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Dirty conditions on QM2


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I know this isn't correct procedure but just had to write briefly without reading most posts because I'm simply too tired. Instead of a two hour direct flight....ended up with a 9 hr. trip by way of DC because we lost an engine. Since we only had two, I guess they thought that was wise. :)


We were on this trip and I found it flawless simply because this time, for us, it was. I kept hanging my once used towels on the rack and they were replaced anyway. Our service was excellent....both in the dining room and in the cabin. I found the ship to be exactly as it was in May.....beautifully maintained. We learned years ago that they do not Hoover when on Noro watch because of airborne germs.


Food was excellent even in the dreaded KC with many improvements including an afternoon cheese and fruit cart.


I know everyone has a different experience for many legitimate reasons and even though I know I should have waited until I've had more sleep and certainly until I've read all the posts, but I just needed to give credit where credit is due for the fantastic 12 days we had on board. Brigitte




So sorry about your airplane's problem but very happy you are safely home.


Great news that you had such a nice time on your sailing. Sounds like all your husband's planning paid off, eh? :D


Was wondering how it was going for you and very pleased it went so well.


We had the same experience with our towels when we sailed in May. Also our housecoats were always hung perfectly throughout the day. I even tied them up like the steward did but she 'fixed' them to perfection even after that. She was a marvel and spoiled us throughout the trip. Boy, do I miss her now. :D



best regards,


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I cannot conceive that any passenger would pay the prices that we have to pay, have bad service, water leaks, dirty cabin floors and yet are reticent regarding complaining. People who tolerate this - deserve it.


Let me tell you, I don't care who does or says what to me or my wife in terms of service or life on board - they will know about it.


The timid cruisers should get a backbone and COMPLAIN LOUDLY....


I have to disagree with that. You are not taking into account peoples personalities and other life experiences at all. It is good that you feel confident in doing that but others don't. For many reasons. Nothing to do with backbone at all.

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What an interesting thread - both for observations on the ship and observations on human behaviour.....


I ask a few things:


1. As someone who used to work for a package holiday company (and was proud to do so), I beseech people not to complain after the event if they did not do so at the time. The company concerned may or may not react to your satisfaction, but playing 'one-up-manship' after the event is a right royal unhelpful pain in the derriere.


2. Stop sniping at each other - it does none of you any credit.


As for me, I have sailed on all three ships in the current Cunard fleet and have been blessed with excellent service on every trip. I can't really tell if service has deteriorated since my first voyage (QM2 May 2006) as I was wearing rose coloured spectacles on that occasion and have continued to don them ahead of all subsequent embarkations.


My first trip was just that, my maiden voyage: my body was broken and bruised and I fell in love with the ship and the spa and stayed up all night arriving at NY to watch the pilot climb a rope ladder to board the ship; my next, my 40th birthday: a 17-nighter on which I became queen of the ship and also dined with the captain; then the maiden TA on Elizabeth: we shared our newly reconditioned rose tinted specs with my Dad (who joined the 3-Elizabeths club) and I joined a 'secret' line-dancing class; next a last minute TA on Victoria: it completed our Cunard ship-set, and we beat the pub trivia champions on the very day it mattered to the delight of, it seemed, half the ship and; latest a return to the original, the QM2: where limited finances necessitated a low-budget sailing and where I met some lovely people each afternoon as a complete novice with my Christmas gift knitting needles and knit-a-fairy book.


Enduring memories.


I don't doubt that there have been minor issues that I either did not notice, don't or don't care to remember. Nor do I doubt that others have had some bad experiences which I thankfully have been spared. I know that my next trip will be as magical and as unique as each previous crossing - I would not have booked if I thought otherwise - and my rose coloured spectacles look likely to guarantee it.

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...I paid $995 for a BB cabin at almost the last minute. I had lunch with some Australians who paid $4,500 each base price for the same type cabin. They booked a year in advance. This is Cunard's fault. If I can pay a little, I will. It would not make sense to pay more. Cunard chooses this convoluted system to charge people...


I poo-pooed your OP because it was a complete disconnect from my very recent observations. In reading the other posts however there seems to be a vicious circle going on here of amenity cuts due to price cuts. I'm not somebody who has the time to take a last minute voyage. But if I did, I would now wonder if one now has to expect Carnival service for Carnival prices.

