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Milli Noro ? What does Celebrity do?


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I just read on another post that they are currently on the Milli and Niro virus is running rampant and they are in code red mode and it's a sick ship.

I'm leaving on the Milli next Friday, what happens now?

Does Celebrity being the ship back early and scrub down?

I'm very concerned now, I'm spending a lot of money for this trip.

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I just read on another post that they are currently on the Milli and Niro virus is running rampant and they are in code red mode and it's a sick ship.

I'm leaving on the Milli next Friday, what happens now?

Does Celebrity being the ship back early and scrub down?

I'm very concerned now, I'm spending a lot of money for this trip.


You may be delayed boarding the ship as they will be cleaning and scrubbing everything down.

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Go to your local pharmacy. Look for sanitizing products that are not alcohol based, like Wet Ones singles wipes and Walgreens Safe Hands. Also buy some Soft Soap for your bathroom. Use these products instead of the Purell they squirt on you because alcohol doesn't have any effect on noro. Look for benzalthomium Chloride or benzalkonium chloride. Use your own sanitizer instead of theirs.


Try not to touch anything others have touched, like the elevator buttons. Use your key card or the hem of a shirt instead.


And wash, wash, wash your hands!

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Go to your local pharmacy. Look for sanitizing products that are not alcohol based, like Wet Ones singles wipes and Walgreens Safe Hands. Also buy some Soft Soap for your bathroom. Use these products instead of the Purell they squirt on you because alcohol doesn't have any effect on noro. Look for benzalthomium Chloride or benzalkonium chloride. Use your own sanitizer instead of theirs.


Try not to touch anything others have touched, like the elevator buttons. Use your key card or the hem of a shirt instead.


And wash, wash, wash your hands!

I think this is very good advice. I would highly suggest that you take this advice to heart, Doertach. I went on the Eclipse after a Norovirus episode occurred on the previous cruise. Our cruise departure was delayed for extensive cleaning etc. Lets just say, I wish I had known about and had taken these additional precautions. Edited by DWhit
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I like a product called Gold Bond Ultimate Hand Sanitizer. I get it at my local grocery store. Whereas most of the Purell products promise "effective against 99% of germs" this one goes the extra mile to "99.99%" Those last few percentage points seem to be where norovirus fits in.


The liquid that they have in the dispensers is the Purell that is great against colds and flu, but not against the nasty noro. They used to have a different Purell in the restrooms and the Fitness Center at the Spa, but I don't know if that came from Steiner or if it was something the ship provided. But check there to see what they are using to sanitize the fitness equipment and it may be the chemical you need.


Gold Bond Ultimate contains Benzethonium Chloride 0.2%. If you want to take something to spray down the surfaces in your room, see if you can find Lysol Spray Brand III, (not Lysol Brand II or Lysol wipes). But be sure to check the packages. As stated already, if it says that alcohol is the main ingredient, or the first ingredient, you are basically just getting plain rubbing alcohol, which is not effective against norovirus.

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Are you all saying that the sanitizer they make everyone use and use themselves during a nano outbreak doesn't kill nano? You have to be kidding...If true, that's 60 minutes material

Edited by ghstudio
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Yes, that's what I am saying. At least all the research I have done says that the alcohol Purell is effective against colds and flu but NOT norovirus. I am not a physician but I do have a science background. I've been looking into this for some time.


There are even a couple of studies (not done on cruise ships, but in homes for the elderly) that seem to indicate that the presence of these sanitizer setups actually make norovirus worse because employees, visitors, and patients use them INSTEAD of hand washing. Handwashing with soap and water is the #1 best thing to do. People visiting patients squirted the alcohol on themselves and did not use it as an adjunct to hand washing, and norovirus spread. When hand washing alone was the primary way to keep norovirus at bay, that was more successful.


To be fair, the cruise ships always say "hand washing should come first, Purell should be second". But we know that there are many, many people who do not wash their hands prior to entering the buffet. They squirt the Purell and figure "I'm safe". Not so.


I always take my own sanitizer (Gold Bond Ultimate) and show the "guard" at the door that I am using it. Same when I go ashore -- I won't let them squirt the Purell on my skin. The alcohol is very drying, for one thing. And I believe that my stuff works better. I am an n of 1, but I have never gotten the norovirus. I have convinced lots of my cruising friends to use other sanitizers, and none of them has come down with it either.


