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Compensation - Smoking Policy Change


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Personally, I think giving only a 90 day notice on a major policy change is not good a good business decision. If they would've announced the effective date, of say Jan. 2015, hardly anybody would be affected with hotel or airline cancellations. You have to know that the beards in Miami have been contemplating the change for a while now, but apparently didn't give enough thought on the impact to a portion of their customers.


Good Point cruiseman. Giving only a 90 day notice almost ensures a major impact as many bookings as most people book cruises more than 90 days out. There is no reason why they could not have gone with January 1 or even April 1. In fact, giving a longer notice would have had a smaller impact $ wise.


Another example of brilliant planning on carnival's part.


BTW I am a non-smoker (occasionally a cigar) and dont have a dog in this fight.

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Now that Carnival has changed the cruise contract due to the smoking policy, what should the compensation be for:


A. The contract change

B. The short notice for the contract change


Should it be nothing, waiving of the ES change/cancellation fee, some form of OBC, airfare change fees, pre-paid hotel fees, excursion deposits?


What if it was a notice that loungers, chairs and tables would no longer be allowed on the balconies. Would you want some form of compensation for booking a balcony over a IS/OV or not being able to cancel and switch to another cruise line?


Please keep it to the topic and not on the issue of smoking.


As far as your question goes and I am assuming that by contract you are referring to section 8 part c of your CCl contract. This simply states that you will be compliant with the rules of the vessel during your stay. Rules that they have at the time of your stay. Rules that they have legal right to change at any time for any reason. As far as your first contractual question goes they owe you nothing. They changed their mind on the issue and have given notice of their change in policy. Think about the first time you had your booze taken away. Some of us :) didn't see that coming but it doesn't matter. Second is your compensation. You paid for a cruise that is still on not a smoking retreat. They are holding up their end of the bargain so what are your actual losses? You get compensated by proving financial losses not because they made me mad because I cant smoke. They again owe you nothing. That being said I am a big fan of calling them and letting them know you are angry about this and seeing if they will try to make you a happy customer and retain your business.

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Carnival made a deal with me when I booked the balcony saying my party was allowed to smoke on the balcony. I made all my plans based on the deal they made with me. It's there right to change the deal but I should be compensated for all travel cost the I have ( airline and hotel). If I choose to cancel. Or anyone who had a cruise booked before this week should be grandfathered in to be allowed to smoke. and in about a year or so eventually carnival would be smoke free."


I could not agree more. We have already paid out $2000.00 in airfare for my husband and myself.....(we have to take 3 planes for a total of 9 hours FLYING time to get from where we live to Tampa) and also booked a room pre-cruise for a couple of nights. How lovely that I can get my cruise fare back with no penalty and ONLY be out $2500.00 if we decide to cancel. I booked a balcony specifically because I knew smoking was allowed on it. I can get used to the inconvenience of having to get dressed early in the morning to go down to the casino to have my coffee and cigarette; I can get used to the fact that should I want to enjoy a beverage and a cigarette before I go to bed, I can't do it on my balcony....it doesn't ruin my cruise, but it's not what I signed up and paid for. I know a majority of the non smokers have tunnel vision when it comes to this, but would you feel your vacation was a little compromised if you booked an all inclusive and got there to find out the pools were closed for renovations? Not going to ruin your vacation, but it certainly changes it.

I think the least Carnival could have done was to phase this new policy in and perhaps grandfather the smoking thing for the people who have already booked a cruise. Three months is not nearly enough notice for us. I even looked into switching rooms because I know we're not going to make nearly as much use out of our balcony now and guess what? The price for an Oceanview room is now WAY more than what we paid for our aft extended balcony.

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I think Carnival should have given more notice for people who smoke ( i do not). More amazing to me is that people are ripping smokers for complaining about this change. On these boards I have seen complaints about the new menus, no bands, bad shows but as soon as smokers complain, oh my, how could you complain about this, carnival can change anything they want so live with it or cruise elsewhere. Funny, how all these people can complain on other threads about changes, but when a change comes along they like, how dare someone complain about it.

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Two trains of thought on that.


It has taken away the benefit of having a balcony room for those who smoke and therefore downgraded its value; or


The room still has a bed and a bath in it and a place to sit outside.


Depending on the passenger, it has either diminished its value or stayed the same.


