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Ports of Scandinavia - LIVE from the Voyager 6/28 - 7/27/2014

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TC, sorry to bother you on your vacation, but am wondering if you had an opportunity to stop at an ATM in St. Petersburg to get rubles?


I will be taking only included excursions all 3 days in SP, and want to make sure I have a chance to get rubles on the first day for tipping on excursions. What do you think the likelihood of that is?


(Also asked this on the "excursion tipping" thread, but didn't know if you are checking that one regularly. So don't feel you need to spend time answering both places.)


Just trying to figure out if I need to get some rubles before leaving Tucson!




It is perfectly acceptable to tip in U.S. Dollars which are greatly appreciated in Russia. I have traveled to Russia quite often in the past few years and I recall stores which would provide me a much better deal if I purchased in U.S. Dollars and not with rubles. I have friends in Russia and according to them, dollars are more valuable than rubles. I do not recall having any problems whatsoever purchasing anything with either dollars or rubles. I had a private guide for one of my trips and I asked her if she preferred her tip in dollars or rubles and she couldn't say dollars fast enough - U.S. dollars are the second currency of Russia.


gnomie :)

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Also agree with gnomie. We tipped with U.S. Dollars (as we did the last time we were in St. Petersburg). Due to a mix-up in excursions, we did not have a shopping opportunity in St. Petersburg. There were a couple of shops in the terminal. The night that we left St. Petersburg was a Russian Bazaar on board the Voyager. Once again, due to our focus on luggage, we were not into shopping for items to bring home to our friends, family and wonderful pet sitter.


This morning was a champagne breakfast in Signatures for Gold and above passengers. Invitations went out to 55 passengers. On the next leg, 90% of passengers are repeats customers. Of those, I am guessing that there are many Gold and above since these passengers tend to go on longer cruises.


We arrive a our next port (in Lithuania) in a couple of hours where some of us may see our luggage.


This cruise remains amazing in terms of food and service. Note to those of you on the next segment ........ information for the M&G has been received by the G.M. and he "will take care of it" for us. Such a lovely man!

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Making this short tonight. WE HAVE OUR LUGGAGE! You cannot imagine how happy we are.


Excursion today was amazing -- will talk about it tomorrow.


Great news! I'm sure it will seem like a luxury just to wear different clothes.

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Wonderful news!

I've been reading your posts and have been incredibly impressed on how well you took the last week or so.

I hope the rest of your cruise is the best ever for you both!


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Thank you for all the good wishes. We celebrated this morning (Sunday) with the included caviar and champagne (will look to find out what they are pouring and will post information soon). Since we are Seven Seas Society Platinum, we do get included laundry and ironing. We sent out two large bags of clothing to be ironed last night.


I learned that I over packed more than I ever had. I don't know what I was thinking. It isn't like 28 nights is 6 months. What will I do with seventeen pairs of slacks?


As promised, information on Lithuania. We took a 3 3/4 hour "Village Life in Lithuania" excursion. As I have not studied enough history, I had no idea what Lithuania went through during the war and during their time under Soviet rule. So many people were sent to Siberia. Our first stop was at a Village Cultural Center where approximately a dozen lovely ladies sang for us (such beautiful voices). Two of the women were interviewed by our guide (she did translation). One women was in Siberia for 15 years -- the other for 10. The stories were difficult to listen to as they were so sad. It was heartwarming to see the joy on their faces when they sang. I will remember this forever.


We then headed out the the country -- stunning countryside. We went to the home of the First British Defense Attache to Independent Lithuania. I believe he has around 60 acres of usable land. He greeted each of us as we got off of the bus with warm handshakes and gave us a tour of his property. He, too, had very interesting stories to relate. He has 2 dogs, 2 cats and recently acquired chickens and pea hens. One of his dogs is 17 years old. I made friends with his German Shepard. I will always talk about animals that we meet as it is a passion of mine.


After the tour of the grounds, we had snacks (cake, coffee, fresh apple juice, wine or a very strong alcohol). He exuded such warmth and made this afternoon very special. He gave everyone his business card in the hopes that there could be some donations to the local orphanage. There are approximately 120 children with only a couple of showers and toilets. If they cannot build a new one, the facility will have to be torn down. This was not a hard sell attempt to get money from us. We were happy to learn about this orphanage and learn how to help. When we were in Nimibia a couple of years ago, we wished that we had a couple of laptop computers to give them but no one knew of their need. If we tried to send them to the school, they would be confiscated by the government.


