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Why the negativity?


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I am a newbie and I was nervous about posting a question the first few times because I saw the "go search" or "this has been brought up before. Go look for it" responses. I mean seriously who has time to search through millions of posts? And you are right about the old posts. I posted in a thread (which I searched for) that was from 2010 and several people asked me why I was posting in an old thread. I couldn't win. As a new cruiser, I was so frustrated at that point, I nearly left this board.


But for the most part, people have been really helpful and most have honestly tried to answer my annoying, newbie questions. I really can't wait until I cruise next week. I will post a review of my experience. It is my first but my husband has been on several cruises in the 80's and 90's. I am sure i will get some "eye rolls" from the more experienced cruise critic poster for my freshman-like review. But hey you were all new too.:p



There will be no eyes rolling here! I love hearing about new cruise experiences!

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Just curious -- how do those forums protect their posters from spammers, spybots, and the like? (Good spam filters?) :confused:

Even the smaller forums I've been on discourage the posting of personal info, like last names, e-mail addresses, etc. -- mainly because they have no way of protecting that info. :eek:


I cannot answer your question other than saying I am told the forum's administrators spend a lot of time and effort vetting out new users. As far as my name and personal info, my real name is out there but not my email or any other personal contact info (the sites do have a PM function for members to communicate with each other).

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Cc people have given me invaluable advice many times, and I am very grateful to the people who took their time to give me such helpful advice and information. I mean that sincerely.


As for the sourpusses who take pleasure in belittling and criticizing other people, BAH! I hope they all get stuck together at the same dinner table on some cruise. They deserve each other. (But the poor waitstaff....)

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Ok so I will openly admit that I have made some not so nice posts in my day, and sometimes that was the intention and other times it wasn't. I think that part of the issue is that everyone is different. We have different likes and dislikes, different senses of humor (and some have NO sense of humor). There are some people like me that do not get offended or upset over much, and there are others who get bent out of shape sideways over everything.


When dealing with your friends, you know how to act and speak around them to where you are all comfortable. When dealing with 100,000 strangers, that's considerably more difficult without likely upsetting or offending someone along the way. One thing to remember is that when typing it is sometimes difficult to interpret in what meaning a response was intended


Then again, there are some downright nasty replies to questions, particularly to the questions asked on a daily basis. There are also, sometimes, some ridiculous questions asked.


Many times responses are simply taken out of context, or someone gets upset because they thought a reply meant something that it wasn't intended to. There are also people that analyze every response and sometimes take things in too literal a sense.


I also can't stand the "use the #%^*ing search button" reply. I have also tried using it from time to time and like , as stated earlier, the information is old and possibly outdated, or that you spend hours searching for an answer that may not even exist.


Glad to come across this thread--kind if enlightening.



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I don't like the "use the search" or "read FAQ's" gripe either. When I first found this site I had just booked my first cruise. I was so excited, it didn't even occur to me to search or read faqs. I thought the faqs were to tell you how to use the site, what the buttons were for and so on. I was just excited and asked a lot of questions. As I look back I asked all the question that seem to make people mad. Thank goodness most people were wonderful and gave me great advice. Unfortunately the first mean response to an innocent comment really took the wind out of my sails and made me not come back for a long time.

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I like the idea of a small sign up fee. Certainly would slow down those who come in trying to make a splash and stir things up. Might not be popular with many, but IMO it would be a good idea.


unfortunately some of the rudest comments come from people who have been on here forever and would gladly

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I don't like the "use the search" or "read FAQ's" gripe either. When I first found this site I had just booked my first cruise. I was so excited, it didn't even occur to me to search or read faqs. I thought the faqs were to tell you how to use the site, what the buttons were for and so on. I was just excited and asked a lot of questions. As I look back I asked all the question that seem to make people mad. Thank goodness most people were wonderful and gave me great advice. Unfortunately the first mean response to an innocent comment really took the wind out of my sails and made me not come back for a long time.


As for the "use the search" thing it also depends on how it's said. There was another thread I replied to tonight where someone wanted a photo of something. I said that I don't have a photo and don't know how to post photos, but then politely suggested to try searching in the XYZ forum and they might be able to find it, but I did preface it with "sorry, I can't help with a photo," not just "use the search function stupid" replies that we see a lot of....



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Most of the negativity I've observed in the short time I've been a member came from posters who displayed some sense of entitlement because they've frequented this board for 20 years and have gazillion posts. WHO CARES? It come across as very insecure. If the barometer of your happiness in life is proudly displaying you are the King or Queen of CC, that's kind of sad IMO. I love the seasoned posters who happily share info and wish cruisers well without the flaming or shaming. I'm so not afraid of confronting those who engage in that kind of behavior, especially acting like some kind of keyboard thug. I don't care who you are in your daily life and who you boss around. Don't come to an Internet forum and try that with me. Sometimes ignoring people equates to enabling them and their inappropriate behavior. The moderators are here for a reason. I'd never in a million years allow anyone to chase me off a forum because they can't play nice on the playground. They'd leave before I do!

