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I think you need to cancel ALL trips you have planned anywhere in the world whether by train, plane or cruise ship.


You also need to stop going to work, to school, the grocery store, church – anywhere people congregate.


Then go home, lock ALL doors, crawl into bed and pull the covers over your head.


NOTE: this is sarcasm. These posts all over the internet whether travel or other sites is driving me CRAZY. But hey, if enough people cancel all plans I might get a real CHEAP trip this winter.

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The problem is that the virus can be transmitted by contact with bodily secretions. You don't have to see them for them to have been on a surface. If someone who is contagious coughs into their hand and then touches a common surface, there you go. If you observe people you will see them unconsciously touch their face, wipe their nose or eyes, bite their nails or believe it or not, suck their thumb ( yes I have seen adults do this in public!)

When we fly I will be wiping off the seat trays, arm rests and if I use the facilities I will carry a wipe to wipe off the surfaces I touch. All you can do is be careful and decrease your risk by being aware of that risk according to the geographic area.

I may not have understood the comment someone made about the latest nurse who has contracted the virus as it being related to carelessness.. but if you are referring to her being careless, you obviously do not have experience with isolation procedures. The common protective gear used for contact isolation in hospitals is woefully inadequate and transmission is possible.It is very difficult to put on and take off without contamination. The fact that she flew, the news says that she called the CDC and was cleared. In health care the CDC is the ultimate reference for all things related to infectious diseases.

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My past two flights, within the last two months bring back memories that relate to this:


Air Berlin flying within Europe: an man was sitting in the front of the plane with a hacking cough that would NOT stop. It went on about 30 minutes before and during takeoff and the attendant avoided him like the plague. I was wondering if they were discussing if he should be removed from the flight. No mask... His coughing subsided somewhat but it showed me that removing him wasn't happening and everyone on the plane was not happy with the lack of action.


A woman sat next to me in the terminal and proceeded to bring out her mountain of Kleenex and placed it on her luggage, blowing her nose and hacking. It was boarding time so I quickly got up and just stood waiting for my turn to board and was determined to ask to be moved if she sat near me. Fortunately for me, she was there for another flight.


I would fly, but would now bring a few masks and a container of disinfecting wipes.

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I suppose that one could live in a bubble or some place out in the boonies off of the grid and avoid all contact with humanity. I choose not to do that. I continued traveling after 9/11 and will continue to travel now.

Edited by tip
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How do y'all feel about leprosy? Approximately 180,000 cases worldwide, with 200 cases being reported in the US each year. Mostly in the south, California, Hawaii and the US territories. Egads!! In the last 12 months I've been in all of those places!! What a close call I had. I never even knew. Who knew leprosy was running rampant throughout the US!??!!


So in the US, you have a greater chance of running into a leper than you do someone who has ebola.


Yes, sorry, this is sarcasm too. And my apologies to anyone who may have leprosy.


Common sense and proper precautions to everyday risks will save the day. Getting hysterical won't.

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The problem is that the virus can be transmitted by contact with bodily secretions. You don't have to see them for them to have been on a surface. If someone who is contagious coughs into their hand and then touches a common surface, there you go.


Fortunately the virus doesn't last long on surfaces once it's dried and at room temperature. In experimental conditions kept at specific temperatures (cold), it can last a few days, but in real-world conditions it doesn't last much longer than it takes to dry up.

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For some of us, the thought of how uncomfortable and inconvenient it can be if you happen to be on a plane where a suspected case may be aboard. Earlier this week, a plane landed in Boston after flying 14 hours from Dubai and no one was allowed off the plane until they removed five passengers who displayed symptoms of fever. After a 14 hour flight and likely 30 - 45 minutes on the ground while the plane was boarded and readied for take off, the passengers had to sit another 3 hours before being permitted to leave.


Each of us decides for ourselves what positions we wish to place ourselves and I think it unkind and disrespectful to criticize another person's decision. We don't know their personal circumstances or what their real or imagined concerns are. In the end, our cruises are optional 'treats' as is all leisure travel. Maybe the possible concern, discomfort, other health conditions, family responsibilities and who knows what are heavily weighted against the optional vacation that some are just fine giving up. Perhaps it depends if one has already cruised 90+ times and another cruise is not as special to them as someone else.


