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No-children travellers perspective of children on cruises???


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Thank you to everyone for your comments :) Making me even more excited about our cruise!!!


I think we will be using the Adventure Ocean kids club on one of the evening so that we can eat late and stay up to do some of the adult things (Quest, Love and Marriage...etc)....will probably do it on the formal night.


Then we will use the Adventure Ocean for one of the slots for a day that we are at sea so that we can go in the Solarium or go shopping.


Other than that we are looking forward to spending lots of time with them. We run a business so don't get to spend a lot of time with them which is quite often the downside to having your own business.


There's quite a few things that people have mentioned that I think we would have controlled once we were there....but had not thought of in advance, but now I can speak to the kids about it in advance :)


Looking forward to raising the next generation of cruisers!!!!

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Kids that have parents that are completely ignoring their bad behavior irritate me, but if the kids actions are directly effecting me I will say something to them. I am a very strict parent to our 6 year old, as is my husband, and I am intolerant to kids who are unruly and have parents that do not care. However on another note. The grownups that irritate me are the ones who get in the kids pool and zone and yell at my kid for splashing them(not purposely, just by accident)it is a kids pool what else do you expect?

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I guess my biggest pet peeve (I have a child) is parents forgetting they're parents while on a cruise. Yes, it's a vacation but there's never a vacation from parenting. No running, no screaming, no throwing, no pushing, no whining still applies while on vacation!
Well said and at the root of most of the problems with kids bad behavior on cruises.
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noise (noiz)n.1. a. Sound or a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired.


That is the effect on us that don't have kiddos. Parents have learned to tune the kiddos out, we haven't unfortunately. Not unusual to see a kiddo screaming their head off in the store and mom totally ignores them. So please understand where we are coming from with some of our comments. I spend 358 days a year away from kiddos, so it is a shock to our system when we encounter them. It's just the way it is.


We choose to cruise on a ship with families, so we will get by.


My suggestion for people who spend 358 days a year away from kids, perhaps you should 'expose yourself to them more often' and build up a little tolerance to 'childhood sounds'.....that still doesn't excuse parents from 'continuing to be a parent to their children when on a cruise vacation'.


The normal sounds of children are wonderful....and let us all remember without children our society will become extinct.

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I am sooooo proud of you all! So much respect! :D


And I agree 110% with ALL of the above post!


My biggest pet peeves and ones I HAVE commented to other people's children about (because mine would be grounded for the entire cruise if they attempted it)


--jumping from one stair landing to the other (DRIVES ME CRAZY!)


--yes the crew are there to serve passengers but not to be SLAVES! One night these Tweens were standing against my daughter's chair at the pool and kept bumping into her - the father comes along and knocks their ice cream cones out of their hands and starts giggling like a little kid himself. The crew member comes racing over - drops to her knees and starts wiping it up. Ohhhh HECK NO! I stand up IMMEDIATLY and point to the giggling father and say "You did that YOU CLEAN IT UP! Don't you dare make the crew do it!" He was so embarrassed he started stuttering and grabbed the rag out of her hand and wiped it up.


--babies in diapers in the hot tubs - UGH


--kids left alone late at night to play with the elevator buttons, ice cream machines, suite door bells - kids should not be ROAMING alone. If I catch them doing something I WILL say something and it won't be pretty. My kids don't roam - I walk them to their destination. I know where they are. It's called being a parent.


--kids in the solarium -- I was on Enchantment. My girls were in Adventure Ocean. And there were THREE kids JUMPING into the solarium pool. So I said to the mom - "Just to give you a heads up - this is for Adults, you are getting the evil eye from the front row of chairs" ;) And she said "My kids want to be with me" and I said "well then I suggest you move the whole family out to the FAMILY pool" DUH!


--My girls know - NO child may move from chair in the MDR without me. No running. No standing. And certainly no crawling on the floor. I have seen a few kids knock into the waiters carrying the trays. And the parents BLAMED the waiters.


Follow a few simple rules and we can co-exist with those who cruise kidless :D

Edited by crusinmama06
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In our few cruises, we have been lucky and have not experienced rude children, and as long as they are well behaved, we have no problem cruising with children. One cruise a couple brought their 2 yr old boy with them and he was the best behaved little boy we have seen in a long time. One evening several of us were listening to the music in the Centrum and he was traveling around visiting people at their tables. His parents were right their to supervise.

