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Why do cruise passengers moan so much ?


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Having cruised mostly with P & O for the past 15 years or so I have noticed year on year how much more grumpy passengers are. My wife and I originally liked to dine in the MDR, Club Dining, large table but the constant moans of fellow passengers has forced us to move to Freedom Dining and for the first time on our next cruise a table for 2. We are fed up of hearing from others how standards on P & O have plummeted over the years; if it is so bad why do 'they' continue to cruise with P & O. Our opinion, for what it is worth, is that you get very good value with P & O, we like the ships and the entertainment and feel if there are any faults they are minor and inconsequential taken as an overall view of the service provided. The last time on Club Dining was so bad we asked to be moved after the first week as we couldn't stand it any more. The other 2 couples and 2 single passengers systematically tore P & O to shreds every dinnertime from pricing, food standards, the 'standard' of clientele that were now using P & O, the staff, price of drinks, shuttle buses, entertainment, sunbeds etc. etc. Don't they realize that they are spoiling the mealtime for others who are thoroughly enjoying the cruise apart from the dinner company and perhaps for a first time cruiser at their table ?


Unfortunately being of the older generation ourselves we have to admit the the worst offenders, by far, are the more elderly passengers. This was borne out when after c. 17 cruises Club Dining we moved to Freedom Dining. This gave us a wider perspective with differing age groups on different nights. Let me say is was a pleasure to dine with the younger element i.e. not just the 20/30 year olds but those up to their late 50s. Tables with a fair sprinkling of these age groups were fun and conversation was varied and stimulating. Unfortunately, again, we were saddled with some tables of an evening like those we had experienced on Club Dining. One elderly lady was so rude (and racist) to the waiters that I broke the habit of a lifetime by saying something because I felt so strongly about is. This of course made for a very poor dining experience that night. After a few trips on Freedom Dining we started asking, of an evening, for a table for 2 in the Freedom Dining Restaurant; ah bliss!! This has of course led to the next cruise going for a table for 2 on Club Dining. We will of course meet other passengers at lunchtime in the MDR and monitor the behavior of our fellow passengers as to whether we venture onto a large table Club Dining again in the future.


I would add that we are a fairly quiet couple who like good conversation and a jolly but not uproarious time at dinner. Are we alone or do others feel the same ? Also, is this moaning culture, assuming some of you agree with us, common on other cruise lines or just a feature of P & O (we have only tried Thomson twice other than P & O).


Lastly come on you oldies (we are only referring to the moaning oldies), snap out of it, enjoy yourselves and STOP MOANING !!

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it might be an age related thing. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some older passengers are more likely to complain about almost anything, even if it is almost irrelevant. They do it at home too,. their personalities have matured into complaining mode and it has become an ingrained habit. I have read this might be because they are stressed and miserable inside and externalise it, in other words, if i am miserable everyone else should be as well. It is not a concious thing though. they don't know they are doing it.

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My first P & O Cruise was in 1994 on the Canberra, my last was in October on the Azura.


Cruising has changed a heck of a lot in the last 20 years.

Moaning (dissapointment) ist really just about reality not meeting expectations.


I suppose some older people are just pining for the good old days, when only the well off could afford to cruise, while everyone else went to butlins :)


I think my expectations are pretty realistic, I think P&O offer pretty good value for Money. So I'm happy.


I didn't notice any moaning on my last cruise, everyone behaved very well (as usual).


Had anyone moaned at my table I would have pointed out the value for Money aspect and advised them to fork out a Little more and go up market.

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how much more grumpy passengers are. We are fed up of hearing from others how standards on P & O have plummeted over the years; if it is so bad why do 'they' continue to cruise with P & O. that you get very good value with P & O,


You are so correct.

The value for money on most cruise Line's is excellent.

However on Pando in particular, it is the older folk who moan and groan about things.

Tell them to Get a life, and maybe they may consider another vacation type next time.

