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Smoking on your balcony is out! Gratuities are going up.

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I got the same letter but mine stated 250 fee to smoke on balcony.


can you post your letter or quote the letter at the part with the 250. fee.


the fee is a cleaning fee (according to the ticket contract) and if continued , they can throw you off the ship.


I would like to see if the letter says that or gives the 'option' to pay

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I got the same letter but mine stated 250 fee to smoke on balcony.


It appears that that is what Carnival is offering today. Most don't believe it. LOL. The compromise is here and the non smokers aren't going to like it.

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It appears that that is what Carnival is offering today. Most don't believe it. LOL. The compromise is here and the non smokers aren't going to like it.



thats not what is states in the new verbiage in the ticket contract

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can you post your letter or quote the letter at the part with the 250. fee.


the fee is a cleaning fee (according to the ticket contract) and if continued , they can throw you off the ship.


I would like to see if the letter says that or gives the 'option' to pay


A friend of mine was offered that same thing today when she called to cancel her Jan Breeze cruise. It sounds like Carnival is backpeddling a little. Or stumbled across a new revenue stream.

Edited by EZ4
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I got the same letter but mine stated 250 fee to smoke on balcony.


This was the TA letter that was sent before this entire situation was confirmed by anyone at Carnival Cruise Lines. This letter advises travel agents to reach out to those that have made bookings through them. The letter you're referencing is the letter that was sent to guests.

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can you post your letter or quote the letter at the part with the 250. fee.


the fee is a cleaning fee (according to the ticket contract) and if continued , they can throw you off the ship.


I would like to see if the letter says that or gives the 'option' to pay


Here's the one I got:


July 8, 2014


Greetings folks!


We know your bags aren't packed yet, but it's not too early to start thinking about your cruise. So, we'd like to take this opportunity to provide you some important information regarding changes to our smoking policy and gratuity guidelines.


As part of our continuing commitment to keep in line with the personal preferences of our guests, all staterooms and suites, inclusive of the balconies, will be an entirely smoke-free environment. This change is consistent with the policy of most major cruise lines and will be implemented on October 9, 2014, or any new voyage departing thereafter.


Smoking will continue to be allowed in designated exterior open deck areas, as well as in our night club, and in certain areas within the casino and casino bar.


Guests who smoke in their staterooms or on their balconies will be assessed a $250 cleaning and refreshing fee on their Sail & Sign account. Information on this fee is included in Carnival's ticket contract.


We are hopeful you will see this as an enhancement to your onboard experience. Please know we are committed to providing a safe, clean and healthy environment for all our guests.


We also wanted to let you know our gratuity guidelines will be increasing from $11.50 to $12.00 per person per day with voyages departing October 9, 2014, and onward. Guests who have pre-paid their gratuities as of July 7, 2014, will not be affected by this change.


While gratuities are automatically added to your onboard Sail & Sign account as a convenience, tipping is always at your discretion. Please feel free to adjust, up or down, as you please by visiting Guest Services.


We thank you for your understanding and appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our new smoking policy. Most importantly, we look forward to welcoming you aboard!





Vicky Rey, CTC

Vice President - Guest Services

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Here's the one I got:


July 8, 2014



Guests who smoke in their staterooms or on their balconies will be assessed a $250 cleaning and refreshing fee on their Sail & Sign account. Information on this fee is included in Carnival's ticket contract.




ok that is not an option. that is a fee which you will incur and STILL have to abide by the rule of not smoking.

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Well, perhaps you should consider giving up cruising now, because the powers that be have already said that smoking will be allowed in the Casino, and the Nightclub(s). (Carnival wouldn't dare ban smoking in those revenue generating areas).



I have been cruising since 2001, so um no. Not going to give it up.


All the upset smokers who are saying they are jumping ship....might just mean LESS smoke in the casino.


I don't do nightclubs on land or sea.


I have not cruised Carnival for long, but I do know the areas to avoid. Especially considering I am in a 5 year relationship with a smoker, jeeez. :rolleyes: He won't give up cruising either, his reaction to the ban on smoking on balconies was "whoop dee do, i couldn't care less".

Edited by Danacat222
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The poster I quoted stated that smoking on a public beach was illegal. Laws such as that. And and don't forget the Big Gulp fiasco.

You think banning it on public beaches is a stupid law??:confused:


I can tell you the reason it was banned in Maine ...yes, 'up north'

It was because the smokers were sloppy and left their butts all over the beach.

