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Seat recline - is it the cabin steward's responsilbilty??

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I always fully recline my seat when flying after the take-off and god help anyone who tries to challenge me on it. I paid for the seat and I am entitled to recline it. All that space that the seat can recline to belongs to me for the duration of the flight.


If you want more leg room fork out the cash for an exit-row seat, premium economy or business. People who purchase economy seats have no right to complain about others when they know full well that they will be cramped.


If I fly economy I always fork out for an exit-row seat and an assured plenty of leg room and still always recline my seat during the flight for the most comfortably flight possible.


if someone reclined their seat on you what would you do or say, we copped it once on the XPT train and it was very uncomfortable and bad manners when your trying to drink a hot coffee and have a meal

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I always fully recline my seat when flying after the take-off and god help anyone who tries to challenge me on it. I paid for the seat and I am entitled to recline it. All that space that the seat can recline to belongs to me for the duration of the flight.


If you want more leg room fork out the cash for an exit-row seat, premium economy or business. People who purchase economy seats have no right to complain about others when they know full well that they will be cramped.


If I fly economy I always fork out for an exit-row seat and an assured plenty of leg room and still always recline my seat during the flight for the most comfortably flight possible.


You know KarateMan I think you just get on here and talk dribble to get people going. Everyone knows that an exit-row seat does not recline so you just busted yourself.


It doesn't surprise me that you have this attitude regarding your fellow passengers, but it does surprise me that you lower yourself to fly economy when you reckon that you always cruise in suites.

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Maybe it is because i have usually done long distance flights and many of them, but i have always reclined my seat.

To be honest i never realised it was bad manners to do this.

Usually you see everyone reclined during the lights out period.


Lights out period is different to fully reclining your seat straight after takeoff especially when the only thing you are doing is watching tv. By doing this you take most of the space of the people behind you.

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Maybe it is because i have usually done long distance flights and many of them, but i have always reclined my seat.

To be honest i never realised it was bad manners to do this.

Usually you see everyone reclined during the lights out period.


There isn't any issue, nor is it considered ill mannered to recline during lights out. Reclining is something added to improve comfort when trying to sleep since it's harder to sleep sitting straight up. And when people are sleeping behind that loss of space is a fair trade-off for being able to sleep better.


The problem is just when some see that the chair reclines so decide they'd better maximise their space - by taking some away from the guy behind. And when you're sitting up reading, eating or watching, especially during short trips that forward space is more important whereas reclining isn't required.


There are always exceptions of course e.g. someone may have already been travelling for 30 hours for example and trying to catch up on sleep on a short flight and again most would probably be fine if you're sleeping in front in that case.


But when someone expands their territory to watch, by taking away someone else's watching space, they're just taking advantage of the recline function. Some will meekly accept that, others not so much!

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When we book flights, we book aisle seats in front of each other and periodically switch between our two seats. It is particularly good for my husband because I never recilne my seat in any situation as I am short and reclining makes my back hurt. I stay upright with my feet on my backpack under the seat in front of me. I can't ever sleep on a flight, even long ones.


If my tall husband wants to recline, he does so just a bit so I can still get out if I need to; I am small and can wiggle out if needed. If we have eaten, gone to the restroom, and are settled in for a while, he can recline more knowing I am behind him reading and probably not jostling him.


It is not a perfect system put way better than when we used to do aisle seats across from one another..


Those who fully recline every permissable moment need to think about the person behind them!

Edited by Bookish Angel
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You know KarateMan I think you just get on here and talk dribble to get people going. Everyone knows that an exit-row seat does not recline so you just busted yourself.


It doesn't surprise me that you have this attitude regarding your fellow passengers' date=' but it does surprise me that you lower yourself to fly economy when you reckon that you always cruise in suites.[/quote']


For your information exit-row seats do recline and they also have a television console. I have used exit-row seats several times and know from experience. Further to that I always cruise in inside cabins.


Maybe it is because i have usually done long distance flights and many of them, but i have always reclined my seat.

To be honest i never realised it was bad manners to do this.

Usually you see everyone reclined during the lights out period.


Its not bad manners. The seat is able to recline a certain distance and you are rightfully entitled to recline it for its manufactured distance. No one has a right to tell you otherwise unless its during obvious times when it must be up like take off and landing.

Edited by KarateMan
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Discussions about seat reclining alway get contentious and really are pointless.


If the airline has reclining seats, you may recline at the allowed times. Seats are supposed to be in the upright position during meal service, and it's the FA's job to enforce this.