Edited by P&O Lynn Knickers
itchy bum
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Have to agree. Quite a few tables we have shared in the MDR on Club Dining have been spoiled by people moaning. An occasional comment on standards is fair enough but some go too far and often the conversation degenerates into a full blown moaning session. Also agree that most of the culprits are from the older generation but I tend to find this in other areas too where pensioners ( I am one myself) seem to moan about their lot to excess.

The other thing that annoys me is passenger's obsession with how much they and others have paid for their cruise. I have no interest in finding out that others have obtained a much better deal than me or for that matter in broadcasting to others if I have managed to secure a really good deal. When asked outright how much I have paid I have taken to replying that we have been given a free cruise because we are such good customers (not true of course) but it has elicited some really quizzical looks and bewilderment in the posers of the question.

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This is probably obe of the best threads I have read for quite a while. I agree with pretty much everything that has been said probably because the usual moaners haven't been on here yet.

I do agree that it does appear to be older ones who complain on cruises but is that not the way this country is heading?

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Have to agree. Quite a few tables we have shared in the MDR on Club Dining have been spoiled by people moaning. An occasional comment on standards is fair enough but some go too far and often the conversation degenerates into a full blown moaning session. Also agree that most of the culprits are from the older generation but I tend to find this in other areas too where pensioners ( I am one myself) seem to moan about their lot to excess.

The other thing that annoys me is passenger's obsession with how much they and others have paid for their cruise. I have no interest in finding out that others have obtained a much better deal than me or for that matter in broadcasting to others if I have managed to secure a really good deal. When asked outright how much I have paid I have taken to replying that we have been given a free cruise because we are such good customers (not true of course) but it has elicited some really quizzical looks and bewilderment in the posers of the question.


I hate it when people go on about how much or little they payed.

I just smile politely and don't respond.

If asked directly I think I'd say that my holiday was paid for by the social security people to help me fight depression, which was caused by me being out of work and on benefits for the last 15 years. I could add to that, that they needed me out of the house for a couple of weeks anyway so that they could put in a new kitchen and redecorate.


What do you think, would I get away with it?


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You are so correct.

The value for money on most cruise Line's is excellent.

However on Pando in particular, it is the older folk who moan and groan about things.

Tell them to Get a life, and maybe they may consider another vacation type next time.[/QU




Could not agree more. We are 72 and 67 respectively and love lively holidays, hence our Caribbean trips on OV1 and OV2. Switched to Ventura in Dec 2010 and had a a great time, although some of the entertainment was not as good as OV.

Cruising is much more a holiday at sea these days and has to evolve to attract younger passengers.

We disliked the MDRs for some of the reasons given above, but there are other eating options, particularly the Beach House.

As Dave, above says, bring back OV or something similar and then we can avoid the moaners!!!!

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We last cruised with P&O 5 years ago and have to say we met some lovely people I'm sure we didn't have to put up with moaners we where on freedom and always sat on larger tables infact have cruised since and didn't encounter moaners but I have been amazed at the moaning and nastiness that goes on on Facebook and here from p&o's ,we even talked of cancelling our upcoming cruise because of the thought of listening to all the moaning and complaining we may encounter on board but have said it will be tables for 2 and will not answer questions on how much we paid and make quick exits from moaners ,we are in our mid 60s and are very easy going and enjoy fun and I'm sure we will love every minute of the cruise but Won't moan if I dont ,just won't go on that ship again .😀🚢

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We have cruised with P&O since 2005 and will be onboard Ventura March 2015, we have enjoyed all of our cruises and always look forward to the next one.

Between all of us who have replied to this thread we could probably make up a couple of moan free tables in the MDR.

Happy and enjoyable cruising to you all.

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I was thinking just that, sanjam. Perhaps we should make a note of each other and when we are all cruising!!! I think we would get on very well. :)


We haven't booked our next one yet. Waiting for Summer 2016 to come out.

Edited by Scriv
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We would love you on our cruise...


