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Ever meet someone who really DIDN'T like cruising?


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That would be me. I prefer land vacations,


It really is a case of different strokes for different folks. Happy travels to all.:D


I too prefer land vacations for seeing the world......I just consider cruising and land vacations to be very different types of trips. If I had to choose between the two, I'd choose seeing the world (i.e. land vacations) over relaxing at sea and happily never cruise again. I would not be happy if I never did a land vacation again.

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My sister & I are chalk & cheese. Her worst nightmare is drowning and mine is flying but all credit to her she did cruise once with me in 2007 when she had been recently widowed but I will NEVER EVER get on a plane, not even if it's just on the ground going nowhere so bad is my phobia.

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My father-in-law would never agree to go on a cruise (passed away in '09). He was a Merchant Marine and spent a 50 year career on tankers. While he was very proud of being the yooungest in the US Merchant Marines to have his Chief Engineer licenses and stayed long enough to be the most senior licensed Chier Engineer, to him getting on a ship was work. He just refused to do it.


I guess if you spend half you working life on a ship it kinda gets old.


My husband had a similar attitude. He spent the majority of his career in the Canadian Forces sailing on warships. The last thing he wanted to do was to spend his vacations at sea. Finally, after more than 25 years, he very reluctantly agreed to an Eastern Caribbean cruise as an anniversary gift to me. Happily, 7 days on the QM2 was all it took to turn his opinion of cruising around. He's now a bigger fan than I am. I created a monster.;)

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The only people I know that don't love cruising are those that never have.

I do. I know someone who has been on two - didn't like the first one, but his (now ex) girlfriend did, so they went on another...he really disliked the second one as well. I mean, borderline hate.


He prefers spontaneous travel and likes to go wherever the wind takes him. He's also a foodie who enjoys open spaces and dislikes crowds. All of times combines to make cruising miserable to him. I can totally understand.

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I can take it or leave it. My husband enjoys cruising while I enjoy seeing the world. Our cruise down through the Drake Passage on an small expedition ship to Antarctica was awesome. A Caribbean Cruise -- one time was enough. The Panama Canal on a cruise ship or a sail boat -- the sail boat was the best experience (and I have done both).


African Safari, several days in Machu Picchu, taking a canoe up the Amazon to the Peruvian jungle for several days, six weeks exploring Thailand and the history of Viet Nam -- those are my types of trip.


So I cruise with my husband and he does the adventures with me. Works out great. We both have fun.

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On our last cruise we met a lady we nicknamed "the reluctant cruiser". She had been coerced into a "family girls' cruise" and was not having a good time. There were some family issues, and she was not enjoying the person she got as a roommate. She found the cabin FAR too small for two people, she had more than one misadventure with shore excursions, and she was uncomfortable with the ports the cruise went to. They had trouble with the A/C in the cabin. I suspect she will never cruise again. The fact that the family group had what sounded like a very bossy, ill-informed leader probably didn't help, either.


We felt very sorry for her, she was doing her best to keep a brave face on, but she was definitely not having anything close to a good time.

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Guest maddycat
My good friend really wanted to go on a cruise so finally her husband agreed. But a week before they left he said that they were going to have a really bad time because he didn't want to go. They had a really bad time. My friend knew that it was because of him but he has decided that they will never cruise again. And even though he goes away for 4 weeks (all his vacation time) by himself hunting and fishing she isn't "allowed" to go with me on a cruise. She is retired and they have money so that isn't the issue, just he decides what and when they can do things.

When they went he decided that he was going to stay in the room except to get off the ship at a port, look around and decide that it was a horrible place and that they needed to get back on the ship. He didn't want to go to the MDR for meals and complained that all they had to eat all week was at a buffet. At one point she managed to go and play bingo by herself. I am amazed that he allowed her to do that.



Too bad that she's such a doormat..........and he's so selfish. But then, she lets him get away with such controlling behavior.

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Guest maddycat
Our neighbors went on an Alaskan cruise -- only vacation they ever did.

They hated flying across country -- never went on a plane again.

Hated the small cabin -- the food -- the entertainment. And they didn't even like Alaska.

I just shrugged my shoulders and said "too bad".


I never heard of anyone not liking Alaska.

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I never heard of anyone not liking Alaska.


My husband doesn't much like Alaska either. He came with me once, and has (thus far) refused to go back. We had great weather, did great shorex. He just thinks it is too much like home, and therefore a waste of vacation days. I gave up trying to change his mind.

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Guest maddycat
My husband doesn't much like Alaska either. He came with me once, and has (thus far) refused to go back. We had great weather, did great shorex. He just thinks it is too much like home, and therefore a waste of vacation days. I gave up trying to change his mind.


Well, both my husband and I love Alaska. We did a 7 night round trip cruise from Vancouver. Then a couple of years later a 12 night cruise tour (5 night land tour followed by a 7 night southbound cruise).

