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Anyone been to Durres (Tirana) with Azamara


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I started doing some research on our itinerary next year on the Journey. It ports in Durres, Albania. I started reading and doing extensive research on this port and it really looks awful. How awful? Well, so bad that I would lean to staying on the ship. There are three excursions listed and one at $140 per person to Berat, looks half decent, but not something I'd look forward to. Maybe a spa day makes more sense. The other parts of this itinerary look really good, but it already includes one day at sea and another full day at the disembarkation port in Venice (we are doing two pre cruise days there already). The rest of this 7-day itinerary includes an overnight in Hvar and really long port days in Split and Dubrovnik. It would be our first Azamara cruise and that is also a big part of the draw for us (and a great price).


Would Durres be a deal breaker to anyone? If you have experience with this port, please let me know.

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I started doing some research on our itinerary next year on the Journey. It ports in Durres, Albania. (and a great price).


Would Durres be a deal breaker to anyone? If you have experience with this port, please let me know.


i have been to Albania two years ago. .bet it is the same port.. loved he old church/museum we went too.. the walk on the hills that were cobblestone killed me and i hike. wrong shoes.. lunch was ok .but i find ship tour foods not great... would i go back to the country no.. glad i saw something... ship does not have money for this country as it goes only once a year.


the other ports are good. enough to keep you busy all day.

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Hi Hubofhockey,

I've not been but I asked around. I was told many guests find it interesting because the country was closed off to the outside world for so long.

I'll be interested in how you find it after your visit.


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We were there last summer.

It is the most depressing awful port.

My advise,spend the day on the ship.

The museum was bad,a few hand written notes next to each object.

Bathroom light not working.

Guide was dis interested..

Nothing to see at all

Can not understand why cruise lines stop here,must be cheap port.....

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We were there last summer.

It is the most depressing awful port.

My advise,spend the day on the ship.

The museum was bad,a few hand written notes next to each object.

Bathroom light not working.

Guide was dis interested..

Nothing to see at all

Can not understand why cruise lines stop here,must be cheap port.....


Thanks, this is consistent with what I have read online about Durres/Tirana. We'll spend the day on the ship even though the next day is a day at sea. It's no reason to cancel the cruise, but I hate the throw away ports the cruise lines seem to add to otherwise good itineraries. We're doing this cruise as our first Azamara cruise and it will give us time to enjoy the ship.


What did you visit? Tirana, Berat, Kruja?

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I haven't been to Durres on a cruise, but did have an overnight stay there in the 1980s as part of one of 2 long weekend breaks in Albania. It was a truly fascinating country then, and I would love to visit again. In the 1980s the people were extremely hospitable, despite having next to nothing. Our hotel in Durres had marble staircases, our room had an old bakelite telephone and access to a wooden shared balcony overlooking the sea, and the hotel management laid on a local "Beatles" act. The area may well be totally different now, as there seems to be some tourism, and the regime has since changed. However travel is about experiences, as well as treats and comforts, so do consider going ashore and maybe taking a tour. I'd love to hear about it if you do.

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I can't imagine staying onboard ship in a port, regardless of how much or little there is to see. We have been to some pretty ugly, dreary ports (Lautoka, Fiji; Coquimbo, Chile), but we always wander out to explore even if it's just for an hour. In Coquimbo, the most exciting things we saw were a rundown fish market, vomit in the street and an old man in a wheelchair fall backwards....but we always look back and laugh at the lack of photos. Each to their own, I suppose, but travel is about experiences...not hanging out in the Mosaic Cafe all day chatting about nothing.





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I can't imagine staying onboard ship in a port, regardless of how much or little there is to see. We have been to some pretty ugly, dreary ports (Lautoka, Fiji; Coquimbo, Chile), but we always wander out to explore even if it's just for an hour. In Coquimbo, the most exciting things we saw were a rundown fish market, vomit in the street and an old man in a wheelchair fall backwards....but we always look back and laugh at the lack of photos. Each to their own, I suppose, but travel is about experiences...not hanging out in the Mosaic Cafe all day chatting about nothing.






I've done it before (Nassau on the Allure - did semi-private flow rider lessons for the kids instead), but never in Europe.


I think Durres is a good candidate for skipping for a few reasons, including it's not a port you would do on your own and the ship excursions don't look interesting (to me). The CDC also recommends travel vaccines because of risk of hepatitis A in all of Albania. The children there are said to be aggressive pick pockets.


I don't know where I would hang out, but it would probably be mixed drinks by the pool or reading on the balcony. After four or five long days touring in Venice and Croatia, a relaxing sea day might be great.

