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MITSUGIRLY BREAKAWAY's 1 last time for the year-review/pictorial


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I have been back almost a week now and I guess it's time to get motivated and get this review under way.






A little about me and the family. We "try" to cruise often (2-3x a year...which is often to us) and my little family consist of me, the hubby and our now 7 year old daughter, Sakari. (Pronounced just as it's spelled SA-KAR-I)


"Most" of the time (which has become all of the time) my oldest daughter, Kendra age 27, and her bf and my 7 year old grandson comes along with us.


My youngest son, Kolin age 20, and his girlfriend are trying to become "regulars" lately cruising twice with us last year and once this year (due to having me another granddaughter this year, they had to miss a few).


We have been missing my oldest son, Kenny age 29, from the cruises UNTIL NOW!!! This will be his first cruise since he was about 13 years old. :eek:


So yep, I had all 4 of my kids with me (and their families or significant other) on this cruise. I just knew it was going to be the cruise of a lifetime. :D But, I have learned that the more people you cruise with, the more hectic things get and the more stressful it is trying to organize things and get everyone together at the same time to GO. You would think I would learn my lesson but somehow they all manage to work themselves into our cruise plans each time. :p (I'm not the only one hooked you see).





As you can tell from my signature line, we mainly cruise with NCL and my goal has been to do the entire fleet....I'm almost there with the Gem and Jade to go. (Other than the new Escape coming out and the POA, which I have a tendency to forget it's in the fleet all the way over there in Hawaii).


I have adventured out and tried Carnival a few times and absolutely loved the ships we have been on with them so far. We did a Royal Caribbean back in the 90's and also NCL Seaward back in the 80's.






I do my reviews as honest as I can and I know everyone has a different expectation during a cruise and will have a different experience, even when on the same cruise.


We are a fun loving and goofy family that loves to have a good time. We make the best of everything even if it's a bad situation. Anyone who follows my reviews knows the "crap" I've dealt with on cruises from breaking my hand in St Maarten, breaking my toe on the Getaway, missing our flight due to my "dear daughter" :rolleyes: Kendra...who is the most non-punctual person you will ever meet, to anything else that is thrown at us. We make light of the situation and we roll with it!


We crack a lot of jokes (and I have a quirky sense of humor...my kids do as well) and love adventure and trying new things. My youngest (Sakari) is an animal lover and if there's anything involving animals, we have to do it. We have done swims with the stingrays, dolphins, manatees, sharks and held so many things in the sea (yes, even those we didn't know better and paid the price for it). She LOVES to draw. She's actually really good at it too. Sakari would rather sit around drawing (mostly animals) than playing with toys. I include many of her "masterpieces" in my reviews because that's what she does in her "off" time on the ship. Sakari has been cruising since she was 3 years old (this will make her 11th cruise...you're welcome daughter for us making you Platinum before you're 18) and she just thinks it's a way of life. She is a DAREDEVIL!!! She will do anything we do and doesn't think twice about it. She zip lined in the jungle, by herself at the age of 3, cavetubing, held tarantulas, jumped off 2 story decks into the ocean, went on the biggest waterslides on the ships (and yes, even the ones that you stand in and the floor drops out from under you)...the list goes on. There's nothing she won't do. She's like having an extra adult with us...other than the fact that her age and height sometimes restricts her from certain things...otherwise she would do it. We LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach. So if I can find a beach or snorkeling...that's where we'll be. If you ask me some "touristy tour seeing the history" type of thing, forgetaboutit...because that's not me.


