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Rude, Rude Rude passengers!!!

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I have been a “lurker” on CC for years. I can always get great info from just sitting on the side lines. I watch for the meet & greets and just show up. Thank you to all the posters who I have been able to gleam some great tips and info.

Last week I sailed on Island Princess, and now feel the need to ask a question, which I am hoping the CC community can shed some light on.

My cruise was great. The ship’s staff continually went above and beyond to make sure my family had an excellent vacation. Consummate Host… they nailed it. EVERYONE (member of the crew) went so far, above and beyond.

My question is this. Why on earth do so many passengers act in such a rude and discourteous manner when dealing with these hard working people, or “the help” as I heard on particularly nasty lady refer to them as. These same people I also found to be rude to other passengers. Disregarding any requests – whether lining up for a show and refusing to join the line, or wearing a track suit on formal night. One incident happened when some passenger refused to join the line for the Bayou show in the back lounge, even though we had been waiting as asked for 20 minutes. When the got inside the ran to the front and placed clothing over 8 seats. These 2 young men from Holland (who had been patiently waiting in line with us and were lovely) asked them to move their items and a fist fight almost started and security was called. I actually asked one such person if that was their formal track suit. I also witnessed a family come down from the Horizon Court and bring into the show a plate of food each and eat their dinner while watching the show, in shorts & tees on formal night! I would encounter these "rudeys" many times each and every day.

I believe if these people acted like this in a upscale hotel, they would be asked to leave.

One incident really stuck in mind and involved the cruise director, Richard Joseph – who I must say is the best in the 8 cruises I have taken. Talk about the consummate pro! Anyway the last evening I witnessed a man approach Richard and his assistant Fab outside the theatre and complain about a lady videotaping the show. The man told Rich he had told Fab about it, and Fab did nothing. Rich asked Fab (in front of the man) if that was the case, and Fab responded no that he had spoken with the lady who was taking still photos with no flash, which Richard told the man was allowed. Fab explained to Rich that he had already told the man this. The man told Richard the lady was lying that she was indeed video taping. Rich’s reply was there was no way for Fab to be sure as the show was going on and to do anything further would have been disruptive to the performance. Rich then apologized to the man if this disturbed his enjoyment of the show. The man they raised hos voice and said fine so I’m the passive aggressive jerk, almost bating the Cruise Director to agree with him. Rich would have no part of it and again apologized. It was funny to watch because the nastier the man became, both Rich & Fab actually became nicer, which was making the man MORE upset he could get no negative reaction from either of them. Finally after 10 minutes of taunting from this AGGRESSIVE Jerk (there was nothing passive about it) Rich asked he could assist with anything further, and the man said you have not assisted me at all our conversation is done and stormed off. I then approached Rich and Fab and commended them both and Rich smiled and said it was not a big deal. I was just amazed that after someone did their best to wind these 2 up – neither took the bait. I was also impressed to see that Rich was using the situation to teach his assistant, at least that was my take of it.

What else did I see – people sitting in the Theatre at the end of the row rather then moving down, not big deal, but then give people dirty looks that asked to sit in the row, thus making the people on the end have to stand so they could get by. One guy actually refused and told the passenger to find another row!

At the front desk it was the same story, as in the dining rooms. People just treating the whole crew horridly.

My question is why do people think they can get away with such rudeness and why do the cruise lines put up with it. Has anyone ever heard on someone being blacklisted because of their rude behavior.

I love cruising, and I love Princess – but after what I just witnessed last week, unfortunately I think a change in cruise line may by needed, perhaps to a more upscale cruise line. Can anyone let me know if lines like Oceania, Regent and Seabourn have the same type of bad behavior from their guests?

Edited by cruiselover4ever&ever
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There are people one may regard as rude everywhere.


You also seem a little passive aggressive and rude yourself with questioning the person in the track suit, and not sure why you'd spend 10 minutes watching someone argue with the CD unless you were looking for drama. It's all a matter of perspective I suppose.

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There are people one may regard as rude everywhere.


You also seem a little passive aggressive and rude yourself with questioning the person in the track suit, and not sure why you'd spend 10 minutes watching someone argue with the CD unless you were looking for drama. It's all a matter of perspective I suppose.


So let me get this straight Mark - cruiselover4ever&ever writes a post complimenting how the Cruise Director handled a very difficult passenger and you respond with the attack above?


Class act - I'll look for you in a track suit next formal night..............

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its sad to say that I think you will find this type of person on all cruise lines and anywhere people have paid to stay on holiday.

We have seen it many times when on holiday in the Dominican Republic and

I've witnessed it in many resorts/Hotels in the UK and Canada and the U.S.A.