Edited by trixiegal
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I agree with the OP and that's why my signature is what it is! I try to remain positive. I didn't know about the ignore list. I'll keep it in mind! Thanks!


I always enjoy reading it. Thank you


Well, that was worth opening up the Profile to read the signature!


I have everybody's signature set to Do Not Display; mainly because I was DEVOURING pages of good CC info before my first cruise and it just saved time and scrolling! I didn't feel a loss from not seeing the 'pedigrees.'

A second benefit was not seeing the occasional long-rant-in-a-sig anymore.

I hope my one-liner Fashion Statement Quote down there doesn't upset anyone :p It has drawn out some new friends!

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My very first post on CC (years 'n' years ago) was to ask about dress code on formal night. :eek::eek::eek:


The first response was just nasty, but after that, some folks chimed in with some good advice and I figured out quickly who to ignore.


I only cruise once every few years, normally, so I post a lot right after a cruise, just to help. Then, go dormant 'til the next one. But, I always appreciate those who post with a good and happy attitude.

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My very first post on CC (years 'n' years ago) was to ask about dress code on formal night. :eek::eek::eek:


The first response was just nasty, but after that, some folks chimed in with some good advice and I figured out quickly who to ignore.


I only cruise once every few years, normally, so I post a lot right after a cruise, just to help. Then, go dormant 'til the next one. But, I always appreciate those who post with a good and happy attitude.


Wow -- you are an "old-timer" with a low post count! ;)

Hope to see you around more. BTW -- love your screen name -- sounds like there's a story behind it. :cool:

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Wow -- you are an "old-timer" with a low post count! ;)

Hope to see you around more. BTW -- love your screen name -- sounds like there's a story behind it. :cool:


I've been around since dial-up. LOL!


You are correct on the screen name. My DH is a great mountain biker. He actually used to design trails, race, etc. So, in an effort to understand his hobby, I got a mountain bike and he taught me to ride. Er, um... attempted to do so. OH MY. I am the most spastic person in the universe. I have no idea what I was thinking. I still have the HUGE scars to prove it. :eek:

The day I signed up for cruise critic, he had tried to teach me how to use the clipless pedals. I did great in them, and it was so much easier to pedal. One small problem... I could never click out when I stopped, so I just fell over. Every. Single. Time.:o:o


Interesting side note, I actually just had to exit myself from thread on here for the negativity (or as I like to think of it, the nastiness factor). I chimed in on a seemingly innocuous topic, and got blasted by someone. My job is very stressful and I deal with angry people who possess little to no coping skills all day. So, I choose to not engage with people like that. My home time is my down time, I won't let someone who has to get their frustration out via keyboard draw me in.

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Boy oh boy did I just have to bite my tongue. Hard. The Government shutdown seems to have brought out the nastiness in people, almost as much as a smoking thread. :p I've been a Federal employee for 23 years and work extremely hard at my job. Eight hours fly by every day because I am just going going going nonstop. I can't believe the number of posts I've seen on threads relating to this issue that just slam federal employees, some are truly mean spirited and nasty. I've found that in general, people who put down civil servants (federal, state, local, doesn't matter) usually have NO CLUE what it is we really do because they haven't bothered to ask. I guess it makes them feel better about their own sorry lives to put down other people :(


I don't see why politics needs to be discussed on a cruise board anyway. Fine to ask if it directly affects cruising in some way, but most of the comments are pretty far off track.




edit: Well, tongue biting didn't last long. I was too mad :o

Edited by Cruzin-K
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I think the biggest contributing factor is that people are able to hide behind their computer and say, within reason, almost anything they want. There are others who are just plain irritating and subversive and tend to bring out the worst in other posters. I have never hit the ignore switch on anyone but with a few I do my best to just pass over their posts. That all said, in the main people who contribute to forums on are good people and provide some excellent advice and information.:)


Agreed. In fact, I could gave written this myself.


JMO, but the internet, and CC, seems to be full of people with serious insecurities. Something isn't right when you take a negative comment about a inanimate business personally, as if it's an insult on them.

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Agreed. In fact, I could gave written this myself.


JMO, but the internet, and CC, seems to be full of people with serious insecurities. Something isn't right when you take a negative comment about a inanimate business personally, as if it's an insult on them.


Well, I guess I'm still guilty of negativity :o I do take negative comments about federal employees personally. I exercised a lot of restraint in the post I just put on the "ocean closing" thread. If I'd said what I really wanted to I'd probably have received a warning at the very least. :o It's not like the individual employees made that decision - it came from above and they are just doing their jobs by patrolling the waters.


I guess that's not the same as what I was talking about in my OP, which is people slamming others for asking innocent questions but I wish I could have just ignored it. I never thought I'd have to be wary of political posts on CC.