I tell my story through my eyes and my take on things. Everyone may not agree or have the same opinion, and that's ok, but I'm honest with the way "I" see things. I'm a planner. I do EXTENSIVE research prior to any cruise. I read reviews, I look on the web, I take notes, copy maps, save websites, make spread sheets and everything has to be perfectly planned. That's just me. The family just "rolls with it". I crack up because I feel like a mother duckling and they follow...in a line and (seriously) if I turn one way, they do too, if I quickly turn back, they do too. Sometimes I start weaving back and forth in a "S" shape just to throw them off...then they'll catch on to what I'm doing and laugh. It's all a game and I have fun with it. (See what I mean? That's my quirkiness coming out). Don't worry, the hubby is the same and he pays me back. He's my personal GPS and he likes to throw me off too as a payback. ;)






Many people have ask about the way I organize things for my reviews. I did a post about it on my last review...yes, it's quite extensive and the amount of work that goes into these reviews requires it (for me). You can find that post HERE-1ST HALF and the 2ND HALF HERE if you are interested in the way I do it.






Another thing I get asked a lot is "what type of camera do you use?" Well, I'll get that question answered right now before we begin. I have 2 cameras. They are both Olympus Tough point and shoot cameras. The models I have (which there are TONS of them out there and always being updated) are 620 & 830. I feel they take excellent pictures. I use to carry my DSLR with me, but I felt that it hindered my fun a little. There's just too much equipment to carry with me. It's heavy. It's bulky. I found a camera that does a good enough job for me and that's all I use now. I find that I can enjoy my cruise more. Are the pictures always perfect? Nope...I do a lot of walking and snapping...sometimes you win, sometimes you lose and get blurry. It is what it is. :p






With that being said, these reviews are meant to be helpful to others, show you around the ship, places we go and give you some ideas. I feel that a picture is worth 1,000 words, which is why you'll find my reviews very picture heavy. I'm a site person and I know it really helps me to put a picture to something someone is trying to explain. By no means do I ever try to influence you one way or the other to do the things we like to do, but merely give suggestions. I try to help out others on this board the way they have helped me so many times in the past and I am so grateful for that.



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We had our flights booked with Southwest for a departure time of 10:25 on Saturday morning, the day before the cruise.


Although the thoughts of a 10:25am flight sounded wonderful (don't have to get up as early), in reality...you STILL have to get up early. Sigh.


Flight leaves at 10:25, as in pulling out, which means they start boarding at 9:50ish, check in at least 1 hour ahead of time to allow for baggage check in, printing documents and getting patted down during the security check, puts us at an arrival around 8:45am. I always have to have my breakfast, allow 15 minutes to stop along the way for that (8:30), putting gas in the car because someone forgot to do that the night before (me) (8:15), driving time (7:45) and then parking and shuttle to the port (7:15am). See how things works? Not early at all now is it??? So, that pretty much put my alarm clock at 6:30am to shower, get ready, get the family up and throw in the last minute items into our luggage and off we went. Whew!


Since this is our first cruise with all of my kids, that meant I didn't have anyone to take me to the airport for a drop off. We decided to go ahead and drive my car there and park at the port, then ride the shuttle over. I had no idea what to expect, but it went well and was very well organized. (The kids decided to drive there to save money, so we would be flying alone).


Once checked in, we headed to our gate and had about 10 minutes to spare.


Sakari did her usual thing and insisted on getting in a last minute "sketch" before getting on the plane.





We managed to get pretty decent seats, despite me forgetting to do the on-line check-in 24 hours in advance the day before and got a crappy B28-B30 seating, well... decent enough meant we were right behind the wing and not in the last row, and this was our view:





It was time for take off and Sakari grabbed my hand:





I ask her if she was scared and she said "No mommy, but I don't want you to worry". She is so sweet (and I highly suspect she was covering her own feelings).


It was a short 50 minute ride to Chicago, yes we had to change planes, and if you want to factor in the time change, it looks as though it was only a 10 minute ride. hehe


We land and head for the next gate to board. But, there was a delay of 1 1/2 hours due to traffic control. Oh well, I'm hungry again, might as well grab a bite to eat. (I'm practicing eating every hour or two for the cruise ya know? Might as well start now.)


Once they called for boarding, we were in the B section again...but not as lucky this time around. The only seats available TOGETHER for 3 people was THE VERY last row. But that's ok. I'm just closer to the bathroom with my small bladder. So, no worries and it was fine with us.