Exit row seats recline; it's the seats in front of the exit row that don't on most aircraft.


In a perfect world, people would let the person behind them know they were going to recline the seat, and then would do it slowly. Was recently on a 10 hour flight where the man in front of me had his seat fully reclined most of the flight. It wasn't pleasant, but there was nothing I could do about it.


Airline travel just isn't fun, but lots of times, it's the only way to get where I want to go, so I try to be polite and hope others will do the same.

Edited by 6rugrats
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Many year ago on a 15 hour flight with Lufthanza to Australia the seat in front of DH was broken in that when it reclined it went right back as afar as a seat could go - landing on DH's lap almost - no exaggeration.

The staff tried to mend the seat to no avail and asked the passenger to not use the recline. No luck

They reclined and DH spent the whole of the flight except for meal times at the back of the plane sitting in one of the crew's seats - obviously without any entertainment or light to read by during the night.

The cabin staff said they could NOT make the passenger no recline


I wish we could afford Premium economy but will not use Lufthanzer that is for sure

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If its a long haul or overnight flight people should lay down and sleep the whole way.


It is extremely bad manners and the epitome of rudeness that people expect you to stay awake on an overnight flight.


Its also rude to have reading lights on during an overnight flight as it disturbs peoples sleep. Its akin to someone entering your bedroom at night and switching the lights on.


Also meals should be banned from overnight flights. They are the worst. You have a decent meal before you fly, board an overnight flight at 9pm and for some idiotic reason the airline thinks you want a meal at 1am!! Come on who has a meal at 1am. If the 1am meal is not bad enough they force you to wake up and 4am for breakfast to land at 7am.


In my opinion scrap the 1am meal, let people sleep the whole journey through and wake them up for breakfast.


Better still all the reading lights should be disabled on flights as if it is an overnight flight then the only thing people should be doing is sleeping.


If people did not have unnecessary meals on planes then they would not have to go to the bathroom so often.

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Maybe it is because i have usually done long distance flights and many of them, but i have always reclined my seat.

To be honest i never realised it was bad manners to do this.

Usually you see everyone reclined during the lights out period.


I think this is a genuine point! I too have done mostly long haul so recliners at any stage do not bother me as on long haul people decide to sleep at different times.


Even on Long Haul I dont recline all the way as I find it uncomfortable.

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Many year ago on a 15 hour flight with Lufthanza to Australia the seat in front of DH was broken in that when it reclined it went right back as afar as a seat could go - landing on DH's lap almost - no exaggeration.

The staff tried to mend the seat to no avail and asked the passenger to not use the recline. No luck

They reclined and DH spent the whole of the flight except for meal times at the back of the plane sitting in one of the crew's seats - obviously without any entertainment or light to read by during the night.

The cabin staff said they could NOT make the passenger no recline


I wish we could afford Premium economy but will not use Lufthanzer that is for sure


Funny really as my seat in a newish Qantas A380 Melb to LAX in June only had 2 positions, upright or fully reclined. it too was broken so i didnt recline at all.


If I put the seat in partial recline as soon as i leant on it it dropped backwards to full recline!

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Lights out period is different to fully reclining your seat straight after takeoff especially when the only thing you are doing is watching tv. By doing this you take most of the space of the people behind you.


In my opinion it has nothing to do with lights out:confused:


How many flights have you done UK to Australia? I have done plenty and you sleep anytime you can and as comfortable as you can which in most cases requires a seat recline.


I cant see frequent long haul economy passengers ever complaining about others reclining.

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If its a long haul or overnight flight people should lay down and sleep the whole way.


It is extremely bad manners and the epitome of rudeness that people expect you to stay awake on an overnight flight.


Its also rude to have reading lights on during an overnight flight as it disturbs peoples sleep. Its akin to someone entering your bedroom at night and switching the lights on.


Also meals should be banned from overnight flights. They are the worst. You have a decent meal before you fly, board an overnight flight at 9pm and for some idiotic reason the airline thinks you want a meal at 1am!! Come on who has a meal at 1am. If the 1am meal is not bad enough they force you to wake up and 4am for breakfast to land at 7am.


In my opinion scrap the 1am meal, let people sleep the whole journey through and wake them up for breakfast.


Better still all the reading lights should be disabled on flights as if it is an overnight flight then the only thing people should be doing is sleeping.


