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We Will Never Cruise With RCI Again

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It's just good business sense to treat your customers as if they are adults -- and customers should return the favor.


The problem is that so many do not act like adults when they try to smuggle liquor (something other than wine ;)) in their luggage. Their actions impact the rest of us. How many threads have their been about how to smuggle, look what I got through, etc. The cruise lines read these boards and know all the tricks. Unfortunately for the OP he was a victim of others greed.


I'm going on my first RCCL cruise in a little under two months. I'm a little nervous, never having been on RCCL and going on a 9 day cruise which for us is a little longer than usual. So when I saw the title of this thread i thought I should read it.


All I can say is if ONE rude person and having my luggage checked after having read that it would happen if you pack liquor in your checked luggage is the worst thing that happens, I'll be THRILLED.


How sad for someone to get so bent out of shape over something that took maybe 30 minutes of a whole cruise.


I can only say - may this be the worst tragedy you face in life.


As others have said, with this attitude you will have a great time. There is no such thing as a perfect cruise. The little things (and yes I think the incident the OP reported was a little thing which they overreacted to) you have to brush off and move on from. Otherwise it will eat you up from the inside and destroy that vacation most of us wait and wait for.


To the OP, many have asked but you have not let us know, how was the rest of your cruise? Did you dwell on this one incident, that you knew was a possible situation you would face? Or, did you put it aside for the cruise and enjoy any of it?

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BINGO. You understand perfectly.


Thank you!


But YOU do not. You were told on your previous thread back in January that packing bottles in you checked luggage would buy you a ticket to the naughty room, so your dismay when this happened should not have come as a huge surprise particularly since you were also cruising during spring break. How friendly and cheerful did you expect security to be? They are there to enforce rules not to make your trip wonderful. Haven't seen a piece of even the cheapest luggage in 15 years that did not have wheels so don't see the issue in your having to transport one suitcase to your cabin.

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The problem is that so many do not act like adults when they try to smuggle liquor (something other than wine ;)) in their luggage. Their actions impact the rest of us. How many threads have their been about how to smuggle, look what I got through, etc. The cruise lines read these boards and know all the tricks. Unfortunately for the OP he was a victim of others greed.




I agree. The op is criticized for not following the advice in this forum, but at the same time even a CC host starts a thread suggesting ways to smuggle extra alcohol.



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Wow- lots of piling on here.


While I agree that the OP's response was a lot more intense than mine would be, and that the title of the thread was inflammatory, from his (or her?) point of view, RCCL was not polite and the cruise started out with a sour note when he violated no rules. He WAS inconvenienced, both by having to go down there and by having to bring his bag up himself.


I don't think it's unreasonable for security to have at least added some sort of "Sorry sir, we can't tell the contents of the bottles from the x-ray. Thank you for your cooperation".


All of you who are expecting him or her to respond to 7 pages of criticism or snarky comments, would you do the same?


He is entitled to be offended by RCCLs incorrect presumption of guilt. He is entitled to feel that it's significant enough to cruise with another line. The fact that most of us would just let it go is no reason to attack the OP as if we are somehow better people just because that's not our hot-button issue. Can't we cut him a break?

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He is entitled to be offended by RCCLs incorrect presumption of guilt. He is entitled to feel that it's significant enough to cruise with another line. The fact that most of us would just let it go is no reason to attack the OP as if we are somehow better people just because that's not our hot-button issue. Can't we cut him a break?


No. We're just as entitled to calling him out for being over-dramatic as he is entitled to be over-dramatic.


And, while I'm at it, I call out you for being over-dramatic, too. Very few responses out of the 250+ would really qualify as an "attack" on the OP. That's just part of the melodrama on CC. Disagree with someone and you're attacking. Say anything in defense of Royal Caribbean and you're a cheerleader. Say something controversial and you're a troll. Etc., etc. :p

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Wow- lots of piling on here.


