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Captain's Club Changes POLL- Are You Happy or Not


Captain's Club POLL- Are you happy  

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  1. 1. Captain's Club POLL- Are you happy

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It will be interesting to see what their next concept will be when they realize they have lost quite a few of their more loyal customers.


Sometimes it goes well beyond those loyal customers. Here's a condensed version of what I had in my email to the Capt's Club, with a copy to Mr. Bayley, concerning us not being overjoyed with what we will be getting points wise for our fully paid for prior to the the CC change announcement next cruise.


Another consideration for Celebrity is that we have also brought many other new to Celebrity cruisers with us in the five years we've sailed with your cruise line. That resulted in 11 people, of which 5 had never cruised before, booking X cruises that they would have likely not done with X if we were not cruising on your line. In fact for the majority not only did we provide the exact details, we actually did the bookings for them. Many have told me I should be working as a travel agent but I have no interest in starting another career post retirement. I would rather be on board a cruise than just booking them for others.

One of these couples has since went on two other X cruise and are with us on that next cruise. That is four cruises for them booked on X since we promoted that first X cruise to them.

We also met another couple onboard another cruise line a few yearsa back and they are interested in doing that next cruise with us after we provide the details to them. They are recently retired and have a winter place on the gulf coast of Florida so are very flexible to travel. We are also considering doing the three night Century prior cruise and they may go on that one also

That Feb.12th appears not to be selling very well so if we decide to do it that would be two less empty cabins for X on that itinerary. I am sure that Mr. Bayley, as CEO and all of you are well aware of the fact that empty cabins don't generate on board revenue , help pay operating cost, port fees and taxes and provide staff gratuities.

Edited by robtulipe
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Well, points are not based on revenue, just cruises, so I can see why Celebrity would not issue double points as the person only takes one cruise.


Actually, under the new points system, points are very much based on revenue. You get two points/night for an inside cabin; but you get 18/night if you book the penthouse. For a seven-night cruise that's 14 points vs. 126 points.

Edited by Happy Cruiser 6143
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Sometimes it goes well beyond those loyal customers. Here's a condensed version of what I had in my email to the Capt's Club, with a copy to Mr. Bayley, concerning us not being overjoyed with what we will be getting points wise for our fully paid for prior to the the CC change announcement next cruise.


Another consideration for Celebrity is that we have also brought many other new to Celebrity cruisers with us in the five years we've sailed with your cruise line. That resulted in 11 people, of which 5 had never cruised before, booking X cruises that they would have likely not done with X if we were not cruising on your line. In fact for the majority not only did we provide the exact details, we actually did the bookings for them. Many have told me I should be working as a travel agent but I have no interest in starting another career post retirement. I would rather be on board a cruise than just booking them for others.

One of these couples has since went on two other X cruise and are with us on that next cruise. That is four cruises for them booked on X since we promoted that first X cruise to them.

We also met another couple onboard another cruise line and they are interested in doing that next cruise with us after we provide the details to them. They are recently retired and have a winter place on the gulf coast of Florida so are very flexible to travel. We are also considering doing the three night Century prior cruise and they may go on that one also

That Feb.12th appears not to be selling very well so if we decide to do it that would be two less empty cabins for X on that itinerary. I am sure that Mr. Bayley, as CEO and all of you are well aware of the fact that empty cabins don't generate on board revenue , help pay operating cost, port fees and taxes and provide staff gratuities.


I would love to know if you get a response.


Which makes me wonder, and what i haven't said up to this point, was this new program done with thought to the TA's first? When the Elite functions began we were one of the very few guests at the Elite function that was NOT a TA. That was when we stopped going to the Elite events. It felt like a TA convention. AND they basically cruised for next to nothing while collecting all of those points.


You may want to re-think that TA job. :)

Edited by 20pluscruises
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Another consideration for Celebrity is that we have also brought many other new to Celebrity cruisers with us when we booked and sailed on your cruise line. That resulted in 11 people, of which 5 had never cruised before, booking X cruises that they would have likely not done if we were not cruising on your line. In fact for the majority not only did we provide the exact details, we actually did the bookings for them. Many have told me I should be working as a travel agent but I have no interest in starting another career post retirement. I would rather be on board a cruise than just booking them for others.