Clean up had to be done by locals who volunteered every so often to pick up the mess that smokers left and after it got to the point where it was out of hand and they couldn't keep up with it, the laws went into effect.


So, the law isn't stupid. The fact that the law had to be put into effect because certain smokers are slobs is what is stupid.


The careless smoker who caused the fire on the Princess ship and the sloppy smokers who cause the cruise lines money in clean up are what ruin it for everyone else.

Everyone wants to jump on the non smoker...but who every smoker needs to look at, is the 'worst' of you. You ruin it for yourselves.

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ok that is not an option. that is a fee which you will incur and STILL have to abide by the rule of not smoking.


That's the way I read it because it references the cruise ticket contract which says you can be booted off. But I guess we'll never really know until it takes effect. Can't wait to see the CC thread from the first person that it actually happens to!

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You know what - I have been gloating and I'll apologize for that. Not nice. I was on here last October and talked about how I actually cried the last night of my cruise because I knew I'd never come back until there was a change. And the smokers beat the living heck out of me. Yes the shoe is now on the other foot. The thing is - there is actually room on Carnival for everyone, smokers and non alike. Smoke and mist cannot be contained to an area. Smoke and vape where you are allowed and everyone can live in peace.

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No it won't bite Carnival. Carnival can and would make the ship all smoking if it was good for business.



Hell may freeze over because I agree with this 100%

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You know what - I have been gloating and I'll apologize for that. Not nice. I was on here last October and talked about how I actually cried the last night of my cruise because I knew I'd never come back until there was a change. And the smokers beat the living heck out of me. Yes the shoe is now on the other foot. The thing is - there is actually room on Carnival for everyone, smokers and non alike. Smoke and mist cannot be contained to an area. Smoke and vape where you are allowed and everyone can live in peace.



There is hope that we can all get along. All it takes is a gesture by one to start. Looking forward to someday cruising with you and others of your same mindset. Sorry you were treated so harshly back then.

Edited by WindsorFred
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You know what - I have been gloating and I'll apologize for that. Not nice. I was on here last October and talked about how I actually cried the last night of my cruise because I knew I'd never come back until there was a change. And the smokers beat the living heck out of me. Yes the shoe is now on the other foot. The thing is - there is actually room on Carnival for everyone, smokers and non alike. Smoke and mist cannot be contained to an area. Smoke and vape where you are allowed and everyone can live in peace.


Vaporizers are not banned on any part of the ship, I've looked it over many times. according to the policy, it says nothing about vaporizers, so I will be sticking to the rules, and using it whereever I please, and there's not one thing anyone can do about it.

Edited by pbsteve
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You know what - I have been gloating and I'll apologize for that. Not nice. I was on here last October and talked about how I actually cried the last night of my cruise because I knew I'd never come back until there was a change. And the smokers beat the living heck out of me. Yes the shoe is now on the other foot. The thing is - there is actually room on Carnival for everyone, smokers and non alike. Smoke and mist cannot be contained to an area. Smoke and vape where you are allowed and everyone can live in peace.



There is room for all of us.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The $250.00 cleaning and refreshing fee is really a nice way of stating it is a fine for smoking on your balcony. ;)


On most of my cruises, my balcony has never been really clean or refreshed.

Actually, it is pretty dirty.

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I guess I'll accept that, but you can't stop me from vaping... I use a vaporizer for my alergies now, it's a "medical vaporizer" not an ecig... welcome to 2014



Hmmm is that any thing like the two inhalors I use twice a day and the rescue inhaler I use ....well for rescue ,Or maybe like the nebulizer I ocassionaly need?


Thanks to my many years of smoking!



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Hmmm is that any thing like the two inhalors I use twice a day and the rescue inhaler I use ....well for rescue ,Or maybe like the nebulizer I ocassionaly need?


Thanks to my many years of smoking!





Actually, a nebulizer is the closest thing to a vaporizer, companies are already putting up 1000's of liquid drug formula's to the FDA for use in personal vaporizers. There's already plenty availible if you know where to go to be a tester for the new drugs depending on your condition, My friend is on one trial for narcolepsy. And the chemical that makes your inhaler work(no not albuterol), is also used in the vaporizers.

