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Too much smoke in Casinos


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Why the casinos are so very smokey:


All non-smokers go to your nearest mirror and look into it. There is your reason. The complaints condensed the areas available to smoke so smokers are going to congregate in those smaller areas.


Why casinos will be one of the last interior places to ban smoking:


Smokers are going to smoke. The last thing a casino wants is someone walking away from a losing streak, they want that have another drink, smoke a cigarette and win my money back behavior.


Why there is such "bad-blood" between smokers and non's:


I could be sitting on top of the ship's smoke stacks having a cigarette and someone would complain about the smell and the smoke I was causing. They could make a sealed smoking room with one black jack table and one slot machine and some non-smoker would want to come in there to use them then complain about the smoke.


Right now it is "make the casinos smoke free!" If they do, then one day all the loungers are going to be full on the non-smoking area of the ship, and a non-smoker is going come sit on the smoking side and want all the smokers to not be able to smoke.


Not all non-smokers are like that, and in no way do I mean to imply that they are. OP and some of the folks that have replied to this thread are those type of non-smokers, and to you non-smokers that are like that, I say this. Smoking is literally a dying habit, eventually those folks who want to curtail the behaviors of others will have to find new targets, for your sake hope that it isn't something you do. Because maybe it will be the cruelty of eating animals, or the way you reek of alcohol, or your BMI being greater than 25.


I used to smoke 2 packs a day, now I'm down to between 7 and 10 cigarettes a day, I hope to keep cutting back and eventually give it up forever. Every time I see a post like this or hear people complain when I am smoking where I am allowed to it just makes me want to smoke more. Mainly, OP, because if I complained to you and those like you about something that you were doing that offended me, you would tell me to mind my own business and probably be offended that I even brought it up.


Don't mis-understand, if I had a balcony room and someone was smoking next door, I would complain too, not because it bothers me, but because that isn't a smoking area and it makes the rest of us look bad.

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Why the casinos are so very smokey:


All non-smokers go to your nearest mirror and look into it. There is your reason. The complaints condensed the areas available to smoke so smokers are going to congregate in those smaller areas.


Why casinos will be one of the last interior places to ban smoking:


Smokers are going to smoke. The last thing a casino wants is someone walking away from a losing streak, they want that have another drink, smoke a cigarette and win my money back behavior.


Why there is such "bad-blood" between smokers and non's:


I could be sitting on top of the ship's smoke stacks having a cigarette and someone would complain about the smell and the smoke I was causing. They could make a sealed smoking room with one black jack table and one slot machine and some non-smoker would want to come in there to use them then complain about the smoke.


Right now it is "make the casinos smoke free!" If they do, then one day all the loungers are going to be full on the non-smoking area of the ship, and a non-smoker is going come sit on the smoking side and want all the smokers to not be able to smoke.


Not all non-smokers are like that, and in no way do I mean to imply that they are. OP and some of the folks that have replied to this thread are those type of non-smokers, and to you non-smokers that are like that, I say this. Smoking is literally a dying habit, eventually those folks who want to curtail the behaviors of others will have to find new targets, for your sake hope that it isn't something you do. Because maybe it will be the cruelty of eating animals, or the way you reek of alcohol, or your BMI being greater than 25.


I used to smoke 2 packs a day, now I'm down to between 7 and 10 cigarettes a day, I hope to keep cutting back and eventually give it up forever. Every time I see a post like this or hear people complain when I am smoking where I am allowed to it just makes me want to smoke more. Mainly, OP, because if I complained to you and those like you about something that you were doing that offended me, you would tell me to mind my own business and probably be offended that I even brought it up.


Don't mis-understand, if I had a balcony room and someone was smoking next door, I would complain too, not because it bothers me, but because that isn't a smoking area and it makes the rest of us look bad.


Well reasoned post, as an ex smoker I will always avoid areas that allow smoking. We are booked on Indy next year and will do so on the ship.

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Interesting discussion, for sure :)

For those sticking up for smokers - I THANK YOU.


I have been on both sides of this, having quit smoking for 12 years and starting again. I believe I am the most considerate smoker in the whole wide world, lol. I live in a large city. We do thing such as walk on a busy street, wait to buy coffee outside, and other activities where you are in a crows but outside. At this point our bars and restaurants are all smoke free. I am OK with it. Before I light up I ensure that I will not be in anyone's way. On the bus top I step away. While in line for coffee I step away. While walking I ensure that my cigarette hand is as far away from people as it can be and I try to walk all the way on the side... On a cruise ship i ALWAYS ensure my casino smoking is not bothering anyone, even in the smoking section. Unless I was already sitting down and smoking when someone sat next to me.