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On of my first posts on my first cruise was a question about a fee on board. Some "expert, lifelong cruiser" chimed in and was really a ****. Figured everyone on this forum was, but like anywhere else out of the thousands of great helpful folks, there is that percentage of just bad eggs.

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On of my first posts on my first cruise was a question about a fee on board. Some "expert, lifelong cruiser" chimed in and was really a ****. Figured everyone on this forum was, but like anywhere else out of the thousands of great helpful folks, there is that percentage of just bad eggs.


I think some people like to chime in and get their post count up, without being really helpful. I can think of one particular poster who chimes in on almost every single thread out there, and just posts one time and one time only, and won't respond if addressed directly. :rolleyes:


If you stick around and continue to post and ask questions, you'll figure out who the instigators are quickly enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

if you haven't noticed it there is a little triangle with an exclamation point at the top right corner of posts - if you think there is offensive intent or if you object to a response, clicking on that triangle reports the posting - it probably helps the moderator a lot to have this brought to their attention. They can delete posts or entire threads for negativity.

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I think the people who are snarky want to feel superior.

Chances are they can't do that at home or at work and they can here.


Others are just snarky in general.


I myself fall in the latter category. :rolleyes:


My sense of humour just gets away from most people :o

Hence, I have made a few posts I should have either left unwritten or phrased differently and as a consequence I've gotten into a flame war.

Serves me right, really.


I never mean to hurt anyone, I'm just trying to present another point of view but with some people it's fruitless.

I have a few people on my ignore list because they can too easily provoke me into trying to be funny... and then there's another flame war waiting for me. :(


Then there are some people who just seem crazy.

A member posted on the Beauty and Fashion Board about a beauty treatment being stupid and my response was:

"Can you tell us what is so stupid about it?"


The poster went completely berserk in several posts because I had been so sarcastic.

Now that was a scary thread.

I still get nervous when I see that person posting :eek:

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Ok, so I have one minor thing to add, and that while yes, there are some snarky comments made (myself included), I don't understand why some people take everything that is said in the wrong context or as a personal attack. What has this world become where so many people are uber-sensitive over things. Not everything ever said is meant as a personal attack on anyone.


I can completely understand if a person picks out "Joe Blow" and directly calls them an insulting name or something, but I sometimes wonder of some people simply have guilty consciences over various things.


I have to admit that sometimes when I write something, it may not always come across the way it was intended. I, myself, get offended over very little on life, so when I say things sometimes, people take offense to something although no offense was ever intended


That being said, I do hope that people who do get easily offended may stop to realize that in reality, there may have not been any offense intended



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I've noticed over the years that certain posters on Cruise Critic seem to make it their sole purpose in life to put other people down, and criticize them. No matter how innocent the question, they find it necessary to be rude and condescending. If someone asks a simple question about flying in the day of the cruise, the Negative Nancys (NN's) will insult them and say that it's a stupid idea and they hope the OP misses their cruise (how rude). If someone asks if a certain outfit is appropriate for formal night, the NN's will say that they wear shorts to dinner and anyone who dresses up is an idiot. If someone is new to the boards and asks about things most of us already know, the NN's will say to use the search feature and stop bothering us. I don't know but I kind of feel bad for the people in the "real" lives of these folks who are always so negative about EVERYTHING. It's difficult to be around people like that, I think. I'm not talking about people who respectfully disagree with a post, I'm talking about the insulting, rude, nasty posts that certain people write on here. Easy to do when you're hiding behind a computer screen I suppose. :rolleyes:


After being on CC for nine years, I finally had enough tonight and put someone on ignore, and will do that again in the future if I notice a pattern of negativity from other posters. Yes, it made me feel better knowing that my little corner of CC will be less antagonistic.


People come here looking for advice, and more often than not, at least one or two people on each thread manage to be rude.


If you can't say something nice, or at least helpful, why bother posting? Just to hear yourself speak and get your post count up? :confused:


I've noticed the same thing :( I actually was looking something up for an excursion to a port we are going to and one person posted his/her opinion (which I thought was valid) and another person just outright attacked the original poster!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! I read the thread to my husband and he just shook his head. Sometimes I wonder if people are on here to start an argument rather than be helpful....it is really a shame :(

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My very first post on CC (years 'n' years ago) was to ask about dress code on formal night. :eek::eek::eek:


The first response was just nasty, but after that, some folks chimed in with some good advice and I figured out quickly who to ignore.


I only cruise once every few years, normally, so I post a lot right after a cruise, just to help. Then, go dormant 'til the next one. But, I always appreciate those who post with a good and happy attitude.


Had the very same thing happen to me!

I learned to use the ignore feature quickly.

I appreciate all the good information I see here, but, I dont post very often.

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Here is a great quote:

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

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Here is a great quote:

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy.


That's a very good and inspirational quote!



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