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Actually, a nebulizer is the closest thing to a vaporizer, companies are already putting up 1000's of liquid drug formula's to the FDA for use in personal vaporizers. There's already plenty availible if you know where to go to be a tester for the new drugs depending on your condition, My friend is on one trial for narcolepsy. And the chemical that makes your inhaler work(no not albuterol), is also used in the vaporizers.



Wow thanks for the info !


So I can look forward to an ecig doing what my nebulize does? I'll let my Doctor know .



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Well, perhaps you should consider giving up cruising now, because the powers that be have already said that smoking will be allowed in the Casino, and the Nightclub(s). (Carnival wouldn't dare ban smoking in those revenue generating areas).


We don't smoke we don't do balcony cabins but we do Ncl cruises mainly because we can enjoy the nightclubs smoke free


For those of you jumping to Ncl trust me you can only smoke in the disgustingly smelly casino and spots on the lido there might be some other outdoor area but I am not sure


So stay on your balcony or lose money at the casino but feel free to come to Ncl because your presence will not bother me


The reason we left ccl was due to the smoky nightclubs and that we could not enjoy an evening in them





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Isn't it your boyfriend's stubborn addiction that dashed your hopes of a cruise?


No he wasn't thrilled about cruising anyway when we can do an all inclusive including airfare a lot cheaper than a cruise. This was just one more strike against cruising for him and I agree. I occasionally like a smoke as well so..... and if you've ever smoked you know it's difficult to quit it's not a stubborn addiction. If smoking is the worst he does I can live with it.

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You only use a balcony to smoke? Really? Some of us actually get a balcony so we can sit and enjoy the ocean. That's why I'm so happy about the smoking ban, now I can actually be out on the balcony without any smoke blowing my way! Thanks Carnival!


But carnival still allows smoking in the nightclubs. That is why we cruise Ncl or princess. Non smoking indoors except the casino which we just avoid


Don't ever get a balcony euther



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I used my Personal Vaporizer everywhere except the MDR on my June Dream cruise and nobody said a word! I spent most of my time on Serenity where also nobody said a thing! I vaped away happily in my cabin with my PV charging and nic juice in Plain view of the room steward.


The most time I spent using my PV inside other than my cabin was the non smoking side of the casino sitting at the machines.


They just cant enforce an ecig ban because they dont know who is using them or not and neither do the highest percentage of cruisers which is not CC members:) and the majority of non smokers:)


If every smoker realized that vaping is a true and full alternative to smoking then they would switch to them and it matters not they are banned in cabins and on balconies because again nobody will ever know you are vaping.


If you are currently a smoker you should have no concern about "Possible" e cig health risks, if you are a non smoker hard luck as you wont catch anyone vaping so wont know the difference:p


20 hours of flying to US and 20 hours of flying home I can tell you smoke alarms in airplane toilets do not pick up vapor from e cigs and neither does the person who uses the toilet after you so impossible to enforce:)

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No, what I am saying is my right to enjoy my vacation has equal merit to yours. Other peoples actions also intrude on my vacation but I am not sitting around writing letters to Carnival or calling security to complain about them. I live and let live.


If someone smells bad in my opinion, I walk away. If someone is annoying to me, I find another place to be. I don't try to intrude on the vacation that others paid just as much for as I.


All of the oh so righteous here act like smokers just sit on those damn balconies 24/7 and chain smoke and any reasonable person knows that is simply not the case. And in most cases, if you say to a smoker that it is bothering you, they will accommodate you and not smoke while you are out on the balcony.


No one is getting cancer from a whiff of smoke as it passes by them on the open sea. That argument would be hilarious if so many didn't seem to actually believe it. Perhaps if you were trapped in an unventilated confined space with constant exposure that could raise the risk, but even that has not been proven conclusively.


The whole "my way or the highway" mentality isn't coming from the smokers. It is coming from the other side of the coin.


My way or the highway, hmmm. Your right to vacation has equal merit to mine. Fact non smokers are not saying you can't smoke, just not where it effects them. And I find it funny you bring up people who smell bad. Guess what the worst smelling people are ussally smokers. As they either smell of smoke. Or know they do so they pour a gallon of perfume over themselfs to cover up the smoke.


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My way or the highway, hmmm. Your right to vacation has equal merit to mine. Fact non smokers are not saying you can't smoke, just not where it effects them. And I find it funny you bring up people who smell bad. Guess what the worst smelling people are ussally smokers. As they either smell of smoke. Or know they do so they pour a gallon of perfume over themselfs to cover up the smoke.


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Very true!

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