I'm still looking into what is the exact difference between benzethonium chloride and benzalkonium chloride but what I have learned so far seems to indicate that either of them work better than the alcohol.

Edited by cruisestitch
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Every few months we go through this discussion on these threads.


The hand sanitizers dispensed on the ships are noted to be non effective against viruses. However just the same as cruisestitch's "Gold Bond Ultimate Hand Sanitizer" Purell products (such as those used on ships) also claim kill 99.99% of germs if used as directed. Therein lies the rub (no pun intended), germs as alluded to in these claims are for the most part bacterial and not viral.


Does that mean that spritzing your hands frequently with these products is futile in preventing infections. In my opinion the answer to that is NO!


The best way to "TRY" to prevent getting norovirus is to be acutely aware, especially when it is known to be a possibility. Wash your hands frequently, avoid facial contact if possible and act as though the person in front of you is already infected with the virus. But I am here to tell you that even with all these precautions, you could still end up with frequent visits to the bathroom.


I try to be vigilant during the season (and norovirus is nothing more than a flu like illness . . . . in fact it is known in some circles as the stomach flu). When cruising, I wash my hands frequently, I will wipe down my stateroom after the steward has cleaned with WetWipes or something similar. I am particularly vigilant in the public restrooms. However, in the hopes that it doesn't hurt, I will spritz my hands anytime I go by a dispenser.


I cruise frequently. I have been on 3 sailings that either had active noro onboard or had just completed a sailing with a noro outbreak (with resultant delayed boarding while crew did a herculean cleaning effort). I have yet to contract noro. Having said that, I have no doubts in my mind that sometime in the future this damned thing will have me visiting my stateroom bathroom frequently.

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This is my first cruise, will wash my hands constantly.

Odds are very highly favorable that you will have an excellent time. I hope it will be a great trip for you and will be the beginning of what many have experienced on this website - a real love for cruising! Bon Voyage!

Edited by DWhit
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Don't let this worry you to the point where you won't enjoy your cruise. Just be aware of things you touch -- you will see the staff constantly washing down the banisters, for instance. And wiping down the elevator buttons. But don't touch things unnecessarily. Some people even go so far as to bring their own pen to the check-in counter, so you won't be using a pen someone else touched earlier. This isn't crazy, it's sensible.


If the ship is under Level One, Two or Three (they used to use the term Code Red but have gone to a system whereby they can describe the levels of precautions better) you'll see the greatest effect at the buffet. It won't be serve-yourself. You might have to ask for salt and pepper, and someone will pour your drinks for you. Go with the flow. Yes, the line might be a little longer, but so what, you're on vacation.


Noro comes over you suddenly. If you feel a little queasy, but not serious, that's probably just the excitement of the cruise, or the change in your habits because of travel. If you get noro, that's quite different. I would go to my stateroom and call Guest Relations. I wouldn't go to the doctor's office unless you are already immune-compromised.


Noro is self- limiting. In 48 hours, it will be just a bad memory. Drink as much liquid as you can tolerate, small sips. You don't want to get dehydrated. As for some clear chicken broth from room service if you feel like you could tolerate it.


While it seems like what you want to take is Immodium or Pepto-Bismol, really those are the worst things you can take. You want to get the virus out of you, not block it up inside you! But if you are having severe symptoms, the doctor can give you a shot which will ease the symptoms.


Expect to be quarantined to your stateroom for 48 hours. But, please, don't let this scare you. It is nasty, but it doesn't last forever. Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.

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Yes, that's what I am saying. At least all the research I have done says that the alcohol Purell is effective against colds and flu but NOT norovirus. I am not a physician but I do have a science background. I've been looking into this for some time.


There are even a couple of studies (not done on cruise ships, but in homes for the elderly) that seem to indicate that the presence of these sanitizer setups actually make norovirus worse because employees, visitors, and patients use them INSTEAD of hand washing. Handwashing with soap and water is the #1 best thing to do. People visiting patients squirted the alcohol on themselves and did not use it as an adjunct to hand washing, and norovirus spread. When hand washing alone was the primary way to keep norovirus at bay, that was more successful.