While I agree that the OP's response was a lot more intense than mine would be, and that the title of the thread was inflammatory, from his (or her?) point of view, RCCL was not polite and the cruise started out with a sour note when he violated no rules. He WAS inconvenienced, both by having to go down there and by having to bring his bag up himself.


I don't think it's unreasonable for security to have at least added some sort of "Sorry sir, we can't tell the contents of the bottles from the x-ray. Thank you for your cooperation".


All of you who are expecting him or her to respond to 7 pages of criticism or snarky comments, would you do the same?


He is entitled to be offended by RCCLs incorrect presumption of guilt. He is entitled to feel that it's significant enough to cruise with another line. The fact that most of us would just let it go is no reason to attack the OP as if we are somehow better people just because that's not our hot-button issue. Can't we cut him a break?


Where exactly does it say he was presumed guilty? Even OPs version of the incident doesn't go that far. He was asked [OK OP in his self serving version says instructed] to open his bag so they could see. He showed what it was and he was on his way. If OP is entitled to some "benefit of the doubt" why are the RCI staff [who are not here to defend themselves] entitled to the same benfit? I see nothing wrong or apology worthy in having your bag checked.

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No. We're just as entitled to calling him out for being over-dramatic as he is entitled to be over-dramatic.


And, while I'm at it, I call out you for being over-dramatic, too. Very few responses out of the 250+ would really qualify as an "attack" on the OP. That's just part of the melodrama on CC. Disagree with someone and you're attacking. Say anything in defense of Royal Caribbean and you're a cheerleader. Say something controversial and you're a troll. Etc., etc. :p


I apologize if what I said sounded over-dramatic- the tone in my head was very measured and calm. :)


What constitutes an 'attack'? Well, he was repeatedly referred to as 'petty', accused of bringing 2 additional bottles in his carry on, accused of stirring the pot, etc. Yup, I agree that he should have been called out. That was accomplished by the second page. The rules were pointed out, the fact that the community strongly disagreed was made clear. What new information was added after page 2? But there are additional pages re-explaining just how wrong he is.


I can't imagine he'll feel all that inclined to post on CC, at least not for a while. Perhaps the sentiment is that CC is better off without him, but I think that's a sad statement, which is why I posted my post. Can anyone say that they wouldn't feel like crap knowing that there are 13 pages (so far) essentially telling you you're an over-dramatic idiot?

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He just came back for a brief second to put fresh bait on the hook :D



LOL LMAO - How bizzare is this thread.


You have to admit, the OP is very clever. He knows how to get attention. :)


A+ for the longest running "non-issue" thread I've ever seen. Including my "non-contribution". LOL LOL

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Wow- lots of piling on here.


While I agree that the OP's response was a lot more intense than mine would be, and that the title of the thread was inflammatory, from his (or her?) point of view, RCCL was not polite and the cruise started out with a sour note when he violated no rules. He WAS inconvenienced, both by having to go down there and by having to bring his bag up himself.


I don't think it's unreasonable for security to have at least added some sort of "Sorry sir, we can't tell the contents of the bottles from the x-ray. Thank you for your cooperation".


All of you who are expecting him or her to respond to 7 pages of criticism or snarky comments, would you do the same?


He is entitled to be offended by RCCLs incorrect presumption of guilt. He is entitled to feel that it's significant enough to cruise with another line. The fact that most of us would just let it go is no reason to attack the OP as if we are somehow better people just because that's not our hot-button issue. Can't we cut him a break?


Question is, how do we know what any exchanges were between the OP and the ship's personnel? All we know is the OP's outrage at his treatment, following an incident he was warned would happen if he chose to pack his wine rather than put it in his carryon. We only know his side. What surprises me are the number of posters who are so willing to say - Yep, I don't know this person from Adam, but if he says the ship's staff were rude to him then that is how it was. We will never know, will we?