Up, up and away we went into the clear blue skis.





I finished off my sandwich and the hubby had his obligatory pretzels and he exclaimed with joy that the peanuts were now roasted!! (Although I'm not so sure this is new??)





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The last time we flew, I discovered how to get the t.v to work on my phone while on the plane (I know, nothing new, but I had never tried it or brought headphones).


I found a show I liked and it passed the time by quickly. I felt that I was being watched, I turned my head abruptly to find my hubby breathing down my neck trying to see my show (he did NOT remember to bring his headphones). I decided to be nice and share mine with him...as long as he was willing to watch the same show, we had a deal. After all, sharing is caring right?





They had told us when we boarded that the ride was going to be a little bumpy. The Captain said he had just came from New York and the ride would not be a good one.





Honestly, I didn't think it was bad at all and had experienced a much worse ride on our last flight going to Boston in June. Or...maybe I was just really into the show we were watching.


I looked over at Sakari and ask if she was ok and this was the fake smile I got in return:




She loves flying, but does have a problem with getting her ears to pop going up. Coming down is usually not a problem. I come stocked with plenty of gum!


I was happy when I started to see water and knew we must be getting closer.





We landed with no problems and was off to find our luggage.


Now we had never been to New York before (other than driving a short distance headed to Niagara Falls in Canada). I was so confused as to where to go once you get your luggage in order to find where the cars pick you up for the hotel at. A nice lady pointed in the direction of the escalators and up we went only to discover we would be riding a mono-rail/subway type of thing that appeared to be hanging off the side of the building.





It didn't take long before it pulled up and Sakari was getting super excited.



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We piled onto the people-mover-get.outta.the.airport-contraption and off we went. This thing was packed and somehow the hubby ended up at the very back and Sakari and I ended up by the doors.





We stopped several times along the way, but we were headed to the last stop.


On the second stop, I was looking down as passengers were getting off and noticed a luggage coming my way, just like the hubbys. As it started moving past me, being pulled by a guy also pushing a luggage in front of him, I thought to myself "Hey, someone else has luggage just like my hubby's." As the guy went past me, people in the area moving for him to get by, the name tag caught my eye...IT WAS MY HUSBANDS LUGGAGE!!! At first I thought the hubby was moving up toward me, but as I raised my head, I seen the guy pulling it along and...being a nurse, all I could think of was "save the luggage" and I went into action. The guy pushed his luggage off the tram, he stepped foot off the tram and just before they hubbys luggage also went off the tram, I grabbed the handle and yanked it from this monsters claws as the door shut! SERIOUSLY??? Someone just tried to get off with our luggage? What type of place is this? Who are these people? What did I get myself in to? I turned around, gave that disapproved look to the hubby...had a few choice words along the line of wth are you doing back there and not paying attention that someone just nearly walked off with your luggage???? Sigh!!


We finally made it out of the building with all of our belonging intact, called the hotel and they promptly arrived within 10 minutes of calling. I was relieved to know that we were at least on our way to the hotel and my nerves were settling down at that point.

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Yes! Yes!.... I have been checking each day waiting for this review to start.:D Here it is ....YES!!!

Happy that you and your family make it back home safe and sound.


Thanks. We definitely made it home safe and sound. :)


Going on the Breakaway for the second time in July, looking forward to your review as always! Thanks for such extensive and funny reviews!




Thanks for your comments and glad to have you here. :)

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Welcome back, Kim! I'm really looking forward to this review and finding out what kind of impact Joaquin had on your usual cruise fun. :) How great that your whole family could come along this time.



Hi Heather and thanks for joining me. There will definitely be updates on Joaquin. :p


Yay, been waiting for this! Looking forward to the stories of the whole family cruising together and how Joaquin impacted your cruise.


Hi and thanks for joining me. :)

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Awesome...love your reviews and your sense of humor! So excited to start reading the fun.