In spite of everything I listed (and trust me, there is more), I am constantly treated like garbage by non smokers. Yeah, I get it, people are health conscious. However, on a ship us smokers are not limited to just a few places. There is no reason to walk out on a deck designated as a smoking area and give me an attitude. As stated by SheehanDJ, we will always be in someone's way. Unless someone is breaking rules, I see this as a free pass at letting off some pent up anger... I am sorry this post is so long :)

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Why the casinos are so very smokey:


All non-smokers go to your nearest mirror and look into it.


No. Sorry, not buying it. It's smokey because of smokers. Always has been.



Why there is such "bad-blood" between smokers and non's:


They could make a sealed smoking room with one black jack table and one slot machine and some non-smoker would want to come in there to use them then complain about the smoke.




Well ain't that the truth!



Right now it is "make the casinos smoke free!" If they do, then one day all the loungers are going to be full on the non-smoking area of the ship, and a non-smoker is going come sit on the smoking side and want all the smokers to not be able to smoke.



I never considered that point. It's interesting.


Smoking is literally a dying habit, eventually those folks who want to curtail the behaviors of others will have to find new targets, for your sake hope that it isn't something you do.


I used to smoke 2 packs a day, now I'm down to between 7 and 10 cigarettes a day, I hope to keep cutting back and eventually give it up forever. Every time I see a post like this or hear people complain when I am smoking where I am allowed to it just makes me want to smoke more. Mainly, OP, because if I complained to you and those like you about something that you were doing that offended me, you would tell me to mind my own business and probably be offended that I even brought it up.



I don't want to tell anyone to curtail their habits. I smoked for nearly 15 years. It really doesn't matter to me if a stranger smokes. Their decision. But I don't have to like the smell and the stench stuck on my clothes and hair, or my eyes burning in the Casino from it. I don't LIKE the behavior. I am not telling anyone NOT to do it.


Your whole "It makes me want to do it more" is the reason YOU will NEVER quit smoking. Why are you allowing how you think others feel about smoking to determine your choices? Why do you care at all if others like it or not? How is there any link between that and the choices you make? You talk about being offended...stop being so offended by what others think and do what you want. if you want to smoke, smoke. if you don't want to smoke, stop smoking. Worked for me. But only because I wanted to stop.


You really seem to take this issue a bit too personally. No one here knows YOU. No one is offended by YOU. Don't know anything about you other than you have a habit that we don't want to be subjected to the second hand impact of. No one is telling YOU to go away. People are asking for an entertainment environment without smoking, not without smokers. Smokers manage just fine in all the other venues without lighting up and it is a non-issue. It has nothing to do with liking or not liking you, just not liking the habit.


Very rarely do I encounter considerate smokers in day to day life. Maybe that is because they are the considerate type, so I'd never see them. But man, there are PLENTY of really inconsiderate ones out there that really do give all smokers a bad reputation. If I go to a supermarket or big box store like Home Depot, as often as not employees are taking a break, standing 5 feet from the door smoking. It stinks. It looks bad and it's probably against company policy to book. Or at any given traffic light people flicking cigarettes out their window. That is inconsiderate. So I understand the backlash many have against smokers because of that. They assume all smokers are equally inconsiderate when that is not true.


Early in the thread I put my 2 cents in about casino smoking and had no comment whatsoever about smokers themselves, just that the place always stinks. But if the casino is smokey, look at the smokers. And if you want to smoke more, smoke more, if you want to quit, quit. But stop pretending like it's everyone else doing something to you about it.

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Very rarely do I encounter considerate smokers in day to day life. Maybe that is because they are the considerate type, so I'd never see them. But man, there are PLENTY of really inconsiderate ones out there that really do give all smokers a bad reputation. If I go to a supermarket or big box store like Home Depot, as often as not employees are taking a break, standing 5 feet from the door smoking. It stinks. It looks bad and it's probably against company policy to book. Or at any given traffic light people flicking cigarettes out their window. That is inconsiderate. So I understand the backlash many have against smokers because of that. They assume all smokers are equally inconsiderate when that is not true.