We have cruised mainly with P & O, tried others but cam back.. We started in 2007 and love it.. Moaners have to get a life and I just wonder how many come back to the same line.... Surely anyone with common sense would not return to the same line after such an awful experience....


Our next cruise is for 24 days, in 2015, I am not naive enough to think everything will be absolutely perfect but I won't be going on and on about it. It's a holiday and I thought the general idea was to have a nice time.... You won't if you turn into Mr and Mrs Grumpy....

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We're easily pleased, you can always find fault if you look for it. We just feel lucky to be able to enjoy the experience and see lots of places, be well wined and dined. If you go in with that spirit it ends to rub off on the people you're with.

Must admit we've just booked for a January cruise, so don't even know what dining we've got, would prefer freedom, but hey ho, not going to lose any sleep over it. What we've saved can be spent on the trips etc. In fact I've booked the White Room for my Birthday - happy days.

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Forgive me for saying so... but surely the original post is just one long moan!


Just off a P and O Cruise, and we had many 'happenings' and our favourite port was cancelled as it was too dangerous to attempt due to storms. We had three hail storms in one day, and a detour for a medical evacuation. We even had a delay due to breakdown. These things happen. Even though everyone's favourite port was cancelled I didn't hear anyone moaning. At least we were safe. Hey that's cruising!! That was the attitude.


Actually I didn't hear any moans anywhere.

Edited by indiana123
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Hi Scriv

We cruise in the Caribbean normally the last full 14 night before the ship returns to the UK, depends on the dates for the Glasgow flight. Over the years we have met many nice people from all walks of life just having a good time the same as us.

How are you getting on with your insoles.

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Forgive me for saying so... but surely the original post is just one long moan!


No, I don't interpret it like that. I see a non-moaner desperately trying to avoid moaners.... And they really can wear you down, believe me.


Great to hear about your non-moaning cruise though, indiana123 :) More and more people to add to the 'No Moan Zone'

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We have done 7 P&O cruises and a couple with Fred. We have never yet had a bad table of 8 and never had people who even mentioned what they paid for their cruise, nor did they moan. Have we just been lucky?


Have heard moaners in the lunch queue, in the theatre and on the Prom Deck though :-)

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Started cruising around 7 years ago with two or three a year since then. The only moaning I have ever heard was on here.

I tend to agree with Indiana.

We usually cruise with another couple and always sit on tables for eight. We must have just been lucky with dining companions or just maybe we are so busy having a good time and any moaning goes over our heads.

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We have always been very happy with our table companions in Club Dining, jean - so much so that we are firm friends with a couple from our first cruise.


We met moaners at lunchtime though and like you, heard them around the ship.

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We have also made a couple of friends and on one cruise, we only had 7 on our table,but I had met a single lady who had a terrible table, so on night three we invited her to join ours. We are now very close friends and she cruises with us. works for all three of us, as my husband likes all the lectures and we like to play quoits or sunbathe, or walk, then we all meet for lunch.

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I hate it when people go on about how much or little they payed.

I just smile politely and don't respond.

If asked directly I think I'd say that my holiday was paid for by the social security people to help me fight depression, which was caused by me being out of work and on benefits for the last 15 years. I could add to that, that they needed me out of the house for a couple of weeks anyway so that they could put in a new kitchen and redecorate.


What do you think, would I get away with it?



LOL :D Excellent! I hope I am asked how much I paid so I can use that very reply.


There are moaners on every cruise, been guilty of it myself a few times but only when it's been warranted and never at the dining table. I've got less than two weeks to think of things to moan about on Arcadia, better get my skates on! ;)

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I intensely dislike those people who get their pleasure out of proving to others that they got a better deal than the person they are talking to.


As a result, I always reply to anyone who brags about their good deal with the words:


"Really, you paid that much?"


When they then ask how much I paid, I always decline to say on the basis that I don't want them to feel that they did not get a good deal.:D

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