As mentioned we find issues with people trying to get into the elevators before others have exited or cutting in front of people in wheel chairs.

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And there were THREE kids JUMPING into the solarium pool. So I said to the mom - "Just to give you a heads up - this is for Adults, you are getting the evil eye from the front row of chairs" ;) And she said "My kids want to be with me" and I said "well then I suggest you move the whole family out to the FAMILY pool" DUH! :D


Michelle, or anyone else, really. I do not have kids, so, I don't pay much attention to the rules about kids. I know they are not allowed in the Solarium, but, I have a question. I was on the Enchantment a few months ago and there was a family getting food from the Park Cafe, which is inside the Solarium. They seemed very nervous and I didn't know why. After they got their food, the dad said OK, come on, we have to go sit somewhere else. I stopped them and said, No, you can eat here. The dad and the little boy both questioned me, Can or Can't?? I said it's OK to come get food, the kids just can't hang around, go in the pool, etc. When you're eating you need access to more drinks, silverware, napkins, etc.

Did I tell them the right thing or the wrong thing?


Which reminds me of a small pet peeve: After the Dad had told the kids what was available and they figured out what they wanted, when the server asked them , I think the father should have said, three roast beef sandwiches, 2 bags of chips and a brownie. Instead, each kid had to stutter and stammer his way through ordering. I understand kids have to learn how to order food, but, in a long line of people at embarkation? :rolleyes:

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It really surprises me that so many are so willing to judge, criticise and condemn people on these boeards... it's appalling that you are now stooping so low to attack children now!


Give me a break... let a kid be a kid! Let them grow up and order their own food, let them press buttons, let them laugh and giggle and even have a tantrum if they need too! Life is too damned short to gripe and moan about them being a child.


Do you live in anyone else's shoes?? How do you know what kind of life anyone has outside of the 7 days you are on a ship ...


Behavior of adults on this board is more offensive than a child being over tired on the ship! Heaven forbid you get stuck at the later dinner hour -- you will be condemned for having your child in the MDR after 8!!




I will not tolerate ANYONE yelling at my child for pressing a button they did not press.. or even if they press more than one by mistake -- I have seen NUMEROUS drunk adults do the same thing because they think it's funny! Heaven forbid my children are in the dining room after 7pm... nor will I tolerate anyone telling me about my child's behavior or telling me how to parent!! I know how my children behave and I shouldn't have to worry about someone not liking my child on the ship...


The stated rules are one thing ... the other imposed rules that so many seem to have placed on how a family should behave are another.


Go back to griping about smelly towels and no smoking allowed... Such REAL problems!

Edited by Pebbles468
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Michelle, or anyone else, really. I do not have kids, so, I don't pay much attention to the rules about kids. I know they are not allowed in the Solarium, but, I have a question. I was on the Enchantment a few months ago and there was a family getting food from the Park Cafe, which is inside the Solarium. They seemed very nervous and I didn't know why. After they got their food, the dad said OK, come on, we have to go sit somewhere else. I stopped them and said, No, you can eat here. The dad and the little boy both questioned me, Can or Can't?? I said it's OK to come get food, the kids just can't hang around, go in the pool, etc. When you're eating you need access to more drinks, silverware, napkins, etc.

Did I tell them the right thing or the wrong thing?


Which reminds me of a small pet peeve: After the Dad had told the kids what was available and they figured out what they wanted, when the server asked them , I think the father should have said, three roast beef sandwiches, 2 bags of chips and a brownie. Instead, each kid had to stutter and stammer his way through ordering. I understand kids have to learn how to order food, but, in a long line of people at embarkation? :rolleyes:


They can get food in the solarium. Especially after 10pm when there are no other restaurants open.


The dining is open to kids. The pool isn't. :)


So you were right.


Generally after AO - we head to the solarium and grab a quick bite before bed.

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It really surprises me that so many are so willing to judge, criticise and condemn people on these boeards... it's appalling that you are now stooping so low to attack children now!


Give me a break... let a kid be a kid! Let them grow up and order their own food, let them press buttons, let them laugh and giggle and even have a tantrum if they need too! Life is too damned short to gripe and moan about them being a child.