One of these couples has since went on two other X cruise and are with us on that next cruise. That is four cruises for them booked on X since we promoted that first X cruise to them.

We also met another couple onboard another cruise line and they are interested in doing that next cruise with us after we provide the details to them. They are recently retired and have a winter place on the gulf coast of Florida so are very flexible to travel. We are also considering doing the three night Century prior cruise and they may go on that one also

That Feb.12th appears not to be selling very well so if we decide to do it that would be two less empty cabins for X on that itinerary. I am sure that Mr. Bayley, as CEO and all of you are well aware of the fact that empty cabins don't generate on board revenue , help pay operating cost, port fees and taxes and provide staff gratuities.


I brought 24 people with me the first time I cruised on Celebrity. Slightly smaller numbers on subsequent cruises. Most of these people are still cruising with Celebrity. We cruise with Celebrity because we enjoy it. I never expected to be advanced in the Captain's Club because of this. Shoot, I didn't even know the Captain's Club existed when I cruised the first time!



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I brought 24 people with me the first time I cruised on Celebrity. Slightly smaller numbers on subsequent cruises. Most of these people are still cruising with Celebrity. We cruise with Celebrity because we enjoy it. I never expected to be advanced in the Captain's Club because of this. Shoot, I didn't even know the Captain's Club existed when I cruised the first time!



Same for me, I suggested Celebrity to my neighbors and now they are loyal customers. I've never asked Celebrity for anything for bringing them new customers.

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For every unhappy cruiser leaving Celebrity there will be an unhappy person leaving another cruise line for Celebrity.


If any person leaves the experience of a Celebrity cruise for another cruise line over the delay of getting needed points I hope you truly enjoy the alternatives.


Celebrity needed to make an adjustment and they did. Just imagine the uproar if they had decided to add the $10 per day fuel surcharge for additional revenue.


Celebrity has made a decision and each person affected by that decision has to learn to adjust. If it means moving to another cruise line because one personally feels slighted, then Celebrity can deduce that they were not truly loyal to the line anyways. Those people were only after a few free drinks and some internet minutes.

There are way more important reasons to switch cruise lines.

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The last two posts capture what I think celebrity missed and continues to miss...the multiplier factor and the fact that it works both ways. For everyone they lose while focusing on expenses and younger cruisers, they really lose many more. I talk about cruising socially and I'm sure my comments have swayed people both to and from celebrity. I do talk about cost saving changes and I doubt that comes across as a positive endorsement....i tell it like it is, be it pluses or minuses. It costs much less to keep a current customer happy and positive then it costs to get a single new cruiser....a thought that seems to escape celebrity these days.

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For every unhappy cruiser leaving Celebrity there will be an unhappy person leaving another cruise line for Celebrity.


If any person leaves the experience of a Celebrity cruise for another cruise line over the delay of getting needed points I hope you truly enjoy the alternatives.


Celebrity needed to make an adjustment and they did. Just imagine the uproar if they had decided to add the $10 per day fuel surcharge for additional revenue.


Celebrity has made a decision and each person affected by that decision has to learn to adjust. If it means moving to another cruise line because one personally feels slighted, then Celebrity can deduce that they were not truly loyal to the line anyways. Those people were only after a few free drinks and some internet minutes.

There are way more important reasons to switch cruise lines.


In my case you would be wrong. I don't use any of the items on the coupon sheet and don't drink the cheap booze/drinks in the Elite lounge. I even left the ugly sparkly Celebrity tote in the cabin.


I just want to be shown the same gratitude as those that have sailed more than a dozen fewer times than I have.


...and you are correct...Clelbrity has made it's decision, and now I need to make mine...

Edited by 20pluscruises
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There is a certain point when a cruiser decides it's time to try another experience and that the new E+ incentives are not good enough to keep them from straying.

If one compares the perks offered by (RCL) D+ and E+ and the number of days and cost in getting there, I think that RCL offers a greater incentive. However there are so many complaints by Celebrity cruisers about the number of RCI cruisers taking up space in the Celebrity lounge, one must wonder if the experience on a Celebrity ship is greater.


