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Review: We Escape-d 7 days to the E. Caribbean


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I am writing this as I sit on the NCL Escape waiting for last call to trudge down the gangplank for what feels like the walk of shame. It's just my DH and I, and we are not wanting to leave this awesome ship. I wish the bars were open one last time to wash the sorrow away, but I suppose they figure no one would leave. One smart lady in the elevator thought ahead and had a cup full of vodka in one hand and Red Bull in the other, which she was happy to tell us. I'm jotting that one down for next year.


It is our second ever cruise, our first was the Getaway last November so that is all I have to compare this to. I made it a point to NOT read any reviews of the Escape when it set sail because I wanted to form my own unbiased opinion. I know, crazy right? So if what I am saying has already been beaten to death, I am sorry because I am flying blind on this. And here is my no flame disclaimer...I am not a seasoned CC review writer so forgive me if this is all over the place.


So starting with leaving Phoenix. I'll make it short, because who really cares about this anyway? It sucked, plane got delayed and we left at 2 am Friday morning. We stayed at the Colony boutique hotel in South Beach but we were so tired we just hung around until Saturday morning. When we ordered 2 drinks that cost $32 we knew we were in Miami.ImageUploadedByForums1448122617.705257.jpg.0b46392e1f00edf84d0c3aabe011b0f4.jpg


Off to the pier!!! We left So. Beach around 9:00 am so we could arrive early enough to get a Vibe pass. We were so eager to get our boarding group number we somehow missed the place to drop off our luggage. Ok well that's a bit of a lie, I was eager, not DH. We drug our bags inside and stood in a small line before entering the terminal. That's when I realized no one else was dragging luggage around. So I proceeded to load DH up like a pack mule and send him back outside. Inside was super easy, we posed for our key card pics and we were off to get our boarding number. We got group 3!


After what seemed like an eternity we were finally walking on board around 11:00. There was something like 900 TA's on our cruise from Connect One. They actually had a private reception area at the terminal C and they took up the whole area in the terminal. I was just happy they weren't allowed on first I really wanted that Vibe pass! As we were walking up the gangway DH kept stopping for pictures and I said come on already! He made some comment about we will be on the ship all week and what was my rush? Um hello Vibe passes? He says oh yeah I forgot. What??




So we get to guest services and there is a separate line just for the Vibe passes. It reminds me of the old days of Southwest Airlines when you had to stress over getting in line to get A boarding. Anyway a guy came around and handed out numbers we got 41 and 42. Hooray the stress is gone! The family behind us bought 9 passes so I would guess they sold out pretty quickly. We only saw them there twice by the way. They are Vibe pass wasters, there must have been a lot of them on this cruise because it was always the same few people there. More on the Vibe later.


So now what? Well I had my suit on but as soon as we boarded it was cloudy and we were hungry so I did what apparently everyone else wanted to do too. We went up to Margaritaville to get lunch.


I'm going to stop here for now as we disembark and head for the hotel.....Waaaahhhh

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Thank you all for the kind words!


To answer your question Scoochy12 I don't exactly know. I know we headed out to breakfast buffet at 7:00 am and called they first group on our way back to the room. I think it started around 8:00 am for the first announcement. BUT, when Julie called the first group she also said wait a bit because the gangway was already clogged up with people leaving. So that tells me if you are in a rush to get off you could probably head down prior to the announcements. You just need your key card and vodka with Red Bull in hand. We walked off in the last group which was super easy.

Ok I will get back to it after this. Also I realized I made a CC faux pas by naming the TA group on board, but I don't know how to edit via mobile phone. So I am hoping the moderators edit it for me.

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Hi, I'm back at a hotel near the airport and I have the time to finish this. I didn't intend for this to be long, but apparently I'm bored, so why not talk cruise?! Lol.


Ok so after scoring Vibe passes we got a drink at the Atrium bar and headed up stairs to Margaritaville! Thanks UBP! This pic was taken at the Atrium bar! [ATTACH]369236[/ATTACH]

The Atrium is nearly identical to the GA except the Internet cafe is on the other side of the Atrium. I think this works so much better because there never seemed to be enough chairs for the games and shows. Now with the Internet cafe moved it really has more space. The decor was pretty much the same as GA.


While we were waiting for the elevator to 17 ( the elevators were a bone of contention with the hubs by the way) I heard someone complaining that the wait for M.Ville was an hour long. I however would NOT be deterred, I still needed to go check this out for myself. I mean seriously it was probably only 11:30. How many people could already be there? We get there and there are plenty of open tables, so I am thinking we are golden, but nope we get told it's an hour wait! Now DH aka Mr. Impatient tells me he is starving and let's go, but to my surprise they present us with a pager! Hallelujah! This is brilliant because it reaches over the entire ship. I now know how to placate DH, we accept the pager and head to Spice! Spice is great pretty much the same as GA, except for the grotto which is pretty. Why they constantly show those lame scenery slide shows is beyond me. I'd rather see tv, movies, videos, or the bow camera. Anything other than the scenery loop. Oh well, A couple more beers and ding, our pager goes off!!