Do you live in anyone else's shoes?? How do you know what kind of life anyone has outside of the 7 days you are on a ship ...


Behavior of adults on this board is more offensive than a child being over tired on the ship! Heaven forbid you get stuck at the later dinner hour -- you will be condemned for having your child in the MDR after 8!!




I will not tolerate ANYONE yelling at my child for pressing a button they did not press.. or even if they press more than one by mistake -- I have seen NUMEROUS drunk adults do the same thing because they think it's funny! Heaven forbid my children are in the dining room after 7pm... nor will I tolerate anyone telling me about my child's behavior or telling me how to parent!! I know how my children behave and I shouldn't have to worry about someone not liking my child on the ship...


The stated rules are one thing ... the other imposed rules that so many seem to have placed on how a family should behave are another.


Go back to griping about smelly towels and no smoking allowed... Such REAL problems!


Well - this thread was going well....


So tell me, why are you so worried? I'm not. I KNOW people won't be able to criticize my children for doing anything wrong because *I* will be there. So they won't be doing anything wrong.


As long as your children aren't interfering with someone else's vacation - then you shouldn't have to worry. Pushing one button? No. Pushing ALL the buttons? (And yes I have been on an elevator for that one) obnoxious!


A tantrum? No problem - remove your child - take a walk. My youngest could out tantrum ANY child. But I refuse to subject any OTHER cruiser to her behavior!


And that's the difference.


Oh and I have been known to say things to people who were upset by the mere presence of a child onboard - one time my youngest was walking down the stairs to go to dinner and some woman scowled at her and said "I didn't know they allowed children onboard!"


Not missing a beat I said - "Really - the SPONGEBOB ship and YOU didn't expect to see children????"


Generally people have been beyond nice to my children - but we have never given them any reason not to.

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So tell me, why are you so worried? I'm not. I KNOW people won't be able to criticize my children for doing anything wrong because *I* will be there. So they won't be doing anything wrong.



I'm not worried at all... I just find much of the criticism about children and families offensive.


We are going to have a fabulous time on our vacation... I know how my children are, but I would never condemn another parent on their skills...


Live and let live...

Edited by Pebbles468
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Over the many cruises I have been on I have seen wonderful children (along with their wonderful parents) and terrible children (and co-incidentally they have terrible parents); but then again I also have found wonderful people traveling without children as well as terrible people traveling without children.....you find everything on a cruise ship.


I just take it in stride!

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Over the many cruises I have been on I have seen wonderful children (along with their wonderful parents) and terrible children (and co-incidentally they have terrible parents); but then again I also have found wonderful people traveling without children as well as terrible people traveling without children.....you find everything on a cruise ship.


I just take it in stride!


Very well said!!

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Well - this thread was going well....


So tell me, why are you so worried? I'm not. I KNOW people won't be able to criticize my children for doing anything wrong because *I* will be there. So they won't be doing anything wrong.



Cruisinmama06 -- great to see you again -- where have you been, lately? From what I've seen on this board, it looks like you have raised two lovely (and cruise-savvy) young ladies. We'd be pleased to cruise with you and your family, any day! :cool: But, you hit it on the head -- you're there, so you know what your kids are up to. ;)

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Over the many cruises I have been on I have seen wonderful children (along with their wonderful parents) and terrible children (and co-incidentally they have terrible parents); but then again I also have found wonderful people traveling without children as well as terrible people traveling without children.....you find everything on a cruise ship.


I just take it in stride!



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Cruisinmama06 -- great to see you again -- where have you been, lately? From what I've seen on this board, it looks like you have raised two lovely (and cruise-savvy) young ladies. We'd be pleased to cruise with you and your family, any day! :cool: But, you hit it on the head -- you're there, so you know what your kids are up to. ;)


I've been around. I hang on the family board ;)


But the girls are begging for a cruise on Allure - so I decided to pop back in....

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My suggestion for people who spend 358 days a year away from kids, perhaps you should 'expose yourself to them more often' and build up a little tolerance to 'childhood sounds'.....that still doesn't excuse parents from 'continuing to be a parent to their children when on a cruise vacation'.


The normal sounds of children are wonderful....and let us all remember without children our society will become extinct.




