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Smoking Thread from a little different point of view


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The small percentage of people where I work who still smoke go outside 4-5 times a day for 15 min at a time. A lot of non-smokers have complained about that because not only are they getting breaks that none of us are, they aren't working as many hours, but being paid their full time salary all because they have a habit. If I got up and disappeared every couple of hours for 15-20 minutes, my boss would not be thrilled. Just a viewpoint of what smoking costs everyone involved.


My boss in my small company will not hire smokers at all because of this very reason. We used to have smokers, and during the middle of an important project, they would leave for 15 minutes at least 6 times a day. That is an hour and a half of people not working while they were being paid. The smokers would also be the last ones in at the morning, and the first ones out because they needed their fix.

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Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this!


You go!! I quit 30 years ago and I was a 3 pack a day girl. Personally, I don't agree with all the "no smoking" crap that is going on, but if it makes you quit, you totally have my support!!

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My father quit after 50 years when his doctor said he had a precancerous condition on his tongue, and if he didn't stop, they'd have to remove part of his tongue.


I can still remember his complaint that he could now taste food for the first time in years. I should've asked him if my stepmother's cooking was good or bad :)


And the reason I say stepmother is my mother also smoked, and she died at age 54 of lung cancer. I can still remember her telling us kids to not start smoking, and to this day I have never even tried a cigarette. And none of my brothers and sisters smoke.


You can do it!!!!

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I had the same issue when I quit smoking 21 years ago. I had just graduated from law school and that was when the bans on smoking indoors just started. I knew I could not start out in a law firm as a young associate running outside for a smoke every 20-30 minutes (or less if stressed). So, like you I bit the bullet and quit cold turkey. Very hard to do, but I did it! I knew I could never pick up another cigarette or I would go right back to smoking like a chimney...so never did. 20 years later, still no smoking! This can be done...I just told myself that no one ever died from NOT smoking a cigarette and eventually the cravings and desire dissipated...hang in there!

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Congratulations on your decision to stop smoking. Like you I quit drinking 12 years ago...one of the best decisions I ever made. Love your humor in your opening post. All the best to you. One day at a time......

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My dad who smoked 2 packs a day quit cold turkey in 1990. The reason? My brother who was 15 years older than me at the time always scolded my dad about smoking, committed suicide for many reasons we still don't know about. My dad who is now 82 and still rather healthy did it as a tribute to him and has never smoked another cigarette since. Guess that is the only thing good that came out of that.

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I was a smoker for 36 years and have now been a former smoker for 7+ years. Knew for a while that I had to quit, but saw so many people quit, go back, quit, go back . . . and I did not want to be defeated, so I waited until I was genuinely ready, as I only wanted to do this once. As hard as it was, I actually thought it would be harder. The biggest and only tip I can give you is to try to deviate from your routine to try to avoid the "triggers". I had long ago given up smoking in the car and even my own home, so no problem there. Coffee in the morning was a hard one - switch to tea!


I must be honest, I enjoyed every cigarette I had ever smoked and still do miss the comfort and relaxation of sitting down with a cup of coffee or iced tea and a smoke. Food tasted the same to me before I quit as it does now. I am, however, very happy to be a former smoker vs. a smoker.


Stick with it, you'll be happier and more proud of yourself in the end.

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Good for you, the reason you quit is not important. You have already made a courageous decision. There have been some very good tips posted. I quit 17 yrs. ago. I used the patch and gum. I smoked 4 to 5 packs a day,believe me it can be done. I had a terrible cough,I told myself it was allergies. Two weeks after I quit the cough was gone.

Six people where I worked quit because of me. They figured if I could, they could, that made me happy. One year after I quit I took the family to Disney World with some of the savings. I did gain about 20 lbs. but it fell off after a year or so. I probably would never have went on my first cruise if I still smoked because I would have to run around constantly to find a place to smoke (remember 4 to 5 packs).

It is one of the best things I did for me and my family. I run half marathons now and it feels great to be able to do that after smoking that much. I hope your are successful, it looks like you are off to a good start, hang in there and take it one day at a time.

