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Please join us - Spain to the New World on a new ship - LIVE from Oceania Riviera


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then we arrived at the top. Montserrat means serrated mountains and is a very old monastery. There are still monks living there.


The place is incredible - the views - the merchants - the cathedral and everything around it. I am having a hard time choosing pics so I am afraid I will post too many, sorry.




view from the top and the train that comes up that very high mountain range...






There were merchants there (they have to approved to sell and only a few) selling cheeses, fig concoctions, sweets, etc. It was all too tempting and of course we bought some on the way out.







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more of Montserrat the area around the beautiful Cathedral. There was a service going on and we had to wait to enter until it was over but the entire area was so beautiful, you really didn't mind.








this is a close up of the detail on the Cathedral outside.





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and soon it was time to enter those gorgeous doors and into the Cathedral




the floor inside and outside is all marble






these pictures CANNOT do the place justice sadly. The request no flash and I respect that.


but hopefully it gives you an idea








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after our fill our driver stopped at a Church on the way back which if I recall correctly dates to the 10th century - St. Cecile.


The doorways were very low showing how much shorter people were in those days...










an attempt to show how high things still are up here - looking up and looking down (last shot in the van, sorry - it is blurry).





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Our hotel was right opposite the Cathedral of the Gothic Quarter so we had a great view. Some faced it directly but had more noise. We were delighted with the terrace at Hotel Colon which was part of our room.






our view




They also have a terrace high up with great views






above gives you some detail of the door of the Cathedral.


A lot of ladies have their pics taken here and I couldn't resist this one of the lovely bride...



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Soon it was time for our dinner at Sensi tapas. I had a reservation for 23 of our roll call.


We decided to walk it in daylight to make sure we could find this place in the midst of the Gothic Quarter. It was not far but the Gothic Quarter can be tricky especially in the dark.


We all had a lot of fun that evening other than a muck up with the bills which we did get straightened out.







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with a fun evening over, it was time to get things packed up.


The next day we were boarding Oceania and our group of 6 met promptly for our transfer to the ship.


Boarding was quite smooth and a bit dfferent for us. Different lines depending on the category. So the PS (which we were all in) had a boarding of time of noon. We were there and put through rather quickly other than security which proved to be a bit cumbersome and abrupt.


The other thing that struck me was that they took our passports but gave us no receipt. I guess that is the way O does things but I am used to having something in my hand when I turn over my passport - LOL.


Before I forget, a VERY impressive thing. While we were checking in the Head Concierge came out and introduced himself and assured me that everything was ready for our sail a way get together that night and the Meet and Greet.


I found out his little trick as in our holder was a note saying contact to contact the Concierge. perplexed, I always do as I am told and he said "you have found out my secret". He sticks that in the key card holder so that the reception person lets him know you are there. They are supposed to remove the sticky after. Nevertheless, he was helpful giving me my missing room numbers so I could get the invites finished.


He did offer to prepare invites and deliver them but I told him the invites were done and I needed the exercise, thanks :)


We boarded easily enough and were directed to the Terrace Grill or Waves. Rooms would not be ready until announced so you had to keep your carry on's with you.


Terrace Grill was a tad confusing as it's hard to figure out what is where. All the fish isn't together and everything, absolutely everything is served. But the choices were endless. One of our friends decided he would prefer the famous surf and turf sandwich from Waves and went to order. They gave him a number and told him they would find him. They said in 10 minutes - we didn't start timing soon enough but it was around 20 at the least. Nevertheless, it was an excellent sandwich and he really enjoyed it.


Promptly at 1:00 pm as promised our rooms were ready. So off we headed to see our PS rooms. For those that don't know O, PS is NOT the top category as it is on some cruise lines. There are suites much larger and much more expensive. For those new to O, the size is between a Signature Suite and a Neptune Suite on HAL.


The room is beautifully laid out, the bathroom is well done (single sink - but no big deal) and the storage space is endless.


Our bags were already outside our room so I set to unpacking and getting rid of all of the bags and had it all done before our butler arrived on the scene.