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The CDC also recommends travel vaccines because of risk of hepatitis A in all of Albania. The children there are said to be aggressive pick pockets.


Vaccinations or malaria tablets are recommended for many parts of the world. If pickpockets are a worry, avoid cities like Barcelona, where Azamara has overnight stays. There's potential dangers everywhere.

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Vaccinations or malaria tablets are recommended for many parts of the world. If pickpockets are a worry, avoid cities like Barcelona, where Azamara has overnight stays. There's potential dangers everywhere.


I get that. I suppose it's the aggressive child begging that could be worse and that might not be what you see on a ship excursion. Ultimately, what would keep me on the ship would be whether I found the excursions to be somewhat interesting. So far, as you see, many just don't like it or the Tirana excursion (It appears most comments seem in line with that one) that includes the Kruja castle.

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I suppose I should weigh in on the debate of whether to go ashore or stay aboard when a port doesn't interest you?

On the one hand I love what TxnAquarian posted "travel is about experiences" and as a graduate of sustainable tourism courses, the responsible thing to do would be to go ashore, learn about a different place and spend some hard currency to help their economy.

But on the other hand, the ship is your home-away-from-home. Sometimes it feels good to stay home and catch up on your reading. You could always book a spa treatment and then nap by the pool.

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Thanks Bonnie. This is a tough call. We are 13 months away. Do you know if there will be more excursions than the three that are on the site in Land Discoveries? If there were a 1/2 day tour in Tirana, I'd probably be interested.

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Good luck with whatever you decide! It's a lovely itinerary and if the hardest decision you have in life is whether or not to stay on a wonderful ship, you have it pretty easy =)


Let us know what the ultimate decision is.






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We spent a week in Albania about 5 years ago and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. We did NOT arrive by a cruise ship. We did spend an overnight in Durres, and it was not bad. If an excursion to Tirana is offered, go, go go! It's not at all dangerous, there were no gangs of pick-pocket kids anywhere. This is a truly unusual country, cut off from almost all of the rest of the world for decades, just emerging now. It's not glamorous, but worth a visit, certainly worth a day off a cruise ship. Just go and see what there is to see and form your own opinions. Of course I love spa days on board ships; one of the reasons why I love at-sea days. So if you decide to stay on board, to each his own. But I would not avoid Albania. It's fascinating, safe and totally different.

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We have been to dulles on azamara. We throughly enjoyed the experience of wandering around the town. We hired a taxi and went to tirana it was a fascintating day there were some great buildings. As long as you expect it to be diferent than most ports and consider it to be an adventure it is safe and cheap.

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Durrës is a safe city as is everyplace I traveled in Albania. King Zog's 30's mansion is there on top of a hill with great views. There is an ancient coliseum and the remains of an ancient marketplace. The mosques are interesting in the old Ottoman European style. People were very hospitable but much more reserved than Greeks or Italians. They speak a language that is its own branch of Indo-European and are among the most ancient peoples of the Balkans. It is not a religious country but a slight majority are of Muslim heritage with Orthodox and Catholic Christians making up the balance. Tirana is very interesting and very close to Durrës.


I recommend leaving the ship and engaging with people. It's worth it.

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Durrës is a safe city as is everyplace I traveled in Albania. King Zog's 30's mansion is there on top of a hill with great views. There is an ancient coliseum and the remains of an ancient marketplace. The mosques are interesting in the old Ottoman European style. People were very hospitable but much more reserved than Greeks or Italians. They speak a language that is its own branch of Indo-European and are among the most ancient peoples of the Balkans. It is not a religious country but a slight majority are of Muslim heritage with Orthodox and Catholic Christians making up the balance. Tirana is very interesting and very close to Durrës.


I recommend leaving the ship and engaging with people. It's worth it.


Francophile is an expert on this. Pay attention. Have an unusual experience. It will be safe and extraordinary.

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Durrës is a safe city as is everyplace I traveled in Albania. King Zog's 30's mansion is there on top of a hill with great views. There is an ancient coliseum and the remains of an ancient marketplace. The mosques are interesting in the old Ottoman European style. People were very hospitable but much more reserved than Greeks or Italians. They speak a language that is its own branch of Indo-European and are among the most ancient peoples of the Balkans. It is not a religious country but a slight majority are of Muslim heritage with Orthodox and Catholic Christians making up the balance. Tirana is very interesting and very close to Durrës.


I recommend leaving the ship and engaging with people. It's worth it.


Thank you and CD24 for backing you up. I am not a fan of cruise ship tours and the one for Durres includes both Kruja and Tirana. I see one in Tours by Locals that is just five hours in Tirana with pick up at the cruise port that costs less and is private. I think that would provide a much more in depth experience. This guide also provides options to see Apolonia, Berat, Durres, Kruja, Shkodra and Lezha.


