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RCCL PreCruise Hell

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Day four of trying to book shore excursions, a dinner at one of the specialty restaurants and spa services. Total on hold time has to be well over 12 yours, over 10 today alone. 6 hours spent trying to do things online only to keep getting error messages on their website for a variety of things. Even when we did get a real person they were not helpful until we finally got to a manager but basically all we got was a promise that they would try and get us in on the things we had been trying and trying and trying to get, even though their was plenty of availability when we first started to try. They blame IT problems but give me a break, if your website is having problems get some extra people on the phones or at least post messages on the website telling people there are problems. Our emails have gotten nothing back but an automated response... "Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated confirmation that your email has been received. Our representatives will reply to your inquiry in the order in which it was received. Please reply only if you need to provide additional information related to your original email. Follow-up emails regarding the status of your query may further delay your response.


We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to service your request."


This is by far the WORST customer service I have ever had in any vacation style business. If I could cancel and not have to eat all the other monies for flights and such I would in a second.


Bought & Paid for the soda Pkg.... about 1.5 hrs ago... but did not manage to book anything for the spa...


Oh well....

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Who stays on hold for this long?

Day four of trying to book shore excursions, a dinner at one of the specialty restaurants and spa services. Total on hold time has to be well over 12 yours, over 10 today alone. 6 hours spent trying to do things online only to keep getting error messages on their website for a variety of things. Even when we did get a real person they were not helpful until we finally got to a manager but basically all we got was a promise that they would try and get us in on the things we had been trying and trying and trying to get, even though their was plenty of availability when we first started to try. They blame IT problems but give me a break, if your website is having problems get some extra people on the phones or at least post messages on the website telling people there are problems. Our emails have gotten nothing back but an automated response... "Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated confirmation that your email has been received. Our representatives will reply to your inquiry in the order in which it was received. Please reply only if you need to provide additional information related to your original email. Follow-up emails regarding the status of your query may further delay your response.


We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to service your request."


This is by far the WORST customer service I have ever had in any vacation style business. If I could cancel and not have to eat all the other monies for flights and such I would in a second.

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All i'm saying is that 9 out of 10 first posts are about some horrible ordeal that the OP suffered through and couldn't wait to sign up with Cruise Critic and share their horror story with us all. Then they disappear off into the depths of cyberspace never to be heard from again.


What are the odds of that?


You have to take those posts with a HUGE grain of salt.


Why? Because I have seen alot of these one-time posters get absolutely denigrated by the Royal Caribbean cheerleaders for saying something bad against the Cult.


I love RC. Cruised 9 times with them. Never cruised with anyone else... but I have had occasion where things didn't go well and didn't get handled properly... came on here to vent my frustrations, and was taken to task by the cheerleaders because I complained.... if you were new to a forum and got your face ripped off, would you come back?


That being said, the website is a disgrace. I am a software engineer for a very large healthcare company. I looked at the job posting that was posted here.. and I use most of the tools listed. We don't have 1% of the issues that their site has, and their issues are long term, and we handle probably 1000 times the traffic they do.


Don't blame the developers. This sort of long-term defect issues points to either project management or senior management mishandling the IT department.


I agree with the other poster who said "no thanks"... because if the issues with the website have been pervasive for so long, then someone in management is not doing their job... and I can't fix something if my hands are tied.

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I had issues last night putting hold on cabin. Selected cabin then said couldn't hold as my name was incorrect:rolleyes: tried again said cabin not available then emailed me confirmation!


Had a room on hold for my parents as well, they tried to pay their deposit this morning and they kept getting error messages, in the end I rang it through to. C+A dept and paid over the phone.


I am surprised by all the people mentioning long holds, I call C&A direct and don't select 1 just stay on hold - get straight through 99% of the time and they are more than happy to help with anything.

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Honestly though their call centers need work to! I was on hold for 2 hours tonight, which isn't what I'm upset about. What I'm upset about was when I got someone on the phone, it took them half an hour to fix my problem and then another HOUR to give me advice on my cruise and try and convince me to purchase a drink package and specialty dinning package :0 No wonder there is such a long hold time. The "cruise specialists" are more interested in chatting you up and trying to sell you something then moving along and getting to the next customer. Has anyone else had this issue!?



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Whenever I call my travel agent I get helped immediately and always get the best price. Why bother with a large company when you can pay an expert to do it for you for exactly the same cost as doing it yourself?

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As an IT professional, I find the reliability of their web site poor. It can be difficult to navigate and often looses my selections. I would love to create them a nice easy to use and scalable site. Unfortunately I suspect that they do not want to spend any money on this new thing called the internet. Sadly they are loosing lots of business because of it.