Definitely diminished the value of a balcony for me. I booked them only so that I had a private area in which to relax and smoke. I would have cancelled my November cruise completely & booked something with NCL except that my travel companion (another smoker) still wants to go. We DID decide to downgrade to an inside cabin though. Why pay all that extra for a balcony that we have no use for?

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I am not one that thinks I should be compensated for things, but I did book a smoking balcony and now I am booked in a nonsmoking balcony. That drastically takes away the value of my balcony. I don't want to cancel my cruise, I have planned, and scheduled time off (both me and husband), and need this cruise. Credit me the difference in price of an ocean view or someting.........................



Did you contact Carnival and ask to be moved to an ocean view?

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And think about this. If it was the other way around and carnival went from non smoking to smoking the crying would be the same if not worse. And the non smokers would want the same refunds I expect. Full compensation


You keep forgetting that they changed their policy due to OVERWHELMING customer feedback/complaint about the smoking.

Highly doubtful that it would go the other way around.


They did not ban smoking on the whole ship.

And, following your example somewhat, I have booked balaconys when there was smoking. Didn't prevent me from enjoying my cruise.


Booking airfare/hotel is out of their hands. They have and will refund the cruise price.

Plain and simple, people get sick from smoke/smoking.

Nobody every got sick from NOT inhaling second hand smoke.



Edited by Harrier1961
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I think Carnival should have given more notice for people who smoke ( i do not). More amazing to me is that people are ripping smokers for complaining about this change. On these boards I have seen complaints about the new menus, no bands, bad shows but as soon as smokers complain, oh my, how could you complain about this, carnival can change anything they want so live with it or cruise elsewhere. Funny, how all these people can complain on other threads about changes, but when a change comes along they like, how dare someone complain about it.


Thank you. It's hard not to take this all personally when people tell me how disgusting and filthy I am, how happy they are that I will no longer be on the ships ruining their vacations and how they wish entire ships were non-smoking so I would never cruise again.


Smoking is a horrible addiction and I don't know one fellow smoker (including myself) who hasn't tried to quit many times. We all keep trying and someday maybe it will work for some of us but until then I am a smoker.


I love to cruise and have always booked balconies so that I don't bother anyone else. This coming cruise was so highly anticipated for my friend & I, it's been a rough year and we both needed the break. The policy change felt like a punch in the throat. Its hard to relax and have an enjoyable vacation when you know that you are not wanted.



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I can get used to the inconvenience of having to get dressed early in the morning to go down to the casino to have my coffee and cigarette; I can get used to the fact that should I want to enjoy a beverage and a cigarette before I go to bed


I don't plan on getting dressed to go have my morning coffee & smoke. I'll just throw a robe over my jammies and trot right up to the Lido deck, smoking side. You are welcome to join me even if you haven't brushed your hair yet :p

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It's taken me 48 hours to be able to say "I don't care anymore." Other travel arrangements have been made and $1400 in ES deposits are on their way back to my account with no cancellation fee attached. Bye bye.

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We have a cove balcony for next May on the Magic and even though my husband loved being able to have the balcony to go out and smoke on, we are still keeping it. We still love being close to the water and like the cove balconies are more enclosed and private. If anything, I am hoping more people choose to downgrade leaving our category open so we can get good price drops!


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Forums mobile app

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I don't plan on getting dressed to go have my morning coffee & smoke. I'll just throw a robe over my jammies and trot right up to the Lido deck, smoking side. You are welcome to join me even if you haven't brushed your hair yet :p


Positive way to look at it. Don't think doing your morning like that could bother a soul and it seems like you can still be happy with your vacation. Smokers will have to adapt a little in the beginning but I'm sure it will pass.

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Thank you. It's hard not to take this all personally when people tell me how disgusting and filthy I am, how happy they are that I will no longer be on the ships ruining their vacations and how they wish entire ships were non-smoking so I would never cruise again.


Smoking is a horrible addiction and I don't know one fellow smoker (including myself) who hasn't tried to quit many times. We all keep trying and someday maybe it will work for some of us but until then I am a smoker.


I love to cruise and have always booked balconies so that I don't bother anyone else. This coming cruise was so highly anticipated for my friend & I, it's been a rough year and we both needed the break. The policy change felt like a punch in the throat. Its hard to relax and have an enjoyable vacation when you know that you are not wanted.




Do you really take it personally? Serious question.

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I feel for you OP, but personally, balconies became much more attractive to me since the new policy was issued, knowing i will not be sitting out there smelling my neighbours smoke. I will enjoy my first "balcony" cruise in November! :)

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It stands to reason this date was picked due to something they are probably not about to share, even is asked directly.