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That would be me. I prefer land vacations, I only tried cruising because my friend loved it (she used to have a sailboat) and she wanted to cruise.


Our first 4 cruises were short 3 & 4 day cruises. Then we did a 12 day New England/Canada cruise. I about went stir crazy on the sea days. Then we hit a storm and really high seas. I don't care for the motion of the ocean and someone else being in charge. You have no control whatsoever.


Add to that the fact that the cruiseline can and does have it in their contract that they can change the itinerary for weather, mechanical problems or for any reason whatsoever. I choose the cruise for the itinerary, and was not a happy camper when we missed Mykonos and slowly sailed on to Athens. Or missing Astoria after having a lovely tea booked there for my Birthday Celebration.


After my last cruise in Sept 2011, with high winds, stormy seas, missed ports, I've decided no more cruises in my immediate future.


I live in Southern California and have a whole lot of Country that I can drive to for vacations. Keeping my feet firmly planted on solid ground (unless there is an earthquake of course).


It really is a case of different strokes for different folks. Happy travels to all.:D


Good for you. Stick by your guns and do what you want to do and not what others insist that you must do just because they do it.


Although I cruise some and land travel a lot more, the people who come on to CC and try to convince everyone they know and also everyone that they do not know that -


a) you must try cruising because cruising is the absolutely the only acceptable vacation option and all other vacation options pale in comparison


b) that you MUST go cruising with them


c) If you just tried it once, you would become as much of a cruise addict as they are


d) there is something wrong with you if you do not like everything that they do -


should just leave everyone else alone.


My comment to these people is that my favorite hobby is jumping out of perfectly good airplanes with a parachute strapped on your back (it really isn't but I say so to to make a point). I insist that because I love it, they must also love it or they must at least try it once to see if they like it. I then announce that I am going to take them up on airplane, strap a chute on them and push them out.


Everyone has their likes and dislikes and lets just leave it at that. My real favorite vacation is a 2 - 3 month car trip spending 3 - 5 days or more at each place we visit. I can't imagine an inveterate cruiser ever taking a trip like that and I don't try to convince them they should.



Edited by donaldsc
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My father-in-law would never agree to go on a cruise (passed away in '09). He was a Merchant Marine and spent a 50 year career on tankers. While he was very proud of being the yooungest in the US Merchant Marines to have his Chief Engineer licenses and stayed long enough to be the most senior licensed Chier Engineer, to him getting on a ship was work. He just refused to do it.


I guess if you spend half you working life on a ship it kinda gets old.


My Dad was a Chief also. I was fortunate to be able to sail with him to many places in the world when I was young(er).

I absolutely refused to go on a cruise until 11 years ago when some girl friends in Galveston asked me to go with them.

The first cruise was over April 15th, DH is a CPA, so he wouldn't even know if I was home or not:D

Said YES to the girls - haven't stopped cruising since:D

A cruise ship is NOT a tanker, freighter or bulk carrier:rolleyes:

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I really understand...I want to take a cruise with a family member or two..I gave up on whole family when mother passed.


My family however wraps their minds around the minimal occurring big issues like the recent Costa capsizied ship, Carnival electrical outage at sea, and now Holland rape disasters. Darn the news bias...if they only gave real percentages and chances of happening. My dad has survived so many disasters as a rancher and moving around a bad winter state..far more likely to have a fatality on any one of those things that continue to a degree...especially driving for business, family and pleasure.


My dad is a retired geologist and rancher..still a small town agriculture banker..but just prefers his long drive to a very modest Tuscon place in winter and that freedom of stopping where and when he wants...I think he is enjoying some of the peace even though he misses mom..she needed lots of help last few years..though not ever an invalid. I so wanted to cruise with them...


They had 2 different cruises to Alaska..Holland with 2 of my youngest sisters and it was a land/cruise tour quite a while ago and a recent one to Alaska on Disney with a grandchild..mom got very sick the day she got home and died a month later.


I think too many sad connotations are connected with him that he will not break out of...maybe i can talk one sister into it one day but nobody is really interested...


I am glad i like my own company and meeting new friends on the ships and in other travel..i also like cities and history so much more than my family and dream of a well planned Europe...great cities of the world etc. cruise with a few days at each place.


Also dream of lots more of Caribbean...also just love being on ship and the motion and feeling of traveling while being spoiled..I would love a trans atlantic. I also love drives and being there...heck I love little motel discoveries at the beach..by a river etc.


I would like to try and see if a one week cruise to Brittish Isles and a private day to Glasgow could appeal to my father for seeing a family gravestone there we both want to see...but he may prefer a flight and being there a week or have narrowed down on that dream and wants as many private drives as he can get..just don't know...


