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Wifi - seven seas society


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Hi , we are currently bronze SSS , after our next cruise up to silver. Silver members get free wifi , do we have to wait until the cruise is complete ? Or does it come into effect upon embankment ?



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is available to you upon embarkation as I remember, provided you reach the milestone during your cruise, but not after. Hope so! It's the best perk of all for Regent next to laundry, and glad they do this.

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Aloha all,


There is a great deal of discussion on CC about the cost of internet aboard ship, the connection speed, etc., and also often discussed is how great it is to have "free internet" as a loyalty perk.


In some ways, I don't get it. Isn't the idea of a "holiday" or "vacation" simply a means to escape from the concerns of daily life, relax and enjoy the experience?


Last year, during our Regent cruise trip, I was online for a total of approximately 30 minutes for the two week duration of our trip (with perhaps the exception of a bit more time during our return when we had extra time in the airport lounges).


And I did need to check in with our employees as we own and operate two businesses, and we also had guests in our vacation rental, but I found that several short, informative email missives were all that was required.


As an aside, I am also often amused by the number of people constantly using their devices in one of our businesses on Kauai, and even more amused when some folks actually get angry when they discover that there is no open wi-fi access in our beautiful little beach town.


My wife made a sign and posted it on an exterior wall of our shop: Yes, sorry, but we are a wire-LESS cafe. Please enjoy your stay in Hanalei by connecting with the moment, not the net. While some people do still look annoyed when they read this, I have seen others get a silly little grin on their face, nod their head, and then turn off their phone and go out to look at the waterfalls!


Aloha from Hanalei,



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I love the idea of a "wireless café"! Although my hobby is CruiseCritic, I do not take any electronic devices with me when I leave the house. This time is mine and I do not want to be interrupted. We also get several hours free telephone time when onboard a Regent ship and rarely use it. The internet is different for some reason. On a personal level, I use it to check in with our petsitter every 3 days while on a cruise. Also email a couple of friends every day or so.


Many of our cruises include several sea days and/or visit ports we have been to before. I take those opportunities to post "Live" reports on CruiseCritic. However, if the internet cost money, I would not be posting much.


What I do not understand is people that are required to stay in touch with work..... or people who own businesses and seem to think that the world will stop if they are not in constant contact. I agree that this is not a vacation. We observe people all the time in a restaurant with their family that spend the entire time on the phone - either talking or texting.


IMO, life has to have a balance. Isn't it amazing how people managed to work successfully before cell phone and the internet?


Anyway, I have read about several resorts that require you to give up your cell phone and any other electronic equipment. The concept is great.

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Aloha all,

In some ways, I don't get it. Isn't the idea of a "holiday" or "vacation" simply a means to escape from the concerns of daily life, relax and enjoy the experience?



Mark, guilty as charged. But manage to relax and enjoy just like you said. I'm retired, and happily so. I just like being in touch with my family, not that there is a pressing need. With 4 adult children and grands, just like that I can offer a few words of my enjoyment of the cruise along the way. And since they've all cruised Regent, they're happy to hear about it.

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I love having the free wi-fi (however slow it may be) on board. I do a daily update of photos and a blog for all my friends and family at home who like to "follow along". It only takes about a half hour of my time to write and post each night before bed.

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I admit it freely, I am an internet addict and have been for 33 years (yes, you read that right.) And I love my devices, smartphone, tablet, laptop, and love to use them.


That being said, I purposely was offline completely for my first 3 or 4 cruises starting back in 2000--in "those days" there was little connectivity in French Polynesia for instance. And as a software professional, I loved being away from my email and all the headaches of the office.


Now that I'm retired, I don't have that problem, but do like to "step away" from the devices as much as possible on cruises and other vacations. But I can't resist the impulse to post to CC once in a while, and read my mail, but try to keep from tapping away on my phone all day. It's a struggle, but one that's well worth it. It's also nice to read the NYTimes or similar papers online once in a while.


So for me, the internet benefit on Regent is a huge one. Not sure what we'll do on our upcoming Oceania trip. I'll have my ebook reader to tap on, if I need a fix.