Does this including "screeching"?


On our first cruise there was this 8-10 year old boy wearing a skipper hat who was extremely well behaved. It was hard to spot him, as he behaved like an adult only smaller.


The OP by asking this question, by default, proves themself to be a good parent. Sorry to disagree with some folks but it does not take a village to raise a child. What it does take is being a PARENT.

Edited by tanzer22pilot
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I agree with all that has been mentioned & have to add my pet peeve......... No supervision at the buffet! I get absolutely crazy seeing children roaming through the buffet, touching, spilling & not paying any attention to where they're going or who they may be interfering with.

Most of the above and-

Touching food, tasting? and putting it back- in the buffet line- for sure!! :eek:

No one wants to get sick on a cruise. Been there!!


Otherwise, no problems and had lovely children as table mates along with their lovely parents!

Edited by CVU
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Does this including "screeching"?


I would think the drunken cackling and high pitched laughs that adults make can be just as annoying.... Don't forget the nasty flem hacking cough of older folks...


I have seen just as many adults doing nasty things in the buffet lines as well.... All of which can apply to the adults partaking.... "touching, spilling & not paying any attention to where they're going or who they may be interfering with." ....can't blame getting sick on all the children. I'm sure all the norovirus issues weren't because of the children on board!


Perhaps those that are so offended by children would be better suited on the swingers sailing or adult only vacations!

Edited by Pebbles468
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I would think the drunken cackling and high pitched laughs that adults make can be just as annoying.... Don't forget the nasty flem hacking cough of older folks...


I have seen just as many adults doing nasty things in the buffet lines as well.... All of which can apply to the adults partaking.... "touching, spilling & not paying any attention to where they're going or who they may be interfering with." ....can't blame getting sick on all the children. I'm sure all the norovirus issues weren't because of the children on board!


Perhaps those that are so offended by children would be better suited on the swingers sailing or adult only vacations!

We're talking about kiddos here. Seems like every time this kiddo topic comes up, the parents jump on the unruly adults. Sure enough there are some of them. But that's not the question at hand or what the OP asked of us childless cruisers. Neither one is appropriate. Perhaps those unruly adults were unruly kids?


As to "exposing myself" to children's noise so I may temper my reaction...........Nah, I think not.:cool:

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I would think the drunken cackling and high pitched laughs that adults make can be just as annoying.... Don't forget the nasty flem hacking cough of older folks...


I have seen just as many adults doing nasty things in the buffet lines as well.... All of which can apply to the adults partaking.... "touching, spilling & not paying any attention to where they're going or who they may be interfering with." ....can't blame getting sick on all the children. I'm sure all the norovirus issues weren't because of the children on board!


Perhaps those that are so offended by children would be better suited on the swingers sailing or adult only vacations!



Question stands.


I will disregard the comment about the "swingers cruise" as a poor attempt at humor rather then a personal insult.

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This is such a pet peeve of mine, and I'm a parent!


Although, I don't like adults playing with their cell phones all through the meal any better.

I wish people would not use cell phones at the table, child or adult.

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If anyone is still following this thread.....


Thank you to everyone for your comments, suggestions and well wishes. It has certainly made me feel much more confident (and excited) about taking the kids on their first cruise.


A lot of the things mentioned are already things that we try to manage, but some times our kids have very stubborn heads on their shoulders! It has been god gauging how people are going to react.


If anything we actually get more dirty looks for dealing with the kids behaviour, than for ignoring them. There are times that we put our foot down and say no desserts....for people to say that we should let them. At one point my son kicked some litter on the street, even though he had been told not to on several occasions and we had explained that it looked like he had dropped the litter himself. So (after checking it was safe and having baby wipes on standby) we asked him to put it in the bin that was 10 steps away, he went into melt down!!! A lady came over and quizzed us on why he was throwing a tantrum, she then picked up the litter threw it in the bin herself and started mouthing off at me :( We have even had some one call the police on us when I got my son out the car on a industrial estate as he had made it un-safe for me to drive throwing an ALMIGHTY tantrum, hitting his sister, spitting, screaming, throwing things...etc. We came off the main road onto the industrial estate and got him out the car to calm down in a safe place. The police backed us up and said that it was the safest thing for us to do in that circumstance! These things that we do makes a positive change in his behaviour, I don't agree in just letting them get away with things, even if "they are on holiday".