The PS and all suites come with a butler. He will serve you breakfast, dinner, canapes, help with dinner reservations all that little stuff.


He was very nice and new we were new to O but not new to cruising so he explained but didn't treat us as dummies. There is a fine line.


The towels and are really thick, very nice. The sheets are very high quality and the bed is quite comfortable, not the MOST comfortable we have encountered, but quite comfortable.


There are some nice touches in the room - Bulgari toiletries for the bath, a mini bar loaded with soft drinks, free water of course and a good bottle of champagne waiting for us (which we have still not drank - I think we will save that for the TA - LOL).


Our clamato juice was not there but the butler had the request and was taking care of it but it arrived in glasses instead of cans. Apparently their clamato juice is in a big vat and they don't have cans.


For you Canadian fans you know that Clamato juice settles and needs to be shaken. Our butler offered us a cocktail shaker (impressive) and I said no worries, not to bother. So we have stir sticks. I got smart today and am putting it in water bottles so we can shake it ;)


We had dinner in the Terrace Grill. There is a HUGE selection of food. HUGE. There is lobster but it is Florida lobster. I nixed it for the time being but will probably try it one of these nights. There were carving stations and a huge selection of food. The only thing I found lacking was salads - but perhaps I missed something. There seemed to be more choice at lunch time.


I haven't taken pics yet but I will and will post them. DH has but he hasn't given me his memory card yet - grrrrr.


Laundry costs on O, so the first thing I did was to get a few tokens and get one load done ( I need to do more). There was another lovely couple in the laundromat who had been in Spain as well who were in the same boat so we totally understood each other's situation.


Laundry is $2 for dryer and $2 for washer. Thanks to the O boards, I had known to pack some bounce dryer sheets which helps.


At least because we are in a PS we have 4 free pressings - you need to put the cards in with the laundry so I can at least get 4 of DH's shirts pressed.


He doesn't want me ironing (in fact, he doesn't want me doing laundry) so we will probably pay for pressing down the road. C'est la vie.


We had a mini get together in Horizons for our roll call. A sail a way so to speak which was a lot of fun. It was scheduled for 5:30 by Marsha (loum140) as the views are forward not aft and our sail a way was for 5.


As luck would have it, we left late, but we have sailed out of Barcelona many times so we headed up. CoolChile had nametags for everyone and helped with the organization.


It was nice to put so many faces to names after all the time and it was very nice.


We had an early day next day with a tour to Murcia out of Cartagena so ask away and I will try to answer. I will post some pics down the road. I am in serious catch up mode on this thread but I will get there....


and yes, we are having a great time :)

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Oh Jacqui!!!! How stunningly beautiful. I am not sure I will ever get to see that in person due to the vertigo but my goodness I am sure happy you shared so many pictures!!


Enjoy the weather as it is snowing...but it is that time of year. Santa Claus parade at home and in Toronto was last weekend. Scary.


I will close my eyes and pretend I am there with you...in spirit anyway. Enjoy!!

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How we loved the Hotel Colon! We had a Cathedral view room and adored it. Ate often at the Taverna del Bisbe which was right across the plaza from the hotel. I am certain from your posts that it would not meet your standards, but we loved it. Lots of locals there. Thanks for the memories.


I am sure everything will seem even nicer to you as the cruise continues and you "learn the ropes" of this line that is new to you. I am pretty sure that it will be impossible for O to meet your exacting standards, but I am glad you are having fun anyway.





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I'm not really much into cities - when I travel, I tend to prefer the countryside, unspoiled villages, or remote islands. I find I prefer seeing natural beauty, rather than man-made splendors...and crowds get on my nerves.


But as cities go, Barcelona is one of my FAVORITES! Ohhh...and the FOOD...thanks for the food porn. That dessert - the creme caramel thing...damn. That looks incredible.


Thanks so much for all of your details about the ship! My first O cruise, also on Riviera, is now only 6 weeks away. I am noting all of your details and tips. I'm also in a PS, and this will be the first time I've had a butler, so your notes on this are very much appreciated!