I fully expect to see it on our cruise in November. They seem to think they can do as they please cause they parted with ther Money.

I worked in hotels for 25yrs and had to deal with it most weeks.

I would have watched it too, I love people watching and in no way am I doing it to see drama, it just stuns me people can be so nasty and think they are a few classes above them.

Nothing surprises me when it comes to customers attitudes.

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Unfortunately, it seems more and more people today are "entitled" and feel it is their right to throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. There isn't much one can do about them, if they aren't in your group, except ignore them or report to crew if they represent any kind of threat to others or themselves (it sounds like the person you described might have just been an argumentative, mean drunk).


I agree, some people treat crew, and other people in general, very poorly. I haven't seen it much on Oceania, where we usually cruise, but it's not unknown. Boorish behavior knows no income boundaries. The good news, ~99% of the people I've met on all cruise lines are really wonderful!

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You see people doing things that they should know better than tot do all the time. I have to try to ignore it as much as I can so that I don't dwell on it.


By far the most consistently rude behaviour that I see in the theatre is people bolting for the exit in the last number or when the CD comes on to ask for another round of applause and gives a quick recap of what else is on during the evening. I can never figure out where these people are in such a hurry to get to that while everyone else is giving back to the performers for their wonderful performance, others are making a run for it. You cant tell me that there is anyone on a cruise ship that didn't at one time in their life know that this is totally unacceptable and rude behaviour.


On our recent Ruby cruise I saw a version that I hadn't seen before and that was people sitting inside (rather than the ones who show up first and sit on the aisle) making a run for it expecting those that they had to get passed to stand up and let them out. A fight will likely break out the first time someone wants by me while I am applauding the performers because I wont let them passed me at that point in the show.


Come on people. If there is any chance that you might have to leave early you sit way in the back and quietly leave only if you can do it without disturbing anyone at all. And you most certainly don't make a run for the exit during or immediately after the last number.



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"What else did I see – people sitting in the Theatre at the end of the row rather then moving down"


I am one of those "rude" passengers that sits on the end of a row. I have intestinal problems and sometimes need to leave quite quickly. I would much rather sit at the end and let people in to sit in the center, than sit in the center and have to leave suddenly.

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I think it does depend on perspective as to what is "Rude" behavior. Most of us in the USA, Canada, and Great Britain would consider it rude to cut in line, but in other countries apparently it’s considered acceptable. I personally don’t think wearing a track suit to a performance in one of the theaters to be “Rude” even if it is formal night. Personally I could care less what anyone wears as long as it doesn’t smell badly, make an offensive statement, or exposes too much of what nature and/or a plastic surgeon bestowed upon you.

The vast majority of people do behave properly in most cases, but it’s the outside the norm that catches our eye, and we remember.

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That's a very nice write up you made regarding Richard Joseph and Fab. The "You Made a Difference" cards go a long way here, even for those at the CD level of staff. You could also tell Princess about it in the survey.


As far as rude folk, they come in every shape, size and gender. They are from every nationality, culture, religion or non-religion, income level and so on. It's really amazing.


I like to think they were raised by wolves ...

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You also seem a little passive aggressive...yourself with questioning the person in the track suit, and not sure why you'd spend 10 minutes watching someone argue with the CD unless you were looking for drama. It's all a matter of perspective I suppose.


While I do not find the original post excessive or out of line, this response is on point (though note I did delete the word "rude" as describing the OP). I used to react to such situations the same way as the OP does--if I was in a room with 100 other people, the one or two that may be exhibiting any less than sociable behavior would jump right out at me. I really had to learn to switch that radar off in order to enjoy a cruise, or any vacation for that matter; as others have said you will find a few of those people everywhere. The staff who were objects of abuse were able to shrug it off; by reopening the wounds here on a public forum and making the point that you stood there specifically to observe the exchange to its conclusion you come across as having some type of martyr complex. It's nice that you sympathize with the crew, but totally unnecessary.


You are no more or less likely to find rude behavior on any one specific cruise line. I would encourage you to try Princess again, but by no means discourage you from sailing a higher-end line (budget permitting).

Edited by fishywood
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So let me get this straight Mark - cruiselover4ever&ever writes a post complimenting how the Cruise Director handled a very difficult passenger and you respond with the attack above?


Class act - I'll look for you in a track suit next formal night..............


No, my point was the OP was complaining about rude passengers, and was being what I, and other people I'm sure, would consider being rude by making a passive aggressive comment to another passenger on their clothing.


I certainly try to give people having an argument some space, not hang around observing their discussion outside a venue after an event, but to each their own...