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Hi Jimsgirl,


Can I ask (for my next voyage) how long you were delayed when boarding, on your last crossing, by the photographer in the terminal? Serious question, was it 5 seconds as you said "No, thank you" and walked on, or was it several minutes while he/she insisted and argued with you?


Thanks for your help.


I did not walk on, I have limited mobility, I need a wheelchair to get on or off, or to navigate an airport. I do get around the ship, by resting often wherever I can find a seat, or as I prefer to say "I get around from bar to bar" Smile.


The photographer stood in front of me and would not move, the volunteer pushing the chair, had to pull back, turn the chair to the right in order to then push it past . He was upset on my behalf, and told me that the same thing had happened on the previous cruise, and he thought Cunard were very wrong to allow the photographers to operate in this manner.


Yes the photographer was more than a little pushy, calling after me "No photo no ID"


I have done about 50 cruises over the years, my first in l954, with many different lines, but I have never met a more aggravating bunch. It was not only at the terminal, but in the public areas, they blocked so much of the walkway, and in the dining room, it was almost every night, if you said "no thank you" it was "Don't you want to show your friends you were having a good time".


Yes Whitemarsh was correct in pointing out that in a posting I said I wished I had taken the camera and stamped it into pieces, I do not regret saying that, though no doubt it will be repeated time and time again whenever the subject comes up.


Passengers pay many $$$$ to cruise on Cunard, they have a right to board without being accosted, to walk safely through a public area (without cables ,cameras, or backgrounds impeding their way.) Above all to enjoy their meal, and conversation with their table companions, at dinner without harassment.


The wonderful thing about Cunard is the absence of constant reminders to play "Bingo" or "Trivia" or some other event. It is only the photographers at the moment who constantly intrude and harass - it worries me that soon it will be announcements to "buy Bingo tickets" or "Trivia in five minutes in xxx".

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... Passengers pay many $$$$ to cruise on Cunard, they have a right to board without being accosted, to walk safely through a public area (without cables ,cameras, or backgrounds impeding their way.) Above all to enjoy their meal, and conversation with their table companions, at dinner without harassment. ...
Well said, as always, Jimsgirl. You get picked on at lot on this board. Don't let the nitpickers get you down (Illegitimi non carborundum) because they are far outnumbered by your fans.


P.S. Yes, nits, I know the phrase really translates as "the unlawful are not silicon carbide". Just lump it, eh?

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Sadly, something just clicked here. We were in cabin 5104, two cabins down from 5100 and had the same cabin steward...Johnathan. As I had said, our service was just about flawless. Bathroom always clean and shiny and towels replaced after every use even from the rack.....and even though they looked clean and were neatly folded by me. I don't pay much attention to dusting since there is little dust at sea but the surfaces were always wiped clean because there were never any ring marks from cups or glasses. We leave a tidy room but he always knew exactly what should be removed and what we might have use for....which to me means good training. It makes me sad that someone would rate this hardworking, friendly, steward as less than satisfactory.


We all know that everyone can have a totally different experience on the same trip because of different service staff. Well, I'm at a loss to explain this difference in satisfaction from the same cabin steward. I know we all have different expectations but that doesn't explain the difference in certain duties fulfilled by the same person.



I'm surprised the OP didn't comment on the occupants between our cabins because I have never, ever heard that much noise coming from any balcony before. Why people feel the need to speak top volume is beyond me and all of the Korean radio broadcasts.....turned up high......didn't seem to mellow our balcony experience either. I kept wishing that our neighbors would complain about our morning cigarettes but that's not how things usually work. :D


Seasidegal.....I think the robe tying is on their LIST. I would have liked to keep mine on the edge of the sofa but always, dutifully, put it back. :)


Pepper, If I hadn't slept thru the announcements....I would still be in DC trying to find a way home. We were surrounded by ambulances, fire trucks, and foam vehicles. My husband told me that the pilot had smelled smoke and they were just using precautions. I did ask why they decided to just let us sit there for over 20 min if they thought we were on fire.....he wisely decided to just let the Xanax do its job. :D

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I just returned from the 10SEP Canada and New England sailing of the QM2 and I'm quite surprised by the difference in opinions of everyone.


