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Australia $ Value, Economic Direction?

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Wait until the "History wars" start on the left hand side of politics - starting sometime around 8PM this Saturday night. THEN - you will see some spin!! - from both sides of the Left. :)




No, I can't imagine it will make up for what I've seen so far. And to be fair, that's been much more from the 'Right'.

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If the author of this thread is so concerned about our dollar being high, why is he travelling? And more than the likely the cruise he is on will be USD, so what is the problem?


I remember travelling to US in 1994 and our dollar being only worth about US 70 cents, so he has nothing to complain about. I spent 3 months in the states, and must admit I thought twice about buying goods because of the exchange rate.

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I have always noticed that you Americans say "Could care less" -- when we say "couldn't care less". I have always wondered why you say that. Being pedantic - but "could care less" surely means that you do care somewhat but "could care less".. whereas our "couldn't care less" means exactly that.


So I couldn't care less what the polls are saying now - I have bought the popcorn for Saturday night next week and others in the street are bringing the beer and wine. They won't bring too much though because it is going to be an early night this time.




Kevin will only need a mini bus to drive his party around after Saturday night, that is if he holds onto his seat.


A bit like Anna Bligh she only needed a Tarago to drive her members around, and then she resigned.


I agree I think the result will be in early, and the blood bath will begin.


Speaking of changes the ALP has made, are people aware that when pensioners travel overseas now, they can only travel for 6 weeks before their pensions are cut, whereas it used to be 13 weeks. I have found this out since my parents have travelled overseas this year and Centrelink cut their pension. Centrelink stuffed up, but in making some phone calls, I discovered what the govt has done to our travelling pensioners. They are so unkind to our pensioners, but give truckloads of money to the refugees!

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If the author of this thread is so concerned about our dollar being high, why is he travelling? And more than the likely the cruise he is on will be USD, so what is the problem?


I remember travelling to US in 1994 and our dollar being only worth about US 70 cents, so he has nothing to complain about. I spent 3 months in the states, and must admit I thought twice about buying goods because of the exchange rate.


I don't think Terry is complaining, but more interested in what is happening. Besides, just as we would like our dollar to go further, so would he.:D

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Kevin will only need a mini bus to drive his party around after Saturday night, that is if he holds onto his seat.


A bit like Anna Bligh she only needed a Tarago to drive her members around, and then she resigned.


I agree I think the result will be in early, and the blood bath will begin.


Speaking of changes the ALP has made, are people aware that when pensioners travel overseas now, they can only travel for 6 weeks before their pensions are cut, whereas it used to be 13 weeks. I have found this out since my parents have travelled overseas this year and Centrelink cut their pension. Centrelink stuffed up, but in making some phone calls, I discovered what the govt has done to our travelling pensioners. They are so unkind to our pensioners, but give truckloads of money to the refugees!


You are most likely right about Kevin's bus, it will be an early night.


In regards to the Pension, this is blatantly ACA /shock jock radio talk, the pension has not been cut, in fact the the pension has risen considerably since Sept 2009. The Pension supplement is removed after 6 weeks as it is only applicable for pensioners in Australia. Any Pensioner that can afford to holiday for more than 6 weeks outside of Australia can surely afford to drop $32.80 per fortnight.

As for refugees getting more than pensioners, that is another perpetual urban myth.

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They are so unkind to our pensioners, but give truckloads of money to the refugees!


Actually, Labor have been very kind to pensioners e.g. increasing pensions by more than the increased carbon tax, plus having extra increases granted outside the norm.


Fear not about the Liberal generosity though. They're going to cut:

1) superannuation payments for low income earners

2) the increase in superannuation guarantee payments for all workers

3) the schoolkids bonus

4) franked dividend payments for everyone! One of the worst, inequitable cuts announced.


As for splashing cash to the refugees, the Libs are going to be even more generous to people smugglers, with their 'buy back the boats' campaign!Only 750,000 boats to buy - who knows what they're going to do with them all, and the smugglers are surely going to find it a lucrative business to buy some more to onsell to us foolish Aussies if he comes in.

