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I missed the ship last week! Allure, at first port... what to expect...


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I just wanted to say what an awesome father you are! We cruise often and have 3 teens. I will certainly be planning "no change of plans" meeting places at least 2 hrs before the last call. Thank you for posting for others to learn.

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Just a couple of comments.

First, I was one who stated I'd go back to the ship and wait at the dock for my son. I said this specifically in "20/20 hindsight." I thought I read that the son with a friend was not all that young. Plus if he was with a friend then surely the friend wouldn't abandon him. But if I got back to the ship (I also said this), and he wasn't onboard (fairly easy to determine these days), then when the ship sailed I'd head back to Atlantis. Unlikely that he would leave Atlantis and go anywhere other than the ship. But as I said I have the advantage of reading this and considering options.

Another comment, to all who are negative. Real or not, it's an interesting story. More importantly it makes one consider what to do if it ever happens to you. Also some good info is being passed, particularly where the U.S. Embassy is in Nassau, etc. So what I have realized is that if you ever miss the ship, fight the emotions and fight the tendency to panic, and figure out the best course of action. I am an airline pilot and I happen to know that there are daily multiple flights to Atlanta, Ga. on Delta out of Nassau. Now, it would have to be the next day, but it's available. However the OP did say that Alfred mentioned a flight "directly to Jamaica." Anyway, most of these Caribbean ports have numerous flights to the U.S. on numerous airlines. So lesson... don't panic, it'll work out. Check into a hotel, grab a drink, and consider your options. Above all don't panic. This happens all the time.


Agreed, but the OP's posts all seem to be in a panic. Having flown in and out of Nassau, not only are there US airlines flying in and out to the US everyday, there are also smaller local airlines that fly between islands and the US mainland daily. There seem to be several things that weren't handled the way they should have been and we still don't know who Alfred is.


The OP appears to be on the left coast so it's still early there.

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The OP said, he didn't know what to do, or where to go. Maybe Alfred had a friend or family member who worked at the hotel he took the OP to and assumed all would be OK, which it was, according to the OP. Just not as nice a hotel that he is used to.


Maybe we should just wait to hear the "rest of the story", before flaming the OP. I, personally, believe it happened.


I know I would have been a basket case and wouldn't know what to do either, other than have a complete meltdown.


I would also like to hear the "friends" side of the story.



Gwen :)

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I've been on CC a long time.

I stay away from controversial threads, and more often than not keep my opinions about other posters to myself. I tend to read a lot more than I post these days.

I'm sitting here literally shaking my head at the level of nastiness displayed here.

The OP is telling a story that unless you KNOW to be untrue, must be considered TRUE. Why on earth would he invest his time in creating a story like this if it weren't true?

I get that there are other people around here who play games, post only to increase their post count (because the award for the most posts on CC is a free cruise?) and generally stir the pot, but this thread shows no evidence of any of the above.

I usually read the nasty comments and move on - truth is, I half expect it now. I really wish people would be respectful of each other on here. I'm here less and less because it is becoming intolerable.


To the OP - sorry for the rant, but I really feel people are being unfair by accusing you of fabricating this story. I am interested to know how this situation was ultimately resolved and encourage you to continue your story in the hopes of helping someone else who may find themselves in the same, unfortunate situation.


As with you, I read mostly, post less frequently, and shake my head often. When I first read the original post about missing the ship, my initial reaction wasn't that he was making it up or embellishing for drama's sake...in fact that never entered my mind. My first thought was, WOW...someone on here who isn't blaming Royal, the captain, other people, etc, but someone who is taking responsibility for his own actions, and trying to let us all know what happened and how he handled it in the unortunate incident that it happened to one of us. I am very impressed with his story so far, but mostly because he he telling it with a sense of humor and not playing the blame game, as is the case more often than not on here. Please keep writing...I think we have all wondered at one time or another what happens when you miss the ship. Personally, I don't carry very much cash ever, don't have a credit card, leave my phone in the ship safe, and have very limited funds on my debit card, so I can't imagine what I would do in such a situation. I am a pretty independant and resourceful person, but I think I, too, would be pretty darn scared if I was stuck in another country by myself. For me, missing the ship would be the things nightmares are made of. Thank you, OP, for sharing your story.:)

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Thank for you saying what I have been wanting to say here on this thread. I don't understand why people have to be so nasty!! OP took the time to write this to help others that some day may be in the same situation. I certainly have learned a lot so far.