If I'm told from the git go that I will probably be called to the naughty room if I pack my wine in my check through luggage and my luggage, with wine, is not delivered to my cabin after everything else arrives; I'm smart enough for the bells to go off in my mind with - "Rut Roh" they were right. When I call to verify that indeed I do need to make the long dread walk I would be overly polite and apologetic to the folks in the Naughty room and the staff person who had to escort me rather than doing their regular job.


That is me. When I know I'm wrong, I admit it. I have seen plenty of other over the top posts on the boards to know that there is a minority of people who are never wrong and if they are caught it must be the cruise lines fault and if they didn't kiss their derriere while apologizing to me then they must have been rude on top of it.


There are plenty of other posts on the RCL boards about the new wine rules, none of this was hidden.

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On a recent cruise with RCI one of our bags did not show up to our cabin by 7pm so I went to inquire and was told the bag had been "confiscated" because it had alcohol it in. I was then led to a little room by a very unpleasnt employee and instructed to open the bag so they could see what was in it. While several employees stood staring at me I got down on the floor and opened the bag and showed them two bottles of wine. Their published policy allows two bottles of wine per cabin. I was then told ok you can take your bag now (with the wine inside) and I was left to schlep the bag all the way to my cabin. Throughout this episode I was never offered any apology or kind word by any of them.


We are vetern cruisers on many different lines. I'm not at all happy about this encounter and it will be my last RCI cruise.


"Much to do about nothing"...........................

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I can't imagine he'll feel all that inclined to post on CC, at least not for a while. Perhaps the sentiment is that CC is better off without him, but I think that's a sad statement, which is why I posted my post. Can anyone say that they wouldn't feel like crap knowing that there are 13 pages (so far) essentially telling you you're an over-dramatic idiot?


I suspect someone who posts with a title like "We Will Never Cruise With RCI Again" on an RCI discussion board is pretty much expecting a lot of attention. And most who click on a title like that are probably thinking they're going to read some kind of cruise horror story. Then, they open it and read, "I had to go claim my luggage and show them that what they detecting in there was just wine, so they let me keep it and take my bag on up to my room. I didn't think they were very nice to me."


Perhaps the OP was just a pot stirrer, knowing that such a lame complaint under such a dramatic heading would lead to just the kind of thread we have here. Or, perhaps he really is petty and over-dramatic. It has to be one or the other. :cool:

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I think as far as the OP is concerned, the easiest thing to do would've been to respond with a smile and ask for help with his bag....he would've gotten it and there would be no thread here.:D

Attitude...........makes all the difference.:o

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I suspect someone who posts with a title like "We Will Never Cruise With RCI Again" on an RCI discussion board is pretty much expecting a lot of attention. And most who click on a title like that are probably thinking they're going to read some kind of cruise horror story. Then, they open it and read, "I had to go claim my luggage and show them that what they detecting in there was just wine, so they let me keep it and take my bag on up to my room. I didn't think they were very nice to me."


Perhaps the OP was just a pot stirrer, knowing that such a lame complaint under such a dramatic heading would lead to just the kind of thread we have here. Or, perhaps he really is petty and over-dramatic. It has to be one or the other. :cool:


I've been refraining from commenting on this thread, but this pretty much sums up my feelings. If the thread title had been different... say something along the lines of "Warning -- don't put wine in checked luggage", then I suspect the thread would have gone a lot differently.


But when you put such a strong statement as the title it sets expectations. What was so horrible about the OP's cruise? Did his stateroom attendant throw all of his clothes overboard? Did the cruise director punch him in the gut? Etc etc etc.


Having to go to the naughty room is not that big of a deal. I had to go once because of the incompetance of the screeners at check-in and my experience was that the employees there were as nice to you as you were to them. It was no big deal. :rolleyes:

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I think as far as the OP is concerned, the easiest thing to do would've been to respond with a smile and ask for help with his bag....he would've gotten it and there would be no thread here.:D


Attitude...........makes all the difference.:o


Do you know that he did not smile at first?