Edited by TubbyMrT
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As an IT professional, I find the reliability of their web site poor. It can be difficult to navigate and often looses my selections. I would love to create them a nice easy to use and scalable site. Unfortunately I suspect that they do not want to spend any money on this new thing called the internet. Sadly they are loosing lots of business because of it.


I've read complaints about the websites of four different cruise lines so I think they all have their issues. Customers on Carnival were having their cruises cancelled after availing themselves of price drops because they had originally booked reduced deposits. Taking a price drop actually required a rebooking and the full deposit came due unbeknownst to the customer. As for losing business, I'm not sure how much business any line would lose just because their website sucks. I'm not seeing that as an obstacle to taking a cruise if you really want to cruise.

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Whenever I call my travel agent I get helped immediately and always get the best price. Why bother with a large company when you can pay an expert to do it for you for exactly the same cost as doing it yourself?


According to my TA, the RCI site for professionals just got remodeled, and is even worse (very slow, full of bugs) than their public site now. I don't have to deal with that directly, but my TA now has to deal with the RCI tech issues on my behalf. I feel bad for her, but I guess, since she is getting paid for her trouble, it isn't all that bad.

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All you really need to know is that the OP has never posted before. Every time I see "post 1" i know it's gong to be a bunch of crap.


With all due respect EVERY single person that has posted on here had a 1st post at some point, yourself included. That does not make first time posters any less experienced at cruising. Yes agreed some newbies are newbie cruisers, but others are experienced cruisers. To judge solely based on the fact they have 1st post next to their names does not make them clueless.!

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With all due respect EVERY single person that has posted on here had a 1st post at some point, yourself included. That does not make first time posters any less experienced at cruising. Yes agreed some newbies are newbie cruisers, but others are experienced cruisers. To judge solely based on the fact they have 1st post next to their names does not make them clueless.!


Yes but not all rip the cruise line on their very first post the same day they sign-up. While they're not all suspect, you have to wonder some times. On the Carnival boards there's a member who keeps creating new identities to expound on the wonders of Carnival. The only problem is how many times can you write on your first post that 'Carnival is my family' before someone figures it out.

Edited by Big_G
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With all due respect EVERY single person that has posted on here had a 1st post at some point, yourself included. That does not make first time posters any less experienced at cruising. Yes agreed some newbies are newbie cruisers, but others are experienced cruisers. To judge solely based on the fact they have 1st post next to their names does not make them clueless.!


You all are missing the point. Sure, we all have had post #1. It's usually, hi...i am a newbie....sorry if this has been asked before "do we use cash on the ship" or "what's a DH?" or "can i bring bottled water?"


Why are these first posts that I am talking about always the same? They always blast something. Why? Because these posters are playing the instigator. They try to start trouble on the board for fun. That's all I am saying.


Legit complaints are legit complaints. These are not legit.

Edited by houstoncruisers2001
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Yes but not all rip the cruise line on their very first post the same day they sign-up. While they're not all suspect, you have to wonder some times. On the Carnival boards there's a member who keeps creating new identities to expound on the wonders of Carnival. The only problem is how many times can you write on your first post that 'Carnival is my family' before someone figures it out.


Exactly. Thank you.

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Yes but not all rip the cruise line on their very first post the same day they sign-up. While they're not all suspect, you have to wonder some times. On the Carnival boards there's a member who keeps creating new identities to expound on the wonders of Carnival. The only problem is how many times can you write on your first post that 'Carnival is my family' before someone figures it out.


Please don't misunderstand me. I know not every first poster rips the cruise line o complains first post. My point was I was responding to a post that clearly stated "every time I see it is post 1 I know it's going to be crap". That comes across as saying that they are pre judging based on the number of posts made by a contributor and have a preconceived thought before even reading the post, rather than basing an opinion on the post itself.

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No, because I think the posts are fake. That's all.


The first posts that are things like "Can I play my tuba on the balcony? " or "Should I sneak my child on in my carry-on luggage? " I believe are fake. The people that sign up to vent I believe are real. Many people don't bother to sign up unless they have a problem.

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No, because I think the posts are fake. That's all.


Fake? Possibly... but I am of the opinion that most people have better things to do with their time than to just rile up a bunch of people they don't know. Yes, there are some like that, but I think it is probably few and far inbetween.




It is human nature to complain more than to compliment. People will go much farther out of their way to make their complaints known, than they will to pass on a compliment. It is a sad reflection on our society, but it is true nonetheless.


I have been around this place for 8 years. I am not a prolific poster. I ask a few questions here and there, and I answer a few questions here or there... but I don't personally go out of my way to write about something wonderful that happened.... but unfortunately I will be very vocal if something doesn't go right. Again, a bad reflection on ME and on US as a society...