We are all different but it is hard when your loves do not match those you love..or family you want to share something with.


My six or 7 cruises spread out over last 30 plus years now are amongst my peak experiences both in travel and life..I love coming here where many folks love travel and cruise travel both...thank God for here. God willing, I will be on sea soon far more often!!!

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My husband hates to cruise. He's given it a fair chance, but it's not his thing. We've been on 2 Caribbean cruises, one on Carnival and one on Celebrity. We've Dyne both eastern and western Mediterranean, one on Norwegian and one on Royal Caribbean. He loves land based vacations, but hates the whole concept of the cruise. He wants to lie at s big pool, spread out, be close to the sand and not be restricted by sailing times when he's sightseeing. He isn't thrilled with most main dining room meals, but has enjoyed the speciality restaurants. He did enjoy a day spa pass on the Epic, but that's about it. He's not one for gambling or shows, so that aspect of cruising doesn't appeal to him. He will prefer a land all inclusive vacation any day. It's just something that after him giving it a try 4 times, I'm not going to change his mind.


I think my next cruise will be just the kids and I!


Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

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I'm so lucky I have 2 sisters.


My older sister loves cruising as much as I do and we have enjoyed several cruises together. She's so easy to be with and we laugh for hours on end…or we can just be quiet and read, no need to entertain each other.


My middle sister says she hates it, I doubt she's ever been on even a small boat or anywhere in the vicinity of a cruise ship. I wouldn't even be all that surprised if she hasn't been to the beach in years, although we all live within a 20 minute drive of the ocean.


We're very happy she doesn't ever want to go with us. Just being with her for 2 hours is a downer. I can't imagine a whole week or more with her. We never tell her how much fun we have :p

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On one of our cruise we had a wonderful group of tablemates. The wife in one of the couples confided that she didn't like cruising, she only came along because her husband enjoyed it. Her DH was on CC and had actually posted on our roll call. I don't think he has posted since that cruise. I will say she made the best of it, but she preferred staying home with her kids and grandkids.

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  • 1 month later...

My hubby will not cruise. Period. My TA even arranged for a tour and dinner aboard to see if it would change his mind. He doesn't like heights so looking down from the deck gave him the willies. He's not into fine dining so burgers and pizza. I love the dining! And being stuck on board with no way off he would be claustrophobic in a way. So I cruise with my daughter's and sister. He's fine with that! Also know a gal who spent her entire 5 day cruise hugging the toilet seasick. You couldn't pay her to cruise!


Sent from my SGH-I337M using Forums mobile app

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My colleague and I went on separate first cruises last year and got addicted. We both had such a wonderful time and talked about our cruises so much that another colleague in our office booked a short cruise for her wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, she got terribly seasick. She was also not happy with the cruiseline (different to ours) that she booked. She will never set foot on another cruise ever again. Funnily enough, she was worried beforehand about her hubby hating the cruise but he ended up enjoying it.

Edited by aussielozzie18
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I agree. Isn't it strange. I have co-workers that are like that. Have never stepped foot on a ship and they are sure that all it is is a buffet on water. I don't get it.


It's possible to look at the factors involved in cruising and decide it's not for you. DH and I hate crowds, are not beach people, don't want to be scheduled on vacation, HATE waiting in line. If I get into a pool I want to swim, not dodge small children (although I generally like small children) and people lolling with drinks in their hands while a movie blares on a giant TV screen. We don't like DJs, hip-hop music or casinos. We like alcohol in moderation and don't like to pay ripoff prices for it. We like good food but it's not the reason we travel. There are some beautiful cities in Europe that are landlocked or not on an itinerary of the big ships.


So we can pretty much tell you we wouldn't like big-ship cruising and I don't think we're being closed-minded. OTOH, we loved the small-ship cruise we took in Alaska that we're going again this year.

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So we can pretty much tell you we wouldn't like big-ship cruising and I don't think we're being closed-minded. OTOH, we loved the small-ship cruise we took in Alaska that we're going again this year.


Exactly - "cruising" offers more than one type of product. I would HATE big ship cruising (though I enjoyed it 30 years ago), but I love sea days, so I'm on a Crystal transpacific this year. And I have my eye gazing towards a Voyages to Antiquity cruise to the Middle East or India, because those are places I wouldn't travel to on my own, and they offer a product unlike almost everyone else.

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I know a lot of people who don't like cruising.


Some got seasick.


Others didn't care for the food (Most of them were real gourmets who spend on one meal what some folks pay for a cabin on a cheap cruise :eek:)


The majority who don't like cruising hate there that isn't enough time in the ports to really soak in the culture & experience a new place at various times during the day. This same group all hates the number of people on board & the difficulty of finding isolation. A little nook on the promenade deck won't do -- they want to not see any other people if at all possible.


We enjoy it but it's not for everybody.

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