If people did not have unnecessary meals on planes then they would not have to go to the bathroom so often.


some people may not be able to sleep all the way so if they want to turn on the reading light they can, if someone is tired enough they will sleep if the light is on or off

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What I find irritating about flights is this. My recent Tokyo flight from Sydney and return. The flight left Sydney at 9:30pm and arrived Tokyo around 7:30am. Now my biggest gripe with that flight was the face that they seem to think you want a meal service an hour after the plane has taken off. Who the hell wants a cooked meal close to mid-night on an overnight flight!! To make matters worst this cooked meal delayed the time I could get some precious sleep meaning that I would be extremely tired on arrival at a time zone similar to the time zone I was leaving.


There were insane people nearby who somehow thought it was appropriate to have lights on and read the entire flight. How inconsiderate and rude!


Even worst breakfast was at a time like 4am.


Lucky I booked exit row seats as I could stretch my legs out and get some sort of comfort.


If I had that time again I would have used my points for a business class flight and shut myself off from everyone else and reclined onto a long sleep omitting both meals and telling the stewards to leave me be.

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What I find irritating about flights is this. My recent Tokyo flight from Sydney and return. The flight left Sydney at 9:30pm and arrived Tokyo around 7:30am. Now my biggest gripe with that flight was the face that they seem to think you want a meal service an hour after the plane has taken off. Who the hell wants a cooked meal close to mid-night on an overnight flight!! To make matters worst this cooked meal delayed the time I could get some precious sleep meaning that I would be extremely tired on arrival at a time zone similar to the time zone I was leaving.


There were insane people nearby who somehow thought it was appropriate to have lights on and read the entire flight. How inconsiderate and rude!


Even worst breakfast was at a time like 4am.


Lucky I booked exit row seats as I could stretch my legs out and get some sort of comfort.


If I had that time again I would have used my points for a business class flight and shut myself off from everyone else and reclined onto a long sleep omitting both meals and telling the stewards to leave me be.

You could have simply informed the air hostess that you don't want a meal or the breakfast in the morning and not to disturb you. You could have gotten one of those eye mask and put some airplugs in your ears and gone to sleep.

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You could have simply informed the air hostess that you don't want a meal or the breakfast in the morning and not to disturb you. You could have gotten one of those eye mask and put some airplugs in your ears and gone to sleep.


I always travel with noise cancelling head phones and the eye mask with ear plugs as backups if there is a screaming child. I like the airline meals/food, helps me to sleep.:D

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You could have simply informed the air hostess that you don't want a meal or the breakfast in the morning and not to disturb you. You could have gotten one of those eye mask and put some airplugs in your ears and gone to sleep.


thats seems too easy to ask for, a normal person would do that

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As a seasoned long haul flyer of many many too many years.. i have permanently in my kit...... my own MASK, EAR PLUGS AND HEADPHONES..... and if I don't want fed and watered I let them know.... they appreciate knowing your needs... they don't go out of their way to annoy you.... some people:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:



forgot to add with reading lights are we talking about those little above head lights or "spotlights" grrrrrr

Edited by badgerbill
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Seems to me that the meals, drinks, and use of the reading light are included in the price of the ticket, just as is the use of a reclining seat. So to claim that you are entitled to recline your seat for the whole flight, while complaining about the meals and the reading lights, makes no sense at all.

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Seems to me that the meals, drinks, and use of the reading light are included in the price of the ticket, just as is the use of a reclining seat. So to claim that you are entitled to recline your seat for the whole flight, while complaining about the meals and the reading lights, makes no sense at all.


Laughable. On one case preaching his rights and then screaming about other people being rude and selfish when his own behaviour can be viewed as equally selfish.

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KarateMan, just because you want to sleep on a long-haul flight does not mean others can or want to, so to say they are rude is a little off IMO. I could equally say that your behaviour in expecting me to do the same as you is rude (not that I would). I like to have the meal even though it is late, although in J class I have been known to snuggle down after main and forego desert or cheese.

Overnight flights in Y are not my favourite but it's a matter of "suck it up" IMO and recognise that this is a cheap fare.

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Everyone has paid the fare and as such has then earned the right to do whatever they like:eek: Pity the poor Hosties. Being Respectful and considerate to others was how I was brought up, and I try to be always but especially when travelling. There are too many people giving Aussies a bad name already.

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thats seems too easy to ask for, a normal person would do that




I like the way Emirates do it though. You get some stickers that say 'do not disturb' and 'wake me up for meals'.


So anyone passing can see your preferences and do as you would prefer.

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