Just something to think about. I think it unfair and unkind to be so judgmental of choices anyone makes if it does not personally impact you.


Edited by sail7seas
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Just something to think about. I think it unfair and unkind to be so judgmental of choices anyone makes if it does not personally impact you.



Yeah, I see this all the time on these boards........about what other people wear, about what other people eat, about what other people talk about at dinner..........

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The question still remains unanswered. ..What are the cruise ship lines doing to help protect us?

At this moment if you fly you have a check point where your temperature is checked. It you are at 101 you are sent to a secure room for another screening.

That does make me feel secure sorry call it what you want.

But I have not heard anything from the Cruise lines and there roll ..

Today's topic on news is Ebola and how to control before we have a world epidemic on our hands...


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The question still remains unanswered. ..What are the cruise ship lines doing to help protect us?

At this moment if you fly you have a check point where your temperature is checked. It you are at 101 you are sent to a secure room for another screening.

That does make me feel secure sorry call it what you want.

But I have not heard anything from the Cruise lines and there roll ..

Today's topic on news is Ebola and how to control before we have a world epidemic on our hands...


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AFAIK, the temperature screening you are referring to at airports is only for flights coming from the West African countries where ebola is active. So, the airlines are working to keep those infected out of the country, but it doesn't do anything for those travelling domestically. Since anyone who has been to West Africa would have to have flown to the US to board the cruise ship, this takes care of those cases. Those who are flying domestically, and who may have contracted ebola will not be screened by the airlines, and neither will they be screened by the cruise lines. Witness the nurse who flew from Dallas to Cleveland and back. Does the airline ask you questions about your health before letting you board? No. Does the cruise line? Yes. Not saying that folks don't lie on these, or are oblivious of the symptoms or consequences, but there currently is more health screening at the cruise ship than on an airplane.


Remember, ebola is not contagious from an infected person until they are showing symptoms. So, there is some time lag in transmission, and if health officials work fast enough, they can find all the people who patient zero contacted and isolate them before they show symptoms, so no matter how many people they contacted, they were not contagious yet.

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I appreciate your info...not all Countries/ Cities have direct flights from the affected Country. Canada already has in place that requires travelers to Canada to tell border officers if "they think they might be sick with a contagious illness or been in contact with someone who is." When you are identified your temperature check will be done.

Canada will also use "targeted temperature screening" I believe it has started or will start in the next couple days.

This is a very easy border test and a easy test for Cruise Ships for their passengers and staff..

After all we are talking probably less than 2 seconds of your time.

And living the rest of your life..



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Until there is an epidemic, there is nothing the cruise lines need to do to protect people. There is nothing to protect from. Currently there is what, 2 people in the whole of the USA that have Ebola? There are far more transmitible deadly diseases out there than just Ebola, and more people have died from them. Perhaps you should be worrying about them too.

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Until there is an epidemic, there is nothing the cruise lines need to do to protect people. There is nothing to protect from. Currently there is what, 2 people in the whole of the USA that have Ebola? There are far more transmitible deadly diseases out there than just Ebola, and more people have died from them. Perhaps you should be worrying about them too.


Hi ....have you watched CNN this am ...Your statement "there is nothing to protect from" needs a wake up call. Have you followed the route the nurse took on a plane. .?

Have you watched the news this morning on Carnival Cruise Lines on there quarantine ,probable low risk till clears. But still needs attention from health authority.

But most of all nice to here that Carnival is now going to put a protocol in to effect.

I am sure it will be only time till all other lines follow...

That is all at this point society can ask for till the next level of protection is needed besides protecting ourselfs as much as we can.

It will not be long till the Anti Virus is out in volume they ship to Africa and they also will provide our countries with it... (I believe) as they have already produced it and have had great success.


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Belize turned Carnival Magic away and would not permit guests ashore.



They turned the ship away as there was a connection.The person is in quarantine. Belize is small they do not have the resources. I say bravo, as this is what our international airlines need to do that are Direct /Connection flight from Africa turn them away cancel them ground the flights till further notice.



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Hi ....have you watched CNN this am ...Your statement "there is nothing to protect from" needs a wake up call. Have you followed the route the nurse took on a plane. .?