My cabin was spotless. I felt that my cabin steward was always on tops of things. The one day there was a knock at the door and it was our cabin steward requesting per missing to fix a broken tile in the bathroom. Personally, didn't even notice it. The cabin steward must have seen it and reported it. So they chipped out two tiles, replaced and regrouted them.


I constantly saw the staff wiping down handrails, elevator buttons, etc. They even wiped down the door handle to our room. So much so it was slippery when I went to try to open it a few times. So they did it more than just once a day.


I wasn't into a Flautist or Harpist, so those evening shows didn't interest me. Enjoyed the gymnast/cirque du solei style show.


Yes, there were some people that got sick. With a common stomach bug. When you have almost 2500 guests plus staff on a enclosed environment, there's no surprise that it gets passed around. Even with precautions. I felt Cunard and the staff of the QM2 did a good job trying to contain it as best as possible. Yes, it meant forever putting my hand out for a squirt of sanitizer as I walked into the Kings Court, or past the Golden Lion, but if it was to help keep me from getting what was going around, I was fine with it.


With the exception of the morning fog in Bar Harbor, I thought we had exceptional sailing weather. It was my first time on the QM2 and I was surprised on how smooth the voyage was.



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Sadly, something just clicked here. We were in cabin 5104, two cabins down from 5100 and had the same cabin steward...Johnathan. As I had said, our service was just about flawless. Bathroom always clean and shiny and towels replaced after every use even from the rack.....and even though they looked clean and were neatly folded by me. I don't pay much attention to dusting since there is little dust at sea but the surfaces were always wiped clean because there were never any ring marks from cups or glasses. We leave a tidy room but he always knew exactly what should be removed and what we might have use for....which to me means good training. It makes me sad that someone would rate this hardworking, friendly, steward as less than satisfactory.


We all know that everyone can have a totally different experience on the same trip because of different service staff. Well, I'm at a loss to explain this difference in satisfaction from the same cabin steward. I know we all have different expectations but that doesn't explain the difference in certain duties fulfilled by the same person.



I'm surprised the OP didn't comment on the occupants between our cabins because I have never, ever heard that much noise coming from any balcony before. Why people feel the need to speak top volume is beyond me and all of the Korean radio broadcasts.....turned up high......didn't seem to mellow our balcony experience either. I kept wishing that our neighbors would complain about our morning cigarettes but that's not how things usually work. :D


Seasidegal.....I think the robe tying is on their LIST. I would have liked to keep mine on the edge of the sofa but always, dutifully, put it back. :)


Pepper, If I hadn't slept thru the announcements....I would still be in DC trying to find a way home. We were surrounded by ambulances, fire trucks, and foam vehicles. My husband told me that the pilot had smelled smoke and they were just using precautions. I did ask why they decided to just let us sit there for over 20 min if they thought we were on fire.....he wisely decided to just let the Xanax do its job. :D




My husband likes to leave his robe on the edge of the sofa also, but it just magically re-appeared neatly on the bathroom door. :-)


"...Johnathan....which to me means good training. It makes me sad that someone would rate this hardworking, friendly, steward as less than satisfactory."


That is very odd. :confused:



" My husband told me that the pilot had smelled smoke and they were just using precautions. I did ask why they decided to just let us sit there for over 20 min if they thought we were on fire.....he wisely decided to just let the Xanax do its job"


:D Very wise man.




Thanks for your review and very nice to read you enjoyed your first sailing on the QM2. Glad you enjoyed it.


best regards,


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Sadly, something just clicked here. We were in cabin 5104, two cabins down from 5100 and had the same cabin steward...Johnathan. As I had said, our service was just about flawless. Bathroom always clean and shiny and towels replaced after every use even from the rack.....and even though they looked clean and were neatly folded by me. I don't pay much attention to dusting since there is little dust at sea but the surfaces were always wiped clean because there were never any ring marks from cups or glasses. We leave a tidy room but he always knew exactly what should be removed and what we might have use for....which to me means good training. It makes me sad that someone would rate this hardworking, friendly, steward as less than satisfactory.


