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My Review of the Sunny Sun 11 night 3/20-3/31


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We were eating our dessert and I had eaten mine quickly as I am prone to do and my mom was taking her time. Since I was at sea and could not resort to surfing on my iPhone (haha), I resorted to “people watching”. Was everyone as thrilled as I was to be on this cruise? What had people ordered for dinner? Hmmm… I was just hanging out and looking around… killing time.

I noticed that several tables around us had been vacated and they were now seating a new wave of hungry diners. A man who was being seated at a table a few rows over from us walked by, smiled and sort of winked at us. It took a few seconds for my brain to catch us and I heard myself saying out loud to mom, “Tony? Could it be?” I watched him walk to his table and saw the woman already seated there… “Charlene?” I jumped out of my chair like a cannon and made a bee line over to them. I could not believe it. Here were two members of our trivia team from our Sun cruise in 2005!!!

These folks were as dedicated to the trivia experience while cruising as we are. It was so wonderful to see them and to catch up… By this time I had moved mom and her dessert to join them at their table to chat until their first course arrived. We made plans to meet the next day, at where else? Trivia of course!!! We were all truly amazed… what were the odds that we would all be on cruises at the same time and on the exact same ship. Even strangers walked over and commented to us that they had witnessed “our reunion” and said they were so happy for us.

We were feeling the effects of a busy first day and the shock of seeing old friends so we retired to our cabin. I opened the door and turned on the light and there it was… the mini blender… just sitting on the counter, with a sticker on it that said “INSPECTED AND APPROVED”… this day was turning out alright, I said to mom. Thanks, Monica, I thought to myself.

Earlier in the day I had given Daryl three bags of googly eyes from Dollar Tree and she had left us an adorable towel animal. Teresa came by and brought us a fruit bowl and some little sandwiches. I explained that we really loved to get the sweets as our daily snack and then mom said that she was watching her sugar intake as her blood sugar count had been high. Now this is where a great butler like Teresa comes in… she was planning ahead, as you will read soon.

Day two.


I slept like a baby being rocked in a cradle, the aft is like that… there is a gentle up and down, up and down, up and down. I imagine some prone to seasickness might not like it, but I do. I awoke early, showered, (in the Suite we have a walk-in shower ass well as a shower in the large Jacuzzi tub), and headed down to Il Adagio for breakfast. There was Monica, to welcome us. I told her I was grateful for the retrieval of the beloved mini-blender and she explained that she had to talk to three people behind-the-scenes to get it released for us.

I am seated at one of the cute window tables for two. What a wonderful way to begin the day! My server arrived and I ordered the yummy French press coffee and headed back to the mini-buffet to see all of my favorites still there… walnuts sliced tomatoes, fruit and berries and the infamous chocolate croissant. I return to my table and order eggs benedict. It arrived soon and was delicious. Just as I had finished my meal and second cup of coffee, here came mom. So I pour yet another cup of coffee and linger with her.

We chat with other suite pax who come in to breakfast, and they become familiar faces at breakfast and lunch in Il Adagio. One note, on my previous Sun cruise I had waited until the last night to tip the servers in Il Adagio for stellar service at breakfast and lunch. It had been a challenge to track them down. So this trip I had decided to bring a $5 bill to each meal to leave on the table. This worked for us. I know these members of the crew are included in the DSC, but I found their specialized service deserving of something extra. And throughout the cruise our service remained wonderful in Il Adagio.

As the Freestyle Daily said Trivia was at 9:00 a.m. in Dazzles we headed there. Only a handful of folks arrive. About 5 minutes before start time someone comes in and says it had been a mistake in the Daily and Trivia is in Windjammer. We arrive and see others in there, so we have a nice crowd. We are joined by our friends, Tony and Charlene and Lisa and Mike, who I learn will be at our CC Meet & Greet later that morning. Our team won, yea!!! What fun!


To be continued… up next: CC Meet & Greet

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I feel so stupid...somehow I missed the reference to the confiscation of the mb in your first post...glad you got it back!


Drop me a line at BigNCBear@aol.com if you have any interest in a link to the blog I am going to do on our upcoming Italy and Jade trip. Never done it before but figure it might be fun to try.