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You are most likely right about Kevin's bus, it will be an early night.


In regards to the Pension, this is blatantly ACA /shock jock radio talk, the pension has not been cut, in fact the the pension has risen considerably since Sept 2009. The Pension supplement is removed after 6 weeks as it is only applicable for pensioners in Australia. Any Pensioner that can afford to holiday for more than 6 weeks outside of Australia can surely afford to drop $32.80 per fortnight.

As for refugees getting more than pensioners, that is another perpetual urban myth.


The whole pension is cut if somebody goes out of the country for more than 6 weeks.


Yes it is true that the refugees get more than pensioners. The refugees get so much financial help from the govt, and then from do gooder organisations. Some of these refugees come into the country with gold chains around children's waists and then are running business's back in their native country. I think it is time that people woke upto to what is going on with the boat people. Our country can not continue to support all these people, and the problem too is that they go and breed like flies and then get more from the welfare system.


I really believe this country is in for very hard times, the mining boom has burst and lots of people are losing their jobs. This is having a huge affect in North Queensland. Gillard in her wisdom brought in the mining and carbon tax, which has backfired on the ALP as lots of people have lost their jobs because of this. Now we also have Ford closing in Victoria and Holden is not far behind in closing in Adelaide. Australia does not have a very large manufacturing industry anymore.

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Actually, Labor have been very kind to pensioners e.g. increasing pensions by more than the increased carbon tax, plus having extra increases granted outside the norm.


Fear not about the Liberal generosity though. They're going to cut:

1) superannuation payments for low income earners

2) the increase in superannuation guarantee payments for all workers

3) the schoolkids bonus

4) franked dividend payments for everyone! One of the worst, inequitable cuts announced.


As for splashing cash to the refugees, the Libs are going to be even more generous to people smugglers, with their 'buy back the boats' campaign!Only 750,000 boats to buy - who knows what they're going to do with them all, and the smugglers are surely going to find it a lucrative business to buy some more to onsell to us foolish Aussies if he comes in.


And the ALP cut any benefits to people running businesses. We set up a family trust, and any tax incentives were cut, and now we pay an extra $1000 per year for our accounting work. The ALP has given small business people no incentive to keep running a business, even though small business is the backbone of the country.


But on the other hand wage earners (whose employers allow it, eg govt employees) can salary sacrifice income and pay no tax on it to pay household bills, including mortgages. This income is not subject to tax.

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Gillard in her wisdom brought in the mining and carbon tax, which has backfired on the ALP as lots of people have lost their jobs because of this. Now we also have Ford closing in Victoria and Holden is not far behind in closing in Adelaide. Australia does not have a very large manufacturing industry anymore.


The carbon tax has been a boon resulting in a reduction in carbon emissions, and pollution. It encourages the growth of further industries were they allowed to develop without being used as a political football and the uncertainty that has created.


Given the actual cost increase has been negligible, it would be a very poor, marginal business who had to get rid of workers because of it. In any case, it was only charged on the top 200 emitters and by and large, there's been nothing to show there have been any significant losses due to it. Companies like everyone want to cut costs so the benefit of the tax is it encourages them to switch to alternative sources to cut energy costs.


Then again, the Liberal's partial funding of the parental leave payment is being charged on the top 3200 companies - 16 times as many, so that would make it 16 times worse. Ford and Holden's issues have nothing to do with the carbon tax, but have been around for decades as their market share has fallen as they made bad business decisions, Ford in particular. But with a larger tax affecting more companies, the Liberal policy would be more likely to harm the manufacturing that you refer to than the carbon tax would.

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And the ALP cut any benefits to people running businesses. We set up a family trust, and any tax incentives were cut, and now we pay an extra $1000 per year for our accounting work. The ALP has given small business people no incentive to keep running a business, even though small business is the backbone of the country.