We had a M.Ville in Phoenix a couple years ago and quite honestly we hated it. It was overpriced and just odd to have in Phoenix. It finally went out of business. I wasn't all that excited when I heard it would be on the ship, but since it was I wanted to get there and check it out.


Boy was I glad we did. It is in the same location as the Flamingo Grill on the GA was. We really did not like the Flamingo Grill so I am not sad to see that go. You probably have already figured this out but we are not foodies, but we do like to eat.


Anyway the food was surprisingly good! DH had chicken sandwich with fries and I had the pretzel sticks and quesadillas. Everything was good except for the pretzel sticks which were dry. They also have a few specialty drinks on the menu that you can only get there. DH loved the incommunicado, I stuck with the pain killers. I'm not sure what was in his drink but it was STRONG, And yes the ones I saw were on the UBP.

This place is a must do! Since they give you a pager you have no excuses to not go. They sat us along the railing at a table for two. Now lucky for us they still had many open tables because it proceeded to pour and our cute little table for two at M.Ville turned into the Soggy Dollar bar. ( in case you didn't get that, it's a reference to Jost Van Dyke) ;) Rain would be a theme for this trip.


Another day we went up around 12, we were told it would be a 90 minute wait, but I was fine with that since i wasn't hungry yet and wanted to ride the slides. Hubby not so much, as he was hungry and there was many open tables so he was annoyed with that but we rode the slides and by the time we were done and dry we were paged for lunch. I am not sure what the deal was with the open tables but I'm guessing the kitchen couldn't handle them all.


Speaking of the slides, I am sad to report that the racer slides are still not operational. It was disappointing but they looked pretty much the same as the GA which I rode last year. Apparently they can't get the trap doors to work. We did however have fun on the tube slide. DH and I were able to ride together on a double tube on a sea day with little to no lines. It was fun and DH who usually hates rides really enjoyed this one. They also have an old school water slide which I only rode once as it was nothing special. It was the kind where you feel every seam as you go down it and you get a bathing suit enema. You know what I mean ladies!

Now we didn't bring our kids, but from what I saw the kids area seemed way better than the GA even without Sponge Bob. It was like a jungle gym water park, with a slide, crawl through stuff, places to slash water and an adjoining pool. My 7 yr old would have loved it. It really looks 5xs better than the GA!

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After our lunch we headed down stairs and asked a lady in the elevator if they made an announcement about rooms being ready. She said something like yeah they were ready an hour ago. Hey lady, we are on vacation... Lol.

so we head to our room. 10742 forward. Very FAR forward. As we were walking to our rooms we passed the Studio Lounge and that door was open so we checked it out. It was very white and hip sort of a cafeteria style if I remember right. Vey cool if you are young and single. Anyway we had a balcony cabin. I can't compare the balcony size to the GA though because we had a GTY and got an upgrade to a large one or mini suite or something. The cabin is the same layout as GA but colors were different. This Balcony was smaller than the large we had but not tiny. We had plenty of room to sit out with two chairs and it had a tiny end table. It could have easily have fit a small round table too.




We ran into our room steward Lloyd. Now I wish I had great things to say but nope I really don't. This guy never had a smile and just always seemed miserable. I had forgotten my CPAP extension so I asked him for one. He said ok. Well about 7:00 pm I noticed it hadn't come so I asked him again and he said. Ok I'll bring it tomorrow. Um no, I really need it tonight. He sighed reluctantly and made a call and it did make it up the first night but it set a negative tone for us.

Overall we felt that the staff although pleasant were not as friendly or happy as on the GA. It may have just been that we were new cruisers last year and didn't notice. I don't know but no one seemed legitimately happy. (Except the bar staff, they were all pretty great)


Ok from here on I have no idea of the order of how things went so I will just tell you about what I remember. Next up the Vibe!

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Ok wait I lied. I should probably talk about muster and sail away first. We were in the theater for muster is was short and sweet, but I thought it weird that the crew member felt it necessary to point out that the ocean is salt water and if you are in the water it's easier to swim. Ok, well I wasn't planning on jumping off the ship but thanks for that tip!


As I mentioned before it was raining in Miami so our sail away party was canceled and we were delayed an hour due to storms so they couldn't load the luggage. It was probably 8:00 pm before ours came. Luckily I packed a change of clothes in my carry on. Also since it was raining we couldn't use the Vibe this night. I knew I wanted to get the Vibe pass but was a bit apprehensive because last year we had gotten it and it was too windy to use. They ended up refunding us half the money last year. This year didn't start off any better, but it did get better!