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I awoke early, showered, (in the Suite we have a walk-in shower ass well


I'm jealous! We had no shower ass well in our suite! :D


Donna, just reading your review is relaxing, just like being on a cruise! I am so glad you are able to bring your Mom. I have brought Mom on 3 cruises. I love it, she complains, it's perfect! :)

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I'm jealous! We had no shower ass well in our suite! :D


Donna, just reading your review is relaxing, just like being on a cruise! I am so glad you are able to bring your Mom. I have brought Mom on 3 cruises. I love it, she complains, it's perfect! :)


Well darn that spell-checker. Haha.


My mom is a great one to travel with. She is fun, neat, prompt, etc. and she was a great help at the Meet & Great!

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Ok, after 1 year and 10 months since we booked the cruise AND I started the roll call for it, I can't believe today is the day that I put faces to the names that I have been corresponding with on CC, our shared connection, and at least in my case, addiction. I have to admit I am crazy for cruising, and if I am not on a ship, I am thinking about it.


Mom and I head down to Las Ramblas, our M&G location. Soon people start making their way in and it doesn't take long for the room to fill. Note: I recently red a thread about the turnout percentages at the M&G and I had hoped for at least a 50% turnout from everyone that posted on the roll call, from one-hit-wonders to downright devotees. I had counted 80, as the number of individuals connected with anyone who posted. I had asked people to rsvp so I could give a count to NCL, and I am pleased to say most that RSVP'd showed up. We actually had 60 at our roll call. Yea!


I had made labels for name tags with the Sun printed on them. I also brought gifts. I made an insert for insulated tumblers with our ship, itinerary and such. I mailed them to the hotel and checked them through at the pier. I brought 55, so almost everyone received one.


NCL rolled out the carpet for us. They really do it right. We had a nice spread of snacks and several liquid refreshment options, (non alcoholic). Several of the crew attended and they passed out a folded card with a big THANK YOU! on the front that inside contained all of their names, positions and phone numbers.


They were:

Brian Walters, Hotel Director

Ludwig Lozano, Food & Beverage Director

Ricardo Pinheiro, Executive Chef

Edgar Horlandor, Executive Housekeeper

Richard Matic, Cruise Director

Bon Villaluz, Guest Services Director

Katya Plyakova, Beverage Manager

Milka Fildzanova, Group Service Coordinator/Access Officer


They were kind enough to speak to us and to answer questions.


Chef Ricardo offered all attendees a galley tour at a later date and sent around a sign up sheet.


Most had brought a gift from home, wrapped... and we just lined them up in a row and got in line and chose one. Thanks Nicole for the YUMMY candy! And mom got a nice CANADA bag, filled with goodies from up North. She carries it all the time.


We made plans to meet for a cabin crawl later in the cruise, on a sea day.


Soon, it seemed like in minutes the M&G time had elapsed. And people said their goodbyes and slipped out to all of the pleasures on board. Some of us dawdled and stayed behind and mom and I ended up staying and chatting with Joe and Patty (sassy gal) for quite a while. It was great.



Then our stomachs reminded us it was time for lunch...


to be continued.

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Donna, you're doing a great review. I figure if it makes me feel I'm on the cruise with you, it's a good review! Thank you so much.
Thanks much. I am trying to figure a way to get back on the Sun for a three-peat!!!
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We headed to Il Adagio for Lunch. Mom had shrimp cocktail and a French Dip. I decided to have (3) starters: shrimp cocktail, green salad and asparagus salad. Wow, the green salad with hearts of palm and mandarin oranges was fantastic. I would come to order it several ties over the course of the cruise.


We saw Monica and she procured us a 7:30 res at Le Bistro. This dinner was a gift from my wonderful cousin and Travel Agent. Thank you, Mary Elizabeth!!!


Mom and I split a banana cream pie and we were done. Really good lunch.


After we went to the casino, where I proceeded to lose $50 in 10 minutes thank you very much. That's enough for me. Besides I had a massage scheduled at 3:30 with Rose.


Back to the suite to see the wonderful Teresa had emptied the fridge, filled it with items we had requested for the bar set up. She is awesome.