Cut any benefits... far from it. I recall they even introduced a massive cash bonus for the replacement of vehicles, which was purely for the benefit of small businesses.


Having a family trust put you in a very fortunate situation compared to others, where tax is sheltered to be distributed as more opportune. I.e. it's rearranging incomes purely for a tax benefit. There's no reason for that to be maintained.


People should always choose the opportunity most suited to them, just like choosing any jobs. Some jobs are better than others, and some are better paid.


Small businesses still make profits, and some very good ones. The incentive is the same as any employment opportunity. Do it well, in a growth industry and you'll do well.


But on the other hand wage earners (whose employers allow it, eg govt employees) can salary sacrifice income and pay no tax on it to pay household bills, including mortgages. This income is not subject to tax.


That isn't correct. Salary cannot be sacrificed to e.g. household bills. Normal workers can only salary sacrifice to limited areas like superannuation, and self-employed have similar benefits for that.

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That isn't correct. Salary cannot be sacrificed to e.g. household bills. Normal workers can only salary sacrifice to limited areas like superannuation, and self-employed have similar benefits for that.


Yes those who salary sacrifice can pay household bills, rent, rates, electricity, insurance etc.

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Yes those who salary sacrifice can pay household bills, rent, rates, electricity, insurance etc.


Only if they work for benevolent institutions where salaries are below corporate rates. Full Salary sacrificing up to around $17,000 was introduced as compensation to them as the benevolent institutions could not afford to pay corporate rates to attract skilled staff.


I'm looking forward to Saturday. Especially Saturday night. As far as small businesses making a profit, those times have evaporated and many are either gone or just hanging in there.


Expecting a small business to move into a growth industry when their products don't align with that, shows a lack of understanding of what small businesses do and what they can afford to do. Especially with high penalty rates. They dont attract government support, that seems to go to manufacturing who have not moved with the times at all. They produce cars that no one wants. But continue to get tax payers money. And as for farmers and the duopoly, well, it's just sad.

Edited by Pushka
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Only if they work for benevolent institutions where salaries are below corporate rates. Full Salary sacrificing up to around $17,000 was introduced as compensation to them as the benevolent institutions could not afford to pay corporate rates to attract skilled staff.


I'm looking forward to Saturday. Especially Saturday night. As far as small businesses making a profit, those times have evaporated and many are either gone or just hanging in there.


Expecting a small business to move into a growth industry when their products don't align with that, shows a lack of understanding of what small businesses do and what they can afford to do. Especially with high penalty rates. They dont attract government support, that seems to go to manufacturing who have not moved with the times at all. They produce cars that no one wants. But continue to get tax payers money. And as for farmers and the duopoly, well, it's just sad.


I know of staff working for Qld Health who can salary sacrifice with all sorts of benefits.

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As for splashing cash to the refugees, the Libs are going to be even more generous to people smugglers, with their 'buy back the boats' campaign!Only 750,000 boats to buy - who knows what they're going to do with them all, and the smugglers are surely going to find it a lucrative business to buy some more to onsell to us foolish Aussies if he comes in.

Free one-way cruises to PNG:eek:

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The whole pension is cut if somebody goes out of the country for more than 6 weeks.


Yes it is true that the refugees get more than pensioners. The refugees get so much financial help from the govt, and then from do gooder organisations. Some of these refugees come into the country with gold chains around children's waists and then are running business's back in their native country. I think it is time that people woke upto to what is going on with the boat people. Our country can not continue to support all these people, and the problem too is that they go and breed like flies and then get more from the welfare system.


Wrong and wrong on both statements.

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Yes those who salary sacrifice can pay household bills, rent, rates, electricity, insurance etc.

You may be getting confused with direct debits.

Salary sacrificing is for Superannuation or a work related expenses (i.e. car, laptop, etc). The salary sacrificed is paying for items that are pre tax, and therefore can add to your overall wealth. Of course people can pay their bills with the money they still receive and they pay less tax and therefore may have a better total remuneration package.

Edited by MicCanberra
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You may be getting confused with direct debits.