I think the main reason that people would sign on just to complain for their first post is simply this: They feel powerless. They feel like they have been slighted by a big corporation with whom they have spent alot of money. For alot of people, cruising is a once a year/once a decade/once a lifetime indulgence... and when they feel like they have been taken advantage of, they turn to the only outlet that they feel they have: social media. They feel that the big corporation has hurt them, so they need to try to get their pound of flesh in return....


then I stand by my original assertion... instead of getting a sympathetic ear, or helpful advice on how to gain recourse, they get attacked, ridiculed, lambasted, called a liar, etc... by people who fail to understand that Royal Caribbean DOES MAKE MISTAKES and sometimes the customer service can be very uncaring.


I posted a rant here some time ago because I was "forced" into an "upgrade" that I didn't want, because they decided to give my aft balcony cabin away at the last minute... I was rather upset because I had no recourse, and that the person they gave my cabin away to (that I had hand picked 1 year in advance) seemingly had more rights than I did to that cabin, even though I had chosen and paid for it long in advance.


Did I get a sympathetic ear? From some.. but I also got attacked mercilessly by a number of people telling me how ungrateful and stupid I was... etc.


Had I not already known how things can be on this site, it would have been the last time I had ever posted... but since I know that there are "cheerleaders" who will do this to you, and that there are more good people than bad on here with great advice, I didn't get chased off...


SO... I don't think that all these first time posters who complain are fake.



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Please don't misunderstand me. I know not every first poster rips the cruise line o complains first post. My point was I was responding to a post that clearly stated "every time I see it is post 1 I know it's going to be crap". That comes across as saying that they are pre judging based on the number of posts made by a contributor and have a preconceived thought before even reading the post, rather than basing an opinion on the post itself.


Again you are right. Maybe Houstoncruiser2001 just failed to articulate all the reasons why the post was suspect. There were more than one. :D

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Honestly though their call centers need work to! I was on hold for 2 hours tonight, which isn't what I'm upset about. What I'm upset about was when I got someone on the phone, it took them half an hour to fix my problem and then another HOUR to give me advice on my cruise and try and convince me to purchase a drink package and specialty dinning package :0 No wonder there is such a long hold time. The "cruise specialists" are more interested in chatting you up and trying to sell you something then moving along and getting to the next customer. Has anyone else had this issue!?



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Thats one experience I never had...they have never tried to sell me anything..


According to my TA, the RCI site for professionals just got remodeled, and is even worse (very slow, full of bugs) than their public site now. I don't have to deal with that directly, but my TA now has to deal with the RCI tech issues on my behalf. I feel bad for her, but I guess, since she is getting paid for her trouble, it isn't all that bad.


Actually, both the consumer site and the TA site were both upgraded, changed.

Edited by CruiseDivaNJ
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Day four of trying to book shore excursions, a dinner at one of the specialty restaurants and spa services. Total on hold time has to be well over 12 yours, over 10 today alone. 6 hours spent trying to do things online only to keep getting error messages on their website for a variety of things.




You are far more patient than I would be. Although I don't have 10hrs to spend on the phone during the day either. I can't believe it even let you be on hold that long. Crazy

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Maybe some the more exp. Website tech's can back me up! It is hard trying to put I site together to work with windows, Apple, and mobile! Then throw a ton of traffic! It is going to have rough patches, they are not the only ones facing these growing pains! I have seen a wicked up tick on stuff not working or formatted to work! Ontop of all the new platform upgrade for security and software upgrades!

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Day four of trying to book shore excursions, a dinner at one of the specialty restaurants and spa services. Total on hold time has to be well over 12 yours, over 10 today alone. ........


Please reply only if you need to provide additional information related to your original email. Follow-up emails regarding the status of your query may further delay your response...........


This is by far the WORST customer service I have ever had in any vacation style business. If I could cancel and not have to eat all the other monies for flights and such I would in a second.


That sounds like a very long time to be waiting for sure. Unfortunately when they have special sales they seem to also have huge website issues. Personally, I would book the extras like excursions, dinners etc on the ship, but that is me. You obviously want these things pre-booked and that is fair enough.


Have you looked at transferring your booking to a travel agent? I believe that is an option that I have seen on other threads here.


Don't expect a reply to your email any time soon. I gave up waiting after a couple of days last December. Still haven't heard back, so I am guessing the email system has a very big backlog!


Why have I bothered to answer a one time poster? Because maybe they will come back - I have seen that here before - and maybe some other newbies will have the same issues and would like to get some ideas also.


I hate to see the flaming that goes on here at times. I have learnt so much from so many knowledgeable people and I believe that our cruise experiences have been made better by what we have learnt.

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