Anyway, the tour ended with a shopping stop - scheduled for one hour. We were near the ship and about half of us wanted to return to the ship. The typical answer that we would have received was "no -- this is a 3 3/4 hour tour and we cannot go back early". We have heard this so many times. This time, the bus driver happily drove us back to the bus -- the guide counted us in order to keep track of people. As she walked through the bus, we all handed her tips and she said in her jolly voice -- "oh, this is a good way to make money" (joking, of course).


The other tours were also quite good from what we hear. The Soviet Nuclear Weapon site did not get quite as high ratings.


If any of you have the opportunity to visit Klaipeda, Lithuania, I highly recommend it. Lovely people, lovely place.


As I mentioned, we are on the ship today. It is the ship's first visit to Karlskrona, Sweden. Although not mentioned on the itinerary, it is a tender port. We are happy to be on the ship after so many port days.

Edited by Travelcat2
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Just told my wife the news; she says "YEAH"!

TC2, we just reserved to take our then 17 year-old granddaughter on the 10 day leg of the similar cruise next June. As usual, I'm following your every post. Thanks.


So pleased to hear that you are booked. It is difficult not to love this cruise:)

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I learned that I over packed more than I ever had. I don't know what I was thinking. It isn't like 28 nights is 6 months. What will I do with seventeen pairs of slacks?


Travelcat2, Most of us have difficulty keeping our packing to just what we need but "17 pairs of slacks" gave us a big laugh. Enjoy your Sunday. Angie

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Jackie: So glad you have been reunited with your luggage! 17 pairs of slacks, huh? You will be able to wear a new outfit to each meal. Al is wondering if the black dress with the camels made it into your bag this trip. :D

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Jackie, based on your "17 pairs of pants" comment, Joan changed the outfit she was going to wear on the plane, and took some things out. We're thrilled that you have your luggage, and even more thrilled that we have just a bit more than an hour before we are picked up. See you soon. Joe

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I am laughing about Kathy's post. I am sooooo thankful that I was not wearing the camel dress (almost wore it) as it would have been my only outfit (other than the black dress than I purchased). I wore black slacks, a black blouse and flip-flops on the plane. Sorry-- for this seemingly off-subject post. Several years ago, Kathy (AnnaB.)'s husband recognized us because I said I would wear a dress with camels. Okay -- so it isn't funny ...... you had to have been there:p


To answer a previous question, the champagne poured on board is "Montaudon". It is quite good.


A few comments about the best entertainer we have seen on Regent. Jamie Michael Stewart who, unfortunately, is leaving tomorrow to join the Insignia. He is an amazing entertainer. As mentioned previously, the "Regent Signature Orchestra" is the best we have heard. However, the Jean Ann Ryan Singers and Dancers are just "okay".


A couple of noticeable changes in the food department. In Prime 7, the 14 layer cake is no longer offered. The tuna sashimi is served differently -- atop avocado - very tasty. The salt sticks remain odd (for a lack of a better term). We have not have my favorite cake since we embarked (the name escapes me at the moment -- I am very tired).


La Veranda's "opening and closing" schedule takes into consideration the excursions. This was starting to happen on a couple of previous cruises. So, when you return from an excursion, the odds are that La Veranda will be open.


We had dinner with mudhen and her husband. They are an absolutely lovely couple. We have enjoyed their company and will miss them when they depart.


We enjoyed our planned "sea day". I heard that Karlskrona was lovely but it is Sunday and many places were closed.


I will try to find out more information on the Nuclear Site. mudhen went there and we hopefully will see her in the Observation Lounge tomorrow and will try to pick her brain.


Tomorrow is Copenhagen -- we have been there before and love the place. The weather the past two days has been in the upper 70's -- really nice weather. We should get a bit cooler as we proceed north.

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Good thing you didn't wear the camel dress on the plane. That would have gotten pretty stale after a week. I do always try to wear something on long plane trips that is comfortable, and that I know I can stand to wear for a few days should the need arise. A week to 10 days is pushing it for any outfit though.