My massage was just incredible. I am starting to get relaxed now. This cruise has been a long time coming and I was right down to wire packing and moving before the cruise that I finally feel like it is ok to just slow down and do nothing. Having a rocking balcony on the aft is such an incentive... stay tuned to see just how much.


Now it is time for trivia and our team takes it to two tie breakers and we all decide to let it stand at that.


We run back to the room to get ready for the Captain's Cocktail Party in the observation lounge. I put on a sparkly skirt and top and had a martini, nice... Waiters passed yummy nice canapés. We met the Captain, Ronny Borg and his Sr. Officer staff. We sat with 2boyzmom (Dale) and her family for some nice conversation.


Soon it was time to go for dinner at LB. We were seated at a delightful table I called "the gazebo". I had cream of mushroom soup, duck salad and pork tenderloin with calvados cream, followed by the profiteroles for dessert. Mom had the duck. It was on the recommendation of the lady in the spa who gave her the pedicure. The duck was AMAZING. And my mom would not normally order duck, but she took a risk and it totally paid off.


After dinner we went to ENCORE in the theater, which was a compilation of Broadway shows. This was the last cruise for this troupe and we were so pleased to see them. We loved Dylan and Maria. Future stars.


Back to the room and we turn the clock back one hour as prompted. We see invites to "Dinner with an Officer" ad "Galley Tour". Much to look forward to and here it is just the end of day two...


Fun, fun, fun to be continued.

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I so look forward to your review everyday. I'm happy you are feeling better. Your review makes me feel like I am seeing it through your eyes. Thank you so much for the time and effort you are putting into it. We are looking forward to being on the Sun in October.

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I appreciate the time you're taking to do this and look forward to reading everything you have to offer. I'll be on this ship in October for the 11 day cruise so look forward to hearing what shouldn't be missed!



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Great review Donna, I look forward to much more! We found that this itinerary was amazing for really relaxing and after all you had on your plate, hopefully you found the same thing! We love our Sun!


My Mom and Sister are on the ship now so I have been enjoying the webcam and remembering every day on board.


Looking forward to more...


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Again, I slept like a baby. I had fallen asleep watching March Madness on TV if anyone wonders if they show the games on the Sun, yes they do, and I am a sports lover. Although my pick for the winner went out early :( I still enjoyed watching a good game. I really liked the extra hour we earned by setting the clock back. Guess we will pay for it later, haha.


I had a little sit on the balcony as I finished watching the sun rise. Haha, I am on the SUN watching the SUN!!! I could get used to this... gazing out at the blue water in every direction... there is just nothing else in the world quite like it. But then I started thinking about my dog, Lexie, back home and that reminded me to go to the internet cafe and purchase minutes. That way I can check my Email and also look at the webcam where I have the pooch boarded.


I had thought this was to be a leisurely balcony day, but then I remember the invited we had received the night before to dine with an officer and to have a galley tour. Then there is the latitudes party, morning and afternoon trivia sessions and of course, eating. Haha. So, all of a sudden the day is full with events.


Our stewardess, Daryl was kind enough to bring us two Dailies each night. In the past I would use a highlighter to mark what I wanted to remember... but some things might not be on the Daily, like the galley tour and dinner with an officer... so this trip I used a new system and it worked great for me. I purchased a little book with black pages and I dated each page to correspond with days on our trip. Then I would write down my schedule, in pencil, crossing through items as done, or not done (missed, changed mind, etc.). Also, on the flip side I kept my journal, which is my guide for my review. I will plan to do this again in the future.


I am such an early bird, I was up early, showered and dressed, and headed to Il Adagio for breakfast. Oops! I am 30 minutes too early. I walk around and end up at the pool and sit in a corner on a lounger. I see my friends and trivia partners, Tony and Charlene and say "see ya at trivia at 9:30". I look around and I honestly do not see too many chairs are hogged this morning. Cool! So, as it is now 7:30 I head down to IA.


I order a ham, cheese and onion omelet with wheat toast. I think IA makes a great omelet. Nice and puffy, not too dry. Just like I like it. I get to tell Chef Mary who comes out of the kitchen and walks by my table. I will repeat "breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!"


