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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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Unfortunately, we did not get ashore on Easter Island today. I was a wee bit disappointed, however actually seeing the island was beyond my wildest dreams. Many on the ship were devastated! I was just happy to get a glimpse.


Nice pictures and details from mysty. Maybe I missed it earlier, but what was the exact and detailed explanation from Silversea as to why the promised stop/visit to Easter Island got scrubbed?? When did they break the "bad news"? It was nice to see Easter Island from a distance, but in traveling this long of a distance, I would personally be disappointed to miss the chance actually to "be there" and see things "up close and personal".


Here in the "Colonies", this is the headline on the big, BIG story hitting the USA. Here is the AccuWeather headline: "Blizzard to unload 1-2 feet of snow from DC to Philadelphia, NYC". Here is more of their story highlights, plus the graphic you can see below: "The Blizzard of 2016 will continue to evolve and shut down travel through Saturday from Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia and New York City, with some areas of the mid-Atlantic receiving 1-2 feet of snow and strong winds. Localized areas could receive more than 2 feet. Snowfall totals have reached a foot across Washington, D.C. and Baltimore by early Saturday morning and will continue to pile up from Philadelphia to New York City through Saturday."


Been busy in the past few days getting final work and trip prep items done. Depart Tuesday afternoon through Chicago to go to Doha/Qatar and Cape Town/South Africa. Why? Below are AccuWeather graphic examples for what the weather will be like in Cape Town for Jan. 28-Feb. 2 and Maun/Botswana near the Delta area where we will do safari efforts, Feb. 15-21. Warmer seems better, right?


Still good to head south of the equator for sunshine and warmer weather? Looks like this blizzard will miss J.P. and Chris in Albany, NY.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 134,304 views for this posting.



Here is the AccuWeather graphic on the snow storm hitting the eastern U.S. this weekend. Fortunately, no added snow here in Columbus as of this morning, but nearby in SE Ohio, they were getting a fairly large amount of that pesky "white stuff".:





Here in both F and C temperatures is how AccuWeather is projecting for Cape Town later this coming week and before we board the Silver Cloud on Tuesday, Feb. 2. Seem better than being in the colder and more challenging Midwest?:








Here is the February weather projections for Maun/Botswana near the famed Delta area for our safari experiences in this region.:



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Terry - you have really picked the right time to go somewhere hot! Hope it is a great success.


The snow map is useful - I have been picturing jp and Chris buried deep in snowdrifts, but if they are in Albany hopefully they will miss it.


The K versus K debate on a recent trip on Spirit goes on and on - presumably they are both 'alpha males'? It will reach Cooler proportions soon if someone does not put a stop to it.


We have had two good sunny days here, which was good as kids from down South and the Lake District came over for the evening and night, and we all had a gorgeous dinner in our local 'gastropub', and the food was really excellent. As we had chosen the venue we were thrilled it was so good, as the young 'uns are used to really 'fine dining'.


Sorry that mysty did not get to Easter Island - the weather looked lovely, but maybe there was too much swell?


Regards to all Coolers



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Terry.....it was the swells darling.....affects us all at times but really sad our M failed to land........agree with Lola about the latest debate between K and K...but one has to giggle.......or hit the bottle...[emoji15]....Butlins has crossed my mind with entertainment......Hi De Hi....[emoji6]


It's Saturday and I'm chilling......S [emoji3]





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The K versus K debate on a recent trip on Spirit goes on and on - presumably they are both 'alpha males'? It will reach Cooler proportions soon if someone does not put a stop to it.


Regards to all Coolers







The problem is that Kilroys original point is a good and valid one but they are now two rams just head butting and Kilroy isn't going to convince Keith that there is anything much wrong with the product. Interesting that there was a debate about the use of "cheerleader" but I recall this is a term that some posters use when describing themselves so I still see the accusation of "name calling" just an argument distraction attempt. Also with respect to "fruitgate" the argument got diverted to what some people have experienced at some time in a hotel and it seems therefore that this makes it right for being on a ship. Phew. :eek:


I think it a shame when someone like Kilroy's beligerant passion is told by some who only post to tell him to shut up when what they should do is ignore it and let the thread take it's path within the TOS. Sometimes other discussions emerge which become quite interesting.


We are haing an Indonesian lamb curry today with a few naans and rice.


A happy day to all coolers. New applicants always welcome. There are a few seats left.





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Sorry you didn't get ashore at Easter Island. The good news is there is a reason to go back!

Even with zodiacs there is no guarantee one can land.