To Klfhngr, please don't let these rude folks stop you from finishing your story!! To those who don't believe the story is true, move on, go some place else to spread your toxicity!!




Wish we had a like button. Totally agree with both of you.

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Check into a hotel, grab a drink, and consider your options. Above all don't panic.


Good advice. And make it a good hotel:) Not sure exactly who "Alfred" was, lucky for OP it worked out. It would be best to step back and think things through rather than just let the first person you meet to tell you what to do in some crazy whirlwind panic.


Glad it all worked out for the OP. I bet it wasn't cheap:( Glad he is sharing his story.

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Let me say a few things


1) I'd never get back on a ship without my kids, wife, grandma, whoever. Screw the ship, we're family, we came together, we leave together. But I'm always back on the ship much earlier.


2) I've heard the meeting time story part repeatedly and get it, but the rest has me perplexed.




I don't know who this Alfred guy is, but talk about some bad information.


The major airlines fly out of Nassau daily, multiple times a day. What's he mean, "try" to get a flight???


Now, it will usually take you an overnight to get there, which may be too late depending on how long it takes the ship to get there... so you might have to meet in Cozumel. But I would think the ship couldn't leave Nassau and get to Falmouth in 1 day.


The US Embassy is actually walking distance from the pier... no crazy van rides needed. it's a few blocks behind Señor Frogs.


Did he work for RCI? Was he the port agent? You would think he'd have a better plan than yelling at some lady, his job is to handle this. The way you describe this is so hap hazard. it's not the RCI I know.



I don't know why he brought you to such a dinky hotel. There's a very nice Hilton right near the pier, not to mention the Atlantis, and a really nice hotel across from the Embassy too.


I wouldn't listen to Alfred and stay in an unsafe place that I had to pay for. I'd be like I'm staying at the Hilton and catching a cab to the Embassy to get my passport and then the airport, thanks and goodbye dude!


Not sure what other advice anyone needs.


Call the hotel, get a room. Make your calls, ask RCI what to do when you arrive in Falmouth and to give you a local contact. Sleep. Go to the Embassy in the morning, Get your passport. Go to the airport, fork over the fortune, get on a plane, fly to their hub and then on to ship wherever you can catch it.


Once there, re-register and try to enjoy the last day or so.


Not being mean, but i just don't understand.



TIP: The RCI daily "Cruise Compass" lists important port information such a RCI Port Agent, Embassy, etc on Port Days on the front page. Always good it have.

However, have been to Nassau many, many times and Carnival Ships leave late. The port area is still busy at night. Are we to believe it was deserted when the Allure left port. His story may be true, but there are holes in it.



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My apologies, I'm back...


First, I know that some said that they would've gone to the ship and checked so see if son was on... but think about it, what if my friend left him, and my son was all alone in Atlantis, NO MONEY, no clothes, NO STREET SMARTS?! For those of you that said you would've gone to the ship, I really don't know what to say... just think about it.


Yes, after thinking about it, I would have gone back to the ship. For several reasons:


1) To check that my son wasn't back on the ship

2) To communicate with the ships staff that my son was not on board (if he wasn't) and to get their help

3) To communicate with the rest of my traveling party what the problem was and what I was going to do

4) To gather what I would need if said son wasn't back on board at sail-a-way time


I recognize that you were in the heat of the moment and doing what your instincts told you. And at the time it was the right thing to do for you. But in hindsight don't you agree that it would have been better to communicate the issue with the ship staff?

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What is wrong with some of the people on here?


They want so bad to not believe this guys story that they will go through great lengths just to prove him wrong.


Playing detective, looking for holes in the story so they can prove it is all fake.


I bet someone even called Nassau to see if the can locate Alfred.


Do you really think this guy joined CC 10 years ago just to set up the hoax of the century on you?


Some people seemed to have a little to much time on their hands.......