Day two we headed up to the Vibe in the afternoon and it was once again super windy, but this year it was different. They installed a couple of wind walls which really helped and removed the clam shells. Everything else was pretty much the same except the hot tubs cantilevered over the edge of the ship.


We chose a couple of chairs behind the wind walls and it was fine. This year the bar was open and the drinks were flowing! There were probably 10-15 people up there at any time. I think on the busiest sea day I counted 25, and that was the most I had ever seen. There are probably 100 chairs so plenty of room. The vibe in the Vibe was great this year. The favorite word in the Vibe was Fireball! This is where I met a few people who I would run into throughout the cruise. One thing that DH and I noticed was this ship was so big unless we met them at the Vibe we never saw them again. (Except one guy we saw him everywhere!) It was crazy because the GA we saw people over and over. Any way lots of shenanigans were to be had at the Vibe and it really enhanced our cruise. Day 3 at the Vibe was also windy but after that it was fine until the last day in the Bahamas when it rained all day.


The bartenders Areil and Cipriahan (sp?) were great, they knew everyone by name and automatically refilled everyone's drinks. I think everyone had the UBP because they let anyone order for the whole group and that was great. On day 2 or 3 the fireballs were flowing and DH and I got to walk one passenger back to his Haven cabin. It was cool because I got to see the Haven pool area and his cabin. Of course both were beautiful and out of our budget. As our new friend explained, yes it was beautiful but way too quiet. When I asked him why he would have Vibe passes and Haven he said that for one the Haven is boring and quiet like a library and two his non-Haven friends had agreed to meet in the Vibe. His non-Haven friend were Vibe pass wasters though because they never showed up.


If you can score a pass it really is great and when you walk by the crowded pool you will appreciate having it. It's like night and day. I didn't even like passing through the pool area since it was so crowded. DH says to mention that the pool was salt water, and not what he was expecting.


I never really went to Spice during the day so I can't compare Vibe and Spice.



More to come...

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So now I want to talk a bit about the food. I already mentioned we went to M.Ville and it was really good, and I also want to say that the MDR's were significantly better than what I had on the GA a year ago. DH said the Wellington was the best thing he ate on the ship. I was really impressed with the quality of the food overall.


I'm not a big beef eater so I ate a lot of the seafood and pasta. Everything I had was good. DH had Prime Rib twice but said it was bad both times. If last year was akin to TGI Fridays this year was akin Cheesecake Factory. (Except the prime rib)


The buffet seemed to have improved also, the pasta station was really good as was the Asian dishes. If all I had was the buffet included with my trip I'd still be happy.


We ate at O'Sheenans once, DH had the Prime Rib which he said was fatty, he also had it in the MDR and said it was gristly. So that might be a disappointment for all of the Prime Rib people. I was not impressed with the menu at O'Sheehans and only ended up with a hot dog. I never saw the Poutine I had heard about prior to leaving but maybe that was at lunch only.


The only pay restaurant we did was Food Republic which is ala carte. I had heard people raving over it. I am not a sushi fan but I do love Asian food. I ordered the Lobster rolls which I found disappointing. I am originally from New England so I think I was expecting more lobster flavor and less celery( or what ever the green stuff was). I also ordered the pork Pot Stickers and they were fine, but not outstanding which I had heard. I wanted to hit Cagneys for desert but it was pretty well booked up by the multiple conventions. Oh deserts at the buffet still suck, I really think they need to add some sugar. The only redeeming deserts are the lava cake and the soft serve ice cream. I even paid $2.25 for a cupcake at the bakery and that was inedible. Don't do it, they look so pretty, but taste so bad!


Moving on to entertainment, we had the Million Dollar Quartet booked but they were only able to do one showing and then it was canceled the rest of the cruise due to illness in the cast. I heard For the record was good, but we didn't want to spring for it, and I wasn't interested in the other show, so no shoes for us.


While we didn't do the spa, we did tour it on he first day, and with the weather we had, it would have been a good investment. Since all of the workers were busy giving tours we took the liberty of touring it on our own. I loved that it was in the front of the ship and would have been fear for sail away, the snow room was neat but I'm not sure I quite get it, and the saunas seemed awesome. ImageUploadedByForums1448150355.108835.jpg.65adba0abc4954cd18e2314ef22cf2d2.jpg


We spent a LOT of time in the casino. The casino is quite a bit larger then on the GA. The slots were not loose but some people were winning, just not us! DH did the ship slot tournament and literally came in last place! ImageUploadedByForums1448149315.050410.jpg.dda6052d694590cc871d925f3e5275fa.jpg


One thing I learned while on board is that I know absolutely nothing about Art. One of the days there was a painting where you can guess the cost of the art work and they give away a painting. So I put in a guess of around $3000. Then I hear the crew say to someone else that it was within $10k and $80k! I said to her, "What? I could paint that myself!! " she promptly said, "I seriously doubt it!" Lol, ok probably right.