Have you watched the news this morning on Carnival Cruise Lines on there quarantine ,probable low risk till clears. But still needs attention from health authority.

But most of all nice to here that Carnival is now going to put a protocol in to effect.

I am sure it will be only time till all other lines follow...

That is all at this point society can ask for till the next level of protection is needed besides protecting ourselfs as much as we can.

It will not be long till the Anti Virus is out in volume they ship to Africa and they also will provide our countries with it... (I believe) as they have already produced it and have had great success.


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I mean in the sense that with 2 confirmed cases out of a population of 320 million people, there is hardly an Ebola issue in the USA. More people have leprosy. People are panicking and as yet nothing has happened.


That's what I mean about there is nothing to protect against, with 2 cases of a not particularly infectious disease in an entire country (and only 9000 cases in the entire world) it is overkill for cruise lines to implement all these expensive procedures to screen for something that isn't even a problem yet. They should absolutely be developing procedures on what to do in the event of an outbreak, that's good forward planning, but do they need to be doing it just yet? No I don't think so.

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I mean in the sense that with 2 confirmed cases out of a population of 320 million people, there is hardly an Ebola issue in the USA. More people have leprosy. People are panicking and as yet nothing has happened.


That's what I mean about there is nothing to protect against, with 2 cases of a not particularly infectious disease in an entire country (and only 9000 cases in the entire world) it is overkill for cruise lines to implement all these expensive procedures to screen for something that isn't even a problem yet. They should absolutely be developing procedures on what to do in the event of an outbreak, that's good forward planning, but do they need to be doing it just yet? No I don't think so.


When I read your quote Jacs I am in wonderment...maybe it is time to read back on Polio and its victims life's.

Forward thinking right now is without a doubt what needs to be put in place. Till they have a better handle on Ebola. When you think of money it does not even come in to play. Governments spend money every day on foolish useless expenses this is not one of them.And for Cruise ship industries cost of doing business. I'm sure the industry has insurance. ..



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Unfortunately money always comes into play. In an ideal world sure, they would screen for anything and everything to keep people safe. But that's not economically viable, unless people want to spend triple what they do to cruise. It's calculated risk, cruise lines need to weigh up the cost of something vs the visk involved. Currently there is very little risk, so there is no point spending the money. If the risk shifts then it's time to reaccess the situation.


The media has beat this up and whipped everyone into a panic. Yes this is a scary disease and yes it is a problem IF (and this is a big if) the CDC fails to contain it and it becomes an epidemic. But at this stage it is not, there is no epidemic outside of 3 countries in West Africa, 2 people in the entire population of the USA have contracted it, which was only because they were nurses of an infected person. All I'm saying is at this stage, there isn't a problem. If the situation changes, then it's time to look at what safety measures need to be put into place.

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I mean in the sense that with 2 confirmed cases out of a population of 320 million people, there is hardly an Ebola issue in the USA. More people have leprosy. People are panicking and as yet nothing has happened.


That's what I mean about there is nothing to protect against, with 2 cases of a not particularly infectious disease in an entire country (and only 9000 cases in the entire world) it is overkill for cruise lines to implement all these expensive procedures to screen for something that isn't even a problem yet. They should absolutely be developing procedures on what to do in the event of an outbreak, that's good forward planning, but do they need to be doing it just yet? No I don't think so.


There should be ZERO cases in this country! Had our government done their job which by the way is to protect the citizens of this country no one from the infected countries should have been allowed in as soon as there was an outbreak! It does no good to close the barn door after the horse has gone into the field. But as usual our leadership has decided to lead from the rear. Why is it our government thinks nothing of inconviencing the citizens of this country, but wouldn't say boo to someone from another country coming in who may have a deadly desease?


We would not be having any of these conversations if our government had DONE THEIR JOB and put the citizens welfare first!

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Apparently there are two cruise passengers ...is this true?..:eek:


NO. One of the passengers worked in the lab (not a nurse) and MIGHT have worked with samples from the infected guy who died. The other person is her traveling companion (husband?). Neither of them is sick, showing any symptoms, etc. And it's been almost 2 weeks which is apparently the usual time it takes for symptoms appear if you have contracted Ebola - and until you develop symptoms you're not contagious.

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