We all know that everyone can have a totally different experience on the same trip because of different service staff. Well, I'm at a loss to explain this difference in satisfaction from the same cabin steward. I know we all have different expectations but that doesn't explain the difference in certain duties fulfilled by the same person.



I'm surprised the OP didn't comment on the occupants between our cabins because I have never, ever heard that much noise coming from any balcony before. Why people feel the need to speak top volume is beyond me and all of the Korean radio broadcasts.....turned up high......didn't seem to mellow our balcony experience either. I kept wishing that our neighbors would complain about our morning cigarettes but that's not how things usually work. :D


Seasidegal.....I think the robe tying is on their LIST. I would have liked to keep mine on the edge of the sofa but always, dutifully, put it back. :)


Pepper, If I hadn't slept thru the announcements....I would still be in DC trying to find a way home. We were surrounded by ambulances, fire trucks, and foam vehicles. My husband told me that the pilot had smelled smoke and they were just using precautions. I did ask why they decided to just let us sit there for over 20 min if they thought we were on fire.....he wisely decided to just let the Xanax do its job. :D




Well, here goes. I might as well throw gasoline on this fire. If someone else had Jonathan and he was so wonderful... could it be that he did not like that we are two gay men sharing a cabin? I can not read his mind.


I am a man married to my spouse, a man. (We are two old men.) I never thought of the Philippines (I am assuming that is where he is from) as a liberal place. Maybe that is what was going on.


He lifted towels off the floor in the bathroom and put them on the towel rack. I have never heard of such a thing. He did seem cold but polite.


Of course, I did not give him an extra tip as I usually do. That goes without saying. (We gave exorbitant tips to the wait staff who took care of our diabetic diets.)


That does not excuse the bathroom stain on the carpet in the hall.


I did not hear any noise from the people in between. Room 5100 has a bulkhead in between. I try to get a bulkhead.


The gay thing crossed my mind, but we did not know if this was the cause. We were afraid to say anything because some of the staff seems so sensitive and they might get mad if he were fired or reprimanded.


We might have already gotten him in trouble because he did not leave us a breakfast room service order form one day and we had to call for one.


Throwing my gasoline on this fire...


We were afraid of him.


The Philippines is very Catholic. (I was brought up Catholic.) Maybe he was offended by us. Catholics do indoctrinate people to hate gays. The Pope making comments recently does not erase decades from the recent past.


I did not want to complain because I see people on the ship who complain about every slight thing. This kind of snowballed and we felt locked in, unable to leave. We did not want to make things worse.


I know it seems foolish and cowardly not to have complained but I am old and remember how things were. (not nearly as old as some of the people on the ship.)


Maybe the cultural differences of the staff on Cunard which I never thought of as a negative, having been born and raised in New York City, are just too much for them to be nice to gays. I realize most of the staff are nice. I have met wonderful people there. But the economic situation of running a ship makes them get staff from lower economic situations which do not embrace western liberalism.


BUT, this is totally the fault of the head housekeeper who is supposed to inspect the rooms and obviously did not!

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AND, with the Noro situation on the ship, we feared that he might infect us. Remember the movie, The Help, where she put the "poop" in the pie.


I was putting my personal items, like my night mouth guard, in the safe to prevent that.


Maybe paranoid, but these things happen.

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AND, with the Noro situation on the ship, we feared that he might infect us. Remember the movie, The Help, where she put the "poop" in the pie.


I was putting my personal items, like my night mouth guard, in the safe to prevent that.


Maybe paranoid, but these things happen.



I'm now beginning to think this is a wind-up.

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...The gay thing crossed my mind, but we did not know if this was the cause. We were afraid to say anything because some of the staff seems so sensitive and they might get mad if he were fired or reprimanded.


We might have already gotten him in trouble because he did not leave us a breakfast room service order form one day and we had to call for one.


Throwing my gasoline on this fire...


We were afraid of him.


The Philippines is very Catholic. (I was brought up Catholic.) Maybe he was offended by us. Catholics do indoctrinate people to hate gays. The Pope making comments recently does not erase decades from the recent past.


Wow. Between a rude Commodore as mentioned here, and this latest incident you would be justified in never again booking on Cunard.


As for your religious comment, the Catholic church that I was raised in taught us to hate the sin but love the sinner.

