD. That's time we can spend at the airport lounge or perhaps getting on an earlier flight.


Yes, y'all have a convert in me. I am building a capsule wardrobe for travel since my day to day wardrobe is every color under the sun except neutrals. I already had the Eddie Bauer quick dry Traverse pants that turn into capris in charcoal gray and black. Today at lunch I went to Dillards and bought a pair of Columbia Active black shorts that hit just above my knee and a Columbia Active black skirt that hits above the knee and can be shortened with the draw strings on the sides. Both are quick drying, so I can sink wash when necessary and know they will be dry by morning. And all of these will come in handy when we go hiking...so double duty.


Keep the tips coming...I still need lots of ideas and help to pull this off in November. :o



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Yes, y'all have a convert in me. I am building a capsule wardrobe for travel since my day to day wardrobe is every color under the sun except neutrals. I already had the Eddie Bauer quick dry Traverse pants that turn into capris in charcoal gray and black. Today at lunch I went to Dillards and bought a pair of Columbia Active black shorts that hit just above my knee and a Columbia Active black skirt that hits above the knee and can be shortened with the draw strings on the sides. Both are quick drying, so I can sink wash when necessary and know they will be dry by morning. And all of these will come in handy when we go hiking...so double duty.




Keep the tips coming...I still need lots of ideas and help to pull this off in November. :o









One thing I'll suggest is finding multiple purposes for the same item. For example I have a three piece sweater dress. I can wear the black shell with a different sweater and jeans, the sweater/jacket with a different outfit, and a different top with the skirt. The. Ore you are able to mix and match every piece, the less you will need to pack.

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One thing I'll suggest is finding multiple purposes for the same item. For example I have a three piece sweater dress. I can wear the black shell with a different sweater and jeans, the sweater/jacket with a different outfit, and a different top with the skirt. The. Ore you are able to mix and match every piece, the less you will need to pack.


20" rolling suitcase - three + weeks in Europe, two + on a cruise, in November. I did it with help from ExOfficio shirts and tops. They're lightweight, fashionable, and layer beautifully. I coordinated colors with black. They have new items seasonally and a great web site if you want to order directly. The Seattle airport has a large airport shop dedicated to this brand.

Consider the weight and bulk of each item you are considering packing. There is a big difference in some "mix and match" department store items and clothing that is marketed for carry-on travel like the ExOfficio brand.

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We are headed to London next March for a couple of weeks, and will again do carry on only. Planning on two jeans, one black pants, one leggings, one sweater dress, 4-5 tops, one yoga capris and two tops, ballet flats, riding boots, bras/undies and socks, PJ's, a few scarves and some jewelry, coat, sweater, gloves, earmuffs, that will do it.


Enjoy your time in London (I have been living in London for 15 years). I agree March can still be a bit chilly. I'd reconsider a hat for the earmuffs if you want to be warmer and don't forget your umbrella and travel plug adapter unless you plan to buy them here. Have fun!

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20" rolling suitcase - three + weeks in Europe, two + on a cruise, in November. I did it with help from ExOfficio shirts and tops. They're lightweight, fashionable, and layer beautifully. I coordinated colors with black. They have new items seasonally and a great web site if you want to order directly. The Seattle airport has a large airport shop dedicated to this brand.

Consider the weight and bulk of each item you are considering packing. There is a big difference in some "mix and match" department store items and clothing that is marketed for carry-on travel like the ExOfficio brand.




I don't need to buy special "travel clothes" to pack light. I buy my clothing in regular department stores as well as some boutiques, and have no problem finding easy to pack clothing that takes little space and is lightweight.


To be honest the people who dress head-to-toe in Ex Officio, Travelsmith, etc. end up looking like a bunch of cloned tourists on a pre-packaged tour. I'd rather use my own style and not spend money on special clothing for travel. I've been traveling light for years, and have never bought clothing from a "travel" label. The same clothing I wear at home/office is what I wear on vacation or work travel. I shop smart. The only things I've purchased for vacations were some rash guard jackets and board shorts (which I've also been wearing at home since I got back) and a pair of hybrid sports shoe/sandals for walking in Europe which worked great as reef shoes in French Polynesia as well.


My next European trip is a winter trip. I'll be taking a 3-pc skirt set, a skirt, six tops (a combo of lightweight merino wool, cashmere, and silk knits), a pair of casual slacks, a pair of jeans, a sweater, underwear, pjs, yoga clothes, and my coat/scarf/mittens/earmuffs. A few pieces of jewelry, some socks, and a couple pair of tights will round it out. For shoes I'll wear my riding boots and bring ballet flats as well. It will easily fit into my 20" with room to spare. And I won't look like a tourist.

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Enjoy your time in London (I have been living in London for 15 years). I agree March can still be a bit chilly. I'd reconsider a hat for the earmuffs if you want to be warmer and don't forget your umbrella and travel plug adapter unless you plan to buy them here. Have fun!


I never wear hats--except sunhats. The earmuffs are enough as long as I have a pashmina wrapped around my neck. I have super thick hair--a blessing in the winter, curse in the summer. :)


We will definitely be bringing the adapters and I think the plan will be one larger and a smaller compact umbrella that fits into my purse for emergencies. It seems that March is the dryest month, so hopefully we'll have some pleasant days.

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