So the next day I want to find out the price of this masterpiece, and I sit next to a guy at the auction who immediately schools me when I ask if they are going to be revealing the price of the painting they are giving away? He says they are NOT giving that one away, as it's probably over 50k. Duh! Ah that makes sense. He then proceeded to tell me about all the paintings and artists and how NCL has a legit collection. I then thanked him and promptly left the auction, and went back to the bar where I belong.


If that want embarrassing enough, On the 4th or 5th day at the Vibe a French gentleman gets in the hot tub and we were chatting. He mentioned he was a VIP and here with the artists for the auction. I said,"oh, your not Guy Harvey right"? He says no "I'm Victor Spahan and am popular in Europe and Japan". Then he makes a knife twisting motion to his heart and says, "this is how I feel in America when no one knows who I am". Lol, sorry buddy, let me introduce you to my friend at the auction he knew every artist.


Speaking of VIP's apparently Del Rio, Andy Stuart and Guy Harvey were on board, but I never saw any of them. At least last year on the GA Kevin Sheehan attended our Meet and Greet and made himself known.


The meet and greet was quite good with a huge turn out. I'm not sure exactly but I'd guess 100-150. It was the usual ships crew attending and a gift swap. I still don't know who got our Kick Ass Hot Jelly Beans and hot sauce made in our town in AZ. I got Washington State shot glasses, and got to meet the grifters so that was cool. Our organizer also went out of her way to get us some inaugural certificate with our names on them. Kudos to her for setting it up.

The last thing I want to talk about tonight is the cruise director, Julie. I feel like we never saw her and when we did she just wasn't that exciting. On the GA we had Jersey Joel and he was high energy and was everywhere. Maybe she was tied up with Del Rio and all of the Private functions but I still have to give her a thumbs down.

More to come



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Enjoying your review.




Do they have music playing in the Vibe? If so, what kind?




Do you just walk in, swipe your room key, wear a band? How do they know if you purchased it?




Thanks in advance.:)



Good questions Crusingbabe! When you sign up they give you an orange wrist band and activate your room key card on the door. ( the door breaks all the time though and they will let you in with the wrist bands)


Now one thing I learned there is a door off the stairs just passed the Vibe heading aft up to deck 20 that is open and you can just walk through. You can actually now look down on the Vibe from deck 20 . Also, there is a door just on the other side of the Vibe forward, that goes into the Haven and that is unlocked too! Just in case you want to discreetly check it out.

I did see a couple of people enter the Vibe without wrist bands and didn't see them say anything.


And yes they have music but it's quiet and soothing. You can barely hear it. It's the same elevator music they play on the waterfront. I suggest bring headphones.

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Thank you.


I like to read while relaxing and I think we'll purchase the passes for the week. Was just talking with hubby, and we want to book with NCL for the Beverage and Dining Package.


The Getaway is cheaper than the Escape. About $200 difference for next December. Since you've been on both, is the Escape worth the extra money?


Enjoying the review! Keep it coming.:)


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Cruzinbabe06
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Thank you.


I like to read while relaxing and I think we'll purchase the passes for the week. Was just talking with hubby, and we want to book with NCL for the Beverage and Dining Package.


The Getaway is cheaper than the Escape. About $200 difference for next December. Since you've been on both, is the Escape worth the extra money?


Enjoying the review! Keep it coming.:)


Thanks in advance.



Cruzinbabe, Since you have not been on either of the ships they are really so similar I wouldn't spend the extra money.

There are a couple of different restaurants on the Escape but really they are more similar than different.


Quite honestly if we didn't get such a great deal with the UBP we probably would have booked the Oasis. Gasp! Sorry NCL fans.

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Thank you all again for the kind words.


My writing style is C+ at best, at least that is what they told me in school! I'm surprised the grammar ****s aren't out in force on this.

We are now heading to the airport to go home. Boo. I will have plenty of time to write more before we board. Are you interested in hearing about anything more specific? I plan on touching more on the Football and Tvs as well as a little about the ports.

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Thank you all again for the kind words.


My writing style is C+ at best, at least that is what they told me in school! I'm surprised the grammar ****s aren't out in force on this.

We are now heading to the airport to go home. Boo. I will have plenty of time to write more before we board. Are you interested in hearing about anything more specific? I plan on touching more on the Football and Tvs as well as a little about the ports.


Did you by chance have any gelato at Dulce? If so was it good? Do you remember any of the flavored offered? Also did you see/go to the seafood buffet said to be offered one evening? What night was it? How was the food? Thank you for your review and have a safe trip home.



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