Thanks Annie. Glad to have ya here. :)


I'm here! I have been anxiously waiting for this review to start. I'll bet you had a great time with the whole family along on this cruise. I can't wait to hear all about it! :cool: :D


Hi Nancy! Glad you could make it. Cruising with the entire family was quite the adventure. :D

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It was just the goodwill ambassador I paid to meet your flight. :D


Well thanks horse. It was a great way to keep me on my toes. :o


Yea Kim has another epic review for me!!!!![emoji122]🏻[emoji122]🏻[emoji122]🏻[emoji122]🏻[emoji122]🏻


Hi and thanks for joining me. I hope you enjoy it. :)

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Well I just remembered I had additional pictures on my phone that I forgot to load. So, I have been busy trying to do that and had to stop the review for awhile.


I have work tomorrow and it's already 1:30am. I guess I should try to get some shut eye for now.


I will try to get a little more of the review done once I get off work (short 1 hour day for me plus charting) and then I'll be back for a hour or two to do some more of the review. Then Kendra has a big Halloween party tomorrow, so I guess I'll be pretty busy for the rest of the day. :)

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Wow! You're not even off the airport tram and already the adventures begin! Great job seeing and grabbing your DH's luggage! I'll bet that guy who grabbed it was shocked when you yanked it out of his hands! :eek: I think your DH owes you big time for that one! :D

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How awesome is it that I couldn't sleep so I hopped on here and found this?? Yay!!


And what in the world...this guy was actually trying to take your luggage?? Crazy! What did he do when you grabbed it back? Thank goodness you noticed it!

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I didn't know you were going on another cruise. So glad i saw this. I love your pictures and reviews!!!


That's just horrible about the guy trying to steal your husbands suitcase. So glad you were able to grab it back from him. What a horrible start to a vacation that would have been.

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YAY, I've been looking forward to this review, esp since we were on this sailing too!!! I'm eager to read your POV on all of the adventures that occurred[emoji6]


Once again, I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to meet you, I enjoyed chatting with you on the roll call/"other" page. If we are on the same sailing again I will definitely not shy away from approaching you lol!!





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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WooHoooooooooooo!!!!! You're back!!!!:D:D

I have been checking daily to see if you started.

Cannot wait to read this one.....

Already starting out with the adventures and you haven't even left the airport.


This is gonna be good.......

Patiently waiting for more.........:o

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We piled onto the people-mover-get.outta.the.airport-contraption and off we went. This thing was packed and somehow the hubby ended up at the very back and Sakari and I ended up by the doors.





We stopped several times along the way, but we were headed to the last stop.


On the second stop, I was looking down as passengers were getting off and noticed a luggage coming my way, just like the hubbys. As it started moving past me, being pulled by a guy also pushing a luggage in front of him, I thought to myself "Hey, someone else has luggage just like my hubby's." As the guy went past me, people in the area moving for him to get by, the name tag caught my eye...IT WAS MY HUSBANDS LUGGAGE!!! At first I thought the hubby was moving up toward me, but as I raised my head, I seen the guy pulling it along and...being a nurse, all I could think of was "save the luggage" and I went into action. The guy pushed his luggage off the tram, he stepped foot off the tram and just before they hubbys luggage also went off the tram, I grabbed the handle and yanked it from this monsters claws as the door shut! SERIOUSLY??? Someone just tried to get off with our luggage? What type of place is this? Who are these people? What did I get myself in to? I turned around, gave that disapproved look to the hubby...had a few choice words along the line of wth are you doing back there and not paying attention that someone just nearly walked off with your luggage???? Sigh!!


We finally made it out of the building with all of our belonging intact, called the hotel and they promptly arrived within 10 minutes of calling. I was relieved to know that we were at least on our way to the hotel and my nerves were settling down at that point.

"Someone just tried to get off with our luggage? What type of place is this? Who are these people? What did I get myself in to?"

Oh I see you have received your official Welcome to New York City

Can't wait to read more

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