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Well I have gotten fed up with all these smoking laws and rules! There are less and less places for me to smoke! I live in Illinois and there is no smoking in any indoor places. I attend a lot of High School sports and there is no smoking on any school property. So if I want a smoke I have to leave the school premises have my smoke then pay again to get into the game. I also have season tickets for The Chicago White Sox, my tickets are in the 500 level upper deck. If I want a smoke I have to walk down 5 stories to Gate 5 and have a smoke and at least I can take the Escalators back up if the are still running. As of January 1, 2014 my company is banning smoking in all of the company vehicles. Now Royal Caribbean is banning smoking on balconies and all indoor venues with the exception of the casino. Well that was the final straw! I throw my hands up and surrender. I figured I could quit going to restaurants, sporting events, theaters, shopping, cruises and I could quit my job. Then I could smoke in my backyard whenever I wanted to. Instead I decided to Quit Smoking after 40 years. Today was day 3 of no cigarettes. I am tired of having to find ways to smoke, I felt like I was back in high school trying to sneak a smoke. Not the price or health effects have ever made me want to quit. But I really am tired of finding places to smoke. I really hope I quit and stay quit and make my life less complicated. I stopped drinking 21 years ago so I think I can do this. To all the smokers I do promise that if I do quit I will not be one of those ex smokers that we all hate. Please don't wish me luck but wish me the courage to help me through this!





DH quit after 30 years with the help of his doctor. We all know it's not easy and you must have the motivation. I would rather say.....


I am very proud of you.

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Sending prayers and good wishes your way.


3 days that is awesome....might be more by now haven't been through the pages. I hope you are still going strong.


Remember not only 1 day at a time....1 minute at a time. And you just have to get through today!!


You are giving yourself and your family a wonderful gift.

I'm proud of you....Not easy to do. It will be the hardest and best thing you have ever done for yourself.


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congratulations! and I give you courage to continue. I believe ex-smokers have more empathy for smokers and smoking issues. I quit after smoking 30 years, 17 years ago. I went to a one on one hypnotist. I didn't have a hard time (I was ready to quit). I did however develop allergies and the colognes/perfumes made me go into allergy attacks. I also became very sensitive to dyes (I can only use dye free detergent/softeners). It was as if the smoking masked these problems.

I am however glad I quit. As you said, I don't have to "find" a place to smoke, and the cost is terrible.

You can dddoooo it! you'll be glad you did in the long run! I am!

Unfortunately, my husband still smokes, has tried several times and still smokes (he's not ready). So until he does, no more RCI. Maybe he'll quit so we can start RCI.

And to all you non smokers that never smoked, please be considerate of those who have smoked and quit and also to those who do smoke. You have vices that too bother others. Everyone puts there pants on one leg at a time and no one is perfect! (and go easy on the perfumes/colognes). Sorry for the long post.

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You can do it, my husband did both one at a time. He was a 4pk a day smoker working in a tobacco plant and made up his mind and quite cold turkey about 15+ years ago. He has been sober for around 40 years. He says just do one day at a time. Good luck-we are all proud of you for doing it.

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You can do it, my husband did both one at a time. He was a 4pk a day smoker working in a tobacco plant and made up his mind and quite cold turkey about 15+ years ago. He has been sober for around 40 years. He says just do one day at a time. Good luck-we are all proud of you for doing it.


Odd thing, although most smokers smell like a dirty ash tray to me, and I can't handle second hand smoke (a little asthma goes a long way) I love the smell of cured tobacco. In Richmond some nights you could smell the tobacco from the tobacco plant across the river. On a trip to Nassau we toured a custom cigar maker and the walk in humidor - smelled wonderful. Go figure.

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I totally know how you feel! This change in policy is, strangely, the one thing that looks like it'll push me to quit. It's like I've just had enough and I'm tired of having this one thing control so many of my decisions. Our problem is that there are two of us in the house...and we're both smokers...so choosing a date to do it together is proving to be a bit of a negotiation. But our goal is to have it behind us by the time we leave on our Panama Canal cruise in April...and to have it far enough behind us that we're not having cravings the whole trip.


I wish you much luck!

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Thanks for all the tips! None yet! My 3 granddaughters are spending the night. I did not tell my wife that I was going to try quitting, but I think she is on to me seeing how I have not gone outside to smoke! lol


How are you doing? I hope it is starting to get easier.



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Congrats! I "quit" more times than I can remember. Finally did it a few years ago with the help of Chantix. It was great. Good Luck!!


But I still think smokers should have areas to smoke on a ship. Come on, people, give the smokers some space!

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I would love to stop smoking, and did once when my grandson was coming, (13 years ago) but I gained 40 lbs) so now, I want so much to stop but I keep thinking ok now your going to gain 40 more lbs, so that little voice in my head wont let me stop.


I do want to stop, lost a sister to lung cancer, and she was only 53. So yes I need to stop, but I have tried everything, and I always go back for the smoke.


I wish you the best, and maybe if you can do it, I will try again. I just turned 60 so don't know if its going to make a big difference at this point. I for sure have the want to, but no will power,


Good Luck, post again so I know if you made it.


You can do it. I did. I had a heart attack 3 months ago and have not smoked

since. I am 54.

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