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to the original poster…were you upset with the guy in a track suit and the people wearing shorts because of their behavior, or because of their attire?

i know you mentioned it was formal night….it doesn't sound like the folks you described were in a dining room (in fact "coming from the horizon court").

Do you think shorts and casual attire are not appropriate anywhere on the ship on formal nights?

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We're also among the early leavers after a show. Why wait for the "commercial" when you can leave early & get a seat at the next show at the other end of the ship? If the applause during the show isn't sufficient they'll be enough people clapping at the end to make them feel comfortable and a few more people won't make that much difference.


We also sit at the end of the isle. We get there early & stake out our spots. If the show is terrible it's easy to cut out without making a big fuss.


Saving seats - Princess allows 1 additional seat to be held per person already seated.


Also, what's the problem with a track suit or shorts for that matter? There's no dress code for any of the lounges so be comfortable & dress as you please.


There's also no problem with eating food into any lounge. They serve drinks & snacks on formal nights so going to the Horizon a few decks up & bringing something to nibble on during the show isn't much different. We don't normally bring food unless you count ice cream which kills time waiting till the show begins.

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There are people one may regard as rude everywhere.


You also seem a little passive aggressive and rude yourself with questioning the person in the track suit, and not sure why you'd spend 10 minutes watching someone argue with the CD unless you were looking for drama. It's all a matter of perspective I suppose.


MarkSeattle - you were the one in the track suit, I presume?

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Unfortunately, it seems more and more people today are "entitled" and feel it is their right to throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. There isn't much one can do about them, if they aren't in your group, except ignore them or report to crew if they represent any kind of threat to others or themselves (it sounds like the person you described might have just been an argumentative, mean drunk).


I agree, some people treat crew, and other people in general, very poorly. I haven't seen it much on Oceania, where we usually cruise, but it's not unknown. Boorish behavior knows no income boundaries. The good news, ~99% of the people I've met on all cruise lines are really wonderful!


Agreed. For many people, it's simply an entitlement issue. I'm on vacation/I paid good money/it's my anniversary, therefore I'm entitled to get what I want. I am the customer and they are "the help," therefore they're obliged to do what I want. Not a good look... very self-centered and narcissistic.

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Thank you all very much for your reply & opinions on the question I asked. That is what I love about this site is how you get such a wide range of feedback.

For the people that sit on the end of an aisle - I have no issue with this. My comment was the people I saw give people dirty looks for asking them to rise so they could get to the other seats and in one case someone actually refuse.

I have re-read the Princess info on dress policy and NO WHERE does it state it only applies to the Dining Rooms. Come on at least where slacks and a collared shirt. Track suits? OK you are all entitled to your opinions and again I appreciate the responses. it is educational to hear what people think. Much appreciated and thanks again. Hope you all have a happy new year and enjoy your cruises!:D:p:):rolleyes::p

Edited by cruiselover4ever&ever
typo errors
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to the original poster…were you upset with the guy in a track suit and the people wearing shorts because of their behavior, or because of their attire?

i know you mentioned it was formal night….it doesn't sound like the folks you described were in a dining room (in fact "coming from the horizon court").

Do you think shorts and casual attire are not appropriate anywhere on the ship on formal nights?


If that is the case, then don't go to the pool area, because we will be in the jacuzzi on formal night. ;)

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So are you saying on formal night we should be wearing formal wear in the specialty restaurants and buffet? I don't think you read the policy clearly. We will be going to specialty rest on formal night and you will see us at the shows and we might even get into more comfortable clothes.

Did you look to see if everyone in the end aisles made dirty faces when asked to get up? Or was it occasional? Maybe someone making a face to themselves because of bad knees?

Did you ask the person in the track suit if they had any problems with tight clothes or dressing and doing buttons and zippers or did they just want to be comfortable?

As for the CD. With the thousands they deal with weekly, I'm sure they are going to run into some argumentative people. I would guess they know how to handle them.. I would just keep walking.

I have re-read the Princess info on dress policy and NO WHERE does it state it only applies to the Dining Rooms. Come on at least where slacks and a collared shirt. Track suits? OK you are all entitled to your opinions and again I appreciate the responses. it is educational to hear what people think. Much appreciated and thanks again. Hope you all have a happy new year and enjoy your cruises!:D:p:):rolleyes::p






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Agreed. For many people, it's simply an entitlement issue. I'm on vacation/I paid good money/it's my anniversary, therefore I'm entitled to get what I want. I am the customer and they are "the help," therefore they're obliged to do what I want. Not a good look... very self-centered and narcissistic.


I agree. Friends have sailed with Seabourne and there were objectionable people there too.

It's nice when you are waiting patiently in line when a server ignores the person who pushed in - it doesn't always happen though!

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