Edited by matj2000
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I bet someone even called Nassau to see if the can locate Alfred.


Some people seemed to have a little to much time on their hands.......


I have tears in my eyes because of this line.......too funny.


Even if the story is false I have learned a lot of valuable information that I didn't know before so it is totally worth my time in reading it.

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What is wrong with some of the people on here?


They want so bad to not believe this guys story that they will go through great lengths just to prove him wrong.


Playing detective, looking for holes in the story so they can prove it is all fake.


I bet someone even called Nassau to see if the can locate Alfred.


Do you really think this guy joined CC 10 years ago just to set up the hoax of the century on you?


Some people seemed to have a little to much time on their hands.......


The questioning about Alfred is not about whether he exists, but who the heck he was and what his role should have been. My guess also is that he took OP to a hotel that benefits his friends or family, rather than a larger well known chain hotel where most americans would have gone.


But, this comment is rich coming from you since you tend to be a pot stirrer.

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what is wrong with some of the people on here?


They want so bad to not believe this guys story that they will go through great lengths just to prove him wrong.


Playing detective, looking for holes in the story so they can prove it is all fake.


I bet someone even called nassau to see if the can locate alfred.


Do you really think this guy joined cc 10 years ago just to set up the hoax of the century on you?


Some people seemed to have a little to much time on their hands.......



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Can we please stop flaming Klfhngr?!?! Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this man and his family have gone through a tough time? How would you feel if this happened to you? I would bet about the same. All alone in a city/country you don't know. Not knowing how you were going to get home or what to do next. Why can't we just follow the story and possibly learn something here. That's the whole reason Klfhngr is posting his story so we can all learn and make sure we plan with our families and/groups so nobody else misses the ship.

I was on the ship last week with Klfhngr. No I don't know him, but from our roll call I know how much he and his family were looking forward to this trip. It was a bad experience for them, can we please just give the flaming a rest.


Klfhngr, please don't let the haters stop you from finishing your story. We all want to know what happened.

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As with you, I read mostly, post less frequently, and shake my head often. When I first read the original post about missing the ship, my initial reaction wasn't that he was making it up or embellishing for drama's sake...in fact that never entered my mind. My first thought was, WOW...someone on here who isn't blaming Royal, the captain, other people, etc, but someone who is taking responsibility for his own actions, and trying to let us all know what happened and how he handled it in the unfortunate incident that it happened to one of us. I am very impressed with his story so far, but mostly because he he telling it with a sense of humor and not playing the blame game, as is the case more often than not on here. Please keep writing...I think we have all wondered at one time or another what happens when you miss the ship. Personally, I don't carry very much cash ever, don't have a credit card, leave my phone in the ship safe, and have very limited funds on my debit card, so I can't imagine what I would do in such a situation. I am a pretty independent and resourceful person, but I think I, too, would be pretty darn scared if I was stuck in another country by myself. For me, missing the ship would be the things nightmares are made of. Thank you, OP, for sharing your story.:)


Very eloquently stated. Could not have said this better myself!

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Can we please stop flaming Klfhngr?!?! Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this man and his family have gone through a tough time? How would you feel if this happened to you? I would bet about the same. All alone in a city/country you don't know. Not knowing how you were going to get home or what to do next. Why can't we just follow the story and possibly learn something here. That's the whole reason Klfhngr is posting his story so we can all learn and make sure we plan with our families and/groups so nobody else misses the ship.

I was on the ship last week with Klfhngr. No I don't know him, but from our roll call I know how much he and his family were looking forward to this trip. It was a bad experience for them, can we please just give the flaming a rest.


Klfhngr, please don't let the haters stop you from finishing your story. We all want to know what happened.



Well said Cupcrazy!!



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To everyone saying the OP is overly dramatic or dragging the story out, have you experienced the panic of losing your child in a strange place? Remember that once the ship had left, he still didn't know what had happened and that sort of panic doesn't resolve for a while.



It is very easy to feel superior if you haven't been in the same situation.