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So glad you enjoyed Montserrat as we loved our excursion there!!! Your great photos brought back memories of the delicious fig cake we bought in that little outdoor market...every time I buy a small wedge at Whole Foods I realize what a tourist buy those whole cakes were!


Can't wait to read more of your impressions of O!

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(Quote) The place is incredible - the views - the merchants - the cathedral and everything around it. I am having a hard time choosing pics so I am afraid I will post too many, sorry.


I didn't know there was such a thing as too many photos! Enjoying every one of them. Thanks for taking the time to share.


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My favourite dessert in all the world is Crema Catalana in Barcelona. Just yummy! I never share it...;):eek:


We once stayed in the sister hotel of the Colon - right behind it on that little back street. It was cheaper, we just had a "skinny" view of the cathedral, and we had to go to the Colon to get our ice! But so convenient. We loved the location, and definitely would stay there again.

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Very strange. I have all the Oceania books for all their ships and cannot find a category cabin you say you have. There is no PS category.


Oceania calls then PH other lines call them PS just a different letter designation

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Victor's was right around the corner from that spot. For whatever reason we chose it and were glad we did. I didn't think I was that fussy on food, but I can cook and even make a pretty mean paella so maybe I am?

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Oceania calls then PH other lines call them PS just a different letter designation



oops - thanks Lyn. sorry I was using the wrong initials.


That's what you get for trying to post quickly when you can get internet.

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I don't know if this will work or not and I did do a quote but can't tell if it is working or not.


But, for our other poster looking forward to their first O cruise and the butler, I can tell you I am very glad I had one tonight.


I have had this aggravating cough for the last couple of hours and notice that I am not alone. Afraid there is a case of CC (Cruise Crud) going around. So, I thought the best thing to do would be to try to take some lemon, honey & hot water to try to soothe my aggravated throat, but there were none to be found at this time of night.


Then the light came on in my addled brain and I called our butler apologizing for the late request and he happily said he would be along with my honey, lemon & hot water and offered to pour for me too!


A true life saver tonight. I hope this helps the cough as I have a culinary class tomorrow and I don't want to miss it. (You have to agree not to have a cough, gastro, etc to participate).


As much as I hated to bother him, the butler was a true blessing tonight.

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if you do not have a butler you can ask one of the staff in the Terrace for some lemon & honey ..they have hot water & usually some lemon slices

anything you need JUST ASK they are very accommodating for most things


Jacqui feel better soon ..I have had that CC on several occasions it is not fun



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I don't know if this will work or not and I did do a quote but can't tell if it is working or not.


But, for our other poster looking forward to their first O cruise and the butler, I can tell you I am very glad I had one tonight.


I have had this aggravating cough for the last couple of hours and notice that I am not alone. Afraid there is a case of CC (Cruise Crud) going around. So, I thought the best thing to do would be to try to take some lemon, honey & hot water to try to soothe my aggravated throat, but there were none to be found at this time of night.


Then the light came on in my addled brain and I called our butler apologizing for the late request and he happily said he would be along with my honey, lemon & hot water and offered to pour for me too!


A true life saver tonight. I hope this helps the cough as I have a culinary class tomorrow and I don't want to miss it. (You have to agree not to have a cough, gastro, etc to participate).


As much as I hated to bother him, the butler was a true blessing tonight.


Hi Jacqui...I'm the poster who is about to experience my first O cruise, and my first butler. So I'm very interested in your reports of how you are making use of this amazing perk!


In fact I was just thinking about this today. I recently had two pretty serious shoulder surgeries - the second one only three weeks ago. I'm working hard at PT trying to get my arm functioning again, but I'm still in a lot of pain, and have pretty limited use of my right arm. I've been kind of stressing about how that's going to impact my ability to travel...e.g. how will I get my luggage up on my bed to unpack? But then you mentioned the butler, and I remember reading others report that they help you unpack.


It looks like you did your unpacking before he got to it, but...do you know what he would normally do? Will the butler fully unpack for you, placing your belongings in drawers and all of that? What other kinds of things is he doing for you?


At this point I think I'll need all the help I can get!


I hope you get over your cruising crud quickly. It's never any fun to be sick on vacation!

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