A similar argument on the RCL threads exists about the wide gap between the two highest categories. I agree that more has to be done to keep Celebrity cruisers on Celebrity ships with improved E+ and E++ perks.


For every unhappy cruiser leaving Celebrity there will be an unhappy person leaving another cruise line for Celebrity.


If any person leaves the experience of a Celebrity cruise for another cruise line over the delay of getting needed points I hope you truly enjoy the alternatives.


Celebrity needed to make an adjustment and they did. Just imagine the uproar if they had decided to add the $10 per day fuel surcharge for additional revenue.


Celebrity has made a decision and each person affected by that decision has to learn to adjust. If it means moving to another cruise line because one personally feels slighted, then Celebrity can deduce that they were not truly loyal to the line anyways. Those people were only after a few free drinks and some internet minutes.

There are way more important reasons to switch cruise lines.


Arno, the situation for us is like you stated in your first post I quoted. We can get to Diamond+ quicker on RCI even though we have one less 12+ night cruise with them and the rewards for that status isn't bad. If we were to get the new points based on old credits that were in effect when we booked and fully paid for our next cruise, it would likely influence our future cruise decisions as we would be that much closer as in one less cruise away from Elite+.

That's the only consideration I requested in my email to the Capt's Club and it would be a simple matter to manually adjust a Capt's Club member's point total if X were to respond favorably to this as this is done often to correct errors in their program.:rolleyes:

Edited by robtulipe
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Arno, the situation for us is like you stated in your first post I quoted. We can get to Diamond+ quicker on RCI even though we have one less 12+ night cruise with them and the rewards for that status isn't bad. If we were to get the new points based on old credits that were in effect when we booked and fully paid for our next cruise, it would likely influence our future cruise decisions as we would that much closer as in one less cruise away from Elite+.

That's the only consideration I requested in my email to the Capt's Club and it would be a simple matter to manually adjust a Capt's Club member's point total if X were to respond favorably to this.:rolleyes:


I am really on your side, but as I see it all the cards are on the table. I am convinced that the program is the program and Celebrity won't make changes even though they may agree with our position. It's now time for individuals to decide for themselves how they want to spend their travel dollars. Some may decide to look elsewhere and that's their choice. Believe me if one person leaves there will be another person to take their place. My choice is to learn as much as possible about the program and use what I learn to my best advantage. In spite of what some have said about me, I really enjoy the Celebrity experience. At this point I don't cruise for the ships since I've been on them many times. I don't cruise for the ports. In most cases I just get off the ship to stroll around since I've been to all the ports many times. What draws me to Celebrity is the people I meet and the service I receive.

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From the poll so far, looks like 57 percent are happy or somewhat happy. Twenty percent don't really care. Twenty-three percent are unhappy or somewhat unhappy. At least as far as the poll is now, seems like Celebrity did what they felt would keep the majority of their customers happy.

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I am really on your side, but as I see it all the cards are on the table. I am convinced that the program is the program and Celebrity won't make changes even though they may agree with our position. It's now time for individuals to decide for themselves how they want to spend their travel dollars. Some may decide to look elsewhere and that's their choice. Believe me if one person leaves there will be another person to take their place. My choice is to learn as much as possible about the program and use what I learn to my best advantage. In spite of what some have said about me, I really enjoy the Celebrity experience. At this point I don't cruise for the ships since I've been on them many times. I don't cruise for the ports. In most cases I just get off the ship to stroll around since I've been to all the ports many times. What draws me to Celebrity is the people I meet and the service I receive.


You are likely correct in your assertion and I did include the following in my email to the Capt's Club and Mr. Bayley's office.


" X has the right to do whatever changes they want with their Capt's Club program but I can determine with which cruise lines our cruise dollars are spent as we might be not as devoted and loyal to Celebrity as we were once"

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If one were advising a soon to be first time cruiser about the best and quickest way to attain status on a cruiseline offering meaningful perks, the change in Celebrity's point count would have a significant impact.


With reciprocity between RCI and Celebrity in effect, a 100 days in the cheapest cabins will get one to Diamond and Elite if one cruises on Royal vs 150 days on Celebrity. If one were to cruise in a veranda cabin there would be no difference at a 100 days in each. If one cruises in CC or AQ or above, Celebrity has a much quicker path with 60 days and as few as 17 days in the penthouse to get to Elite.


