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World Voyage with a 5-year Old


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I was wondering about school but know so many children are home schooled these days I imagine that is an option.

It would be good, but not likely, if there were at least a few children with which the little girl could socialize. She must

miss being with children her age.





She would be, at most, in 1st grade (she's pre-k now). She's in private school and the administrators have no problems with her travelling the globe as long as she "makes a presentation" about her travels when she returns. She's an only child as does very well playing by herself for hours and hours (i.e. puzzles, drawing, baby tea parties, etc.), as long as there is someone close by. I guess I will have a better idea in April when we do our 26-day, then another 26-day in August (if the first 26 -day goes well, of course!). :)

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Thanks for the "inside" info Gary. That would be my teen, we are boarding the Asian/pacific cruise tomorrow. We were curious if there would be any other teens on board, as well as if they would provide any teen activities just for him. Great to know they are not only expecting him, but will provide some programs as well.


CI6674, as for taking your child, I'm of the same thinking as you. Life is short, enjoy your travels and the gift of experiencing expanded cultures that you'll give your daughter.


You know, it's so true. When we're young, time really isn't much of an issue. However, with every passing day, I realize my time on this planet is finite. I guess mortality kind of snuck up on me and now it's staring back at me in the mirror. I want her to have these memories when I'm gone and she can remember some of the things she did with her Mom when she's an adult and has her own children. I also hope these travels open her eyes (so to speak) and make her more of a global thinker when she matures!

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We are about to head off on a 41 night Seattle to Auckland cruise with a 5 and an 8 year old. HAL wouldn't tell us how many other kids are onboard so I am guessing zero. They have told us (in writing) that Club HAL will be open though.


I'll let you know more once we get onboard next Sun!

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We are about to head off on a 41 night Seattle to Auckland cruise with a 5 and an 8 year old. HAL wouldn't tell us how many other kids are onboard so I am guessing zero. They have told us (in writing) that Club HAL will be open though.


I'll let you know more once we get onboard next Sun!


That would be wonderful! Have a great cruise.

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I just hope your little one remembers these fabulous experiences when she is older. When our grandsons were little we did some amazing things with them, introduced them to places and thing they would never have otherwise experienced (I had a year off work, so was able to do this). Now I sometimes mention something (they are 22 and 19 now) and they look at me blankly:(

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I just hope your little one remembers these fabulous experiences when she is older. When our grandsons were little we did some amazing things with them, introduced them to places and thing they would never have otherwise experienced (I had a year off work, so was able to do this). Now I sometimes mention something (they are 22 and 19 now) and they look at me blankly:(



:o I am the same way.

My family did some travel when my sister and I were young but I have almost no memory of any of it. Sad. My only memories are those I know were told to me through the years but no first hand memory.


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I just hope your little one remembers these fabulous experiences when she is older. When our grandsons were little we did some amazing things with them, introduced them to places and thing they would never have otherwise experienced (I had a year off work, so was able to do this). Now I sometimes mention something (they are 22 and 19 now) and they look at me blankly:(


That might happen, but I'll certainly remember! Moreover, I write (in my spare time), so she'll have the gift of a travel "novella" (with photos) Mom will "bequeath" to her. :)

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That might happen, but I'll certainly remember! Moreover, I write (in my spare time), so she'll have the gift of a travel "novella" (with photos) Mom will "bequeath" to her. :)


Perfect! You are very fortunate to be able to do this, so grab it with both hands and make the most of it. You only live once:).

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:o I am the same way.

My family did some travel when my sister and I were young but I have almost no memory of any of it. Sad. My only memories are those I know were told to me through the years but no first hand memory.



Fortunately, back in those days we had real photos (not just on the computer or phone!) so when each of my grandsons graduated high school, I made a photo collage (a lot of cutting and pasting, not through a software programme!) about 24x24, and framed it, for each of them. Many of the photos were of our travels during their childhood. They pored over it, and I was able to relive those times by telling them where we were, what they were doing, etc.


BTW, I am most definitely not a craft person, so this was truly a labour of love:D

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We did the Grand Asia & Australia voyage last year (at this time!)

There was a 4-year old boy, and two sisters, 3 & 5??, who were traveling with their respective parents, and the boy's grandparents as well. They participated in the kids club almost every sea day. I don't know the specific activities, but I know from talking to both sets of parents that they were extremely pleased with the program, and the kids really liked their activities. There didn't seem to be too much repetition. We would see them about the ship with the counselors, just having a great time.