Salary sacrificing is for Superannuation or a work related expenses (i.e. car, laptop, etc). The salary sacrificed is paying for items that are pre tax, and therefore can add to your overall wealth. Of course people can pay their bills with the money they still receive and they pay less tax and therefore may have a better total remuneration package.


My wife has salary sacrificing, and we personally use it for rent, restaurant meals (has to be eaten in the restaurant and not be fast-food, McDonald's doesn't count but the sushi restaurant nearby does), holiday expenses (some exclude cruises, some include; ours includes), and more.


A lot of these attract a fringe benefits tax, but non-profit employers are exempt from paying that (wife works in a public hospital). My guess is that many employers simply don't offer benefits that attract extra tax for them; your employer may not offer it, but it doesn't mean they couldn't.

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I know of staff working for Qld Health who can salary sacrifice with all sorts of benefits.


Exactly. They are regarded as a benevolent institution by the ATO.


And yes, as circuitrider has pointed out, if a company is fine with paying FBT then their employees can also salary sacrifice. However, most companies usually pass the FBT on to the employees, which completely negates any benefit of salary sacrificing. Circuitrider has also reinforced my statement about benevolent institutions, and that hospitals are part of the "not for profit" group.


My understanding is that refugees do not get the assistance you are claiming they do.

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Exactly. They are regarded as a benevolent institution by the ATO.


And yes, as circuitrider has pointed out, if a company is fine with paying FBT then their employees can also salary sacrifice. However, most companies usually pass the FBT on to the employees, which completely negates any benefit of salary sacrificing. Circuitrider has also reinforced my statement about benevolent institutions, and that hospitals are part of the "not for profit" group.

I stand correected, thanks.

I knew of some exemptions (for FBT) but did not realise that just about anything could be bought.

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I really believe this country is in for very hard times, the mining boom has burst and lots of people are losing their jobs. This is having a huge affect in North Queensland. Gillard in her wisdom brought in the mining and carbon tax, which has backfired on the ALP as lots of people have lost their jobs because of this. Now we also have Ford closing in Victoria and Holden is not far behind in closing in Adelaide. Australia does not have a very large manufacturing industry anymore.


I work in the mining industry. I'm at the start of the business where projects begin. It's been the toughest year to date. Since the mining tax was introduced new projects are few and far between. I am now been put on one day a week until things pickup. There are senior engineers and managers only working a couple days a week as well. I'm lucky that we can afford me working less but there are loads of people struggling.


Roll on Saturday

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I work in the mining industry. I'm at the start of the business where projects begin. It's been the toughest year to date. Since the mining tax was introduced new projects are few and far between. I am now been put on one day a week until things pickup. There are senior engineers and managers only working a couple days a week as well. I'm lucky that we can afford me working less but there are loads of people struggling.


Roll on Saturday

I am sorry about the downturn and how it is affecting individuals, but I really do not think a change in Government is going to change China's (and the rest) demand for our resources in any way. The minining resource tax has resulted in taking hardly any revenue so I hardly see this as the reason for the downturn either.

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I am sorry about the downturn and how it is affecting individuals, but I really do not think a change in Government is going to change China's (and the rest) demand for our resources in any way. The minining resource tax has resulted in taking hardly any revenue so I hardly see this as the reason for the downturn either.


Maybe not. But at the moment all we seem to do is spend spend spend. And borrow. That's gotta stop until we can increase the income!

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Maybe not. But at the moment all we seem to do is spend spend spend. And borrow. That's gotta stop until we can increase the income!


Neither major party has policies to particularly stop spending. They're just going to spend it different ways.

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Neither major party has policies to particularly stop spending. They're just going to spend it different ways.

Infrastructure is very important and whether it is Government or Private industry that instigates and implements this does not matter. So spending on things that better the country and society is always going to be better than just spending on the individuals and companies as the generations to follow get benefit as well.

Currently both major parties have policies that do this to a certain degree although each party leans one way or the other.

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