All we have to go on is his post(s)


When I posted my thoughts he said I was correct.....


He was not mad about having to go and get his bag.

He was not mad about having to bring it back to his room.


He was mad at being treated with disrespect and not even offered a simple sorry or a smile and the attitude he got from them upset him as he felt that he was being treated like a criminal and his words show that he felt that way.

Throughout this episode I was never offered any apology or kind word by any of them.
that was his last sentence as it explained why he was mad.


If I was treated poorly and made to feel like a criminal and had done nothing wrong, I would have been pissed and the people who treated me with disrespect would have been well aware of my feelings.



All the other BS that has been posted on here is worthless....he brought two in his carry on and two in his checked bags.....nothing to support that claim. Opinions about his character without know him.....are worthless as well as they are not supported by facts.


Is it an over reaction to state he will never cruise with RCI because a interaction with a few rude employees.....IMHO yes, but as I was not there to see the actions of the employees myself I have no sure way to form anything but an opinion.


I do know that some people should never be put in a position of authority as they are not capable of anything but an abuse of power.....and if that is the case here, then can you blame the OP for feeling slighted?

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Is it an over reaction to state he will never cruise with RCI because a interaction with a few rude employees.....IMHO yes, but as I was not there to see the actions of the employees myself I have no sure way to form anything but an opinion.


I do know that some people should never be put in a position of authority as they are not capable of anything but an abuse of power.....and if that is the case here, then can you blame the OP for feeling slighted?


My opinion...I think some people are way too sensitive and can't recognize that there is a big gray area between rude and overly courteous. Simply not apologizing and not being full of smiles is not rude and it is not direspectful. Rude would be snide comments or something similar, and I didn't see the OP report anything like that. And about the abuse of power, come on. Really? I think its quite a stretch to take it there.

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He was mad at being treated with disrespect and not even offered a simple sorry or a smile and the attitude he got from them upset him as he felt that he was being treated like a criminal and his words show that he felt that way. that was his last sentence as it explained why he was mad.


If I was treated poorly and made to feel like a criminal and had done nothing wrong, I would have been pissed and the people who treated me with disrespect would have been well aware of my feelings.



All the other BS that has been posted on here is worthless....he brought two in his carry on and two in his checked bags.....nothing to support that claim. Opinions about his character without know him.....are worthless as well as they are not supported by facts.


Is it an over reaction to state he will never cruise with RCI because a interaction with a few rude employees.....IMHO yes, but as I was not there to see the actions of the employees myself I have no sure way to form anything but an opinion.


I do know that some people should never be put in a position of authority as they are not capable of anything but an abuse of power.....and if that is the case here, then can you blame the OP for feeling slighted?


You're joking, correct?


You post that the OP was mistreated and attack any of us (the few who made the cracks about excessive alcohol are in a very small minority on this post) who questioned the veracity of his comments. All we know is his perception of events and how he wanted to convey his experience.


What I find laughable in your rant, yes, it is a rant - especially your last paragraph defending the OP. He must be correct and telling the absolute truth! Never mind everyone else's experiences, they must have some agenda. :rolleyes:


I can't blame the OP for anything. Same as I can't blame the staff on the ship - Which you are doing. We don't know how the OP behaved, do we? We do know the OP went in knowing that he would probably be caught and the consequences. From that type of attitude towards the rules, I have know idea what his attitude would be towards the staff.

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Question is, how do we know what any exchanges were between the OP and the ship's personnel? All we know is the OP's outrage at his treatment, following an incident he was warned would happen if he chose to pack his wine rather than put it in his carryon. We only know his side. What surprises me are the number of posters who are so willing to say - Yep, I don't know this person from Adam, but if he says the ship's staff were rude to him then that is how it was. We will never know, will we?