It lists the following as options to see in Tirana and that would leave me with research.


National Museum of History,

Scanderbeg's Square,

Et'hem Bey Mosque,

Justinian Fortress (Kalaja),

The Stone Bridge,

Catholic Cathedral,

The Pyramid,

The Tween Towers,

Orthodox Church.


The ports of call boards really have next to nothing on what to do from Durres or Tirana. Trip Advisor seems like a good option.


I am still apprehensive about the negative things written about this port, but we'll give it a shot and keep an open mind. Thanks again.

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The items listed for Tirana sound right. The city was painted bright colors under Mayor Edi Rama, an artist, to express a sense of hope after 60 long, grey years under Enver Hoxha's regime. You can experience how color really does influence the spirit. If you go, ask to be taken to Blloku, the neighborhood that was reserved only for high Workers Party of Albania officials under Hoxha. You can see the house Hoxha lived in. It looks like any suburban house. I was last there in my 2006, but it was kind of a young and hip area then. Italy has long been close to Albania (sometimes too close) and its cultural influence is evident. The center of Tirana was built during the Mussolini era by Italians. Italian food is common, as are cafes. If you like wine, try Albanian wine. It's not exported that I know and it's not bad at all. E'them Bey Mosque is very attractive as is the statue of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg, the national hero who fought the Ottomans in the city center. You still occasionally see tribespeople from the NE wearing traditional clothing in the city. Also ask the guide to take you to the market.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted a response on another thread just now but I have a tour guide recommendation for you. This wonderful young man took us for a tour of fascinating Butrint from Saranda port several years ago but we ran into him again in October 2013 when we had a port day in Durres while on Quest. We took the ship's tour that day to Berat and did not contact him because we thought that he would not travel the hours from his home to pick us up in Durres. Well, it turned out he was the guide for one of the other ship's bus tours that day!! We met up with him at the end of the day at the Roman ampitheater in Durres that all the tours visit. He indeed would travel hours to be your guide.


How many of you can claim to have visited Albania twice in the past few years? :D

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I posted a response on another thread just now but I have a tour guide recommendation for you. This wonderful young man took us for a tour of fascinating Butrint from Saranda port several years ago but we ran into him again in October 2013 when we had a port day in Durres while on Quest. We took the ship's tour that day to Berat and did not contact him because we thought that he would not travel the hours from his home to pick us up in Durres. Well, it turned out he was the guide for one of the other ship's bus tours that day!! We met up with him at the end of the day at the Roman ampitheater in Durres that all the tours visit. He indeed would travel hours to be your guide.


How many of you can claim to have visited Albania twice in the past few years? :D

Thanks Pam, I just emailed you. I may not be looking forward to that port most, but I am interested in seeing the culture and learning.

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I posted a response on another thread just now but I have a tour guide recommendation for you. This wonderful young man took us for a tour of fascinating Butrint from Saranda port several years ago but we ran into him again in October 2013 when we had a port day in Durres while on Quest. We took the ship's tour that day to Berat and did not contact him because we thought that he would not travel the hours from his home to pick us up in Durres. Well, it turned out he was the guide for one of the other ship's bus tours that day!! We met up with him at the end of the day at the Roman ampitheater in Durres that all the tours visit. He indeed would travel hours to be your guide.


How many of you can claim to have visited Albania twice in the past few years? :D


Pam, you win the Albania prize! Not sure what that might be, but one can be imaginative. Ah, Butrint! Those ruins of the ancient world are magnificent! We had the good fortune to go there on our own and arrived after the day tourists from Corfu had left, so we had it all to ourselves and our Blue Guide. It was truly heaven and endlessly fascinating, the highlight of our 2 weeks in Albania.

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Pam, you win the Albania prize! Not sure what that might be, but one can be imaginative. Ah, Butrint! Those ruins of the ancient world are magnificent! We had the good fortune to go there on our own and arrived after the day tourists from Corfu had left, so we had it all to ourselves and our Blue Guide. It was truly heaven and endlessly fascinating, the highlight of our 2 weeks in Albania.


Butrint certainly ranks as the highlight of my 1-1/2 port days to date in Albania!:D


Seriously, seeing some more of this country while traveling by bus to Berat from Durres really was eye-opening: from all the bunkers in yards to the mules plowing the fields to the dictator's name indelibly carved on the mountainside directly across from the historic fortress to the now abandoned Chinese-built factories; that one day in 2013 really made me so grateful for all I have and too often take for granted.

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