I was a considerate smoker when I did smoke (14 years ago) but that was before all this bashing came about. If I were a smoker now, I can honestly say that I most likely wouldn't be a considerate smoker. These righteous nonsmokers are taking things way too far and don't deserve consideration - sorry but they have taken away most of the least bothersome places smokers could spoke - outside - because they complained about breathing in 1:100 million molecules of smoke to air.

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As an ex-smoker, I hope people who want to quit, quit for themselves. And not continue to do damage to themselves to 'stick it to others'. What kind of flawed logic is that? You're only harming yourself and it's an excuse not to quit, a validation to yourself to continue a bad habit.


I don't really buy that Royal will be terribly financially harmed by disallowing smoking in the casino. Celebrity manages just fine. Nor do I buy that smokers can't duck out for a quick smoke and come back to the slots and tables. People manage to make it through long flights. And 2.5 hours of Cats! I remember how uncomfortable is was, but you aren't chained to the table. Terrible weather outside is a different issue.

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But stop pretending like it's everyone else doing something to you about it.


Stop pretending you don't choose to go into a designated smoking area, the Casino. You do. If you can't handle the smokey casino, don't go. It's your choice. And since you do go, you, no one else, have placed a higher value on your time gambling above the smoke in the casino you complain about. Stop pretending you don't. Man up. Either go and deal with it or don't go and avoid it. The casino is a designated smoking area. And to be honest, when I smoke in a designated smoking area I really don't give a flip how/what non-smokers think or feel about my smoking. I attempt to be courteous and accomodating but bottom-line, I really don't give a damn if smoke bothers non-smokers because they made their own choice to be there. I don't smoke in non-designated smoking areas... so when I do smoke, stay out of my smoking area if it bothers you.

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Stop pretending you don't choose to go into a designated smoking area, the Casino. You do. If you can't handle the smokey casino, don't go. It's your choice. And since you do go, you, no one else, have placed a higher value on your time gambling above the smoke in the casino you complain about. Stop pretending you don't. Man up. Either go and deal with it or don't go and avoid it. The casino is a designated smoking area. And to be honest, when I smoke in a designated smoking area I really don't give a flip how/what non-smokers think or feel about my smoking. I attempt to be courteous and accomodating but bottom-line, I really don't give a damn if smoke bothers non-smokers because they made their own choice to be there. I don't smoke in non-designated smoking areas... so when I do smoke, stay out of my smoking area if it bothers you.


I stay out of the casino because it stinks like an ashtray. I find the stench disgusting.


It is not YOUR smoking area. It is Royal Caribbean's Casino. It is NOT a designated smoking area. It is a smoking allowed area. There is a big difference. They require that you are gaming to smoke. Yours is not the only voice that deserves consideration.


As a former smoker I understand your viewpoint, but you and other smokers in this thread are taking things REALLY emotionally / personally and you aren't going to generate any goodwill that way. Getting angry doesn't resolve issues. I'd have no problem if the smoking half of the casino was enclosed and the ships had better air handling systems. Can't have a peeing corner of a pool without a wall in place!


Also, for the record, when smoking is banished to exterior areas only I fully support having comfortable areas that are weather protected; comfortable seating, coffee and water stations, etc. I think it would be smart for the cruise line to do that.

Edited by LMaxwell
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I stay out of the casino because it stinks like an ashtray. I find the stench disgusting.


It is not YOUR smoking area. It is Royal Caribbean's Casino. It is NOT a designated smoking area. It is a smoking allowed area. There is a big difference. They require that you are gaming to smoke. Yours is not the only voice that deserves consideration.


As a former smoker I understand your viewpoint, but you and other smokers in this thread are taking things REALLY emotionally / personally and you aren't going to generate any goodwill that way. Getting angry doesn't resolve issues. I'd have no problem if the smoking half of the casino was enclosed and the ships had better air handling systems. Can't have a peeing corner of a pool without a wall in place!


Also, for the record, when smoking is banished to exterior areas only I fully support having comfortable areas that are weather protected; comfortable seating, coffee and water stations, etc. I think it would be smart for the cruise line to do that.


I agree with you on making a comfortable place. Smokers aren't outlaws or lepers. (Though we passionate ex-smokers sometimes treat them as such.)


Only thing - I've never seen a "requirement" that you have to be gambling in order to be in the casino - whether you're smoking or not. If this were the case - they wouldn't allow people to smoke in the casino when in port as the machines are disabled.


Either way - you make some great points.

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I agree with you on making a comfortable place. Smokers aren't outlaws or lepers. (Though we passionate ex-smokers sometimes treat them as such.)