If I'm told from the git go that I will probably be called to the naughty room if I pack my wine in my check through luggage and my luggage, with wine, is not delivered to my cabin after everything else arrives; I'm smart enough for the bells to go off in my mind with - "Rut Roh" they were right. When I call to verify that indeed I do need to make the long dread walk I would be overly polite and apologetic to the folks in the Naughty room and the staff person who had to escort me rather than doing their regular job.


That is me. When I know I'm wrong, I admit it. I have seen plenty of other over the top posts on the boards to know that there is a minority of people who are never wrong and if they are caught it must be the cruise lines fault and if they didn't kiss their derriere while apologizing to me then they must have been rude on top of it.


There are plenty of other posts on the RCL boards about the new wine rules, none of this was hidden.



You post here is laughable.


He knew that he could be made to come to the room to pick up his luggage as he had wine in there......he did not know that he would be treated the way he claims he was treated as that is his complaint.


That is me. When I know I'm wrong, I admit it. I have seen plenty of other over the top posts on the boards to know that there is a minority of people who are never wrong and if they are caught it must be the cruise lines fault and if they didn't kiss their derriere while apologizing to me then they must have been rude on top of it.
This part of your post is the most laughable as it is used to inflame and has nothing to do what was reported by the OP.


He did nothing wrong, so what did he have to admit to? He was not caught doing anything wrong so he had nothing to feel sorry for. He did not break a rule or policy, yet he felt that he was treated as he did and when they found that he had not.....no sorry was offered nor was a change of attitude towards him ....noted.


Those are the issues.....anything else is purely spin to support your claim that he must be a over dramatic silver spoon brat who feels the world owes him.

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You're joking, correct?


You post that the OP was mistreated and attack any of us (the few who made the cracks about excessive alcohol are in a very small minority on this post) who questioned the veracity of his comments. All we know is his perception of events and how he wanted to convey his experience.


What I find laughable in your rant, yes, it is a rant - especially your last paragraph defending the OP. He must be correct and telling the absolute truth! Never mind everyone else's experiences, they must have some agenda. :rolleyes:


I can't blame the OP for anything. Same as I can't blame the staff on the ship - Which you are doing. We don't know how the OP behaved, do we? We do know the OP went in knowing that he would probably be caught and the consequences. From that type of attitude towards the rules, I have know idea what his attitude would be towards the staff.


Notice when reading my rant I stated IF when giving my opinion and did not state it as fact as you seem to think I did.


What was his attitude towards the rules that he did not break? You are spinning to suit your opinion.

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Canadianeh934, Wow, I think you might want to step back from the keyboard and take a long deep breath. A little overboard in my estimation.


The point any of us has tried to make is - unless you were walking down the hallway to the naughty room with the OP and observed all this rude behavior by the staff, you have no more knowledge of what really happened than the rest of us. We just know to admit we don't know what actually went on. :cool:


Many who have posted on here have had personal experience with the walk of shame on RCL and are not reporting such behaviors by all involved. So that makes the OP's account more suspect.


So, slowwwllly, Breath in, breath out. Repeat a few times and you will feel much better.

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Notice when reading my rant I stated IF when giving my opinion and did not state it as fact as you seem to think I did.


What was his attitude towards the rules that he did not break? You are spinning to suit your opinion.


As are you.


Nobody on this board can say what was said between the OP and the staff. Many on this board have posted that the experience was not painful and the staff was not rude. The OP states the staff was rude. Sorry but if I had to believe someone it would be the great majority, not the minority (or in this case singular) statements.


You are taking the OPs comments as the gospel truth. The rest of us are questioning it mostly from personal experience.

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Nobody on this board can say what was said between the OP and the staff.


Exactly! The only verbal exchange mentioned by the OP was the staff saying "ok you can take your bag now." Otherwise, everything else is a guessing game because the OP won't explain. And sorry, but "ok you can take your bag now" is not a rude comment.

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Anyone ever consider that he might have 2 allowed bottles in his carry on--didn't mention that fact to us--and he also had the 2 bottles in his luggage-to get four for his room?


Yeah, that was mentioned several times.

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