Mom comes in and joins me for coffee... my plate has already been cleared by this time. I start to tell mom about my yummy omelet and my mom's jaw drops and she says, "it's Friday... you had HAM?" Guess I lost track of what day it was, since I am on vacay mom. Yes, we are both Catholic. More about that later in Cartegena and on disembarkation.


Mom and I met up with Tony and Charlene in trivia and Sean and Stacie joined us. We won our 3rd game in as many tries. Can't get cocky though, there are some good players in this bunch! We did beat the 2nd place team by 4 points though - yee-haw!


After trivia it was on to the Cruise Critic Galley Tour at 10:45. We mistakenly went to 7 Seas when we should have gone to 4 Seasons. Luckily I had brought the invite and we looked at it any raced to the venue. Executive Chef Ricardo Pinheiro led our group. It was wonderfully informative. I have completed culinary school, although I do not work as a chef, I thought maybe I would enjoy it more than the others, but everyone I talked to was so appreciative and interested. Thank you, NCL and Chef Ricardo for this nice surprise. And, it was great to see how clean and organized the galley is and that the Sun is #1 in customer satisfaction in this regard. Yea!


Now that I know it is Friday, we spot Fish and Chips on the 7 Seas lunch menu and we ask Chef which kind of fish it will be and he tells us cod. Yea, score... we like cod. I started with Vietnamese veggie spring rolls with lime-chile sauce, which were YUMMY, then the cod and then lemon and raspberry sherbet for dessert.


Time for the Latitudes party. I had a glass of wine and mom had non-alcoholic punch. The officers were introduced and then Poloma, the cruise consultant took over, awarding a slew of door prizes. Out of the packed room we felt really lucky to win... mom won an entry into the blackjack tournament and I won a bottle of bubbly. We decided to go back to the suite to rest a bit...


to be continued.

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After a bit of a rest, Monica came by to check on us. That was so nice. Then Teresa came by with two trays. Cheese and crackers and choc covered strawberries. Yum and yummer. Teresa is a sweetheart.


Soon it was getting late, and trivia starts at 5! We played as a team of 4, since neither of our plus twos were there. Not only did we lose by one point but I had argued for a correct answer and was overruled, but that is part of being a team! After trivia we went back to dress for dinner, our special dinner with a Senior Officer. Who would it be?


Drum roll please.....


It was Hotel Director, Brian Walters. I must say he was a perfect choice for us. He is a delightful gentleman with a velvety smooth voice and a calm but strong demeanor. He is originally from the Island of Jamaica but now resides in Miami. We were also joined by other pax, Jeffrey, David and Cinthia. They were delightful dinner companions. (Those three have cruised 116, 116 and 69 times respectfully.) We felt like newbies!!! But very honored to be at such a fine table with great conversation. We had some nice wine too. I had Greek salad, grilled salmon with potatoes and spinach and tiramisu cake. Mom had broccoli cheese soup, penne pasta alfredo and cheesecake. My dinner was a 10 but mom was not as pleased, but she had such a great time it was not an issue. She really is very easy going. We practically closed down the restaurant, as the conversation flowed. It might sound corny now, but we were told we were "part of the family". That was certainly how we felt. Is it a coincidence that so many people we meet on cruises are just the best!!!???


Back to the suite to bed, tomorrow is Cartegena, Columbia.


to be continued.

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I want to know how you got to dine with an Officer? I want to see if we can do that in October and if you can choose the Officer.


I can't wait to see the pictures of the room since we will be sailing in the same cabin.




I took several pics. Not sure how to load them. Maybe my teenage niece will help.


We signed up at the CC meet and greet for the chance to possibly dine with an officer. Don't know if being in a suite and/or being the arranger of the meet and greet helped but was pleased to get the invite.


I just adore the Sun and the aft PHs. You are in for a treat.

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I want to know how you got to dine with an Officer? I want to see if we can do that in October and if you can choose the Officer.


I can't wait to see the pictures of the room since we will be sailing in the same cabin.




FYI- they had the nicest suite on the ship :)

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