Only thing - I've never seen a "requirement" that you have to be gambling in order to be in the casino - whether you're smoking or not. If this were the case - they wouldn't allow people to smoke in the casino when in port as the machines are disabled.


Either way - you make some great points.


You'll see signs saying that smoking is permitted while gaming. No, I don't expect them to put a security guard there to monitor it. yes, I understand "the way the world works" is different than what they ask for.


When I smoked I was still among a very small minority that did amongst my peers and friends. And yes, I took many things more personally than I should have. None of these people had a problem with ME, or disliked ME. They disliked the smoking, but sometimes I had a hard time separating the two because it sure felt punitive to me. Looking back, it wasn't. Not at all. I feel bad for the smokers in here that feel that way, but I do not condone the "Well if you don't like it, I'll do it MORE" spiteful attitude. That will never be a winner.

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You do not have to be gambling to smoke in a ship's casino! It is the only place inside that smokers are allowed to smoke so they can gamble or not- doesn't matter. I have never seen a sign that smoking is permitted while gambling.

Edited by dixieva
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You'll see signs saying that smoking is permitted while gaming. No, I don't expect them to put a security guard there to monitor it. yes, I understand "the way the world works" is different than what they ask for.


Gotcha. I've never noticed those signs - but I've never actually looked for them. ;)


When I smoked I was still among a very small minority that did amongst my peers and friends. And yes, I took many things more personally than I should have. None of these people had a problem with ME, or disliked ME. They disliked the smoking, but sometimes I had a hard time separating the two because it sure felt punitive to me. Looking back, it wasn't. Not at all. I feel bad for the smokers in here that feel that way, but I do not condone the "Well if you don't like it, I'll do it MORE" spiteful attitude. That will never be a winner.


Good point. It seems that many things can be taken personally when read on a computer screen. But how can it be personal when we don't know each other personally?


Some people detest smoking and it's smell, some people adamantly defend their right to do so. But - it's never personal.

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I stay out of the casino because it stinks like an ashtray. I find the stench disgusting.


It is not YOUR smoking area. It is Royal Caribbean's Casino. It is NOT a designated smoking area. It is a smoking allowed area. There is a big difference. They require that you are gaming to smoke. Yours is not the only voice that deserves consideration.


As a former smoker I understand your viewpoint, but you and other smokers in this thread are taking things REALLY emotionally / personally and you aren't going to generate any goodwill that way. Getting angry doesn't resolve issues. I'd have no problem if the smoking half of the casino was enclosed and the ships had better air handling systems. Can't have a peeing corner of a pool without a wall in place!


Also, for the record, when smoking is banished to exterior areas only I fully support having comfortable areas that are weather protected; comfortable seating, coffee and water stations, etc. I think it would be smart for the cruise line to do that.


I think people take it personally because they come under attack quite a lot as witnessed by the numerous anti-smoking threads.


People complained about smoking in bars (there were 2-3 tables in a couple of bars allowed smoking), and that disappeared - there were other completely non-smoking bars available.


People complained about smoking on balconies because some people were occasionally inconvenienced, so that disappeared.


Smoking is now relegated to a few small places, the main indoor one being the casino. Even as it is I've seen non-smokers (presumably deliberately) sit in the outdoor smoking areas, then complain about people smoking. On this thread a few people have already mentioned that even though they hate smoking, they sit in the smoking area of the casino.


The suggestion of popping out for a cigarette could work on some ships where there's a nearby outside deck, but on some of the newer ships "popping out" involves quite a trek to the pool deck.


While you say that the smokers' voices are not the only ones that deserve consideration, I think the feeling is that so far the smokers' voices aren't getting any consideration at all, and the more vocal anti-smokers are the ones always being heard, on the squeaky wheel principle. It's not unusual to see calls to action of "all anti-smokers, make sure you make your feelings known in the comment cards, in surveys, in all contact with the cruise line".


No-one is rallying the smokers to stick together to request a reasonable accommodation, so when smokers make their voices heard in discussion like this they get accused of making it personal/getting defensive/getting emotional.


Imagine if vegans were as vocal as non-smokers, and started insisting that no meat be served in the main dining room because the smell upsets them. Then all the meat eaters went to the Windjammer instead but the vegans complained that that now every time they go to the Windjammer all you can smell is meat. So they confine meat eating only to Chops, but the vegans are unhappy because they feel they're being excluded from Chops as it's just wall to wall meat, with people sitting on chairs made of dead cow. The vegans have paid good money for their cruise, and want to be able to enjoy all aspects of it, including dining in Chops, but they can't because they come away stinking of meat.