Do people "have the right" to respond what you want? I don't know..I agree you have the right to think what you want but to attempt to discredit the person's thoughts, feelings and personal perception is just wrong. If you feel that you're being taken for a ride, leave the thread. If you feel COMPELLED to look out for the rest of us, ignorant & trusting people, then say I'm skeptical that this is true" and move on to some other format. He didn't ask for anybody to comment on his posts.

If he wants to author this and some are enjoying it, no harm done even if he did say at the end.."psych! Didn't happen!"

So if you don't enjoy it you don't have to stay. We won't hold ya here!

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For those of you saying that you don't understand OP's statements about Nassau feeling unsafe......have any of you not read the Security Message from the Department of State about the Bahamas?


It starts out "Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Nassau (Bahamas), Spike in Violent Crimes


Western Hemisphere > Bahamas; Western Hemisphere > Bahamas > Nassau


The U.S. Embassy in Nassau advises U.S. citizens residing in and traveling to The Bahamas to be aware of their surroundings and remain on heightened alert to avoid being a victim of crime. " (https://www.osac.gov/pages/ContentReportDetails.aspx?cid=15046) Also see this article warning US citizens about travel to Nassau in particular (http://www.cruiselawnews.com/2013/05/articles/caribbean-islands/warning-us-citizen-murdered-in-nassau-cruise-passengers-urged-to-avoid-travel-to-the-bahamas/)


So to say that the OP's fear were senseless are not based in fact....Many people are uncomfortable or fear for their safety in Nassau....give the guy a break!

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We had an incident at one point in traveling, that happened to us!!


We accidentally left a piece of luggage at the airport in Cancun. Long story short it WAS our fault....we had 11 pieces for 6 people and counted wrong!!


So with the security process at that time, post 911, MY husband had to go get it, they told us, wouldn't send it or provide for it to get to us...!! :mad:


So off to the airport by taxis both ways......to find the office where the luggage was & it was closed when he got there!! U would think he could find someone to get it for him, but with the language barrier, and I guess people saying they couldnt help him , he came back to the resort with out the luggage!! :( What a mess.. :(


So long story short he found a bus ( cheaper) went again to find the office open that time and got his luggage the NEXT day!!


2 whole days of wasted vacation for luggage! But u do what u need to and he finally got his clothes!! :D


I know it sounds crazy, but Sh...happens and he really did need his under ware, and with all that is happening u get caught up in the moment and u do what u think u need to do to resolve the situation...


Looking back at it I can think of a few things differently that we could have done...but hind site is what it is...and this did not involve our SAFETY so ....Live and Learn!! Go with the flow!!


We laugh at it now...but then it was a BIG deal !


Everyone has STUFF that happens and it is what it is and at least we all CAN learn from each other!! :o

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I am anxious to hear the rest of the story. lessons learned for sure and hopefully this will save some other family from following in your footsteps. I have almost been there when my daughter went off to Carlos and Charlie's with my nieces and they barely made the ship before sailaway!! I was at the gangway ready to stay in Mexico when they in their feeling no pain state just sauntered up the pier....my heart was pounding!


I am glad the ending is a happy one and tho an ordeal!! For sure some memories ( that you prefer not to repeat) that have made this a trip of a lifetime!


Welcome home and thanks for sharing your story with us...

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Thanks all.... again, I'm posting this so that others can learn from MY mistake.


I decided to head back. Keep in mind, I have 3 FULL backpacks, Atlantis is HUGE! No one there is helpful, I even asked for a ride on a golf cart to the front, they said no! I get on a cab, explain my story. The cabbie is FLYING to get me to the ship. Then TRAFFIC!


It's unbelievable that Atlantis would not help you out with a ride on the golf cart. That might have meant the 2 extra minutes needed to make the ship. Atlantis gouges cruisers for so much money! Yet they treat cruisers this way. It's shameful.

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It's unbelievable that Atlantis would not help you out with a ride on the golf cart. That might have meant the 2 extra minutes needed to make the ship. Atlantis gouges cruisers for so much money! Yet they treat cruisers this way. It's shameful.


Off topic, and not to hijack the thread, but I've read several reports of Atlantis being less than welcoming to non-resort guests. We have two cruises to Nassau in the next few months, and we've ruled out visiting Atlantis due to limited hours and negative reports about the overall experience.

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