Even though there are legitimate complaints by cruisers who were on the cruise that would have promoted them, others would complain that they were only one or two cruises from Select and should have been "grandfathered" into the old counting system in which they first started. Other than demanding consideration for one's own situation, where do you think the line should have been drawn, a line that would not have others still dissatisfied?

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From the poll so far, looks like 57 percent are happy or somewhat happy. Twenty percent don't really care. Twenty-three percent are unhappy or somewhat unhappy. At least as far as the poll is now, seems like Celebrity did what they felt would keep the majority of their customers happy.

Seems like you have rounded out a bit to support your opinion. :D

It is 55.6% are happy or somewhat happy, 23.8% are unhappy or somewhat unhappy and 19.6% don't really care.

IMO a business should be concerned if almost 1/4 of their customers are unhappy with a change they have made and might take their business else where.. Most who weren't adversely affected by this change likely voted happy, somewhat happy or don't really care.

IMO it wouldn't take much to satisfy that unhappy group since the main complaint appears to be they will not receive the amount of new point for fully paid for prior to the change, near in the future cruises as the old program credit would have given.

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If one were advising a soon to be first time cruiser about the best and quickest way to attain status on a cruiseline offering meaningful perks, the change in Celebrity's point count would have a significant impact.


With reciprocity between RCI and Celebrity in effect, a 100 days in the cheapest cabins will get one to Diamond and Elite if one cruises on Royal vs 150 days on Celebrity. If one were to cruise in a veranda cabin there would be no difference at a 100 days in each. If one cruises in CC or AQ or above, Celebrity has a much quicker path with 60 days and as few as 17 days in the penthouse to get to Elite.


Even though there are legitimate complaints by cruisers who were on the cruise that would have promoted them, others would complain that they were only one or two cruises from Select and should have been "grandfathered" into the old counting system in which they first started. Other than demanding consideration for one's own situation, where do you think the line should have been drawn, a line that would not have others still dissatisfied?


Arno, RC Diamond only requires 80 day points not 100 and if one were in a JS which is the lowest category that gets double points, only 40 cruise days would be needed but I agree for the most part with the majority of categories RCI would be the better route to get Diamond and the reciprocity Elite status.

It is only at the full suite category, Century, Sky or Aqua Suite, that it is slightly better with X, 37.5 vs 40 days.

Those few that book the higher suite categories are definitely better off on X but we are talking big bucks to be in these.

I answered your question in my post above as those in that position were likely in the penalty stage.

Edited by robtulipe
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Seems like you have rounded out a bit to support your opinion. :D

It is 55.6% are happy or somewhat happy, 23.8% are unhappy or somewhat unhappy and 19.6% don't really care.

IMO a business should be concerned if almost 1/4 of their customers are unhappy with a change they have made and might take their business else where.. Most who weren't adversely affected by this change likely voted happy, somewhat happy or don't really care.

IMO it wouldn't take much to satisfy that unhappy group since the main complaint appears to be they will not receive the amount of new point for fully paid for prior to the change, near in the future cruises as the old program credit would have given.

Since posters are still voting, the figures are always changing. These were the figures when I posted. Right now it is 23.16 percent that are unhappy or somewhat unhappy.


No matter how you look at it, the majority are happy with the program and I'm sure that is what Celebrity had in mind when coming up with the program. If Celebrity were to cave in to those with paid cruises, how many unhappy customers who have booked cruises do you think would be happy? I would venture to guess that there are substantially more customers with booked cruises as of November 23rd, than there are those with paid for cruises. Now, should Celebrity make a few happy, to tick off others?


Just as you said those who were not adversely affected voted happy, somewhat happy or didn't care, of cousre those that feel they were affected negatively would vote unhappy or somewhat unhappy. This is a given and is that what a poll is for...to see who is happy and who is not. But those unhappy or somewhat unhappy are still the minority.


Bottom line is that almost 80 pecent on here are either happy or don't care either way.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I think it's a leap to take an unscientific poll on Cruise Critic (300+ voters) and come to any conclusion, positive or negative. Isn't the membership of the Captain's Club in the millions?