You can't even enjoy a burger on your balcony from room service, because the vegan a few cabins away can still smell it, despite the ship travelling at 17knots in open water. On top of that, you'd given up meat a few years ago, and now only eat quorn. But the vegans complained that it looks like meat, so you can only eat that in Chops as well, despite the fact that it's 100% not meat.

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No-one is rallying the smokers to stick together to request a reasonable accommodation, so when smokers make their voices heard in discussion like this they get accused of making it personal/getting defensive/getting emotional.


No, it is because they are answering with emotion and spite. calling it as it is. Nothing more or less. I am not passing judgment on smoking.


Imagine if vegans were as vocal as non-smokers, and started insisting that no meat be served in the main dining room because the smell upsets them. Then all the meat eaters went to the Windjammer instead but the vegans complained that that now every time they go to the Windjammer all you can smell is meat. So they confine meat eating only to Chops, but the vegans are unhappy because they feel they're being excluded from Chops as it's just wall to wall meat, with people sitting on chairs made of dead cow. The vegans have paid good money for their cruise, and want to be able to enjoy all aspects of it, including dining in Chops, but they can't because they come away stinking of meat.

You can't even enjoy a burger on your balcony from room service, because the vegan a few cabins away can still smell it, despite the ship travelling at 17knots in open water. On top of that, you'd given up meat a few years ago, and now only eat quorn. But the vegans complained that it looks like meat, so you can only eat that in Chops as well, despite the fact that it's 100% not meat.


That's the most absurd and off base comparison I have seen in awhile.

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To those who are sticking up for NON-smokers, THANK YOU!


No one has the right to pollute the air that I breathe.


I am a nonsmoker too, but I believe what is right is right. Until the government or cruise line deems there is no smoking allowed, the smokers have every right to smoke as they want. like it or not.

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That's the most absurd and off base comparison I have seen in awhile.


Absurd, yes, but how far off base is it? Have you never come out of a restaurant with the smell of cooking meat in your hair and clothes? If you don't eat meat, it's quite unpleasant. If you eat meat, you may not even notice it.

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Imagine if vegans were as vocal as non-smokers, and started insisting that no meat be served in the main dining room because the smell upsets them. Then all the meat eaters went to the Windjammer instead but the vegans complained that that now every time they go to the Windjammer all you can smell is meat. So they confine meat eating only to Chops, but the vegans are unhappy because they feel they're being excluded from Chops as it's just wall to wall meat, with people sitting on chairs made of dead cow. The vegans have paid good money for their cruise, and want to be able to enjoy all aspects of it, including dining in Chops, but they can't because they come away stinking of meat.

You can't even enjoy a burger on your balcony from room service, because the vegan a few cabins away can still smell it, despite the ship travelling at 17knots in open water. On top of that, you'd given up meat a few years ago, and now only eat quorn. But the vegans complained that it looks like meat, so you can only eat that in Chops as well, despite the fact that it's 100% not meat.


No, it is because they are answering with emotion and spite. calling it as

That's the most absurd and off base comparison I have seen in awhile.


Maybe the subject "vegans vs meat eaters" is absurd (but certainly could happen some day) but the context is EXACTLY what is and has been going on with smokers vs nonsmokers in the past few years on ships. Exchange the word "meat" for the word "smoke" in the above paragraph and you will see that it is EXACT.

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The comparison to vegans is on point. Some also believe eating meat is harmful. What's even more important, some believe that it's murder. Of course its offensive to them. Seeing Bessie on a plate of one of your neighbors are dinner will sure get blood boiling.


Smokers are in the designated area. It is what it is. As someone eloquently pointed out - everyone has a choice.


As far as improving air venting.. A long time ago NYC passed a law that required smoking areas in restaurants and such to be up to specific standards.. Businesses complied. Pretty soon after that smoking was banned everywhere. How many businesses do you think ceased to exist due to having to carry the cost for something that only lasted for a short time? My guess is, nothing will be done on the casinos for the same reason. IMHO sometime soon there will be no smoking anywhere inside the ship.


What I don't get is, why not designate an entire venue (such as a bar or a coffee house) for smokers. That way it's a clear choice and non smokers are not missing out on gambling, because it's a healthy addiction :)


I only gamble while cruising and I did the same amount of gambling before I picked up smoking after a 12 year break...

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