We spent a lot of time with the little boy & his family on excursions, and of course everyone was just in love with him. He was treated like a rock star during our stop in Korea. Korean school girls would catch sight of him and start screaming and running to have their pictures taken with him. He handled it like a pro!

(they also gathered & giggled & stared at Mr. Chew as well ... he's very tall, very wasp-looking, and with his white hat & sunglasses I guess he looked very different from most of the men they see. and no, he didn't have anything funny sticking on his back or his hat or anything like that! :p)

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Fortunately, back in those days we had real photos (not just on the computer or phone!) so when each of my grandsons graduated high school, I made a photo collage (a lot of cutting and pasting, not through a software programme!) about 24x24, and framed it, for each of them. Many of the photos were of our travels during their childhood. They pored over it, and I was able to relive those times by telling them where we were, what they were doing, etc.


BTW, I am most definitely not a craft person, so this was truly a labour of love:D


Sounds like something they will cherish!

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We did the Grand Asia & Australia voyage last year (at this time!)


There was a 4-year old boy, and two sisters, 3 & 5??, who were traveling with their respective parents, and the boy's grandparents as well. They participated in the kids club almost every sea day. I don't know the specific activities, but I know from talking to both sets of parents that they were extremely pleased with the program, and the kids really liked their activities. There didn't seem to be too much repetition. We would see them about the ship with the counselors, just having a great time.


We spent a lot of time with the little boy & his family on excursions, and of course everyone was just in love with him. He was treated like a rock star during our stop in Korea. Korean school girls would catch sight of him and start screaming and running to have their pictures taken with him. He handled it like a pro!


(they also gathered & giggled & stared at Mr. Chew as well ... he's very tall, very wasp-looking, and with his white hat & sunglasses I guess he looked very different from most of the men they see. and no, he didn't have anything funny sticking on his back or his hat or anything like that! :p)


I'm interested in the Grand Asia voyages. My daughter is Asian and I would like her to see as many different Asian countries as possible. I also plan to return with her to China for any extended land tour, but HAL's itineraries to that region look marvelous. It's sounds as if the little boy (and Mr. Chew) had a great time!:)

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Have you read the Holland America Club Hal webpage? http://www.hollandamerica.com/cruise-vacation-onboard/Activities.action?tabName=Youth+Programs


"Times may vary based on the number of children on board and staffing..." I take that to mean that Club Hal hours may be shortened when there are few children.


Your cruise plans sound terrific.

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Have you read the Holland America Club Hal webpage? http://www.hollandamerica.com/cruise-vacation-onboard/Activities.action?tabName=Youth+Programs


"Times may vary based on the number of children on board and staffing..." I take that to mean that Club Hal hours may be shortened when there are few children.


Your cruise plans sound terrific.


Yes. That's exactly how I read it, too. Even just a couple hours a day would be lovely for the little girl. She enjoys being with Mommy, but sometimes a little separation is a good thing!:)

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What an incredible gift you are giving to your little girl! And, even if she doesn't remember any of the specific details or adventures in the years to come, it will always give her the gift of 'expansion of knowledge'. Sometimes there are things we do and say later on that are because of the things we observed when we were younger - it all goes to personality building. And travelling is always a positive thing for that!


We had an only child, and we took him everywhere with us and exposed him to whatever we could afford at the time. And it is true that he doesn't remember the specifics when he was younger, as he often used to say to me 'have I been there?' But, today he is an adventurous, well-mannered and confident adult & I know that much of this comes from our family trips and adventures together. And like Startwin, I filled him in with 'pictures' in an album/scrapbook. :-)


Our first cruise was when he was 13, we took him out of school for three weeks (with assignments that had to be done of course) and we did the crossing from Vancouver to Hawaii and around the islands on Princess (the old Island Princess). We realized a day into the cruise that he was the only person under the age of 21 on that ship and with 5 days at sea ahead of us we were a little nervous. But the entertainment & social staff (it was one & the same back in those days) kept him very busy during those 5 days - we didn't know it until later, but they later told us that the 6 of them had been given a mandate before we even embarked (by the captain, no less) to keep the 'young fellow' entertained & happy during the entire 12 day cruise. And they sure did! He was in his glory & got to see a side of the ship that we didn't.


And he certainly loves cruising to this day!

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I wish there were a way to "like" this thread!

First of all, I would like to compliment all who have responded so positively to the OP's request! It is such a misconception that HAL is not a great line for children!