El Jefe,

Thanks for the big reveal of Sophia, as I mentioned I would recognize her anywhere. As to the head butting debate, I am just reading it and trying to stay out of the frey. The subjectivity has to be factored in, so I take it all with a grain or maybe a shaker of salt.

I have my own experience with the Spirit and other ships.



The excitement is building and you are in the final countdown!


Have a great Saturday all.

Edited by spinnaker2
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The problem is that Kilroys original point is a good and valid one but they are now two rams just head butting and Kilroy isn't going to convince Keith that there is anything much wrong with the product. Interesting that there was a debate about the use of "cheerleader" but I recall this is a term that some posters use when describing themselves so I still see the accusation of "name calling" just an argument distraction attempt. I think it a shame when someone like Kilroy's beligerant passion is told by some who only post to tell him to shut up when what they should do is ignore it and let the thread take it's path within the TOS.

We are haing an Indonesian lamb curry today with a few naans and rice.

New applicants always welcome. There are a few seats left. Jeff


Appreciate Jeff's excellent summary on the K versus K battles. I did note my viewpoint on that thread: "I do not build my 'World of Expectations' and/or worry too much on the 'marketing hype' by any of the varied cruise lines. For us, it is about where we want to go, getting good service, food and value, etc."


Your "Indonesian lamb curry" sounds super wonderful. For our final four-day count-down till our flights out, we have some very good chicken salad in the refrigerator to finish, plus dinner with friends tonight to talk about their past Africa fun and experiences. More "research and prep" that helps so much in getting ready for these adventures.


From our son in Charlottesville, Virginia, just got a text that they have about 18" of snow there and that much, much more is expected. Our grandsons are wanting to get outside and build snowmen. Glad we were not on the road this weekend trying to get down to Virginia and back during this weekend of their "Blizzard of 2016".


YES!! YES!! Please join in with your "Cooler" comments, sharing, etc. No rules here. Lots of room and open seating here. Just let it fly.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 208,261 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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Morning Coolers! Another sea day today. Thanks all for your sympathies! It was a little bit of a disappointment to not land on the island however I was just happy to see it in person. The first I ever heard of the place was from a National Geographic magazine I stumbled onto when I was in grade school. I was mesmerized by the figures on such a far away place. I had absolutely no expectation at that point of ever seeing the place in my lifetime. And now I have at least glimpsed it from much closer than I ever thought possible. And I am smiling!


Have a great day all! And yes, the swells were the problem with any tender operation.

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A vat of simple curry. Jeff


Appreciate the wonderful Indonesian lamb curry visual. Personally, I love it when you have tasty sauce to mix in with the rice and meat, etc. Good fun to experience!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 193,049 views.


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I was enjoying the K vs K saga but it's getting redundant. IMO, I agree that Kilroy has some valid points and it sounds like he expected a very different experience. While his particular complaints wouldn't have bothered me much (if at all), that doesn't invalidate them. Clearly SS isn't for him. It's OK. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment.


I think he got off on the wrong foot by starting out posting on Keith's upbeat trip report. Not wrong, but perhaps seen as adversarial? From there it certainly went downhill, and the message has been long lost.




We *would* be snow-free, had we stayed in Albany for the weekend. Instead we are a bit to the south, trying to visit Chris' Dad. We're snowed in and enjoying the nice view from our country farmhouse accommodations. We might get to see him tomorrow morning if we can get out early enough!


So Lola, your image of us is spot on!

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Terry.....it was the swells darling.....affects us all at times but really sad our M failed to land........agree with Lola about the latest debate between K and K...but one has to giggle.......or hit the bottle... It's Saturday and I'm chilling......


spinnaker2: Terry' date=' The excitement is building and you are in the [b']final countdown![/b] Have a great Saturday all.


Appreciate these added details from specialcruisegirl on the Easter Island challenge, plus the good wishes from Candy about how the "excitement is building". But, our home boiler went out over night. Waiting for the service folks to arrive later this afternoon.


For some Saturday food postings, below are a couple of visuals from our Christmas time visit to Kansas last month. What's better than lots of gravy, breakfast treats, etc.?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 35,216 views for these postings.



From the central Kansas "local" location where we had breakfast, here are two visual samples from their "down home" offerings. Notice the sign saying "Coffee: if you're not shaking, you need another cup." from the visual at the check-out/payment location. Did I have enough gravy on the potatoes and biscuits? It's Stacy's along Interstate near Fort Riley.:






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I agree. Sadly he allowed to let his main point get sidetracked and deflected by the focus on relatively trivial side issues and in the end we were all deprived of what might potentially have been an interesting discussion.