I know a lot of you have said that we just need to let the kids be kids, but we have found that they like to have boundaries in place. If they know the rules then they have no excuses when they break them. We quite often take minutes to give them rules before going shopping, to the park, playing a game...etc. Everything we do in life has certain rules or etiquette that we should follow, so by putting it in writing is helping them understand that.


We have used some rules that others have posted in the "family" section that we have modified to our circumstances and to include many of your suggestions. My kids will be 7 and 8 and will be supervised AT ALL TIMES by us or for a couple of slots at Adventure Ocean. However we have made these rules so that we can use the same ones for years, till they get to the point when they can go from one place to another on their own (NO ROAMING). There is no point having one set of rules for this cruise and then change them down the line, they will be told when they are allowed to go places on their own.


I am sure I have missed something, just let me know :)


Children's rules for going on Cruises


I, _________________ will follow these rules when I am on the cruise, if I do then I will have treats and when I am older I can go to different places on the ship on my own sometimes.


I will not leave the ship without Mummy or Mum

I will not go on the balcony with out Mummy and Mum & I won't climb on ANY railings anywhere

I will not enter any other cabin and will not let any one into our cabin.

I will not argue with my family, no answering back, nice sharing and work as a team

I will only go where I am told when going around the ship on my own, I will use my cabin to chill out

I will hang the “do not disturb” sign on the door while in the cabin alone.

I will not enter any staff areas, even if a staff member asks me to unless I have checked with you

I will not go into any area that are just for grown ups...bars, casino, inside swimming pool...etc

I will eat with my mouth shut, stay at the table until I ask to get down and I will not waste food

I will be well behaved at dinner, at any shows or activities or I will be taken out for “Quiet Time”

I will not push in for anything, I will wait in line and politely wait my turn

I will not throw anything overboard

I will not put anything in the toilet apart from toilet paper

I will tell Mummy or Mum STRAIGHT away if I lose my Sea Pass, I won't be in trouble if I do that

I will only spend as much money as I am allowed to, if I spend too much I will not have any more

I will not lend my cruise card to anyone else

I will be back at the cabin at the right time set by Mummy, Mum or Royal Caribbean

I will not knock on other peoples doors

I will only press the button in the lift for where we are going, no extra buttons!

I will keep in touch when I am told to and in the way I am told to

I will only have drinks handed to me by a staff member or my family & only those always in my sight.

I will only eat with Mummy and Mum or with Adventure Ocean

I will get dressed in the morning and get changed for dinner as quickly as possible

I will use hand sanitizer often and wash hands before eating all food at all times

I will not touch food in the Windjammer Cafe or other areas, I will only get my own food if Im allowed

I will not visit open decks in the evening or at night without Mummy and Mum

I will go to sleep when I am told so that I am not grumpy the next day

I will be quiet in the morning if I wake up early, I won't wake anyone else up on purpose


I will be well mannered at all times

• Treat all staff with respect.

• Not break anything on purpose, if I break something by accident I will tell some one.

• Say please, thank you, no thank you, etc

• Please hold doors open for adults

• Stand back allowing people to go in and out of the lifts.

• Only quiet voices are to be used in the hall ways in case people are asleep, DAY OR NIGHT

• Be good when swimming, no splashing, no running, no rough play


By signing this I agree to follow all the rules.


I understand that if I do not follow these rules it will result in me losing treats and I will have to spend the rest of the cruise with Mummy, Mum or the Adventure Ocean.


Mummy _______________________________ Date_________



Mummy _______________________________ Date_________



Child _______________________________ Date_________

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The most annoying thing, for me, is when parents allow their kids to take over the pool area by running and splashing etc. There is usually a kids pool where that is fine, but some people with children do not use it. Also, the obvious, which is being overly loud at dinner in the MDR or specialty restaurant.



That is true that is why there is the Solarium on Royal ships, Kid free Zone. But when I go in the Main pools and get splashed 99.99% of the time it doesn't bother me I am enjoying my vacation and tend to block kids out. My parents never took us on any cruises we did go to Disney World and go to see some NHL games in Montreal :rolleyes:

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