To the OP, what you are doing with your daughter is fantastic! Even if she doesn't remember everything from these travels she will grow so much from them. We have spent seasons in Europe and cruised a lot with our two young children (now ages 4 & 6). My response to people that tell me "You should wait till they are older and will remember it" is always "Why do we do anything for our kids now if they won't remember it?!?"

Also, we have been on longer cruises and on three of them there were less than five kids on board. Club HAL was always open the usual hours. The night before a port day they would sometimes ask if we would be coming to Club HAL the next day. Other than that it was always business as usual and lots of individual attention.

Happy & safe travels to you! Maybe someday our kids will meet up in Club HAL:)

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How absolutely wonderful that you are able to do this with your daughter...my dream is to take a year off and travel around the world with my 3 children. Due to my husband´s work at this point , it isn´t possible. :(


My kids have been taking 14 day cruises since they were little ( then we always do a land portion as well , usually totally 22-23 days all together). We have visited the Med , the Baltics , Antarctica , the Fjords and British Isles and much of South America.


On some of these cruises , the number of children was greatly reduced , as we traveled outside of school vacation periods. There were other kids on board , but not many. My kids loved the extra attention from the staff as they a "rare commodity" . :)


We sailed on a Galapagos cruise which provided no child services (Celebrity Xpedition) and the crew was incredibly kind to the kids. Many of the passengers went out of their way to talk to them and ask them questions.


When they missed school , their teachers asked them to write journals and make a small presentation about their travels.


I believe that travel is the greatest gift we can give our children. I think my children ( who are now ages 9 , 13 and 16 ) are more sensitive and well rounded because of their experiences.


As someone once said "Travel is the only money you spend that makes you richer". Amen.


You daughter is very blessed , have a wonderful cruise.

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Thank you all for your wonderful responses. I'm going to see how she does next April on the 26 day transatlantic/Baltics cruise. If she does well, I'll feel more confident booking one of HAL's grand voyage segments. I do feel HAL has some of the best itineraries out there. The only one that compares is Princess' world cruise, but neither the Ocean or Pacific Princess has a dedicated kid's club (unless a certain amount of children are booked). The other cruise lines don't even come close with their itineraries.


This was my first post on HAL and, I have to say, you guys rock!!!

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I'm interested in the Grand Asia voyages. My daughter is Asian and I would like her to see as many different Asian countries as possible. I also plan to return with her to China for any extended land tour, but HAL's itineraries to that region look marvelous. It's sounds as if the little boy (and Mr. Chew) had a great time!:)


It was a phenomenal cruise, in every sense of the word ... we're thinking about it again for 2016 (we loved being out of the country over the presidential elections; we voted absentee ballots before we left) depending on the exact itinerary. We'd love an exact repeat of the ports, but as long as there are stops in Japan, China, & Australia we'd be happy.

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It was a phenomenal cruise, in every sense of the word ... we're thinking about it again for 2016 (we loved being out of the country over the presidential elections; we voted absentee ballots before we left) depending on the exact itinerary. We'd love an exact repeat of the ports, but as long as there are stops in Japan, China, & Australia we'd be happy.


That's the one I like, too. My daughter's godmother lives in Hong Kong so that port would be wonderful, too. I sometimes dream about the cruises I have yet to take!!!

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I've never cruised HAL before but I've looked at several different cruise lines that have "world" cruises. There are a couple world segments on HAL that interest me. I understand most of these ships don't have a kid's club. I understand that due to the length of the cruises and the fact most paxs are adults. Does anyone have any knowledge of the kid club on the Amsterdam? I don't want to debate the merits of taking a child, etc., but would like to know if Club Hal would keep a 5-year old busy for a few hours every day? Thanks for your responses.:)


I think what you're asking is whether HAL will provide a private sitter/counselor for your 5 year old each day.


There usually are staff members that are trained to do this but IMHO it really would be a push. Particularly since you indicate you are only interested in some segments.


There are no organized children’s activities because there are typically no or only occasionally one or two children on the World Cruise. Last year there was one family but they brought their own tutor with them.


Scott & Karen

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There are no organized children’s activities because there are typically no or only occasionally one or two children on the World Cruise. Last year there was one family but they brought their own tutor with them.



I'd imagine world cruises perhaps are different but we contacted HAL about our upcoming 41 night cruise (Seattle to Auckland) and were told Club HAL would be open. I'm imagining our 5 and 8 year olds will be the only kids on that ship and Club HAL being open was a deciding factor in us booking so I hope they are open!

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