I mentioned some time ago, we had the largest holiday claim in the UK. It ended up as a five day full hearing and the case to a large extent hinged on the interpretation of the word luxury. The judge at the end of the five days gave a half day of summing up and giving his judgement. He concluded that whilst he was unable to define crisply in detail what luxury was, he was comfortable in judging what it wasn't. He therefore went through all of the specific claims we had made and applied the test of bearing in mind the claims made and the price we paid, was each of the claim specifics compatible with what one should reasonably expect of NOT being luxury, and went on to find in our favour on all counts and we were awarded an amount that was the largest ever awarded in the UK until that date and has become a precedent for many issues that followed. In fact the award became the deposit on our current home.


In the end many of us cannot define luxury but most of us know what it isn't.





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I was enjoying the K vs K saga but it's getting redundant. IMO, I agree that Kilroy has some valid points and it sounds like he expected a very different experience. While his particular complaints wouldn't have bothered me much (if at all), that doesn't invalidate them. Clearly SS isn't for him. It's OK. It doesn't diminish my enjoyment.


I think he got off on the wrong foot by starting out posting on Keith's upbeat trip report. Not wrong, but perhaps seen as adversarial? From there it certainly went downhill, and the message has been long lost.




We *would* be snow-free, had we stayed in Albany for the weekend. Instead we are a bit to the south, trying to visit Chris' Dad. We're snowed in and enjoying the nice view from our country farmhouse accommodations. We might get to see him tomorrow morning if we can get out early enough!


So Lola, your image of us is spot on!

Hi JP. Long time since we cruised together. I was following Keith's thread with interest as we disembarked at Ft. Lauderdale the day he boarded. While the other K had some complaints valid for him, I felt he was hijacking the thread and ran on ad nauseaum about the shortcomings.


My cousin in Albany has no snow, but we have 1 1/2 to 2 feet here in Northern NJ.


Happy cruising.

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Hi Mark, great to hear from you. We have plenty of snow here in Central Pennsylvania... Biggest storm I've seen in a while.


When we arrived here last night, the roads were bare. Here is our car a few hours ago. Should be fun getting out tomorrow morning!




Edited by jpalbny
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I realize I will get no empathy, but it's 43 degrees here. That is truly cold for us.

Heat which is just air that is blown over heat strips, pretty ineffective. The sky is bright blue and there are flowers blooming and greenery everywhere. But,




The lawsuit/ claim you brought sounds most intriguing. Are you able to share more details? You prevailed after 5 days. Did you need an expert? Was there a lot of testimony? Can you or will you tell us against whom the suit was brought?

Is it written up some where?



My step son went to Syracuse law school. He tells the story that in the winter his car was buried in snow not to be see seen again until Spring. Hope you can "unearth" the car.



Are you finished packing?



Sorry you aren't able to join us for dinner. There will be other times I hope.



I do hope that remainder of the trip doesn't bring other "disappointments".



Aku aku was a fascinating read.


Enjoy the Sunday all...

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Happy Sunday to you Spins.......it's actually very mild here in Wales today....mild enough to venture into the garden without a fleece no less!!

There will be other times to have dinner on board and l shall look forward to that very much.


Terry.....exciting moments now for you ....safe travels.......l had friends stranded in Atlanta on Friday night ...their aircraft had been struck by lightening so not due to the snow storm from what l can gather.....our forecast is that by the time the storm gets over here it will have turned to rain......


Movie watching here...an old Titanic film with Roberts Wagner .......roast beef to follow!


S [emoji4]



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No problem. The basic bones of it was that we use to rent a fully staffed villa right on the bbest beach on the West Coast of Barabados for a month or so each year. It use to have 5 staff and a couple of guard dogs. We rented a new property and the staff were lazy and we had other problems with stuff being done. It ended with a minor complaint to the Realtor. I hoped for and expected a simple acknowledgement and apology. No cash was expected. Instead the MD rejected my comments and made some spurious claims with respect to his investigation on my complaint. This annoyed me. I realised that he had said stuff in writing I could prove he knew to be untrue. I decided with a degree of courage to take it to court. This was over the limits for fast track small claims and therefore went staright to the higher courts. I used a solicitor and QC but I managed them.


During the case I had to disclose various photographs that I knew would prove the CEO was telling lies but I didn't wish to warn him so I instructed my solicitor to detail in great detail every document excpet the photographs. These were listed as "miscellaneous holiday snaps" and they defence never requested copies.