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I loved having the free internet. I sent an almost daily recap of our trip to family and friends. When we weren't touring etc I could be in our cabin working on the internet and looking out the windows at the ocean when it is too chilly to be on the balcony. I am retired so my time on the internet is strictly personal enjoyment.

I was happy to NOT have internet when i was still working as that gave me a reason not to stay in touch with work.

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Rally, it sure beats the alternative, "staying home and taking care of business", doesn't it?


Yep. I don't understand folks who disparage this. 20 years ago it couldn't happen. 10 years ago aboard the PG we watched a man, every morning, trying not to be overheard on the fan deck as he talked with his people back home on a sat phone. Now, we can process orders, manage inventory and personell, etc. while enjoying the rest of the day and evening. Any day fishing is better than . . . .

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I sure don't disparage it, having had another life back when, at another time. It was in my blood, as it is yours.


Isn't it "a bad day at sea is better than a good day at the office"? lol, works especially when you are "connected". Especially for those who cannot just "get lost".

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Aloha SwellDame,


Thanks for posting the video--really powerful, short message. I seem to always be saying to one employee or another something like "it seems like our devices keep getting smarter while we just get dumber!"


No offense meant to anyone by my post above asking about the value of free internet as an SSS perk, just a comment on how crucial this service seems to be to many CC posters.


We have an online retail business as well as bricks and mortar retail and wholesale businesses, so I use the Internet everyday at home. However, I have to say that forcing myself to stay mostly away from it for most of our trip last year was just fantastic! (and I hope to do the same this year when we sail the Voyager in October).


Aloha from Hanalei,



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This has been an interesting discussion. Here is another take on this discussion.

Though I am retired, I am financially responsible for an elderly, infirm Aunt who lives in another state - I have to OK all medicine changes, pay bills, monitor accounts, etc for her so since I get all bills etc., electronically I can manage things even if away for several weeks, just via the internet! For me it is a wonderful thing - allows hubby and me to get away while still managing responsibilities.....thank you Regent! Happy Sails to You.

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This has been an interesting discussion. Here is another take on this discussion.

Though I am retired, I am financially responsible for an elderly, infirm Aunt who lives in another state - I have to OK all medicine changes, pay bills, monitor accounts, etc for her so since I get all bills etc., electronically I can manage things even if away for several weeks, just via the internet! For me it is a wonderful thing - allows hubby and me to get away while still managing responsibilities.....thank you Regent! Happy Sails to You.


Maybe it wasn't The Love Boat that transformed cruising from the near-exclusive domain of the "newly wed and nearly dead" into what it is today but rather satelite access to the internet. On lines without included internet access, I remember to check the price of ship-to-shore phone calls when tempted to complaing about internet access charges :)

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We had an emergency at home - an attempted break in at our office, back before phone time was included on Regent. This is also before you could use your cell phone at sea. My employee had emailed me and I had to call home. That short call was well over $100.00. We too have had loved ones to care for even when we traveled. It would be nice to just be able to not deal with some things that happen, but, we are lucky to have the ability to call/email any time/any where.

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I, too, like to do the daily updates and photo uploads for friends and family back home. That said, the WiFi aboard Mariner last week was pitiful, even for shipboard connectivity. I expect slow connections, but we were constantly getting dropped, uploads would get interrupted, and the signal was marginal if we moved anywhere in our suite. The incessant login was a headache, and frankly, I didn't take advantage of it like I could have...


I don't want to add fuel to the "Internet good/Internet bad" debate, but if you're going to advertise free internet as a perk, then for God's sake make it usable...


I'll hope it improves shortly, as there was a team abord supposedly finishing up a half million dollar 'upgrade' - whether this addresses wifi connectivity or not is still anyone's guess.

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I can do without the super speedy uploads for photos, etc. but I do agree -especially if it is offered as a 'perk' to folks continuing to cruise on Regent-the speed should be adequate at worst and very good at best - I, too have paid small fortune to get on internet at sea and had one connection take 4 minutes of the time I was paying for just to get to the log in page I needed - that is truly frustrating - BUT, on our upcoming trip if it is slow I will just have to prioritize time - we had slow internet on ship in New Zealand and Australia so I simply took my laptop with me a few times, followed the crew of the ship to McDonalds and zipped right through the stuff I needed to do - SAD BUT TRUE - Mickey D's has free wifi all over the world and most appreciated! Burger King in New Zealand had the free wifi (bur the whopper was $10 US!!!!). If you need to connect you need to connect - would be sort of sad to have to exit a Regent ship to visit McDonalds or Burger King for something Regent is offering as a perk IMHO. Just saying.....Happy Sails to You!