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Wow. Between a rude Commodore as mentioned here, and this latest incident you would be justified in never again booking on Cunard.


As for your religious comment, the Catholic church that I was raised in taught us to hate the sin but love the sinner.


Yes, I guess I will not go on Cunard anymore.


As to the "love the sinner" thing, that was always a good laugh.


wind-up, I had to look it up.

Bob's your uncle.

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As to the "love the sinner" thing, that was always a good laugh.




I'm generally not an apologist for the Catholic Church, but I think the principle is that since we are ALL sinners, we must all love each other :)


Anyway, dencruise, I'm really sorry you didn't get this resolved while you were on-board rather than putting up with dirty towels and bad service. And now the cabin steward in question has had servious allegations made against him on a public forum to which he is unable to respond. These allegations damaged his reputation and might cost him his job. (We have been told that Cunard does read this board.) A total no-win situation for all concerned.

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I'm generally not an apologist for the Catholic Church, but I think the principle is that since we are ALL sinners, we must all love each other :)


Anyway, dencruise, I'm really sorry you didn't get this resolved while you were on-board rather than putting up with dirty towels and bad service. And now the cabin steward in question has had servious allegations made against him on a public forum to which he is unable to respond. These allegations damaged his reputation and might cost him his job. (We have been told that Cunard does read this board.) A total no-win situation for all concerned.

If this steward can be recognised then should we ask that this thread be removed or is this type of behaviour acceptable?


I have no idea of what the truth is but this just feels so wrong

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If this steward can be recognised then should we ask that this thread be removed or is this type of behaviour acceptable?


I have no idea of what the truth is but this just feels so wrong


I totally agree. I happen to work with two Filipinos, both Catholic, both of which display very gay positive attitudes. Posting an employees first name along with the sailing date and cabin number he worked is dangerous while at the same time making an assumption he may be prejudiced due to his nationality and assumed religion.

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Yes, I guess I will not go on Cunard anymore.
Which cruise line will you look at instead of Cunard?
...Anyway, dencruise, I'm really sorry you didn't get this resolved while you were on-board rather than putting up with dirty towels and bad service.
Well said.
And now the cabin steward in question has had servious allegations made against him on a public forum to which he is unable to respond. These allegations damaged his reputation and might cost him his job. (We have been told that Cunard does read this board.)
And that Salacia, is why so many here, myself included, sometimes question "hit and run" complainers (and some long-standing serial moaners who can never find anything good to say about anything).

It is SO easy to come onto a site like this, post negative comments about hard working stewards, crew or senior staff. As you correctly point out, the crew have no way to respond.

Thank you for your wise words.

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Which cruise line will you look at instead of Cunard?

Well said.

And that Salacia, is why so many here, myself included, sometimes question "hit and run" complainers (and some long-standing serial moaners who can never find anything good to say about anything).

It is SO easy to come onto a site like this, post negative comments about hard working stewards, crew or senior staff. As you correctly point out, the crew have no way to respond.

Thank you for your wise words.


I have said many nice things about competent employees on this site (waitstaff and entertainers) and I did not put his name here first.


How is this hit and run? Lash out, maybe?

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I do not think I would worry too much about the cabin steward losing his job as the OP's continuing comments discredits his claims: "the ship is in shambles" to the reference to the movie "The Help." I found it hard to believe no vacuum cleaners were in use, now we know the reason. I believe the story about the towels, maybe there is some sort of protocol about how they are handled in a sick room? -just a thought. Very glad he was able to enjoy some of the trip however and hopefully, whatever ship he goes on next, he will speak up when something is not right and he does not have to encounter the stress of illness on board again. But back to the cabin steward, regular posters will remember the extremely negative comments concerning "Laura" of the entertainment staff on the QE back in March? Happy to report she was still on board the QE as of August.