I was cross-examined for two days including being questioned by the judge. Some of them I now realise to be sort of "trick questions" to test my balance as a witness. In the end the judges final summing up was "where the evidence provided byu gthe plaintiff is agreed by the defence I find wholly in favour of the defence. Where the evidence by the plaintiff is contradicted by the evidence by the defence I find wholly in favour of the plaintiff" In other words he only believed me.


There were two precedents set. The more important was that I received two-thirds total reimursement but in additim a very significant sum that took the claim to considerably more than the cost of the whole trip for "vexation, aggrevation and dissapointment" which was a payment amongst other tings for the things I did to make my families stay enjoyable despite the defects. It is used a precdent in claims that followed mine but are now normally in lower courts.


I asked for a special order for the amount to be paid in 7 days and it was granted. They didn't pay but I had already had investigators go through their accounts and on the 7th day my lawyers called them and asked them to be avaialble to receive baliffs and two have named vehicles availbale for seizure plus the deeds on a piece of property unless they paid by transfer withing one hour. They paid.


That is a quick un spell improved overview.



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Job well done.

Love it when justice triumphs.

Skanky people get their just dessert.

When your claim is supported by the evidence, it certainly makes it easier for the Judge to decide. Loved that the photos weren't requested. That's legal malpractice.

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there was a postscript.


During the time of the case my wife was overseeing the building of our current home in Hampshire. She was deciding on a house name .... there were no street numbers .... and she decided that she wanted to call the house the same name as the property in Barbados. For reasons I won't bore you with it was an absolutely perfect descriptive name as our home was being built in a secluded plot of considerable natural charm and privacy.


On the first Christmas after the case we had some Christmas cards printed which of course had sketch arty pictures of the new home and the name. Being a lovely bloke, I sent a card to the CEO of the realtors which simply said


"Thanks for paying so much towards the cost of our new home. Next time, simply make a genuine apology and don't call your customer a liar. It is cheaper. Jeff".





Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Nice touch. The irony of it all.

Too bad that honesty life lessons weren't learned at an early age, or that the adage that the customer is always right was also ignored, and further that the company thought they could bamboozle you and others with their balderdash.

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It is also ironic that on the other thread name calling appears to be the preserve of proponents of one side but not the other isn't it.


I am really saddened to see how the same names appear out of the woodwork whenever there is a hate-fest to be enjoyed. No one comes out of that behaviour well.


The OP hasn't handled his argument optimally but the attacks he has received are shameful.



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I realize I will get no empathy, but it's 43 degrees here. That is truly cold for us. Heat which is just air that is blown over heat strips, pretty ineffective. The sky is bright blue and there are flowers blooming and greenery everywhere. But, Brrrrr.

Terry: Are you finished packing?

Enjoy the Sunday all...


specialcruisegirl: Terry.....exciting moments now for you ....safe travels.......l had friends stranded in Atlanta on Friday night ...their aircraft had been struck by lightening so not due to the snow storm from what l can gather.....our forecast is that by the time the storm gets over here it will have turned to rain......


On weather' date=' we did [b']not[/b] get any snow here in Central Ohio. It will be a high of 30F today here and 40F tomorrow/Monday. Wonderfully sunny both days here. That sun makes a very, very nice difference!! Good luck for JP and Chris getting home from super snowy Pennsylvania.


Finished packing?? Are you kidding? Have not really started that task, but I have been busy with lots of other "details" and prep work. This includes getting more SD photo memory cards, re-checking their speeds and types, gathering other "things" to be ready to start packing on Monday. Been monitoring our Tuesday weather conditions for here, Chicago, etc. Have our friend ready to take us to the airport Tuesday at noon for our 2:37 pm flight to Chicago.


Last night had dinner with a long-time neighbor, a recently retired Ph.D professor from Ohio State whose speciality is entomology. He and his wife just got back from being in South Africa and Botswana last fall. Am talking this afternoon with another travel expert who has spent much time in Cape Town, etc. All good and interesting background to be prepared for our first visit to Africa.


AND, most important, during our Feb. 2-12 Silver Cloud cruise, I will do checking to see how many fresh flowers will be on the ship. Personally, fresh flower arrangements are not my main, top criteria to determine whether a cruise is "luxury" or not. For us, there are lots of other important and more relevant factors to consider as to what exactly defines "luxury" or not. We are most interested in where we are going/stopping, getting good quality food, having nice staff and fellow passengers, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 134,424 views for this posting.

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