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Rachel -- you're right. That camel dress would have been awful. It is an Indian cotton, very loose dress -- perfect for the plane but not good for much else.


I still am wondering how I could pack so many pairs of slacks (the 17 were all mine -- my DH has 5 pairs -- much more sensible). I typically pack from a list that, if followed, works perfectly. For this cruise, due to its length, I kept wondering if I packed something and would put it in. Obviously this was not the right way to pack.


Leaving in a few minutes to go to Copenhagen. Have been here before but did not do a canal cruise or Tivoli Gardens. From the hotel where we stayed last time, we could look into Tivoli Gardens. This will be a nice, short excursion (4 hours). If we are docked near the city center (cannot tell at the moment), we may leave the tour and go off on our as we are familiar with the city.

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Copenhagen report! First I must say that the "hoards of people" in the theater is much improved!. You cannot get tickets to your bus until approximately 5 minutes before they are ready to load. This almost alleviates those people who MUST sit in the front of the bus. Actually, I am always pleased when they are sent to the back of the bus to enable a disabled person to occupy their seat. Our choice of seats on a bus in by the back door (think I just let out a secret:-) People should only get their tickets if they are ready to board the bus. Otherwise, they hold up the entire bus. Today there were several buses doing the same tour as ours....... unfortunately, we had to wait for people that supposedly were ready to board but were messing around somewhere. Had they waited a few minutes, they could have boarded another bus instead holding up ours.


We signed up for the Canal Cruise and Tivoli Gardens. My DH does not like canal cruises but found this to be the best one we done. Bravo! When we were last in Copenhagen and stayed at the Radisson Blu (lovely hotel -- across from Tivoli Gardens), the area was wonderful to walk around. Right now there is a lot of construction and many things that were accessible before are no longer accessible. The shuttle bus drops you off around the corner from Tivoli. It leaves the ship on the 1/2 hour and departs back to the ship on the hour. We were happy to get back to the ship at noon as it had been raining.


The last time we were here we had no desire to visit Tivoli Gardens. However, since my Dad had enjoyed it so much, we decided to try this tour. Had it not rained, we could have spent more time there. Still, we do not feel that it is worth the money (except for Regent's included excursion). If you can go at night, it would be an amazing place with twinkle lights, restaurants and beautiful gardens that would be perfect to sit with a drink and listen to the music or have a delightful meal. You can enjoy a meal there for approximately 20 Euros each.


The Shuttle back to the ship was easy. Before I take a *"chicken nap", I have to mention that they finally had my favorite cake. In terms of desserts, my willpower is quite good. However, when they have an "Opera" cake, my resistance melts into nothing. I had to have a whole piece and do not regret it a all.


Tonight is Prime 7 again. I have not forgotten to ask about the Soviet Nuclear Site excursion but will not see "mudhen" until 6:00 p.m. They did the excursion yesterday. And, Peggy, where ever you are....... I will find out the name of the Executive Concierge.


To everyone else, I apologize if I am 'all over the place" in terms of posting. Thankfully I type about 100 wpm because there is so much going on that I cannot recall what I have posted. I look at new posts from other people and try my best to respond.


One more thing...... they loaded a LOT of supplies (food included) for the next cruise -- July 11th (or 12th? -- whenever this cruise ends). For those of you that will be on the Voyager later this summer....... you are in for a treat.


I will remain eternally grateful to "Ley" (server in La Veranda) for giving me a blouse when I was almost "blouseless". Also the South African girl in the Boutique (will get her name) that offered to loan me her hot rollers. This people are the salt of the earth! There was also someone that works in La Veranda that offered my DH as many shirts as he needed.


May or may not check email tonight. I MUST call my DD as today is her birthday. Also need to check email from my TA as they are trying to do a deviation on our Rio to Barcelona cruise (April, 2015). We are 270 days out and we would really like to set this up so that we are not tempted to cancel again:-)



*Chicken Nap: Learned at lunch today that chicken nap is when you close your eyes for a few minutes...... open them to see if anything is going on and close them again. I learn so much from the crew.

Edited by Travelcat2
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