I firmly believe they wanted those that were going to cancel to do so BEFORE holiday cruises so that those rooms could be re-sold at a higher premium. No evidence, just my belief.


Other than waiving of cancellations fees I do not think CCL owes anyone more money or OBC, etc. They did not cancel the cruise. They limited balcony smoking. If you still want to go, go. If you want to downgrade the room beause the balcony is of no value to you, downgrade. If you decide of your own decision not to go on vacation because of this, that is your decision to make.


What difference would OBC make? Still can't smoke on the balcony. If that's what you really wanted to do any way the OBC doesn't fix that.

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Carnival made a deal with me when I booked the balcony saying my party was allowed to smoke on the balcony. I made all my plans based on the deal they made with me. It's there right to change the deal but I should be compensated for all travel cost the I have ( airline and hotel). If I choose to cancel. Or anyone who had a cruise booked before this week should be grandfathered in to be allowed to smoke. and in about a year or so eventually carnival would be smoke free."


a lot of hotels have fares that you purchase that states you wont be charge if you cancel more than 24 hours prior to arrival or the day before. If you book through price line or 3rd parties, then you may be sol

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I believe people should be given a full refund if they wish it. Personally I wouldn't cancel my cruise over it. I booked with RCL for our next cruise anyway. I don't smoke anymore, but I still do smoke cigars and it would be nice to enjoy them on the balcony.


Even my wife makes me smoke them in the garage, which is fine by me!

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Now that Carnival has changed the cruise contract due to the smoking policy, what should the compensation be for:


A. The contract change

B. The short notice for the contract change


Should it be nothing, waiving of the ES change/cancellation fee, some form of OBC, airfare change fees, pre-paid hotel fees, excursion deposits?


What if it was a notice that loungers, chairs and tables would no longer be allowed on the balconies. Would you want some form of compensation for booking a balcony over a IS/OV or not being able to cancel and switch to another cruise line?


Please keep it to the topic and not on the issue of smoking.


None, read your cruise contract. Cruisers basically have no rights other than canceling and after final payment they don't evenhave that.

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I am not one that thinks I should be compensated for things, but I did book a smoking balcony and now I am booked in a nonsmoking balcony. That drastically takes away the value of my balcony. I don't want to cancel my cruise, I have planned, and scheduled time off (both me and husband), and need this cruise. Credit me the difference in price of an ocean view or someting.........................


Some book for smoking rights, others have no problem booking just to have a balcony. How would Carnival know which balcony got the short end of the deal?

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I don't think any compensation should be given. It's not like they banned smoking on the entire ship.


If you take a ship many football fields long, take away those outdoor smoking areas, condense it to one area on Lido or nearby, I'd say that's most of the ship. ;)

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Zero compensation.


I doubt very seriously stock prices are down because balconies are non smoking. Out of 3500 passengers I bet a very small percentage smoke - less than 10%. RCCL started their nonsmoking balconies and now Carnival is following suit. If it really was a revenue buster no way Carnival follows. After all, the cruise lines are in business to make money.


Carnival is not in the same class as RCCL. They don't even compare.

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Carnival made a deal with me when I booked the balcony saying my party was allowed to smoke on the balcony. I made all my plans based on the deal they made with me. It's there right to change the deal but I should be compensated for all travel cost the I have ( airline and hotel). If I choose to cancel. Or anyone who had a cruise booked before this week should be grandfathered in to be allowed to smoke. and in about a year or so eventually carnival would be smoke free."


If Carnival is giving a full refund, then they honored the deal you made with them. Your airfare and hotel are personal choices that they did not make for you.


Use the airfare and book a land resort. Most hotels let you cancel, but you may have a nonrefundable deal with the hotel. Enjoy the hotel and the beach.

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I'm sure Carnival thought long and hard when they decided to only give 3 months notice.


1. It has to be at least three months or we would have after final payment issues.

2. If we only give three months then we minimize the cancellations due to customers having sunk airfare/hotel costs.

3. If we only give three months then the the pool of IS/OVs to downgrade to is less and at a higher premium.

4. If we do it in October we can open up Holiday season cabins at a higher premium.


There is no reason other than concern for the bottom line for Carnival to make the notice so short. That's the issue. They could have extended it out to 6 months or 8 months notice and there would have been a lot less impact on customers but a lot more cancellations.


Je me souviens Carnival.

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