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I can do without the super speedy uploads for photos, etc. but I do agree -especially if it is offered as a 'perk' to folks continuing to cruise on Regent-the speed should be adequate at worst and very good at best - I, too have paid small fortune to get on internet at sea and had one connection take 4 minutes of the time I was paying for just to get to the log in page I needed - that is truly frustrating - BUT, on our upcoming trip if it is slow I will just have to prioritize time - we had slow internet on ship in New Zealand and Australia so I simply took my laptop with me a few times, followed the crew of the ship to McDonalds and zipped right through the stuff I needed to do - SAD BUT TRUE - Mickey D's has free wifi all over the world and most appreciated! Burger King in New Zealand had the free wifi (bur the whopper was $10 US!!!!). If you need to connect you need to connect - would be sort of sad to have to exit a Regent ship to visit McDonalds or Burger King for something Regent is offering as a perk IMHO. Just saying.....Happy Sails to You!


Why do so many people have trouble understanding that a ship is differen than a land-based location? Ships use satelites, not land lines or wifi, to connect to the internet and place ship to shore phone calls. There is no other option. This mehod is both slower and more costly, but the only option. The ship's location, even weather, can have an effect on speed. So can the number of people trying to access at any given time.


And next time, follow most of the crew . . . They will be going to a bar or cafe that offers free wifi, rather than buying Whoppers in foreign lands :)

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I can do without the super speedy uploads for photos, etc. but I do agree -especially if it is offered as a 'perk' to folks continuing to cruise on Regent-the speed should be adequate at worst and very good at best - I, too have paid small fortune to get on internet at sea and had one connection take 4 minutes of the time I was paying for just to get to the log in page I needed - that is truly frustrating - BUT, on our upcoming trip if it is slow I will just have to prioritize time - we had slow internet on ship in New Zealand and Australia so I simply took my laptop with me a few times, followed the crew of the ship to McDonalds and zipped right through the stuff I needed to do - SAD BUT TRUE - Mickey D's has free wifi all over the world and most appreciated! Burger King in New Zealand had the free wifi (bur the whopper was $10 US!!!!). If you need to connect you need to connect - would be sort of sad to have to exit a Regent ship to visit McDonalds or Burger King for something Regent is offering as a perk IMHO. Just saying.....Happy Sails to You!


Just thinking about going to McDonalds in some remote place in the world makes me hungry:) Actually, I only eat there when outside the U.S. Back to the subject....... agree that internet at sea is slow. Rumor has it that within a couple of years it will be as fast as on land -- looking forward to that. In the meantime, if you go online very early in the morning or very late at night, the connection is generally better. On sea days or when most passengers are on board is the worst time.


Following the crew to a local place is a great idea -- good suggestion for others. Keep in mind that once you have 21 nights on Regent, your internet will be "free" -- still slow but free.

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Why do so many people have trouble understanding that a ship is differen than a land-based location? Ships use satelites, not land lines or wifi, to connect to the internet and place ship to shore phone calls. There is no other option. This mehod is both slower and more costly, but the only option. The ship's location, even weather, can have an effect on speed. So can the number of people trying to access at any given time.


And next time, follow most of the crew . . . They will be going to a bar or cafe that offers free wifi, rather than buying Whoppers in foreign lands :)

Rally - I think most of us understand that the connection will be slow and uploads will be glacial, but I think the biggest complaint was getting connected in the first place. Signal strength in our suite last month was abysmal, usually only one bar, and if you moved, you'd lose that. And the login/authentication process is cumbersome and poorly designed. They should have an authentication server on board so you can at least authenticate - if they had one, it was painfully slow.


I think we can all live with slow connections, but for the love of God, make them easier to establish and more stable - THAT'S my major complaint...

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