To be fair, the cruise ships always say "hand washing should come first, Purell should be second". But we know that there are many, many people who do not wash their hands prior to entering the buffet. They squirt the Purell and figure "I'm safe". Not so.


I always take my own sanitizer (Gold Bond Ultimate) and show the "guard" at the door that I am using it. Same when I go ashore -- I won't let them squirt the Purell on my skin. The alcohol is very drying, for one thing. And I believe that my stuff works better. I am an n of 1, but I have never gotten the norovirus. I have convinced lots of my cruising friends to use other sanitizers, and none of them has come down with it either.


I'm still looking into what is the exact difference between benzethonium chloride and benzalkonium chloride but what I have learned so far seems to indicate that either of them work better than the alcohol.


And if it gets into the water or food is does not matter what you use

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The absolute best thing that you or anyone can do is wash your hands often and thoroughly, and do not touch your face. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. When you wash your hands really scrub all of your hand and wash for a minimum of 30 seconds. Use the fingers of one hand to clean under the nails of the other hand when you are scrubbing. There are all kinds of nasty stuff that can get under our nails. After you have washed your hands thoroughly use the paper towel to open the door.


This isn't something that I began when I started cruising, I've washed my hands like this for many years. I have a compromised immune system so I need to limit exposure as much as possible and still live normally.

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you will likely be notified of delayed boarding via email and possibly abphone call..


The April 29th TA thread and the previous end of March Miami to San Diego thread have all the details about how Celebrity contacted passengers.


Enjoy the cruise.


Fyi: Celebrity advises their Purell is a special blend. It must be used when offered. The Infinity had major cleanings in Guatemala, Colon asnd Cartagena, those cleanings apparently did no good. The bug was with us from Puerto Vallarta to Miami. Cruise cough was onboard to,

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When on Millie recently we noticed 3 things which alarmed us greatly


1) There were constant announcements regarding washing of hands, but the number of times I visited the bathroom there were alot not washing hands afterwards. Noro or not - bad practice. DW reported this for the ladies too.


2) The buffet - a zoo at the best of times, but the amount of people handling food and putting it back was crazy - especially considering 1) Too much food at the back of counter that people were putting their heads under the sneeze screens to get to it.


3) Security, when getting on/off the ship in ports, took our cards to put into the readers. Sometimes , depending who was on security, they would allow the passengers to do it - others didnt. Some that didnt, wore gloves to do this, which would protect them, but would still transfer from card to card - everyone that went off ship had to do this - how to spread to everyone within an hour - see security ! We informed the hotel manager about this and he did say they were going to change the procedure - but it never happened. Sometimes you have to give your card to the bar server, one would like to think the servers were washing hands regularly, and so too the PAX that gave them - it is weak link in the chain, but again the washing of hands can eliminate some of the risks especially after 1) again


Basic hygene is not rocket science, and there are plenty of announcements and guidance for those who think it is. There are those who ignore it and undo all the hard work that the staff and other passengers do to enable us to enjoy our cruise. Shame on them.

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No purell! I bought a bunch of it before I read this post. :(


Frequent hand washing using soap and water under warn water, sing two verses of "happy birthday", and you should be just fine.


Sent from my Samsung Note 2 on the T-Mobile 4G LTE Network

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The dispensers on the ships contain the ANTI VIRAL type of Purell


Description of the product used by Celebrity:


Hand Hygiene is about reducing the spread of infection .....

New PURELL VF481, Antiviral formula, is proven to significantly minimise resident microorganism repopulation to reduce transmission. It also eliminates transient microorganisms from the hands.

Antimicrobial activity:

  • Virucidal according to EN 14476 (supasses the >4 Log requirements)
  • Bactericidal according to EN 1040 and prEN 13727
  • Fungicidal and Yeasticidal according to EN1275
  • Tuberculocidal according to EN 14348
  • Conforms to EN 1500

...... and promoting healthy skin

  • Clinically proven to be mild on the skin
  • Designed for high frequency use
  • Fragrance free
  • Dye free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Dermatologist tested

Superior Human Norovirus Efficacy.........

Available in a variety of presentations:

  • TFX Automatic Dispenser
  • TFX 1200ml Refilld
  • FMX and NXT Manual Dispensers
  • FMX 1200ml and NXT 1000ml Refills
  • 350ml Pump Bottle
  • 60ml Flip Top Bottle
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