I'm still having a hard time understanding/believing why people think they got short changed because they're now further away from Elite + and Zenith. These were tiers that didn't exist prior to the change. Select and Elite are another story and I can see how some are frustrated if the thought they were a cruise or two away and now it will take longer.


Finally, when Royal Caribbean made the change, booked cruises, paid for or not, were not grandfathered in on the old system. Why does any think Celebrity would be any different?

Edited by Oville
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To me, I had to spend about 30k to become an elite member....celebrity isn't exactly opening up their pockets to keep me as a repeat customer...They should reward select customers with a automatic $50 onboard credit and elite members with an automatic $100 onboard credit...and unlimited internet useage which would cost them nothing...they can keep their laundry services....the things they currently offer are not much interest to either one of us....

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I think it's a leap to take an unscientific poll on Cruise Critic (300+ voters) and come to any conclusion, positive or negative. Isn't the membership of the Captain's Club in the millions?


I'm still having a hard time understanding/believing why people think they got short changed because they're now further away from Elite + and Zenith. These were tiers that didn't exist prior to the change. Select and Elite are another story and I can see how some are frustrated if the thought they were a cruise or two away and now it will take longer.


Finally, when Royal Caribbean made the change, booked cruises, paid for or not, were not grandfathered in on the old system. Why does any think Celebrity would be any different?

Because most posters here knew that a change was going to happen to the Capt's Club and that higher levels similar to Diamond plus and Pinnacle were likely to be added. In fact that was a factor why we booked a concierge for the Century 15 night Hawaii cruise we returned from early last month and got the new points based on the old credits while still on board the ship.

For our next cruise, as stated previously, all we would like is to to receive the amount of new points for our fully paid for prior to the change, next month cruise as the old program credit would have given. Our thoughts are that wouldn't cost X a lot to do to keep us sailing with them. :)

Then applying new points system for future bookings is fine with us and as I mentioned before, likely the same for many who indicated they were unhappy in the survey above.;)

Likely part of our frustration is the fact we feel we are getting shafted by X re this. :(

Edited by robtulipe
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Could not agree more. We fully understand that some bookings are made more than a full year in advance, but Celebrity's system should be able to account for points under the old system for sailings booked prior to the CC changes. That is equitable to folks like us that wind up "stuck in the mud" instead of advancing.

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I am really on your side, but as I see it all the cards are on the table. I am convinced that the program is the program and Celebrity won't make changes even though they may agree with our position. It's now time for individuals to decide for themselves how they want to spend their travel dollars. Some may decide to look elsewhere and that's their choice. Believe me if one person leaves there will be another person to take their place. My choice is to learn as much as possible about the program and use what I learn to my best advantage. In spite of what some have said about me, I really enjoy the Celebrity experience. At this point I don't cruise for the ships since I've been on them many times. I don't cruise for the ports. In most cases I just get off the ship to stroll around since I've been to all the ports many times. What draws me to Celebrity is the people I meet and the service I receive.

Hi Charles,

Your last line says it all for me. Happy cruising and hi to Cyndee. :)

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Because most posters here knew that a change was going to happen to the Capt's Club and that higher levels similar to Diamond plus and Pinnacle were likely to be added.:(


If someone hasn't been on RCCL (like us) they wouldn't have any knowledge of what Diamond Plus or Pinnacle means, changes or benefits.

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To me, I had to spend about 30k to become an elite member....celebrity isn't exactly opening up their pockets to keep me as a repeat customer...They should reward select customers with a automatic $50 onboard credit and elite members with an automatic $100 onboard credit...and unlimited internet useage which would cost them nothing...they can keep their laundry services....the things they currently offer are not much interest to either one of us....


They are trying to contain costs, not spend money.


Why do you think giving away unlimited internet would cost them nothing?

Edited by Jade13
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If someone hasn't been on RCCL (like us) they wouldn't have any knowledge of what Diamond Plus or Pinnacle means, changes or benefits.

You're on a RCCL ship whether you're on X or Royal Caribbean International cruise as that is the parent company that owns both lines. IMO most people who cruise either are familier with what the sister company's loyalty program offers. Maybe not a first time cruiser but both lines are promoted on either.

Edited by robtulipe
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