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Hi Jimsgirl, thank you for taking the time to post your informative response to my question :)

I did not walk on, I have limited mobility, I need a wheelchair to get on or off, or to navigate an airport. I do get around the ship, by resting often wherever I can find a seat, or as I prefer to say "I get around from bar to bar".
Please forgive my error in saying "walked on" as I knew, had I thought, that you do indeed use a wheelchair in certain circumstances, my slip :o , I promise you, it was an oversight (I also have been known, in the days of my youth, to get around from "bar to bar" ;) )
The photographer stood in front of me and would not move, the volunteer pushing the chair, had to pull back, turn the chair to the right in order to then push it past . He was upset on my behalf, and told me that the same thing had happened on the previous cruise, and he thought Cunard were very wrong to allow the photographers to operate in this manner. Yes the photographer was more than a little pushy, calling after me "No photo no ID"
Let me make you a promise Lynn, should something similar happen to me on any of my future voyages, I will not rest until I have spoken to the most senior person I can find on board with responsiblity for the photgraphers (and shoreside if needed). I'll report back to you about my experience.
It was not only at the terminal, but in the public areas, they blocked so much of the walkway, and in the dining room, it was almost every night, if you said "no thank you" it was "Don't you want to show your friends you were having a good time".
Again, I shall be watching and listening for this attitude.


...to walk safely through a public area (without cables ,cameras, or backgrounds impeding their way.) Above all to enjoy their meal, and conversation with their table companions, at dinner without harassment.
I have often wondered why, at the design stage, they didn't build rollers into the ceilings with the backdrops on them, and arrange to have panels in the walls that open to reveal lighting for photographs. There would then be no trailing cables to stick down to the carpet with gaffer tape. Seems simple to me. They knew they would need the facility/revenue. Sign of a poor design to me. Of course, that wouldn't stop them holding people up as they take the picture in the main passageway. As you are in the Chart Room (I think?) pre-dinner, had you thought about using the aft exit from this room and then taking the lift down to Deck 2? That way you can avoid the photographers.

And I agree about dinner, I too find it irritating. However, I've seen many people take advantage (willingly, with a smile) of the photographer's offer.

The wonderful thing about Cunard is the absence of constant reminders to play "Bingo" or "Trivia" or some other event. It is only the photographers at the moment who constantly intrude and harass - it worries me that soon it will be announcements to "buy Bingo tickets" or "Trivia in five minutes in xxx".
And if that day comes, they will lose this passenger for certain.

Thank you again for your reply, I will report back to you after my next voyage.

Best wishes.

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Hi brigitte,

Seasidegal.....I think the robe tying is on their LIST. I would have liked to keep mine on the edge of the sofa but always, dutifully, put it back. :)
On my last crossing, each day I turned one of the chairs on my "in-hull" sheltered balcony so that it faced towards the other chair (sat down there is no view), i.e. in "opposite corners" of the balcony. Each day, despite realising my preference, it was moved back by my excellent cabin steward. I guessed that, had a supervisor inspected his work, they would have assumed that he hadn't done his job correctly.
Pepper, If I hadn't slept thru the announcements....I would still be in DC trying to find a way home. We were surrounded by ambulances, fire trucks, and foam vehicles. My husband told me that the pilot had smelled smoke and they were just using precautions. I did ask why they decided to just let us sit there for over 20 min if they thought we were on fire.....he wisely decided to just let the Xanax do its job. :D
Well I am VERY pleased that it wasn't as serious as it could have been :eek: , and that you're here to tell the tale :) .

Sincere best wishes,

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I have some pictures of the hall wet stain and room floor, but they are not small enough to upload.


Having read all this thread, this is the one thing I cannot get clear in my head. If the water came from the toilet WC then I blame the incumbent of that cabin for continuing to use the flush, which obviously was not working. If the water was from the wash basin, again I blame the incumbent fro not taking the plug out. The only possibility is the water from the shower. With only a smallish lip on the shower of about 2 inches, I could see the possibility of the shower tray overflowing and water entering the cabin, but that would make the cabin carpet soaking wet in the area just inside the door as the toilet door is some 2 feet away from the cabin door. Does seem a little strange, and maybe it would be good if you could reduce the pictures to enable them to be posted here.

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I have said many nice things about competent employees on this site (waitstaff and entertainers) and I did not put his name here first.

How is this hit and run? Lash out, maybe?


dencruise, in post #1, you stated your cabin number and voyage. Did you not realize that those two pieces of infomation are all that Cunard needs to ascertain the cabin steward's name (as well as the name/s of the passengers occupying that cabin)?

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